Beiliang and Daxi can be said to be neighbors.

Therefore, it is relatively easy for Xu Fengnian, now the King of Northern Liang, to obtain information about Daxi!

After learning the news that Fang Duobing had been kidnapped, Xu Fengnian contacted Li Lianhua immediately!

Although I have always wanted to become a disciple of Li Lianhua, I have been rejected!

But at least Li Lianhua helped him a lot.

If he could help, Xu Fengnian would naturally not stand by and watch!

“I heard that the mysterious man who kidnapped Fang Duo was very powerful, and he also……”

Staying in the Beiliang Prince’s Mansion, Xu Fengnian spoke up and roughly told Li Lianhua the specific situation!

However, before he finished speaking, suddenly, the pink doorframe appeared in front of Xu Fengnian!

Then, the door frame was opened, and Li Lianhua’s figure walked out!

“Doctor Li, your method is truly extraordinary! Convenient, really so convenient……”

Seeing Li Lianhua’s figure appear in front of him, Xu Fengnian couldn’t help but say this with emotion!

Yes, who in the world today doesn’t know that the owner of Lotus Flower has appeared around the Snow Mountain School?

And it’s really too far away from Beiliang!

However, after he called him, he was in front of him in the blink of an eye!

“You said that Fang Duobing was kidnapped. What was the specific situation and how long ago it happened?”Li Lianhua walked up to Xu Fengnian and asked directly!

“Legend has it that the person who took action was a mysterious man who looked to be in his thirties or forties!”

“However, his cultivation is astonishing, and the sound of the flute is no match!”

“Presumably the other party is still a leader even in the Grand Master realm!”

“Rumor has it that the other party may have already entered the land of fairyland with half of his feet!”

“However, the strange thing is that even though he is so strong, no one recognizes his identity!”

When Xu Fengnian heard this, he naturally had no intention of hiding it and told Li Lianhua all the news he knew!

“He is half a powerful man in the land of gods, but no one knows his identity! ?”Hearing this news, Li Lianhua frowned slightly!

Although he was just Li Lianhua who came through time and space, he was not the one in the original work!

However, since he has taken over the other party’s body, naturally, the other party’s grievances and causes and effects will also be revealed to him. Otherwise

, why did he go to Daxi that day? So, he accepted Fang Duobing as his disciple, and he was his only true disciple!

Wen Hua and Nangong Pushe?

At least he didn’t say that he wanted to accept them as his disciples.

His teachings to them were obviously a deal!

“As for how long this happened? The rumor happened ten days ago!”

After giving a general introduction to Fang Duobing’s situation, Xu Fengnian continued.

“Ten days?”Hearing this, Li Lianhua thought secretly in her heart!

Indeed, this matter seems to have happened for a long time!

But think about it, it does take time for the news to spread from Daxi to Beiliang. , Therefore, it was already ten days ago, so it was normal!

However, when Duo sick was kidnapped ten days ago, did Di Feisheng also intervene?

This was somewhat beyond Li Lianhua’s expectation ?!

However, Di Feisheng is also a being in the Grand Master Realm, and with his combat power, he is indeed one of the best in the Grand Master Realm!

Since he is not even his opponent, and he can do it in front of Di Feisheng. Taking people away.

It can be seen that the opponent is indeed very strong. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is half-step into the realm of land gods!

“Okay, I get it, thank you for letting me know the news!”

So, after thinking for a moment, Li Lianhua nodded and said, turned around and prepared to leave!

“Wait, Doctor Li, do you need help from Beiliang?”

Seeing Li Lianhua coming here in such a hurry and then leaving in such a hurry, Xu Fengnian asked Li Lianhua a question.

“No need, I will figure out a way to solve this problem myself!”Regarding Xu Fengnian’s words, Li Lianhua waved his hands and said!

After the words fell, Li Lianhua’s thoughts surged in her heart, and then she thought of a place to go.

Then she turned the door handle of any door and walked over!

Xu Fengnian was behind him. Glancing at the scene on the other side of the Anyi Gate, I saw green mountains and green waters.

It seemed that he had gone to a big mountain.

However, before Xu Fengnian could take a closer look, Any door has been closed, and then, the pink door frame slowly disappeared in front of my eyes!

“This treasure is really a fairy treasure!”

Although this is not the first time I have seen Li Lianhua’s Any Door, Xu Fengnian sighed secretly in his heart when he saw Li Lianhua using the Any Door to easily travel back and forth to any corner of the world.

Not to mention Xu Fengnian’s side. What kind of wonder and emotion.

