Fei Xuan did not dodge Li Lianhua’s actions.

As his finger pointed at the center of his eyebrows, Fei Xuan could clearly feel that a lot of relevant information about the cultivation of armed color domineering was quickly instilled in his mind.

These trainings on armed domineering are related to one’s own physical strength and one’s own mental strength!

The infusion of this knowledge was like a brand, deeply imprinted in Feixuan’s mind.

Even if he wanted to forget it, he simply couldn’t!

In just half a cup of tea, Li Lianhua retracted her fingers, and at the same time, she let out a breath of turbid air!

“How about it? Feixuan?”

Seeing that Li Lianhua was clearly finished, Li Fansong next to him curiously asked!

“I, I have obtained the method of cultivating that armed color domineering spirit!”Hearing this, Fei Xuan nodded to Li Fansong and said!

Having said this, Fei Xuan paused slightly, then looked at Li Lianhua and said:”Divine Doctor Li, you are so armed and domineering, it is very magical!”

“It, it doesn’t look like martial arts at all, but another very strange and powerful power!”

“No wonder, this is the domineering power that combines physical strength and spiritual power. No wonder it is the elemental form of the natural devil fruit that can be used to deal with Lei Wujie!”

Exclaimed, I couldn’t clearly feel the cultivation method of Armed Haki in my mind, and it was difficult to understand the strangeness of Armed Haki!

This is a magical power that is completely different from internal strength!

“You, practice hard, I am still looking forward to your future!”

In response to Fei Xuan’s exclamation words, Li Lianhua didn’t say much, just said with a slight smile!

“Well, don’t worry Divine Doctor Li, I will never let a power like Armed Color Haki become dust in my hands!”

Fei Xuan nodded and assured Li Lianhua with a serious look!

As for Li Lianhua, come to Wangcheng Mountain and teach Feixuan the ability of armed domineering, then come to Wangcheng Mountain yourself. Even if the matter was done, after a brief chat with Zhao Yuzhen and Li Hanyi, Li Lianhua turned around and left Wangcheng Mountain!

“Well, next, it’s time to go see that guy……”

After descending from Wangcheng Mountain, Li Lianhua raised the corners of her mouth slightly, naturally thinking of the sound of flutes flying in Daxi!

I heard that when Fang Duobing was captured by the God General, Di Feisheng helped him?

Although Di Feisheng’s final result was his defeat at the hands of that divine general.

However, as long as someone takes action, this is friendship!

Thinking of this, after Li Lianhua opened his arbitrary door, when he appeared again, he had already arrived in the territory of Daxi and the Golden Yuan Alliance!

“Cough cough cough……”

Di Feisheng is currently sitting cross-legged in his training room, using his own martial arts of Bai Feng Baiyang to regulate his injuries!

Suddenly, Di Feisheng’s face turned pale, and then he coughed twice, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Di Feisheng’s mouth!

“Your Majesty!”

Seeing this, the face of the medicine demon next to him changed, and he hurriedly brought up the soup he had prepared!

Di Feisheng took the bowl of soup and took a sip, which slightly relieved his own injuries. He couldn’t help but feel silent in his heart. sighed

“That divine general, half a step into the realm of land gods, is indeed terrifyingly powerful!”

Di Feisheng sighed secretly in his heart.

He has not been able to recover from the injuries caused by his attack!

Speaking of which, in the past ten years, his internal strength cultivation seems to have remained at the same level.!

Ten years ago, I was already at the level of a great master!

And then? Because of my battle with Li Xiangyi in the East China Sea, I was seriously injured for ten years and it took me ten years to recover my cultivation. It’s equivalent to ten years, and I have been standing still!

But what?

It has not been a year since I recovered from this injury, and now I have been seriously injured again, and I don’t know when I will recover from this injury!

This made Di Feisheng silently shake his head and sigh!

“Yao Mo, how long will it take for me to recover from this injury?”

After putting down the medicine bowl in his hand, Di Fei asked the medicine demon next to him!

“Your Majesty, your injury will take at least three to five years to recover from, even with your powerful internal strength and the help of my decoction!”

Yao Mo lowered his head and replied to Di Feisheng! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These words made Di Feisheng frown tightly!

Three to five years?

Before I It has already taken ten years to recover from the injury. Now, it will take another three to five years?

So what? How did you spend the best fifteen years of your life on healing?

“Your Majesty, actually, there is no other way……”

Seeing the way Di Feisheng frowned, Yao Mo knew that he was very dissatisfied with his words, so he hurriedly said!

“oh? Tell me!”Listening to Yao Mo’s words, things seemed to have turned around, Di Fei said in a loud voice!

“If you can find the owner of Lotus Tower, your injury will naturally recover in the blink of an eye!”Yao Mo opened his mouth and replied to Di Feisheng!

However, in response to Yao Mo’s words, Di Feisheng’s face became even more ugly!

Just now when Yao Mo said that he needed three to five years to recover, Di Feisheng just frowned. That’s it!

But when it came to going to Li Lianhua for treatment, Di Feisheng’s face turned so ugly.

It was obvious that seeing (Wang Zhao) Li Lianhua for treatment made Di Feisheng even more unhappy.!

“Is there no other way?”Di Feisheng asked with an ugly face!

Do you need to ask Li Lianhua for treatment?

Who in the world doesn’t know that no matter how serious the injury is in Li Lianhua’s hands, it can only be done with a little effort? []

However, thinking of Li Lianhua is Li Xiangyi back then.

Thinking that for so many years, he had always regarded Li Xiangyi as his biggest rival, but now the two were completely different, which made Di Feisheng feel very embarrassed every time he thought of Li Lianhua.!

Opening his mouth, Yao Mo was about to speak, but at this moment, a pink door frame suddenly appeared in front of Di Feisheng and Yao Mo.

Then, the door opened, and Li Yao Mo opened his mouth. The lotus came out of any door……

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