“Actually, although I can use a sword, I am not very proficient in swordsmanship!”After a moment of silence, Li Lianhua spoke frankly and said frankly!

Although he can wield a sword and fly to immortals, and can perform sword-driving skills, this is all because his magic weapon happens to be a sword!

If it were the mysterious magic weapon he opened from the treasure box, The ice nephrite is not used to refine swords, but knives, even in the form of meteor hammers. I can still fly with weapons, and I can still use the means of controlling objects to fight against enemies.

In terms of swordsmanship, I can actually do it. He only knows a set of Xiangyi Taijian. This is the swordsmanship left behind by his predecessor Li Xiangyi!

“Doctor Li was so polite. Could it be that he was stingy and was afraid that I would steal his teachings?”

Li Lianhua’s words fell in Li Hanyi’s ears, but she felt that he was too modest!

“Li Lianhua, the battle between the two swordsmen in this world has become a legend!”Lei Wujie next to him said coaxingly!

Li Fansong and Fei Xuan both stared at Li Lianhua with burning eyes!

“World���It is said that Divine Doctor Li is not only the best in the world in medical skills, but also in the realm of swordsmanship. I have seen his medical skills. I wonder if I am lucky enough to see Divine Doctor Li’s sword skills today?”

Even Sikong Changfeng next to him was staring at Li Lianhua with great anticipation and curiosity!

“This is really because everyone except myself wants me to take action!”Looking around at the people present, Li Lianhua’s mouth twitched slightly.

“That’s fine!”

In this way, after a moment of silence, Li Lianhua nodded and said:”It just so happens that a few days ago, I recently learned a sword skill, which I have never used before. Since Xue Yue Sword Immortal is interested, then, please give it a try. ?”

When the silver-level treasure chests were opened ten times in a row, Li Lianhua did indeed use a sword technique.

To be more precise, it was a spell cast with a sword, the Heavenly Sword Technique! (mentioned in Chapter 187)

Today The Sword Jue, like the Ten Thousand Sword Jue that I had performed before, was from the Immortal Sword Series, Shushan’s sword technique!

I had already performed the Ten Thousand Sword Jue myself, so I took this opportunity to give it a try!

“Okay, let’s ask Dr. Li to take action!”

Listening to what Li Lianhua said, although he only meant one sword, Li Lianhua had only recently realized the swordsmanship, which made Li Hanyi very curious!

Since he decided to try the move, Li Lianhua no longer hid it.

With a thought, the mysterious jade sword appeared in his hand. Then

, the sword in his hand was thrown high into the sky, and the sword quickly flew into the sky and disappeared into the clouds!

“This, what kind of swordsmanship is this?”Looking at Li Lianhua’s movements, Lei Wujie said with some astonishment!

That’s right, didn’t he say that he was going to use a sword skill that he had learned recently?

But 920, instead of making a move, he threw the sword into the sky. This is What’s going on?

Not only Lei Wujie was shocked, but everyone else around Dengtian Pavilion was also stunned at this time, and they didn’t understand what Li Lianhua’s actions meant at all.

However, soon! They understood!

Almost at the same time when Li Lianhua used the Heavenly Sword Technique, the iron horse Binghe in Li Hanyi’s hand began to tremble slightly!

“Me, my iron horse Glacier, what happened?”

Looking down at the trembling sword in his hand, Li Hanyi’s expression revealed a look of astonishment!

Yes, for no reason, why did his iron horse Binghe suddenly tremble?

“Ah, my murderous sword!”At the same time, Lei Wujie next to him suddenly exclaimed!

Sure enough, not only Li Hanyi’s iron horse Binghe, but also Lei Wujie’s killing sword trembled!

At the same time, Li Fansong did the same. The sword in his hand began to tremble at this moment, as if it could fly out at any time!

Not only in front of Dengtian Pavilion, but also in the entire Xueyue City, all the swords were trembling at this moment. Trembling!

A swordman was drinking tea at a tea stall. Suddenly, the sword on the table shook.

What’s going on?

On the other side, two earth dragons turned over? Two swordsmen were dueling in a deserted alley, with swords blazing!

However, suddenly the two of them found that the swords in their hands were shaking, which made the two people in the duel stop in shock and couldn’t help it. He looked at the sword in his hand with confidence!

What happened? Why did his sword suddenly become disobedient? He looked completely out of control!

In a blacksmith shop in Xueyue City, a blacksmith was making weapons.

In this shop, there are all kinds of weapons, including swords, guns, swords and halberds! However

, suddenly, all the swords in the blacksmith shop trembled at this moment!

Then, these swords flew up automatically and stuck on the ground. There was a loud sound of swords!

At this time, Xueyue City was completely shaken, because all the swords in Xueyue City flew out of their scabbards at this moment, and then they were stuck on the ground! There were constant sounds of swords ringing on the ground, giving people the feeling that they were expressing their surrender!