On the other side, Li Lianhua closed the door and looked at the majestic mountains in front of him, sighing secretly: After a few months, he is here again! He came here to ask for help! If he could know who kidnapped Fang Duobing, Li Lianhua would at least have a target!

But now, he doesn’t know who kidnapped Fang Duobing.

So, Li Lianhua. We can only find ways to find people!

So, what is the most suitable method to find people?

Wangchengshan’s divination method!

“Ah, Divine Doctor Li, you, are you here?”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

People here at Wangcheng Mountain naturally recognize Li Lianhua. Seeing Li Lianhua coming, the disciple guarding the mountain said in surprise!

“I came to pay homage to the mountain today. I wonder if the Sword Immortal is here? Or maybe Fei Xuan is here?”Li Lianhua opened his mouth and asked the disciple guarding the mountain!

If nothing else, at least Feixuan, although he is only a child, has learned the true method of divination from Wangcheng Mountain.

Let him do the divination. Personally, there should be no problem!

“Yes, Dr. Li, please come in!”

Hearing what Li Lianhua said, the disciple of Wangcheng Mountain warmly invited him.

Soon, Li Lianhua went to Wangcheng Mountain and met Dao Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen and Xueyue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi!

Although Li Hanyi’s identity He is the second city lord of Xueyue City, but as the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog!

Now that he is married to Zhao Yuzhen, Xueyue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi spends most of his time living in Wangcheng Mountain. Get off!

As for Li Hanyi, Wangcheng Mountain is naturally very welcoming!

Originally, Wangcheng Mountain was only supported by Dao Sword Immortal, but now there is Xueyue Sword Immortal. There are two sword immortals.

With Li Hanyi as the hub, the relationship between Wangcheng Mountain and Xueyue City is naturally very close!

“Doctor Li, it is said that you taught the son of Xuan Suzhuang’s black and white swords to enter the land of fairyland? Why are you here today?”

Watching Li Lianhua visit Wangcheng Mountain, Zhao Yuzhen asked Li Lianhua curiously![]

“Doctor Li, thank you for your advice. With the help of the Burning Fruit, that kid Lei Wujie not only successfully entered the realm of Sword Immortal, but now he also has the reputation of Flame Sword Immortal in the world!”

Li Hanyi next to him also took the opportunity to speak and thanked Li Lianhua!

“This is not my credit, it is the boy’s own efforts, let alone the devil fruit!” Li Lianhua replied casually to Li Hanyi’s thanks!

Then, he looked at Zhao Yuzhen and explained his purpose of coming to Wangcheng Mountain.

“So, after all, Fang Duobing is also my true disciple. Wouldn’t attacking him be a slap in my face? Therefore, today I want to come to Wangcheng Mountain to ask if I can find the whereabouts of that kid through divination?”

Listening to what Li Lianhua said, both Zhao Yuzhen and Li Hanyi’s expressions became much more solemn!

They came for their true disciples. It can be seen that this matter is a very important matter for Divine Doctor Li.

However, Zhang Zhang Zhao Yuzhen opened his mouth and was about to respond to this sentence, but suddenly swallowed the words on his lips!

Then, Zhao Yuzhen said to a disciple of Wangcheng Mountain beside him:”Go, call that boy Feixuan over!”

After receiving Zhao Yuzhen’s instructions, the disciple of Wangcheng Mountain beside him naturally trotted away!

Hearing this, Li Hanyi looked at Zhao Yuzhen in surprise, and then understood what he was thinking!

As the master of Wangcheng Mountain, Zhao Yuzhen He is not only a Dao Sword Immortal, he is also proficient in many spells of Wangcheng Mountain, such as the Great Dragon Elephant Power and the Taiyi Lion Technique. He is also good at divination!

But, look at him! He didn’t mean to do the divination himself, but wanted Fei Xuan to do it? Obviously, he wanted Doctor Li to owe Fei Xuan a favor, right?

The relationship between Xuan and Xuan will become much closer, right?

In addition, Fei Xuan is trained as the next head of Wangcheng Mountain! So Zhao Yuzhen has a long-term vision!

Xuan ran all the way to the main hall panting!

“Master, Master, Doctor Li!”

After stopping for a moment and sorting out his appearance, Feixuan spoke separately and said hello to Zhao Yuzhen, Li Hanyi and others!

“Xiao Feixuan, you came at the right time. I have something to ask you for help today!”Li Lianhua said to Feixuan with a smile on her face!

“Doctor Li, if you have anything you can tell me, it would be Fei Xuan’s honor to be able to help you!”

Looking like a kid, Fei Xuan stretched out his hand, patted his chest and said factory!.

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