In the legend of the Conferred Gods, the auspiciousness of Fengming Qishan was greatly praised by Xiqi.

Then, using this auspicious occasion as an excuse, they directly sent troops to attack Dashang, setting off the prelude to the Battle of the Gods!

For Beili, the auspiciousness of the Qinglong’s arrival in Apocalypse City naturally needs to be well publicized.

What’s more, the situation of Qinglong’s appearance was witnessed by all the people in Tianqi City.

Therefore, with the promotion of the Beili royal family, the news of the birth of the Azure Dragon in Tianqi City quickly spread throughout the world.

For a time, countless eyes turned to Apocalypse City.

Naturally, the situation of Qinglong’s appearance has also been investigated by many forces!


Emperor Daxi has always paid attention to Li Lianhua. After all, he is a descendant of the Nanyin royal family. The more aloof Li Lianhua is, the more threatening he is to Daxi!

However, with Li Lianhua’s current status and strength, even if Emperor Daxi wanted to get rid of Li Lianhua, he would not be able to do so.

Therefore, we can only pay attention to his whereabouts and actions!

“Is there a green dragon appearing in Tianqi City in the north?”

“Li Lianhua took action and cured Emperor Mingde’s illness?”

“And after the green dragon landed, it mysteriously disappeared. Instead, the Lotus Tower was at the place where the green dragon landed?”

Looking at the news about the appearance of Qinglong in Tianqi City, Emperor Daxi frowned tightly.

Similarly, it was not just Lan Yuehou who had the idea that Qinglong was related to Li Lianhua. Looking at these clues, he Emperor Daxi also secretly doubted whether Li Lianhua was related to the legendary Qinglong. Otherwise, this situation seemed to be too coincidental, and the coincidence was completely wrong!!

Of course Ming Emperor Zhu Houzhao is also paying attention to Qinglong news!

“That Qinglong appeared in Beili? Beili is lucky!”

“However, where Qinglong mysteriously disappeared, where was Li Lianhua?”

“””Three-one-seven” It seems that Qinglong and Li Lianhua must be related!”

“That’s it for the Beauty Pill. Unexpectedly, just a short time later, he would launch the Soul-Reviving Pill and even the Immortality Pill?”

“There seem to be more and more secrets about Li Lianhua!”

Zhu Houzhao looked at the information in his hand and murmured secretly in his heart.

As an emperor who had been in contact with Li Lianhua several times, Zhu Houzhao thought he knew something about Li Lianhua!

It was precisely because of this that Zhu Houzhao became more certain that Qinglong and Li Lianhua must be related!

Otherwise, the Lotus Tower just happened to appear where Qinglong landed? However

, what kind of relationship does Qinglong have with Li Lianhua? We just need to continue to investigate! cold!

“Qinglong appears? And is it related to Dr. Li?”

“There are more and more amazing things about Dr. Li!”

“Alas, what a pity!”

Of course Xu Fengnian also learned about the situation in Tianqi City. Xu Fengnian also felt that the appearance of Qinglong was related to Li Lianhua. However, Xu Fengnian sighed again in the end!

Divine Doctor Li is so miraculous, if he can get him With the help, Beiliang is really even more powerful!

“Young Master, there is nothing to sigh about. At least the relationship between us and Divine Doctor Li is still good!”

“As long as we are willing to spend some medical fees, Divine Doctor Li is still willing to help us!”

“Besides, our relationship with Wen Hua can be described as a life-and-death relationship. With Wen Hua as the link between us, Divine Doctor Li will naturally be closer to us, right?”

Jian Jiuhuang next to him saw the way Xu Fengnian sighed, and he could probably guess what Xu Fengnian was thinking, and he said with comfort!

This words made Xu Fengnian nod slightly!

Yes, Lao Huang’s words still make sense! Deep in the snowy mountains, in an ice cave buried deep in the deepest part of the snowy mountains!

“What? Qinglong appears?”

Di Shitian also got the news about the appearance of Qinglong in Beili Tianqi City, which made Di Shitian’s expression become excited, and his wrinkled face seemed to glow with a strange look!

Although With the power of the phoenix blood, Emperor Shitian gained immortality! However

, the phoenix blood could only make him immortal!

After living for two thousand years, Emperor Shitian’s body was already very old.

, Over the years, Emperor Shitian has been trying his best to obtain Dragon Yuan!

