Seeing Lei Yunhe pointing towards him with a thunderous strike, Li Lianhua frowned slightly and dodged with his body!

“Can you speak well? I don’t really like fighting!”

Yes, if there are any benefits to fighting, then it doesn’t matter if you use your hands!

But, if this fight has no benefits at all, then why fight?

“It’s not up to you to decide whether to fight or not!”

Seeing that Li Lianhua escaped his attack, Lei Yunhe said reluctantly!

As he spoke, he pointed his finger at Li Lianhua, and bright lightning bloomed at his fingertips!

Although his realm has fallen to the master level, , the martial arts pointed out by Jing Lei is still very powerful, and an ordinary grand master would probably not be able to gain much benefit in his hands!

However, facing the thunder and lightning that came towards him, Li Lianhua shook helplessly. Shake your head!

“Since you are so determined to have your own way, then I have no choice but to take action!”

For a person who doesn’t like fighting, if fighting is really unavoidable, then the best way is to fight quickly!

With an idea in mind, Li Lianhua took a deep breath, and then said it again Raising his hand, a brush appeared in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, a thunder talisman appeared, heading towards Lei Yunhe’s thunder finger! Thunder and lightning, the thunder and lightning shot by the thunder finger were obviously incomparable. Get Li Lianhua’s thunder talisman!

What’s more, Li Lianhua’s brush kept swaying in the void, and thunder talismans appeared one after another, and then they all hit Lei Yunhe!

Don’t you like to play with thunder? Then I’ll play with you!

If it weren’t for the fear of destroying the Dengtian Pavilion and having to pay for it, Li Lianhua would be ready to use the Divine Sword Control of Thunder to teach Lei Yunhe how to behave! Just attack at a fixed point!

If you have enough firepower, why bother? Just cover it with firepower!

This is almost the same situation for Li Lianhua! The technique seemed to have no cooling down or forward movement.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen thunder talismans appeared and struck at Lei Yunhe intensively.

He just barely used some thunder finger methods to resist, but the resistance was like this. It’s like a little loli facing a strong man. What’s the use of resisting?

But it can make the gangster more excited?

Similarly, watching Lei Yunhe’s thunder finger actually control the thunder to resist his own thunder. Li Lianhua hit a few more talisman!

In a moment, thunder and lightning bloomed, completely engulfing Lei Yunhe’s figure!

When he felt that it was almost done, Li Lianhua stopped after the thunder and lightning dissipated! The whole person was half-kneeling on the ground, and his body was completely charred. He looked as miserable as he could!

“You, what method did you just use?”

It was scorched black. Lei Yunhe was seriously injured under the attack of the thunder talisman, but he raised his head and stared at Li Lianhua closely and asked!

Jing Lei refers to a martial art that can control thunder and lightning. Such martial arts are very popular in the world. It can be regarded as the best in the world! However, the person who practiced Thunder Finger was now struck dumb by someone with lightning. This made Lei Yunhe feel shocked for a while, and at the same time, he felt that it was hard to accept this!

A person was defeated by someone using thunder and lightning. Doesn’t this mean he was defeated by others in the field he was best at?

How could an ordinary person accept this?

“Don’t care what method I just used, do you still want to do it?”

Without answering Lei Yunhe’s question directly, Li Lianhua just asked Lei Yunhe calmly!

Lei Yunhe:”……”

You are already like this, and you still ask yourself if you want to take action? Is not this nonsensical?

Although he was complaining secretly in his heart, Lei Yunhe didn’t mean to say any more nonsense. He shook his head and said:”You have passed my test!”

“I’ve said it before, I’m not here to invade Dentian Pavilion, I’m here for you!”After hearing what Lei Yunhe said, Li Lianhua shook his head and said.

At this point, after a slight pause, Li Lianhua continued:”Since you haven’t heard of me, let me introduce myself first!”

“My name is Li Lianhua, and people in the world call me the Master of Lianhua, the miracle doctor Li who brought the dead back to life!”

“My main identity is actually a doctor!”

“Of course, there are also good people who evaluate me as the best doctor in the world!”

Lei Yunhe:”……”

Hearing Li Lianhua’s self-introduction, Lei Yunhe was completely stunned. He looked at Li Lianhua stupidly, feeling that his world view had collapsed!

Good guy, this person who defeated himself with thunder and lightning is not even a genius who is good at martial arts. He is actually a doctor? so what? Can’t he even defeat a healer now?

Thinking of this, Lei Yunhe’s face was very ugly, and he couldn’t laugh or cry at the same time!

“So, why did Divine Doctor Li come to see me?”

So, after a moment of silence, after digesting the news that Li Lianhua was a doctor, and at the same time calming down his emotions, Lei Yunhe asked!

“Since I am a doctor, I naturally come to you to take care of your physical condition!”Li Lianhua answered in a matter-of-fact manner!

