“Li Lianhua, your injury just now was very serious. If the person in the ice sculpture mask was not seriously injured, it would be impossible to leave and he would definitely find a way to kill you!”

“You’re like this, and he didn’t even think about the final touch-up. It can be seen that his injury will not be lighter than yours!”

“More importantly, if he is injured, he will never recover as quickly as you!”

Xiao Se next to him spoke and said to Li Lianhua!

This statement made Li Lianhua’s eyes light up slightly. It was true. Xiao Se’s words did make sense! Emperor Shitian must have known that he was so seriously injured..

But he didn’t take the last hit. Doesn’t this prove that his injury is very serious? Moreover, he has both hands to recover from the injury, so if he wants to take revenge, he can’t recover easily!

It’s the best opportunity!

“Li Lianhua!”

Hearing what Xiao Se said, Lei Wujie also reacted at this time. He looked at Li Lianhua and said,”Don’t you know something about everything in the world? Just like Li Fansong and the others, you recognize them the first time you meet them. Do you recognize the man wearing the ice sculpture mask?”

On the one hand, Lei Wujie also hopes to get to know Li Lianhua, and now is indeed the best opportunity to come directly to her!

On the other hand, Lei Wujie is also curious about the identity of the guy wearing the ice sculpture mask!

“I do know!”Facing Xiao Se and Lei Wujie’s inquiries, Li Lianhua was silent for a moment, then nodded and said!

“oh? Who is that person?”Hearing this, Lei Wujie’s eyes widened and he asked curiously!

He just thought that Li Lianhua might know him. Unexpectedly, did he really know him?

When Luo Xian next to him heard this, his expression changed slightly. He glanced at Li Lianhua but said nothing!

“To talk about the identity of the person in the ice sculpture mask, we actually have to start with the story of Qin Shi Huang’s request for the elixir of immortality two thousand years ago!”

Since Li Lianhua nodded and admitted that she recognized Emperor Shitian, she no longer meant to hide it, and said:”Two thousand years ago, the story of Qin Shihuang’s request for the elixir of longevity has been passed down to this day!”

“In fact, two thousand years ago, Qin Shihuang sent Xu Fu and led the Qin warriors to successfully kill the Phoenix, one of the four auspicious beasts!”

“Then, Xu Fu was ordered to refine the elixir of longevity with phoenix blood!”

“Later, Qin Shihuang died, and everyone knew about it!”

“But in fact, it was not that the elixir of longevity was not refined, but that Xu Fu successfully refined the elixir of longevity, but he couldn’t help being greedy and ate it!”

Li Lianhua opened her mouth and told the origin of Emperor Shitian!

“Hiss, elixir of life? There are rumors in the world that Li Lianhua can also refine the elixir of longevity, but your elixir of life can only increase your life span by 10 years. 423. What about Xu Fu, he took the elixir of longevity two thousand years ago?”

Listening to Li Lianhua’s teasing talk about Xu Fu refining the elixir of longevity and then secretly eating it himself, Lei Wujie next to him couldn’t help but take a breath!

“During the Qin Dynasty, the alchemist Xu Fu?”Luo Xian next to him listened to what Li Lianhua said and murmured silently in his heart!

Although Luo Xian knew that his master Emperor Shitian had been alive for two thousand years, he didn’t know the origin of Emperor Shitian.

Now he heard what Li Lianhua said Thinking about the incident of the scholar Xu Fu refining the elixir of longevity and swallowing it privately two thousand years ago, I was secretly shocked!

It turns out that the master Emperor Shitian was the legendary alchemist Xu Fu who successfully refined the elixir of eternity, but he didn’t. Did he donate it to the First Emperor and eat it secretly?

From the perspective of this age, it is quite consistent!

“So, the guy wearing the ice sculpture mask is Xu Fu who secretly swallowed the elixir of life. Did he live for two thousand years?”Xiao Se next to him understood what Li Lianhua said and couldn’t help but interjected and asked!

