“You probably don’t know!”Listening to what Xiao Se said, Li Lianhua shook his head!

Indeed, Xiao Sanxiao in the original work lived for five thousand years, but Emperor Shitian did not know the existence of Xiao Sanxiao from beginning to end!

So what? Emperor Shitian Hiding in the dark, he regards the geniuses in the world as playthings. But in fact, Emperor Shitian doesn’t know about many things in the world. At least there are people who hide deeper than him. This is certainly a big deal, but Emperor Shitian was beaten away by Li Lianhua. After Xiao Se and others sat down and chatted, and learned some relevant things, this matter can be dismissed for the time being!

He was waiting for Luo Xian to send him news!

However, he was bored for a while. After a few hours, Lei Wujie shook his head in distress and said:”Li Lianhua, now that Miss Luo Xian has left, we can only Are you going to continue fighting Landlord? There are three missing parts in playing mahjong!”

“In fact, doesn’t Li Lianhua have the ability to clone himself? Let alone three missing one, even if he is alone, he can play mahjong, right?”Xiao Se next to him heard this and couldn’t help but said this!


Hearing this, Lei Wujie’s eyes lit up, he nodded, looked at Li Lianhua, and said:”Indeed, Li Lianhua, don’t you have the method of clone? Quickly get a clone to come out and join in the kick?”

Listening to Xiao Se and Lei Wujie’s words, the corners of Li Lianhua’s mouth twitched slightly.

The shadow clone was played like this. It can be said that they were really fooled by the two of them!

But Li Lianhua also had to Admit it, after learning the shadow clone, you will no longer be afraid of being short of people when playing mahjong. This is indeed true!

I remember that Uzumaki Naruto in the original book has been alone since he was a child. Even on his birthday, he was deserted!

Then what? I used the shadow clone technique to play with myself, and it seemed like the house was very lively! Is it similar to how I used my shadow clone to play mahjong?

“”753″”Boss Xiao, Host Li, if one of the three of you is missing, you can call me!””

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang outside the Lotus Building!

Hearing the sound, Lei Wujie’s eyes lit up. He opened the window and looked outside, and saw Wu Xin’s figure floating like an immortal towards Xue Yue City. Bian is coming closer!

“Unintentionally? How did you come?”Seeing Wuxin entering the Lotus Tower, Lei Wujie asked in surprise and joy!

“I stayed in Tianwaitian for a few days, probably dealt with some things, and then felt a little bored, so I came back!”

“After all, according to the agreement with Suoshanhe, I really had to leave that day!”

“However, no one stipulates that I can’t come back after I leave, right?”Wuxin opened his mouth to explain!

As he spoke, he glanced at the situation in the Lotus Building and said:”Master Li, it seems that your Lotus Building has added a lot of new things!”

Yes, Wuxin has been away for a while. These days, if I have nothing to do, I occasionally open the bronze-level or silver-level boxes to take a look.

Naturally, a lot of furniture and items have been added to the Lotus Building. Home appliances!

“You came just in time. We were playing mahjong, and there happened to be three missing one!”Looking at Wu Xin, Li Lianhua said!

“Sure enough, my appearance is exactly when you need it most!”Hearing this, Wu Xin nodded and said with a narcissistic look!

“Come on, even without you, it won’t stop us from playing mahjong. Li Lianhua has a trick to create clones, and he can transform into several clones at will!”

As if he couldn’t get used to Wu Xin’s proud and narcissistic look, Xiao Se beside him couldn’t help but speak up and complained to Wu Xin!

“oh? The art of clone?”

Hearing this, Invisible looked at Li Lianhua in amazement.

Obviously, even Wu Xin was very surprised by this so-called clone technique!

Is there such a magical technique in the world?

“Wuxin, you came a little late, but you don’t know what happened just now!”

Lei Wujie was even more interested!

Immediately, he told Wu Xin how Emperor Shitian had appeared just now and wanted to kill Li Lianhua, but Li Lianhua and Emperor Shitian had fought in such a way that both sides would lose!

At the same time, , Lei Wujie also told Wu Xin the origins of Emperor Shi Tian!

“In the world, there are people who have lived for two thousand years, hiding in the darkness of the world? If this news is exposed, it will be enough to shock the entire world!”

“However, that guy named Di Shitian has really poor martial arts qualifications. He has been practicing for two thousand years, but he only had a fight with Mr. Li and lost both sides!”

“In a few years, Mr. Li will completely crush him, and the gap between him and him will even get wider, right?”

Although Wu Xin felt shocked in his heart about the Emperor Shaktian who had lived for two thousand years, but after thinking for a moment, he felt that there was nothing to worry about about the Emperor Shaktian!

After all, Li Lianhua is only in his twenties now, and he can be with him. Emperor Shitian fought with both sides injured!

In the future, the gap in strength between the two will become wider and wider!

“Well, after a trip to Tianwaitian, Wu Xin, your words are getting better and better. If you can speak, just say more!”

Hearing Wu Xin’s words of praise for herself, Li Lianhua said with a smile!

Well, who doesn’t like others to say nice things?

“After all, I am now the sect leader of Tianwaitian, and I am in charge of a group of people!”