Because Dragon Yuan can make him immortal and immortal!

However, under Emperor Shitian’s attention, Shenlong usually stays near Shenlong Island overseas. The sea is dormant and will only wake up on the Day of Jingzhe!

Therefore, Emperor Shitian has been thinking of ways to prepare for the day of Jingzhe to slay the dragon and obtain the dragon essence!

But now, he heard that Beili Tianqi City! , the appearance of a green dragon naturally shocked Emperor Shitian!

Logically speaking, the dragon should still be sleeping before the day of Jingzhe!

“Could it be? Did Shenlong wake up early?”

“Or is there another divine dragon in this world?”Looking at the information in his hand, Di Shitian murmured in a low voice!

In this way, after thinking for a moment, Di Shitian opened his mouth and shouted loudly:”Mother of God!”

As Emperor Shitian shouted, the goddess Luo Xian, wearing an ice sculpture mask, came to Emperor Shitian and said in a respectful tone:”Master!”

“In the north of Tianqi City, the legendary Green Dragon has appeared. Go there yourself and investigate it clearly!”Di Shitian opened his mouth and explained!

“Yes, master!”After Luo Xian responded, he turned around and left!


Lianhua Tower continued to walk in Beili. Regarding the recent news of Qinglong’s appearance, Li Lianhua also understood that this had attracted the attention of the world, and even the court!

After all, for the Beili royal family, the appearance of Qinglong in Tianqi City is too much of a gimmick. Of course, they want to rely on this to make a lot of righteousness!

However, these are not important to Li Lianhua. All Li Lianhua cares about is his own consultation fee!

After getting the Devil Fruit, Nangong Pushe had no intention of continuing to follow the Lotus Tower, and instead walked around the world!

In the words of Nangong Pushe, if you want to grow up quickly, you have to experience more things and hone your character, so that your cultivation can be improved quickly!

Otherwise, if the xinxing cannot keep up, the improvement of cultivation level will be half the result with twice the effort, and may even become stuck in the end!

Walking in the Lotus Building in Beili, Li Lianhua found a recliner very comfortably, lying down and reading the insights on the way of heaven given by Hong Xixiang!

Every time she reads it, Li Lianhua can feel that she has gained something different!

Lu Zu’s understanding of cultivating the way of heaven eight hundred years ago was indeed profound and profound, and it is what Li Lianhua needs most now!

It is very necessary for Li Lianhua to read about it when he has nothing to do, and to understand the way of heaven and improve his state of mind!

“Doctor Li? I didn’t expect that Zajia and Divine Doctor Li had such a fate!”

Then, when Li Lianhua was boredly flipping through the Heavenly Insights in his hand, suddenly, there was a sound of a horse-drawn carriage running, but it stopped next to the Lotus Tower. Immediately, a slightly thin voice sounded!

Li Lianhua heard the sound , put down the book in his hand, and came to the door of Lotus Tower! A carriage was walking side by side with Lotus Tower. A man wearing green clothes and exquisite makeup was standing on the carriage at the moment!

Looking up, this is a very delicate person with neutral beauty!

From the name he just called, he knew that he was from the palace.

Looking at the green dress, Li Lianhua felt something in his heart. Some guesses!

“One of the five great eunuchs, the great eunuch Zhangxiang, Eunuch Jinxian?”Li Lianhua said!

Although it was the first time they met, Li Lianhua could more or less guess the identity of the other party!

“I didn’t expect that Divine Doctor Li would have heard of my shameless name. I was really flattered!”Eunuch Jinxian looked very polite and said with a smile!

“Since we have met, it is fate. Eunuch Jinxian comes in to sit down?”Li Lianhua opened her mouth to invite! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the original novel, which of the five eunuchs in the palace appears the most? It is Eunuch Jinxian!

Moreover, Eunuch Jinxian’s In all aspects of being a human being, he is indeed quite admirable!

“Doctor Li invites you, but Jinxian refuses to be disrespectful!”Hearing Li Lianhua’s initiative to invite him to enter the Lotus Tower, Eunuch Jinxian’s eyes lit up, and he naturally responded with joy!

Then he told him to just let his carriage follow behind the Lotus Tower. After that, Jinxian jumped up and arrived. Lotus Tower!