Having said that, she didn’t mean to beat around the bush anymore. Li Lianhua asked directly and frankly:”I’ll just tell you frankly. Is your broken arm still intact? Want to restore? And does your state of mind need repair?”

“Doctor Li, you, what did you say?”

Hearing Li Lianhua’s frank words, Lei Yunhe’s eyes widened, staring at Li Lianhua with an unbelievable expression, and said:”You said, you can cure my broken arm?”

If the arm was simply injured, and Li Lianhua said it could be cured, Lei Yunhe wouldn’t think it was a big deal!

However, his arm was completely broken, but Li Lianhua asked if he wanted to Want to recover?

How is this possible?

I have never heard of anyone whose arm was cut off and could be restored again!

“So, you have been hiding in Dengtian Pavilion for too long, and you haven’t paid much attention to the affairs of the world!”

Seeing the shocked expression on Lei Yunhe’s face, Li Lianhua shook his head and said helplessly!

At this point, after a slight pause, Li Lianhua continued:”I am not only able to cure everything in the world. Injuries, even poisoning, and even severed limbs can be reborn!”

“Being missing arms and legs is not a problem for me!”

“I can even solve mental problems, mental illnesses, and even obsessions!”

“In addition, you only need to ask a few questions to know that I can also bring people back to life, and even extend their lives!”

“It is precisely because of these methods that people in the world call me the number one miracle doctor in the world!”

Li Lianhua didn’t mean to be polite, and simply gave Lei Yunhe an inventory of his abilities!

Although the alley is not afraid of the smell of wine, it is still necessary to advertise yourself well!

Besides, I am like this It’s not bragging, it’s a matter of fact, right?

As the saying goes, it’s all about doing things and not talking about them, and it’s about being able to do things and not doing them!

“Regenerate broken limbs, prolong life, bring back the dead……”

Listening to Li Lianhua describe his abilities and methods, Lei Yunhe was dumbfounded!

Have you really been hiding in Dentian Pavilion for too long?

There is such a strange person in the world, and you don’t even know about it?

“Doctor Li, you are so capable that you are respected as the best doctor in the world. This is a matter of course!”

Lei Yunhe didn’t show any intention to question Li Lianhua. Lei Yunhe just nodded and said to Li Lianhua with a sigh of relief!

“Therefore, I also heard about your situation, so I took the initiative to do business with you!

After giving himself a good advertisement, Li Lianhua looked at Lei Yunhe and said,”How is it?” Do you want to restore your broken arm?”

“Also, do you want to mend your state of mind?”

“As long as you can afford the consultation fee, none of this is a problem!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I wonder how much consultation fee you need, Dr. Li?”Hearing this, Lei Yunhe asked Li Lianhua!

“This depends on how much you think my medical skills are worth. You can give it to yourself!”

Li Lianhua still didn’t mean to tell the exact amount.

Li Lianhua also believed that when Lei Yunhe was cured, he would definitely inquire about his situation.

Naturally, he would also know that Baili Dongjun had obtained After receiving his own treatment, he successfully broke through to the terrestrial fairyland! []

For this reason, Xue Yuecheng directly gave him 2 million in medical fees!

“So, let’s ask Dr. Li to take action. I wonder what I need to prepare to treat my situation?”After a moment of silence, Lei Yunhe continued!

“There is no need to prepare anything, you just need to prepare the consultation fee for me as soon as possible!”Li Lianhua replied!

After the words fell, Li Lianhua raised his hands and used the abilities of both hands. The red light bloomed in Li Lianhua’s hands again!

The power of these hands fell on Lei Yunhe, and Lei Yun He only felt that the place where he had broken his arm was itching!

Immediately, Lei Yunhe took off his shirt and took a look!

He saw that his flesh and blood was squirming, and it looked very scary!

However, the bones, meridians, flesh and skin of my broken arm are now growing back bit by bit.

This looks a bit like a 3D printed arm! Elbows, arms, wrists, palms, fingers…

Lei Yunhe stared at himself, watching the originally severed arm grow back bit by bit!

Looking at everything in front of him, Lei Yunhe stared at himself. Yunhe was surprised and happy, and even felt a little unbelievable!

“I, my arm, which has been broken for so many years, can actually grow back! ?”

Although he watched his arm grow with his own eyes, Lei Yunhe still found it unbelievable!

After a long time, when Lei Yunhe’s arm had completely grown, Li Lianhua put down his hand!

As for Lei Yunhe, he moved his arms and didn’t feel any discomfort at all!

“how? Still satisfied?”Looking at the way Lei Yunhe moved his arms, Li Lianhua smiled slightly and asked!

0 Please give me flowers

“Satisfied, I am so satisfied, my arm is completely my own!”Hearing Li Lianhua’s inquiry, Lei Yunhe was overjoyed and nodded hurriedly!

Seeing Lei Yunhe’s extremely happy look, Li Lianhua didn’t mean to disturb him, she just watched calmly!

In this way, have a good time. After a while, Lei Yunhe mobilized his power again, and the flow of internal energy in the meridians of this newly grown arm was not hindered at all!