“This kind of management of people cannot be managed well only by high martial arts skills!”

“Therefore, how to speak more pleasantly requires practice!”Wuxin shook his head and said with a distressed look!

“There’s nothing you can do about it, the world is not about fighting, it’s about human nature!”

Li Lianhua also nodded, and I can understand Wu Xin’s distress!

After all, you have a group of people under your control, which seems very majestic, but this also just shows that you have to be responsible for the future of these people!

This It is indeed a very stressful thing!

“Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, but about human relations? What Mr. Li said is so insightful!”Wuxin thought about it and nodded in agreement!

At this point, he paused slightly, and Wuxin said with emotion:”I now understand why, Mr. Li, you didn’t have the intention to rebuild the Sigu Sect!”

“It is indeed very tiring to be in charge of a four-person family and have to deal with so many unfair things in the world!”

“How can you sit in the Lotus Tower and travel around the world with ease?”

“Not only can I enjoy the relaxation and happiness of traveling around the world, but I don’t have to suffer the hardship of sleeping in the open air!”

“If I had a choice, I would rather live a life like you, Mr. Li!”

Wuxin’s words are really not pretentious, but true envy from the heart!

Not to mention Wuxin, even Xiao Se and Lei Wujie nodded in agreement when they heard the words. They just felt that Wuxin’s words were just right. It’s what you think in your heart!

“My Lotus Tower cannot be exchanged for ten thousand gold. Even if a city were to exchange for the hard work I have put into this Lotus Tower, I would not exchange it!”

Regarding Wu Xin’s emotion, Li Lianhua shook his head and said!

Yes, first he used the space expansion card to expand the space in the Lotus Building, and then opened a lot of modern home appliances and furniture to ensure that he The quality of life.

This Lotus House is simply much more complete than those of modern RVs!

At least in terms of space, it completely beats the space of RVs!

“If it were me, I wouldn’t change it either!”

When Li Lianhua said that no one in the city was willing to change the Lotus Building, Wu Xin and the others were not surprised. Instead, they took it for granted!

After all, there are so many magical household appliances in the Lotus Building, they are like fairy treasures. These are all priceless treasures, right?

“By the way, where is Miss Luo Xian?”After chatting for a while, Wu Xin asked casually!

Three missing one? If Miss Luo Xian is here, how come there are three missing one?

“Wuxin, you don’t know, that Luo Xian turned out to be a disciple of Emperor Shitian!”

Hearing Wu Xin asked about Luo Xian’s news, Lei Wujie became interested again and hurriedly said to Wu Xin!

Then, Lei Wujie used Li Lianhua to twist Luo Xian’s spiritual will and make Luo Xian completely loyal to him.

Then, the news that Luo Xian had rushed to Tianmen was explained to Wuxin again!

“Louzhu Li’s ability is really miraculous. He can actually directly distort other people’s mental will!”

Listening to Lei Wujie’s description and hearing that Li Lianhua could use both hands to twist Luo Xian’s spiritual will and make her rebel, Wuxin looked at Li Lianhua in amazement!

Although he said that he had learned a lot from Rakshasa Hall Among the martial arts, one of them is the martial arts that acts on the spirit and will.

However, compared with Li Lianhua’s ability, it really pales in comparison!

“Therefore, if you have problems with your mental will in the future, you can come to me!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Of course, friendship is friendship and business is business, as long as you can pay for the medical treatment!”

“But don’t be imitated by Xiao Se, you still owe me the medical fees and haven’t paid me yet!”

Thinking about Wu Xin who was voluntarily refined into a medicine man in the original work and became a puppet for others to control, Li Lianhua said!

However, at the end of the sentence, she couldn’t help but pull Xiao Se out and step on her!

Listen! Li Lianhua said it well. He used himself as a negative example. Xiao Se’s expression was more or less embarrassed. He touched his nose and was embarrassed to speak.

Although he wanted to defend himself, he didn’t owe it! I have to pay for the consultation fee, and I don’t know when I will be able to repay it. This is a fact. Are we not allowed to talk about it?

“Don’t worry, no matter what, I am now the sect master of Tianwaitian. If there is a need for your help, Divine Doctor Li, the consultation fee will never be in arrears!”

The reason why I took Lei Wujie and Xiao Se to leave with me was because I had no money!

However, now that I am the sect leader of Tianwaitian, I and I are no longer the little monks with no money before.

This status is not It’s the same, money is naturally not a difficult thing![]

“Okay, okay, Wu Xin is here now, we happen to have enough people!”At this point, Lei Wujie interrupted the chat and said!

It was indeed boring. Li Lianhua and the others no longer wanted to argue. After making some tea, the four of them entered the mahjong room together and started fighting.! Not to mention the Lianhua Building, Li Lianhua and the others went to Leijiabao for fun!

On the other side, Li Hanyi was also ready to go and see it in person!

Normally, Li Hanyi encountered the Dark River Killer Organization blocking his way!

The three masters of the Dark River, Su Muyu, Mu Yumo and Xie Qidao, were all at the Grand Master level………..

And Su Changhe, the patriarch of Anhe Master, is even more powerful at the pinnacle of the Grand Master Realm!