Lived for two thousand years? This news shocked Xiao Se deeply!

Isn’t this too scary?

No wonder the man wearing the ice sculpture mask This guy has such a powerful power!

He has lived for two thousand years. Even a pig can cultivate to an extremely high level in these two thousand years, right?

“Yes, it’s him!”After hearing what Xiao Se said, Li Lianhua nodded and admitted the identity of Emperor Shitian!

“Is there really such a longevity medicine in the world that can make people live for two thousand years?”Lei Wujie also spoke, with a shocked look on his face.

“In the past two thousand years, Emperor Shitian, with different identities, continued to worship various sects and learn the martial arts of each sect!”

“Then, after years of practice, he integrated all these skills into one!”

“He even created his own Sacred Heart Technique by integrating the strengths of hundreds of martial arts schools!”

Li Lianhua then spoke and told about Emperor Shitian’s martial arts!

Hearing the name Sacred Heart Jue, Luo Xian was secretly shocked! Does

Li Lianhua even know Sacred Heart Jue?

Sure enough, he told his master Di Shitian He really understands the situation!

So, the owner he mentioned is Xu Fu, who refined the elixir of longevity for Qin Shihuang two thousand years ago. It seems to be true?

“That Xu Fu’s martial arts is indeed very strong and miraculous!”After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Lei Wujie nodded and said!

Let’s not talk about the abilities of Di Tian Kuang Lei. The ability of Qi Wu Jue is indeed magical and does not look like martial arts at all!

“In the past two thousand years, Xu Fu was originally a normal person, with his own woman, his own children, and brothers who were hurting him!”

“It’s just that he has been around for too long, and has experienced more separations between brothers and wives and children. Slowly, his humanity has become weaker and weaker!”

“Later, he slowly became distorted to the point where he claimed to be a god, and he changed his name to Emperor Shitian from then on!”

“He secretly stirs up disputes in the rivers and lakes, and enjoys himself by sitting back and watching others go through hardships!”Li Lianhua then continued to add a few more words!

“This, this has simply become the most terrifying demon in the world, right?”

After hearing Li Lianhua’s words, Lei Wujie’s face turned very ugly!

Yes, madmen are not scary, and immortals with powerful martial arts are not scary either!

However, an immortal with excellent martial arts is still an inhuman madman. This is terrible!

“With a being like this, is it possible that no one in the world can cure him?”Xiao Se also spoke and asked Li Lianhua!

“Not at all!”

Listening to what Xiao Se said, Li Lianhua shook his head and continued:”Years ago, there was a top ten warrior who was extremely talented. He beat Emperor Shitian until he dared not show his face for a hundred years. When Wu Wudi, a top ten warrior, died, After that, he dared to come out to show his power!”

“Therefore, although Emperor Shitian was immortal and lived a long time, his martial arts qualifications could only be considered mediocre!”

“Besides, he feels very uncomfortable now, right?”

Li Lianhua’s words made Xiao Se and Lei Wujie look stunned.

“He has lived for two thousand years and his martial arts is ridiculously strong. Why is he uncomfortable?”Lei Wujie is a straight-tempered person and will say whatever he wants. He asked Li Lianhua in surprise!

“His discomfort also comes from the phoenix blood!”

Listening to Lei Wujie’s inquiry, Li Lianhua shook his head and said:”Eating the longevity medicine refined from phoenix blood, Emperor Shitian does have the ability to live forever. However, phoenix blood can only grant him immortality, but it can not give him immortality. old!”

“After all, the Phoenix also has the legend of being reborn from the ashes!”

“In other words, after the Phoenix dies, it can be reborn from the ashes!”

“Although his Emperor Shitian is immortal, he does not have the innate ability to be reborn from the ashes, so he will become older and older!”

“This is why he likes to wear an ice sculpture mask all year round, just to use the ice to delay the aging of his face!”