All the swords in Xueyue City were vibrating, and they were even unsheathed and stuck on the ground one after another. Such a strange phenomenon. , naturally attracted the attention of countless people in Xueyue City!

Such a scene, this movement is too big, what happened?

Why do all the swords in Xueyue City have such a strange scene ? ?

“ah? Look, a huge sword appears in the sky!”Suddenly, an exclamation rang out in Xueyue City!

This exclamation immediately attracted the attention of many people, and they all looked up to the sky.

Then, there were shocked expressions on their faces.!

Sure enough, a giant sword that was hundreds of feet long appeared out of thin air! It was hundreds of feet long. Even the thirty-three-story Dengtian Pavilion stood in front of this giant sword. It also seems a bit small! One foot is more than three meters. This giant sword that is over a hundred feet appears in the sky, giving people the feeling of a skyscraper of about a hundred stories appearing in the sky. At the same time, this sword appears in the sky!

The giant sword fell hard from high in the sky, and its surging momentum was like a meteorite falling to the ground!

“Okay, what a big sword. How could there be such a big sword between heaven and earth!”

“This, what kind of swordsmanship is this? Could such swordsmanship destroy Xueyue City?”

“Run for your life, now, if such a big sword falls, the consequences will be unimaginable!”

“Is this, could this be the source of all the trembling swords in Xue Yue City, expressing surrender?”

“Could this, this kind of swordsmanship be done by the legendary sword god Li Chungang?”


Everyone in Xueyue City looked up at the sky, watching Li Lianhua’s Heavenly Sword Technique, and watching the hundred-foot-long giant sword fall down. They were all dumbfounded and inexplicably horrified!

In front of Dengtian Pavilion, Xiao Se, Lei Wujie, Li Fansong, Feixuan, Sikong Qianluo, and even Li Hanyi and Sikong Changfeng!

At this time, all of them also raised their heads and looked into the sky. They were all dumbfounded as they watched the giant sword that turned into a hundred-foot-long sword fall from the sky!

Originally, Li Lianhua raised his hand and threw his sword into the clouds, which surprised them and they didn’t understand what Li Lianhua meant by this move!

Now, watching this heavenly sword fall, everyone was shocked and understood that this was what Li Lianhua’s swordsmanship was like!

“There is a saying about the sword. Metaphysically, the sword has no one in ancient times, and it is worshiped like a god!”

“This is a description of Heavenly Sword!”

“As soon as the Heavenly Sword comes out, all swords will surrender!”

“I never thought that Li Lianhua, your swordsmanship has reached such a state!”

Facing this supreme heavenly sword, Li Hanyi didn’t even think about taking action, and murmured in a low voice!

As a swordsman, Li Hanyi already felt satisfied to be able to see such a sword!

As for saying , Defeat Li Lianhua? She no longer has such thoughts!

Boom! The hundred-foot-long sky sword falling from the sky above Xueyue City will naturally not fall towards the city.

Is it enough to destroy half of Xueyue City?

Under Li Lianhua’s control, this Heavenly Sword Technique fell to the inaccessible back mountain of Xueyue City, and then the entire Xueyue City was hit hard. It shook, giving people the feeling that there was an earthquake. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Many people were even shaken to the ground by the shaking of the earth.!

Then, countless people looked at the back mountain of Xueyue City, where smoke and dust were flying all over the sky!

After the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, the back mountain of Xueyue City was gone. With this move of the hundred-foot long sky sword, In front of us, the back mountain of Xueyue City completely collapsed!���His power made everyone open their mouths and look of disbelief on their faces!

Is this, is this really the power that humans can control?[]

“Hiss, my God, the back mountain of Xueyue City collapsed like this?”

“With one sword, he directly destroyed a mountain? What kind of swordsmanship is this!”

“Who on earth is this person who can (abbh) display such a shocking sword!”

“How could this sword, with such power, be capable of being wielded by a mere mortal?”

“Even the Sword Immortal doesn’t have such power, right?”


Everyone in Xueyue City was dumbfounded, looking at the disappearing back mountain and the smoke and dust that had not completely dispersed!

Not to mention the people of Xueyue City, at this time, even Li Hanyi and others were completely dumbfounded!

“Before, Xue Yue Sword Immortal could easily cut through the Dengtian Pavilion with one sword. Such power was already shocking to people. However, they did not expect that Divine Doctor Li’s sword could even destroy a mountain!”Fei Xuan was beside him, with a look of horror on his young face!

“Cutting down buildings with one sword and breaking mountains with one sword are two completely different levels of power, right?”Li Fansong also nodded and said with a shocked expression!

“Even the Sword Immortal Realm is far from being able to reach this point!”

Although what Li Fansong and Feixuan said didn’t sound good, Li Hanyi had to admit that their words did make sense!

Not only himself, but also Zhao Yuzhen and even Yan Zhantian definitely didn’t Such power!

Even Luo Qingyang, the solitary swordsman of Mu Liang City, must not be able to do this!

Such a sword is so powerful that it makes people feel irresistible!

