“Shi Qing, Min Rou, you should be familiar with Mei Qinggu, right?”

Under the gaze of everyone, Xie Yanke’s eyes were on the black and white swords and he asked!

“Mei Fanggu? I wonder what is the relationship between Xie Daxia and Mei Qinggu?”Hearing this, Shi Qing and Min Rou exchanged glances, with a look of vigilance on their faces!

“It doesn’t matter, but this child is related to Mei Qinggu!”Xie Yanke spoke and pointed at the bastard next to him!

“Xie Daxia, I respect you as a famous martial arts master, but you said that my child is related to that Aunt Mei Qing. What does this mean?”Hearing this, Min Rou couldn’t help it!

Although Bai Wanjian and others next to him saw the”Jade in the Stone”, they were angry.

However, due to the face of the Motian layman, and there seemed to be a melon to eat, so the Snow Mountain Sect These people didn’t even say anything!

They were here anyway, why were they afraid that he would run away?

“I heard that you and your wife gave birth to twin boys back then, right?”Xie Yanke said,���Rou asked!

“Yes, pity my weak son……”

Hearing Xie Yanke mention her twin sons, Min Rou couldn’t help but feel sad for a moment!

“Junior sister!”

Looking at his wife’s appearance, Shi Qing certainly understood that she was reminded of the sad events of the past. After reaching out and holding Min Rou’s hand, Shi

Qing followed Shi Qing’s gaze to look at Xie Yanke and said:”Xie Daxia, I don’t know what it means to mention my child who was mutilated by Mei Qanggu back then?”

“Master Shizhuang, did you see it with your own eyes that Mei Qinggu killed your child?”

“I heard that she took away your child, and then threw 883 a bag of minced meat to you, right?”

“So, how can you be sure that that bag of minced meat is your child?”Xie Yanke opened his mouth and asked Shi Qing!

“Humph, the clothes and fur that are wrapping my child belong to my child, how can I admit my mistake? Hearing this, Shi Qing said with a cold snort!

“The owner of the stone village……”

After hearing what Shi Qing said, Xie Yanke rolled his eyes and said nothing, but Bai Wanjian beside him couldn’t help but speak, saying:”What Xie Daxia means is that what you see is just clothes, just a pile of minced meat. But in fact, it’s not certain that your child really died in the hands of Aunt Mei, right?”

“To be more precise, it may not be impossible for Mei Qinggu to use other children, even pork and beef, to wrap your children in the same clothes and fabrics!”

“Xie Daxia, is this what you mean?”

When the words came to the end, Bai Wanjian asked Xie Yanke!

“Yes, you’re not like some people who can’t bend their brains!”In response to Bai Wanjian’s words, Xie Yanke nodded and said!

“Xie Daxia, you, you mean, my Jian’er, my Jian’er may not be dead yet?”

After hearing what Xie Yanke and Bai Wanjian said, even the dullest couple understood. Min Rou looked like she was grasping at straws and asked Xie Yanke!

“This, this may not be impossible!”

Listening to Bai Wanjian’s explanation, Shi Qing was also stunned!

For many years, he had regarded Mei Qinggu as the murderer of his children and had never doubted it.

But now after listening to what Xie Yanke and Bai Wanjian said… After saying this, Shi Qing had to nod, feeling that what they said was reasonable!

However, why did Mei Qinggu put so much effort into putting on such a show?

“This person looks exactly like your child, but he has grown up in my Ferris Cliff for so many years!”

“His previous mother was none other than Aunt Mei!”

“Moreover, Aunt Mei Qing kept calling him a bastard!”

“In addition, as far as I know, Mei Qinggu has not married for many years!”

“How about the specifics? I don’t need to say anything more, right?”

Seeing that what should be said has almost been said, Xie Yanke pointed to the bastard next to him and said!


Xie Yanke’s words made the two black and white swords feel a thunder falling on them. It looked like it was on his head!

Then, the couple all focused on the bastard!

He looked exactly like his son Shi Zhongyu, and then thought of what Xie Yanke said just now.……

“You, are you my soulmate?”

Joy, disbelief, anxiety, all the emotions were on Min Rou’s face, she stared at the bastard and asked!

“My child, you, you are not dead, this, this is really great!”

Shi Qing also reacted at this time and said with great surprise!

No wonder he didn’t recognize himself at the beginning, or even Bai Wanjian!

It turns out that he is not Yu’er, but Jian’er!