Li Lianhua then spoke and briefly explained Emperor Shitian’s situation!

“Immortality, this immortality really has to be paired with immortality to be useful. Otherwise, although you can live for one or two thousand years in your prime, the feeling of powerlessness after old age will also last for many years!”

Tingfeng blood can only make people live forever, but it can’t make people immortal. Xiao Se nodded to express his understanding!

“So, is this the truth behind the owner wearing an ice sculpture mask all year round?”

On the other hand, Luo Xian next to him suddenly understood after hearing Li Lianhua’s description of Emperor Shitian’s situation!

In normal times, the master likes to wear an ice sculpture mask. Although Luo Xian knew it, he didn’t know the reason, and he never went into it!

But! Now, after hearing Li Lianhua’s description, Luo Xian suddenly understood!

It turned out to be to delay the aging of the face!

Although this was just Li Lianhua’s family statement, Luo Xian also nodded silently, feeling that Li Lianhua’s words were… It should be correct, nothing wrong!

“Therefore, in recent years, Emperor Shitian has always had a plan, and that is the plan to slay the dragon!”

Since the information about Emperor Shitian has been exposed, Li Lianhua does not recommend exposing it more, and added! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Plan to slay the dragon? Is this to kill a certain emperor?”After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Lei Wujie asked curiously!

“If he wants to kill someone, even the emperor can do it easily, right?”Xiao Se shook his head.

“Yes, if Emperor Shizhen really wanted to assassinate an emperor, it would indeed be a piece of cake (ciej)!”

Li Lianhua also nodded, agreeing with Xiao Se’s words!

Then, Li Lianhua continued:”There are four auspicious beasts in the world, namely the dragon, the phoenix, the black turtle and the unicorn!”[]

“Fire Qilin lives in Lingyun Cave in Lingzhou. It is the only one of the four auspicious beasts that does not have the effect of immortality!”

“The Phoenix was killed two thousand years ago!”

“Therefore, Emperor Shitian wanted to slay the dragon to obtain the dragon essence of the dragon!”

“Because only Long Yuan can make him truly immortal and even immortal!”Li Lianhua opened her mouth and continued!

“Wait, the four auspicious beasts, the fire unicorn cannot live forever, the phoenix has been killed, logically speaking, isn’t there a dragon and a black turtle?”

“Then why did Emperor Shitian only think about slaying the dragon and not looking for the black turtle?”

After listening to Li Lianhua’s words, Lei Wujie next to him couldn’t help but asked in surprise!

These words made Xiao Se and Luo Xian next to him also nodded silently.

Yes, why do you only think about slaying the dragon and not thinking about it? Want to find Xuangui?

In addition, Luo Xian was secretly amazed!

His master Di Shitian had no idea about it! But at the same time,

Li Lianhua actually knew?

Luo Xian still had a sudden realization in his heart!

No wonder the master was so concerned when he learned that the dragon appeared in Tianqi City! Then, he learned that the place where the dragon landed was also in the Lotus Tower, so he sent himself directly to contact the owner of the Lotus Tower!

What he really cares about is the dragon!

It turns out that he wants to obtain the dragon essence and gain true immortality!

“Because the blood of the Black Turtle has been obtained long ago!”Hearing Lei Wujie’s inquiry, Li Lianhua didn’t mean to hide anything. After pondering for a moment, he spoke!

“hiss……”This answer once again made Lei Wujie take a breath!

“It turns out that besides Emperor Shitian, are there any other immortals?”Lei Wujie said in amazement!

“Indeed!”Li Lianhua nodded!

These words made Xiao Se and Lei Wujie look at each other!

An Emperor Shitian has lived for two thousand years, which is already amazing.

But, according to Li Lianhua, there are actually other immortals?

I just felt that the water in this river and lake was terrifyingly deep!

When Luo Xian heard this, he also cheered up and quietly pricked up his ears!

