To be honest, Li Lianhua felt a lot of emotion about the bastard’s training situation!

The current bastard is practicing Yanyan Kung, and his cultivation is considered to be the first time he has entered the Grand Master realm!

However, since he practiced the Arhat’s Demon Subduing Magic, his cultivation can be said to have advanced thousands of miles with each passing day, and he has reached the realm of terrestrial gods in the blink of an eye!

How does he perform in the original work?

Because the internal strength increased so quickly, it was actually difficult for him to control it in a short period of time.

I grabbed a copper basin and it immediately became distorted!

Sighing and sitting down on the chair, the chair also shattered!

Isn’t this a situation where the internal force obviously soars rapidly in a short period of time, making it difficult for oneself to control it?

As for Bai Zizai, who was at the late stage of the Grand Master Realm, when he faced the bastard, the bastard just stood still and let him hammer his chest with his fists.

But what is the final result?

The bastard himself was fine, but Bai Zizai’s fist was swollen to the size of a pig’s trotter!

I would like to ask, how many people in the world can stand still and let a strong man at the Grand Master level directly hammer their chest, but they have nothing to do?

It can be seen from this that the bastard’s cultivation has definitely entered the land of gods, and is even a relatively strong level in the land of gods!

But think about it. In the original work 830, the bastard obtained the Arhat’s magical skill of subduing demons, and now he has the ceiling-level internal strength in the original work. How long has he been practicing?

It’s only a year and a half, right?

With such a speed of cultivation, any genius would be eclipsed in front of him!

Not to mention the sadness and emotion in Li Lianhua’s heart.

Xie Yanke was left speechless by the bastard’s words!

“I didn’t expect that you, bastard of a bitch, would have such compassion for others?”

After listening to the bastard asking about how cultivation in the Land of Gods and Immortals would help the world and the people, Xie Yanke was silent for a moment and couldn’t help but said to the bastard in surprise!

“Hehehe, I, I am not a merciful person, I just think so, so I said it!”

I could tell that Xie Yanke’s words were a compliment to himself. The bastard stretched out his hand and scratched his head, then said with a somewhat embarrassed smile!

“Still so stupid!”

Looking at the bastard scratching the back of his head with a stupid look on his face, Xie Yanke shook his head and complained!

But after today’s events, Xie Yanke’s view of the bastard has changed a lot!

He always thought he was a bastard He was a silly boy with a simple and kind mind.

However, he didn’t expect that his cultivation would reach the level of a great master! You know,

Li Lianhua even claimed that he would be able to enter the land of immortals!

The world is vast and there are so many powerful people, but there are only a handful of powerful people in the Land of Immortals!

Who would have thought that such a silly boy could actually reach the level of cultivation in the Land of Immortals?

“By the way, you seem to have no desires and desires, but it is impossible for a person to live without any desires. What do you want to do most? Or what do you want most?”

After eating the bastard’s meal and chatting for a few words, Li Lianhua spoke and led the topic to where she wanted!

“Doctor Li, I, what I want most is to find my mother!”

“The good man has been asking me to beg him for so many years!”

“However, I just ask him to help me find my mother!”Hearing Li Lianhua’s question, the bastard immediately said!

“You bastard, you can’t even tell me what your mother looks like, where she lives, or even her name. Where can I help you find your mother?”

Xie Yanke next to him heard this and couldn’t help but complain to the bastard!

Xie Yanke was really uncomfortable!

For so many years, he has been letting the bastard beg him so that Xuan Tie It’s okay after the order is done!

However, for all these years, this stupid boy has refused to say anything!

The only thing he wants to do is to help him find a mother.! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But, in this big world, where can I find a wife for him?

I really can’t do this!

“Looking for a mother? In fact, I can help you with this!”

Li Lianhua was not surprised at all when the bastard asked for what he wanted. Instead, he nodded and said!

“oh? Doctor Li, do you know where my mother is?”

Hearing this, the bastard became excited and looked at Li Lianhua hurriedly and asked!

Even Xie Yanke next to him was looking at Li Lianhua seriously at this time!

After a moment of silence, Xie Yanke Then he said:”There are rumors in the world that the miracle doctor Li Lianhua is not only unparalleled in medical skills and a peerless swordsman, but also has unpredictable intelligence capabilities. All kinds of martial arts secrets are simply treasures!”

“But, I didn’t expect where this bastard’s mother is, and you actually know about this kind of thing?”

“This kind of unpredictable intelligence ability is really amazing!”

At the end of the sentence, Xie Yanke’s expression was full of sighs and sighs!

In response to Xie Yanke’s words, Li Lianhua just smiled slightly and didn’t say much!

Then, he looked at the bastard beside him and said:”You are talking about finding a mother. In fact, I can indeed help you, but let’s talk first. Are you looking for your biological mother or your adoptive mother? Or should we say that we have to look for them all?

Li Lianhua’s words made the bastard startled:”Dear mother?” Adoptive mother? What does this mean? Me, I only have one mother!”

The bastard looked at Li Lianhua with a confused expression at this time!

He also has an adoptive mother?

Why didn’t he know about this?

“So, you know nothing about your own life experience!”

The bastard’s reaction can be said to be within Li Lianhua’s expectation; but after hearing this, Li Lianhua still spoke and said with emotion!

“Doctor Li, don’t be too pretentious. What is the life experience of this bastard? Tell him about it!”Xie Yanke next to him spoke and urged Li Lianhua!

In fact, after thinking about the matter of the bastard having an adoptive mother, Xie Yanke suddenly realized in his heart!

The name bastard is not a good name. , How could a biological mother give her son such a name?

So, the mother the bastard keeps calling for is actually his adoptive mother?

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