Sure enough, it seemed to be to confirm Li Lianhua’s conjecture.

After the rituals here ended, not long after, Dajue, the abbot of Jiulong Temple, led the disciples in the temple to appear, saying that they would rectify Ye Anshi of the Demon Sect on the spot!

As for Tang Lian next to her, she looked hesitant.

After all, his original mission was to escort the golden coffin to Jiulong Temple!

Now the Master Dajue of Jiulong Temple is right in front of him. Logically speaking, how should he deal with Wu Xin? He has no reason or position to take action!

However, Lei Wujie next to him didn’t care so much. He jumped out and stood beside Wu Xin, saying that he and Wu Xin would advance and retreat together!

For Lei Wujie, a person with an innocent nature, these are not things he should consider, no matter what the situation.

He just follows his heart and does what he thinks is the right thing to do, that’s all!

Naturally, Xiao Se standing next to him also stood up at this time, saying that he and Wu Xin would advance and retreat together.

What’s more important is that Xiao Se, who recovered his skills under Li Lianhua’s treatment, is now at the Grand Master level!

Dajue’s martial arts is very high, and with the blessing of the Arhat Vajra Formation, his strength is considered to be among the strong at the Grand Master level!

However, facing the attacks from Xiao Se and the others, even Dajue could not suppress them all.

On the contrary, the existence of Wu Xin aroused the inner demon in Dajue’s heart. After the fierce fight, the murderous intention in his heart skyrocketed, so that Dajue became obsessed just like in the original work!

When Ye Dingzhi led the Demon Sect to march eastward, he naturally killed many strong men from Beili, including masters from Jiulong Temple, who were closely related to Dajue.

Therefore, when Wuxin was very young, Dajue thought of taking action against him!

Years of hatred, now pouring down like a flood that has burst a dike, made Dajue go crazy, which can be said to be a reasonable thing!

“Oh, isn’t this business coming?”

Seeing that under the blessing of the Vajra Arhat Formation, Dajue’s skills greatly increased due to his obsession, which made it difficult for Xiao Se and the others to resist. Li Lianhua’s eyes lit up, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but bring up a smile!

How could they? Li Lianhua didn’t want to worry about the fight, after all, it was a thankless task, but someone got carried away, and for Li Lianhua, it was business!

Looking at Dajue’s aura, he easily defeated Wu Xin. Lei Wujie flew away!

Even Xiao Se, who had recovered his cultivation at the Grand Master level, was sent flying by his Vajra Punch.

Li Lianhua moved and appeared in front of Dajue as fast as lightning!

“Who are you? Do you want to stop me too? Then go to hell!”

Seeing Li Lianhua standing in front of him, Dajue, who was obsessed with it, his eyes were red at this moment. He roared and punched Li Lianhua!

“Did Divine Doctor Li take action?”

Seeing Li Lianhua standing in front of Dajue, Lei Wujie and the others’ eyes shone with joy, secretly happy!

Divine Doctor Li is not just a simple medical practitioner, it is rumored that he is a strong man in the Sword Immortal Realm.

If he takes action If so, it would be enough to suppress the possessed Abbot, right? Take this opportunity to see just how powerful Doctor Li is!

Not to mention what the thoughts of the people around him are like.

After waking up, Li Lianhua raised his hand, and immediately a big brush appeared in Li Lianhua’s hand! This action made the faces of Lei Wujie and others who were paying attention to him look astonished!

, isn’t it the existence of the Sword Fairyland?

Why didn’t he take out his sword, but instead took out a brush?

Even though there are people in the world who use the judge pen to fight the enemy, they use the judge made of steel. The pen is not a brush!

Not to mention what Lei Wujie and the others thought about taking out a brush.

After the pen appeared, Li Lianhua held the brush in his hand and drew several characters in the blink of an eye. The talisman appeared and shot towards Dajue!

Some of these talismans turned into ropes, some turned into chains, and some turned into cages in mid- air! On Jue’s body!

Although Dajue’s cultivation level is very high, under the dual blessing of the Vajra Arhat Formation and the Demonic Incarnation, his power is even more terrifying. When these confining spells fall on his body, the ropes are directly torn, and the chains are directly broken. , even the cage was smashed with one punch!

However, as one of the eight magical skills, how can it be broken so easily?

Although a single confinement spell cannot control Dajue at all.

Even if multiple talismans were thrown, Dajue could break them one after another!

However, Dajue’s speed of breaking the talismans was far inferior to the speed of Li Lianhua’s throwing of the talismans!

Often, Dajue had just broken one talisman! Li Lianhua had already had two, three, or even four or five confinement spells thrown on him! But in a moment, these spells fell on Dajue so densely that he was unable to move!

Like a spider thread, it might be easy to break, but if there are hundreds or thousands of them, it will be difficult to break free! Back and forth, Dajue did destroy the imprisonment of more than a dozen talismans!