There are other immortals besides the master Emperor Shitian. The most important thing is that the black turtle was also obtained by others? I have never heard of it! I don’t know where this Li Lianhua’s intelligence power came from?

Lianhua Tower has been around for some time, but I have never seen him obtain intelligence information from any channels.��

“Li Lianhua, are there any immortals in this world? Can you tell me about it?”Lei Wujie opened his mouth and asked Li Lianhua in surprise and curiosity!

“This is a long story. As far as I know, although there are not many immortals, there are also many!”

“Isn’t there one right in front of you?”Li Lianhua said, but she pointed at herself rudely as she spoke!

There are indeed many immortals in this martial arts world. It would take too long to take stock of them one by one, and it would be a waste of time!

“ah? Li Lianhua, are you also an immortal? Aren’t you only in your twenties?”After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Lei Wujie asked in surprise!

Li Lianhua, the owner of the Lotus House, is Li Xiangyi, the master of the Sigu Sect ten years ago. This news is no longer a secret in the world!

And Li Xiangyi’s age is unknown in the world. It can be said that no one knows it!

Of course, Li Lianhua is only twenty-seven or eighty years old now. Where does he start from saying that he is an immortal?

“What a great little guy. Although Li Lianhua is only in his twenties now, it doesn’t mean that he is not an immortal!”

“Besides, he can refine the elixir of longevity. Although each pill can only increase his life span by 10 years, his elixir of longevity can be taken forever!”

“Even if he eats one every ten years, he can live forever!”

When Xiao Se next to him heard this, he rolled his eyes at Lei Wujie angrily and opened his mouth to explain!

“Yes!”After listening to Xiao Se’s words, Lei Wujie reacted and nodded in realization!

Yes, recently, the news about Li Lianhua refining the elixir of longevity has been spread all over the world! He can even refine the elixir of eternity by himself. , and he can sell the elixir of life to others. Is it possible that Li Lianhua doesn’t get the elixir of life himself?

Therefore, if he refines more elixir of life and takes one every ten years, it will be a waste. Immortal, right?

This is more exaggerated than other immortals!

“That Emperor Shitian, he only lived for two thousand years, yet he dared to call himself a god?”

“Li Lianhua, you are the one who has so many elixirs that you can sell them for money!”

“You can live for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, right?”Lei Wujie opened his mouth and said with emotion to Li Lianhua!

Yes, in front of Li Lianhua’s almost eternal lifespan, Emperor Shitian’s two thousand years’ lifespan seems not enough!

To put it this way, it is indeed unnecessary Let’s take stock of other immortals!

Because in front of the immortal Li Lianhua, the so-called immortals are indeed not enough!

“What’s more important is qualifications! Xiao Se

, who was next to him, also spoke at this time, adding:”The qualifications of Emperor Shitian are mediocre, and they have been practicing for two thousand years, but Li Lianhua’s qualifications were famous before he became a scholar.!”

“If Li Lianhua is allowed to practice for two thousand years, I really don’t know how far he can practice!”

“If there is a god in this world, Li Lianhua is the most likely to become a god!”

Saying that Li Lianhua may become a god in the end? This judgment is indeed shocking!

However, think carefully about Li Lianhua’s qualifications and his ability to take elixirs to maintain his eternal life!

Saying that he can become a god, This doesn’t seem to be empty talk! Not only did Lei Wujie think so, even Luo Xian, who had been silent, nodded silently!

He was only injured by his master, Emperor Shitian, and it was a lose-lose situation! If it were another hundred and eighty years, or even just a few decades, perhaps his master, Emperor Shitian, would not be Li Lianhua’s opponent, right


Looking at it, for the master Di Shitian, Li Lianhua is the biggest threat in his life!

It’s no wonder that the master has murderous intentions for him!

“Luo Xian, what do you think?”At this moment, Li Lianhua suddenly turned his head and looked at Luo Xian.

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