“Great, my arm has grown back!”

In this way, both hands can perform the martial arts of Thunder Finger. Lei Yunhe shouted with great joy!

Immediately, he turned his head with surprise in his joy, looked at Li Lianhua, and said:”Li Lianhua, you This medical skill is indeed worthy of being the number one miracle doctor in the world. This medical skill of regenerating severed limbs is just like magic, it is amazing!”

“Don’t be too busy praising me, this treatment isn’t over for you yet!”Regarding Lei Yunhe’s praise, Li Lianhua’s expression was calm!

After all, Li Lianhua had heard too many such words of praise, and she already had no fluctuations in her heart!

“Not over yet? Is there anything else I need to pay attention to with my arm?”

Hearing what Li Lianhua said, his treatment was not over yet. Lei Yunhe looked at Li Lianhua in shock and asked.���!

“Didn’t you realize that your cultivation level is still at the master level and has not returned to the level of a great master?”

“I just asked you about treatment. I not only asked whether your arm wanted to recover, but also whether your state of mind needed to be repaired!”

“You didn’t notice it at all, did you?”Li Lianhua opened her mouth and asked Lei Yunhe back!

This statement made Lei Yunhe look very embarrassed!

Because he really didn’t pay attention to the second half of Li Lianhua’s sentence.

He focused his attention on In the first half of the sentence, it was placed at the point where Li Lianhua asked whether her arm wanted to recover!

“What Dr. Li said makes sense!”

Regarding the fact that he didn’t notice the second half of the sentence, Lei Yunhe naturally wouldn’t say anything more on this topic.

But his expression became more solemn, and at the same time, he nodded and said:”Originally, I I always thought that my decline was due to my broken arm. Today, after listening to the words of Divine Doctor Li, I realized that it turned out to be due to my state of mind!”

“Doctor Li can not only heal physical wounds and regenerate lost limbs, but he can also heal mental wounds? If you don’t bother the two masters, please ask Dr. Li to take action!”

“Regarding the issue of consultation fee, I will definitely not treat Dr. Li badly!”

Li Lianhua took the initiative to mention the issue of consultation fees several times. Therefore, Lei Yunhe also knew that Li Lianhua seemed to be more concerned about the consultation fees.

Therefore, he took the initiative to give Li Lianhua such a promise!

I have been waiting for your words.!

Regarding Lei Yunhe’s promise, Li Lianhua felt secretive in her heart.���!

Without any intention of saying any more nonsense, Li Lianhua raised her hand and used both hands again!

But this time, the light blooming on my hand is not red, but blue!

Under the influence of blue light, Lei Yunhe’s originally decadent state of mind was significantly reversed at this moment!

Although he is not as courageous and fearless as Lei Wujie, at least he no longer feels as decadent as before!

As Lei Yunhe’s state of mind changed, for a moment, the aura of the Grand Master Realm burst out from Lei Yunhe’s body!

A breakthrough in cultivation at the Grand Master level is usually accompanied by some changes in the climate and astronomical phenomena!

It’s just that it’s not as noisy as the strong men in the land of gods!

As Lei Yunhe’s state of mind changed, and his cultivation level returned to that of a great master, dark clouds rolled over the Dentian Pavilion, and there were bursts of thunder!

Immediately afterwards, Lei Yunhe directly shattered the door on the 33rd floor of Dengtian Pavilion and came outside!

“I shook the universe with thunder from the nine heavens, and penetrated the sky ninety thousand miles with one finger!”

Stretching out his finger, Lei Yunhe’s voice resounded throughout Xueyue City!


As Lei Yunhe’s voice rang out, among the dark clouds, there was a burst of thunder. Luo Xian was led down by Lei Yunhe and held directly in his hands.!

Holding the thunder and lightning in his hand, under the dark clouds, Lei Yunhe felt like a god of thunder bathed in thunder and lightning! At this moment, everyone in Xueyue City looked towards Dengtian. Here in the pavilion, we saw a scene of thunder!

“Thunder Finger, Nine Heavens Lightning Drawing Technique, whether it is powerful or not is another matter. At least the momentum looks good. In this battle, you can get the upper hand, right?”

Standing not far from Lei Yunhe, watching him raise his hand to cause the thunder from the nine heavens to fall, I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart!

To use a more down-to-earth sentence, it doesn’t matter whether he is strong or not, as long as he is handsome, that’s all!

As a man , How many people can resist such a cool scene? As Lei Yunhe’s cultivation level returned to the Grand Master, this movement was not small, and the three city lords of Xueyue City naturally sensed it!

Sikong Changfeng quickly approached here!

“Brother Lei, congratulations. Not only have you been reborn from a severed limb, but you have also returned to the Grand Master realm!”

When he came to Dengtian Pavilion and took a look at Li Lianhua who was standing next to Lei Yunhe, Sikong Changfeng could understand what was going on and said He Ding with a smile.

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