Therefore, in this Beili territory, although Anhe is just a killer organization, with so many top powerhouses, it can be said to be the top force second only to Xueyue City.

What Li Hanyi encountered was the obstruction of the Dark River organization headed by the elder Su Changhe, as well as Su Muyu and Xie Qidao!

In addition to the three of them, there are also three powerful masters from the Tang Sect!

Although in the original work, these three Tang Sect masters seem to be just little Karami in the background.

However, in the original work, the three of them were masters of the Xiaoyao Tian Realm. In today’s mixed martial arts world, they are naturally the existence of the Grand Master Realm!

“Xue Yue Sword Immortal, in order to keep you today, I personally took action and five great masters joined forces. With this lineup, you should feel honored, right?”

Su Changhe said to Li Hanyi as if he had a chance to win!

Yes, in terms of strength, Su Changhe thinks that he is not weaker than the Sword Immortal Realm.

Coupled with the support of five powerful masters in the Grand Master Realm, Su Changhe I feel like I’m pretty sure today!

“Humph, let’s see what you are capable of!”

Facing such a lineup in front of him, Li Hanyi secretly felt solemn, but he snorted rudely and said!

As he spoke, the iron horse Binghe in his hand was unsheathed, and a fierce sword energy was directed directly. Sweeping at several people!

Li Hanyi was able to split the Dengtian Pavilion with any sword. It was self-evident how powerful this sword was!

However, facing Li! Han Yi’s attack, Su Changhe raised his hand and struck out with the Devil’s Palm.

The palm force full of darkness and evil aura collided with the sharp sword energy, and he successfully resisted Li Hanyi’s sword.!

At the same time, Su Muyu, Xie Qidao, and the three masters of the Tang Sect also took action!

Facing the attack of six people, the lowest ones were all Grand Masters, and Li Hanyi was also in danger.!


At the same time, far away on Wangcheng Mountain, Dao Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen was sitting cross-legged, feeling in his mind that the way of heaven was vague and the way of immortality was vast!

In addition to magic and swordsmanship, Wangcheng Mountain’s Taoism also has deduction skills that are unparalleled in the world.

Therefore, everyone up and down Wangcheng Mountain majors in Heavenly Dao!

After all, if there is not enough understanding of the way of heaven, how can we deduce the way of heaven and make predictions for others?

Suddenly, feeling something in his heart, Zhao Yuzhen stood up.

At the same time, the Qingxiao Sword that had been enshrined on the sword stand automatically flew towards Zhao Yuzhen and was caught by him!

However, after a moment of silence, Zhao Yuzhen placed the Qingxiao Sword on the sword stand again!

This sword is the treasure of Wangcheng Mountain. When I go down the mountain this time, my life or death is uncertain. If something happens, the Qingxiao Sword will be lost.

Therefore, Zhao Yuzhen put down the Qingxiao Sword and walked out of his room.

There is a peach tree outside the house, and under the tree is a peach wood sword that I cut by myself!

“Taohua, let’s go down the mountain to find her, okay?”

Looking at the peach wood sword in his hand, Zhao Yuzhen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said in a low voice!

Although his voice was low and gave people a plain feeling, 5.1 gave people an unquestionable taste!

“Yuzhen!”At this moment, several elders from Wangcheng Mountain came to Zhao Yuzhen!

“Everyone in the world says that I am an immortal in this world, but I think you, uncle, are the ones. You will know why I just thought of going down the mountain!”

Sighing helplessly, Zhao Yuzhen looked at the uncles at Wangcheng Mountain and said with a smile!

“Yuzhen, do you really have to go down the mountain?”The leader’s uncle asked with tears in his eyes!

Although the old master had calculated for Zhao Yuzhen back then, he knew that he would go down the mountain, and if he went down, it would be death.

So everyone up and down Wangcheng Mountain knew that this day would come sooner or later.

However, when the day finally came, everyone still found it difficult to accept it!

“Don’t worry, Uncle Master, I just feel restless and want to go down the mountain to have a look. I’ll be back soon!”

Not daring to look at the tearful look in his uncle’s eyes, Zhao Yuzhen tilted his head slightly and spoke in a very relaxed tone.

However, although his tone was relaxed, no one up and down the mountain would know that he would definitely go there. It’s a disaster!

“By the way, this guy Fei Xuan has good qualifications. I will feel relieved that Wangcheng Mountain will be handed over to him in the future. I have already kept Qing Xiao and will pass it on to him in the future!”

Following that, Zhao Yuzhen seemed to have thought of something and added something!

Before the uncle could speak again, Zhao Yuzhen had already jumped up and went directly down the mountain!

Although he said it in a relaxed tone, the last sentence he added , it was obvious that he was explaining the funeral arrangements!

On the way down the mountain, he saw Fei Xuan and Li Fansong, and Zhao Yuzhen stopped to say his final goodbyes!

“I’ll bring you a mistress!”

Zhao Yuzhen flew down the mountain quickly, and his voice came from far away!

However, the eyes of two brothers, Li Fansong and Feixuan, were also filled with tears!

Dao Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen! He’s coming down the mountain!.

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