“Li Lianhua!”

Although he was asking Li Lianhua about swordsmanship, from beginning to end, Li Lianhua only made one move, but Li Hanyi didn’t even use his sword! Li Hanyi looked at Li Lianhua and said,”Does this sword of yours have a name?”

“Yes, Heavenly Sword Jue!”Li Lianhua nodded and replied!

“Heavenly Sword Jue? It’s really a good name, and it really fits this trick!”

After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Li Hanyi nodded in agreement and said!

“Heavenly Sword Technique? This move is indeed domineering, Heavenly Sword!”Lei Wujie also nodded and interjected!

“There have always been rumors in the world that you, Li Lianhua, are the current swordsman, but I have never seen you take action. Now that I have seen it, I know that what I said is true!”Xiao Se also spoke and said this with emotion!

“The power of this sword is unparalleled in the world. Some people said before that, Doctor Li, you have reached the level of a land swordsman. Now it seems that this is not a rumor!”

Li Fansong next to him also started to praise!

Everyone said that his master, Dao Sword Immortal, was just one step away from becoming an immortal!

However, after Li Fansong saw this Heavenly Sword Technique, he finally understood that his Master Zhao Yuzhen is indeed far behind Li Lianhua!

So what? It seems that it is not an exaggeration to say that Li Lianhua is the current swordsman!

“A land swordsman? Not really, mine���Why hasn’t it happened yet? The sword I just struck was mainly due to the power of swordsmanship!”

Regarding Li Fansong’s words, Li Lianhua shook his head and said!

Yes, from the perspective of Zhu Xian’s world, he is only a second-level cultivation of Shangqing Realm. Even if he is placed in Qingyun Sect, At the level of the First of the Seven Meridians, he is considered to be at the bottom!

It is indeed an exaggeration to say that he has the cultivation of the land of gods!

When his cultivation reaches the Taiqing realm, he will be considered to have the land of gods. After all

, the Land God Realm and the Taiqing Realm can be regarded as the closest realms to true immortals!

“Even if he does not have the cultivation level of the Land God Realm, the power of that sword just now is enough to compete with the land God Realm!”

At this time, a voice suddenly came to mind, and at the same time, a figure quickly approached!

Everyone heard the sound and saw the wine fairy Baili Dongjun wearing a dark green robe with his chest exposed coming over, holding a wine gourd in his hand, looking wanton Free and easy look!

“You came!”Looking at Baili Dongjun coming over, Li Hanyi and Sikong Changfeng nodded one after another and said!

“There was so much movement here, and the back mountain of our Xueyue City was wiped out by a sword. Naturally, I wanted to come over and take a look!”

Baili Dongjun said!

Speaking of this, Baili Dongjun looked at Li Lianhua, and the wonder in his eyes was not concealed at all.

“Although realm does not represent strength, in the world of martial arts, the acquired realm kills the innate realm, the innate realm kills the grandmaster, and the grandmaster realm defeats the great master. There are countless cases!”

“However, those who can leapfrog the challenge and kill the target are all extremely talented and beautiful people!”

“Doctor Li, your cultivation level may only be at the Grand Master level, but that sword strike just now may not be able to be blocked even if you are at the Land God level!”

“Such strength is admirable!”

“To say that you are the current swordsman is a bit insulting to you!”Jiuxian Baili Dongjun said to Li Lianhua!

Regarding what Baili Dongjun said, Li Lianhua smiled slightly and did not answer!

After all, Li Lianhua also admitted that Baili Dongjun’s words were indeed the truth.

With her current cultivation Because, maybe it can only be compared to the cultivation level of the Grand Master!

But when it comes to his true combat power, even Li Lianhua himself doesn’t know what level his combat power is!

Jue, Ten Thousand Sword Jue, Tongtian Ru, Divine Sword Controlling True Jue, etc. The most important thing is that his hands can repair injuries, even if he is really hit by a strength gap.

Even if he is stronger, he dares to fight against the opponent!

After all, if someone else is injured, he is really injured!

But if he is injured, he has the ability to heal himself!

So, can this ordinary person compare with himself? ?

To use a game perspective, it is a PK between two people. It has a passive healing effect, which is naturally a big advantage! , everyone was silent!

Who is Baili Dongjun? This is the third person in the world after Li Chungang and Hong Xixiang to reach the realm of land gods!

Since he said it himself, he said that Li Lianhua has the land god If the strong men in the fairyland can compete with each other, then Li Lianhua must have such strength!

Is there anything more convincing than Baili Dongjun who has reached the land of fairyland

? Lei Wujie’s incident of breaking into the Dentian Pavilion was finally over, and a heavenly sword fell in Xueyue City, destroying the entire back mountain of Xueyue City. This was witnessed by everyone in Xueyue City. Yes.

Of course, countless people are asking who cast this sword?

Is it the legendary sword god Li Chungang who has arrived in Xueyue City?

Finally, it was concluded that it was Li Lianhua:


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