It doesn’t take much more What nonsense are you talking about? Just seeing that he looks exactly like Yu’er, you can be sure that he is definitely his son!

“This guy? Not jade in stone?”

Bai Wanjian was also stunned!

At first, this guy didn’t recognize him, and he just thought he was deliberately pretending not to know him.

But now it seems that this is not a person at all?

If ordinary people say that the person in front of him is not Bai Wanjian still won’t believe Shi Zhongyu’s words!

However, the name of Motian layman Xie Yanke is still very resounding, and he will definitely not use this matter to deceive me, right?

“Impossible. This kid must be Shi Zhongyu. He looks exactly the same. How could we admit his mistake?”

However, at this moment, a disciple of the Snow Mountain Sect next to him suddenly spoke and shouted at the bastard.

He didn’t believe that the bastard was not Shi Zhongyu at all!

“Yes, although the name of Master Motian is resounding, it may not deceive us!”

“I only believe what my eyes see!”

“Just with a few words, let us believe that he is not Shi Zhongyu, it is not that easy!”

As the first person spoke and expressed doubts, the other disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect behind him also started shouting one after another, doubting the identity of the bastard!

Listening to the words of these disciples behind him, Bai Wanjianlue After thinking about it, he looked at Xie Yanke and said:”Xie Daxia, it’s not that we don’t believe you, it’s just that this kid’s identity is very important, so we need to be careful!”

“Although I am willing to believe what Xie Daxia said, I still have to come up with some evidence to prove this kid’s identity, right?”

“Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to convince myself just based on Xie Daxia’s words!”

Bai Wanjian’s words are reasonable and reasonable, and even Xie Yanke can’t find a reason to refute them!

“Well, this is actually easy to handle!”

After listening to what Bai Wanjian said, Xie Yanke pondered for a moment, and then asked Bai Wanjian:”What is the martial arts of that boy who is talking about jade in stone?”

“Although he has been carefully taught by my junior brother Feng over the years, he has no knowledge and skills, and his cultivation is still in the acquired realm!”

After hearing Xie Yanke’s inquiry, Bai Wanjian shook his head and said!

“So, how long has it been since Shi Zhongyu left your Snow Mountain Sect?”Xie Yanke asked again!

“It’s been more than half a month!”Bai Wanjian said after roughly calculating the day!

“So, what do you think the kid’s martial arts should be in half a month?”Xie Yanke continued to ask!

Although he didn’t know why Xie Yanke kept asking about Shi Zhongyu’s martial arts.

However, Bai Wanjian continued:”It’s only been half a month, and his martial arts must have made little progress!”

Bai Wanjian still knows about Shi Zhongyu’s character. He is not a person who can practice hard!

Not to mention that it is only half a month. Even if he is given another half year, his martial arts will not improve much..

Whether you can reach the Xiantian realm in this life is still a question mark!

“Well, the evidence is clear!”

After receiving these answers from Bai Wanjian, Xie Yanke nodded, pointed to the bastard next to him, and said:”The bastard’s cultivation just happened to break through the terrestrial fairyland last night!”


Hearing what Xie Yanke said, whether it was the Black and White Dual Swords, the Bai Wanjian, or other disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect, everyone took a breath.

Then, his eyes fell on the dog in disbelief. On the bastard.


Are you kidding me? This is ridiculous!

My leader, Bai Zizai, is far from reaching the level of the terrestrial fairy.

, can you actually have the cultivation level of a land god?

This is absolutely impossible, right?

“Xie Daxia, your words are too ridiculous!”

There was also a look of shock on his face. After being silent for a long time, Bai Wanjian also shook his head and said!

“Whether it is a fairyland on land or not, you will know once you try it!”Xie Yanke said lightly without explaining too much!

“A terrestrial fairyland? And it was a breakthrough last night?”

At this time, the couple Shi Qing and Min Rou next to them also looked at each other and exchanged glances. The faces of the couple also showed expressions of disbelief!

To be honest, someone broke through the terrestrial fairyland last night, and the world was different. Even though they are more than a hundred miles apart, the two of them can still feel it! Originally , the couple were still discussing who had actually broken through to the land of gods!

Was it his son who made the breakthrough?

Not only did his Jian’er survive, but he actually broke through to the realm of land gods?

This, just thinking about it, gives people an unbelievable feeling!

“Okay, then let me try this guy’s cultivation level to see how much he has.……”After Bai Wanjian was silent for a moment, he nodded heavily and said!

Immediately, he raised his hand and stamped his palm on the bastard’s chest!.

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