By the time he destroyed the dozen or so talismans, Li Lianhua had already thrown forty or fifty talismans on him!

Even though Dajue was roaring like a peerless beast trapped in a trap, these were all. The spell fell on him, but he couldn’t break free at all!

“The Tongtian Ru is indeed one of the Eight Wonders. This is indeed terrifying!”

This is the first time that Li Lianhua has used it to fight an enemy since he extracted the power of the Tongtian Rui. This makes Li Lianhua feel very good!

In fact, the power of the Tongtian Rui does not lie in how strong a simple talisman can be.

Tongtian Rui The real power of the 瓓 lies in the frequency of its casting!

Ordinary people have some methods of opening an altar when using spells to deal with the enemy, and even use the forward movement of spells and hand seals. Throw it out like money!

What is this like? It’s like playing League of Legends e-sports. Although your spell strength, magic penetration, and movement speed have not changed, others have CDs when using them! The Tongtian Rui seems to have unlimited firepower mode. Is this abnormal enough?

This is almost the case with the Tongtian Rui! When others are developing normally in the Summoner’s Rift, you just rush in with unlimited firepower mode and use your skills wildly!

I want to ask, is this enough of a bug?

And this is one of the Eight Wonders: Tongtianlu!

“So awesome. What kind of method did Li Lianhua use just now?”

“With a brush, a spell was drawn in the void to use against the enemy?”

“What’s even more frightening is that the charm is being thrown out like it’s free of charge. Who can stop it!”

“National Master Qi Tianchen knows magic. Wangcheng Mountain’s Taiyi Lion Technique and the Great Dragon Elephant Power can also be regarded as magic. However, compared with Li Lianhua’s magic, they are much inferior, right?”

“There are rumors in the world that Li Lianhua is a strong man in the Sword Fairy Realm, but in addition to swordsmanship, does he actually know the methods of these spells? Never heard of this!”


Seeing Li Lianhua’s Tongtian Ru being used, and how easily he restrained the possessed Dajue, everyone around him was dumbfounded!

It’s not that Li Lianhua can subdue Dajue, which is surprising.

It was really the Tongtianlu method used by Li Lianhua just now that shocked people!

“The Eight Wonders are indeed the Eight Wonders. They are indeed terrifyingly powerful!”

Not to mention Lei Wujie and the others, even Li Lianhua couldn’t help but sigh secretly in his heart at this time!

As for the Eight Magic Skills, so far, I have extracted both hands, Liuku Immortal Thief, Julingsend General And Tongtianlu!

But speaking of it, the magic skill suitable for combat is Tongtianlu!

The double hands are mainly for healing, and they can also control people’s hearts! In fact, it can be regarded as a functional skill. How much power it can exert depends on how powerful the spirit can be!

Only this Tongtianlu has its own combat ability!

This is the first time to use actual combat skills against the enemy. The spell in the unlimited fire mode was thrown out, directly suppressing the fire, and easily subdued a possessed master-level expert.

To be honest, this effect would have shocked Li Lianhua simply by using his own power to reach the second level of the Qing Dynasty. If you use your own cultivation level to fight against the enemy, even if you can defeat Dajue, it will never be so easy!

“Who are you? Let me go!”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Under the suppression of dozens of spells���Dajue was still struggling desperately, and at the same time he shouted loudly at Li Lianhua!

“Lotus Host, Li Lianhua!”

Looking at Dajue who was restrained by him, the brush in Li Lianhua’s hand disappeared, he walked up to Dajue and announced his family name!

“Lotus landlord? Are you actually getting along with people from the Demon Cult?”When Dajue heard this, he shouted angrily!

“Putting aside the unintentional things, Zen Master Dajue, you have gone crazy!”Li Lianhua opened her mouth and said to Dajue![]

“Huh, as long as I can punish the traitors and eradicate the evil, I will not hesitate even if I go crazy!”

Dajue himself knew about his obsession, but he didn’t care! It felt like a person knew that he was in a state of rage, and also understood that when he was in a state of rage, he would act impulsively! However, he still didn’t care.

There is no thought of suppressing the anger in my heart!

“Don’t talk so nicely!”

“You say that exterminating demons is for the sake of all people in the world, but in fact, you just want revenge!”

“Otherwise, if it were for the sake of all the people in the world, how could you go crazy yourself?”

“Now, it’s just hatred that has blinded your mind, and that’s why you’ve gone crazy!”Li Lianhua shook her head and said to Dajue!

“Fart, Li Lianhua, let me go now. If anything happens, I’ll wait until I get rid of this devil outside the world!”

In the state of obsession, Li Lianhua’s words were destined to be just playing the harp to an ox. Dajue didn’t listen to Li Lianhua’s words at all. He just kept roaring at Li Lianhua!

Seeing Dajue’s appearance, Li Lianhua shook his head slightly. After that, he didn’t say anything more.

He just raised his hands and used both hands!

However, this time, the light that bloomed from his hands was not red, but blue light! With his hand power, Li Lianhua quickly controlled Dajue’s soul consciousness and then forcibly erased the anger and hatred in his heart!

“Is Divine Doctor Li treating Dajue? However, Dajue was not injured, right?”

Seeing Li Lianhua using all his hands, Lei Wujie asked in surprise!

“This ability is indeed similar to the one that healed me before, but it is still a little different. When it healed me before, the red light bloomed on my hand, but now it blooms blue light!”Xiao Se next to him also spoke!

“`.Divine Doctor Li himself said that he can help people fill their mental deficiencies. In other words, he can not only treat physical injuries, but also spiritual injuries, right?”

Wu Xin, who has the inner demon, is more or less involved in spiritual abilities.

Seeing Li Lianhua using the blue hand ability of both hands, his eyes flashed slightly and he continued!

Listen to Wu Xin’s words , Wu Chan, Tang Lian, Lei Wujie and others all understood. Then, Sikong Qianluo suddenly said with a look of surprise on his face.

Is Divine Doctor Li helping Zen Master Dajue to cure his obsessive state?”

Sikong Qianluo’s words can be regarded as shouting out what everyone is thinking.

However, these words also shocked everyone!

Going crazy, this can be said to be something that all warriors are afraid of.

Although going crazy, If you become a demon, your cultivation will be greatly improved.

However, in this state, you will lose your calm consciousness. This improvement in cultivation is actually more dangerous.

Therefore, no matter what kind of warrior you are, you must avoid fire. The most important thing is the state of being possessed!

But is it really possible for the owner of Lianhua to cure someone else’s state of being possessed? However,

I have never heard of anyone doing this!

Ability, when treating Zen Master Dajue’s obsessive state, suddenly, a group of people appeared!

“Lu Yuzhai, and Wushuang!”Looking at the group of people walking over, Tang Lian said!

At the same time, Lei Wujie and the others also took a defensive posture again!

When they were at Beauty Manor, they had met these people from Wushuang City under Heaven. , the relationship between the two parties is more or less hostile!

Especially the thirteen-year-old boy Wushuang, who seems to be just a child, but his Wushuang sword box can make it difficult for the white-haired immortal to resist. This talent is the most disappointing. People feel shocked!

“Wushuang, take action!”Seeing Li Lianhua’s hands treating Dajue, Lu Yuzhai shouted to Wushuang!

Dajue’s purpose was the same as his own, to deal with Ye Anshi and prevent Ye Anshi from returning to Tianwaitian safely.

So. , Dajue and himself are on the same front!

Dajue’s obsessive state is actually a good thing for Lu Yuzhai!

“Senior brother (hao Lihao), let’s wait until the great monk recovers!”

However, in response to Lu Yuzhai’s words, Wushuang shook his head and had no intention of taking advantage of others!

“Wushuang, if Zen Master Dajue recovers, we will lose a powerful helper!”Hearing this, Lu Yuzhai frowned and said!

It’s just that Wushuang didn’t mean to argue, but still didn’t mean to take action!

In Wushuang’s view, it’s nothing without a powerful helper, and he can control the whole situation by himself. Of course

, if you really can’t do it, then you can just do your best!

“you you……”Seeing Wushuang’s unmoved look, Lu Yuzhai was furious, but there was nothing he could do about Wushuang!

Li Lianhua didn’t pay attention to the thoughts of others. At this time, his mind was still focused on Dajue’s treatment!

After Lan Shou’s ability erased all the anger and hatred in Da Jue’s heart, his obsessive state was like a rootless tree. It was naturally not difficult to recover!

It only took a dozen breaths, and soon the strong evil aura in Dajue’s body dissipated.

At the same time, my eyes also regained clarity!

“Thank you, Dr. Li, for helping me get out of my obsession!”After recovering, Master Dajue thanked Li Lianhua!

Hearing this, Li Lianhua waved his hand and eliminated all the binding spell effects on Dajue!

“You don’t need to say thank you, everyone knows that I charge medical fees for saving people!”Li Lianhua reminded!

“Of course, I, Jiulong Temple, will send the corresponding consultation fee to Doctor Li as soon as possible!”Hearing this, Dajue nodded without hesitation!

Yes, it can help him get rid of his obsessive state. What’s wrong with charging some medical fees?

As a doctor, isn’t it reasonable to charge medical fees to treat illnesses and save people?

After the consultation fee for Dajue was settled, Li Lianhua turned her head and glanced at Lu Yuzhai first, then her eyes fell on Wushuang and nodded slightly:”Wushuang, right? You are a pretty good person!”.

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