“Li, Divine Doctor Li, is your Lotus Building the residence of the Immortal Family?”[]

However, when Jinxian stepped into the Lotus Building, he was also shocked by the interior of the Lotus Building. His eyes widened with disbelief!

Not only because of the furnishings in the Lotus Building, the most important thing is the area in the Lotus Building, which is simply exaggerated!

It looks so small on the outside, but so big on the inside?

“There is a saying in Buddhism that Sumeru is hidden in a mustard seed. At first, Jinxian didn’t quite understand that Mount Sumeru is so big, how could it be hidden in a small mustard seed?”

“Now, seeing Doctor Li’s Lotus Building, Jinxian’s eyes have been opened!”

“This Lotus Tower, as Buddhists say, contains mustard seeds, right?”Following that, Jinxian said with emotion!

“Just some little tricks!”Regarding Jinxian’s shock, Li Lianhua just smiled slightly and said it casually without any intention of explaining too much!

Then, after letting Jinxian sit down on the sofa, Li Lianhua also took out a glass of juice from the refrigerator. He came out and poured a glass for Jinxian!

Looking at the transparent glass in his hand, Jinxian naturally sighed in his heart: Doctor Li is indeed a person who charges such a high fee for consultation. This living utensil looks better than the palace. It seems not bad inside!

It even looks more luxurious than the one in the palace!

“Where is Divine Doctor Li going?”After taking a sip of juice, Jinxian asked casually!

“There is no place to go, just travel around the world, the world is huge, it doesn’t matter where you go!”Li Lianhua shook his head and said!

Indeed, when walking around the rivers and lakes, staying in the Lotus Tower, Li Lianhua is completely in the mindset of a self-driving tour!

Since it is a self-driving tour, of course it is enough to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. There is no need to rush on the road. ?

“The life of Dr. Li is so enviable!”Listening to what Li Lianhua said, Eunuch Jinxian’s face was full of sincerity!

Yes, it’s really impressive to have a person like Divine Doctor Li who travels around the world and has such a Lotus Tower where he doesn’t have to sleep in the open air wherever he goes. Envy!

Of course, the most important thing is that Dr. Li is rich and powerful, so he is qualified to enjoy such a leisurely life!

“Where is Eunuch Jinxian? Did you leave the palace for something?”Li Lianhua smiled knowingly and asked Jinxian!

“this……”Hearing this, Jinxian looked a little hesitant!

“Father-in-law, there is no need to be embarrassed. We are just chatting. If it’s hard to talk about it, there’s no need to say it!”Seeing Jinxian’s embarrassed look, Li Lianhua shook his head and said!

“Divine Doctor Li misunderstood, it is not an embarrassing matter!”

“Back then, the demon sect from Tianwaitian went on an eastern expedition and was defeated. The leader of the Ming sect, Ye Dingzhi, had a son who stayed in Beili as a hostage!”

“Now, it’s almost time for Ye Dingzhi’s son to return to the outer world, so there has been a lot of commotion in the world of Beili recently!”

“The Zajia family went to check on the situation for Your Majesty!”Eunuch Jinxian shook his head and said………

“It turns out that the plot has already reached this point in Beili territory?”Hearing what Eunuch Jinxian said, Li Lianhua’s heart moved slightly!

Indeed, Wuxin and his party in the original work did encounter Eunuch Jinxian at Dafanyin Temple!

So what? This time Eunuch Jinxian walked out of the palace, Just to go and meet for a while without any intention?

“Is Eunuch Jinxian going to Dafanyin Temple?”Knowing it in her heart, Li Lianhua asked!

“Dafanyin Temple?”Hearing this, Jinxian looked at Li Lianhua in shock, obviously not understanding why Li Lianhua mentioned Dafanyin Temple!

“Father-in-law!”However, at this moment, a childish voice sounded outside the Lotus Tower. It was the boy accompanying Jinxian!

Jinxian walked to the door of the Lotus Tower. The boy held a white homing pigeon in his hand and passed the flying pigeon. He took the book down and handed it to Jinxian with both hands!

After taking the note from Fei Ge and reading it, a look of surprise appeared on Jinxian’s handsome face!

“Divine Doctor Li, there are rumors in the world that in addition to your amazing cultivation and profound medical skills, there are also rumors that your intelligence ability is unparalleled in the world, even more accurate than Bai Xiaotang’s intelligence ability!”

“Now, I really admire you!”

“News just came that Ye Dingzhi’s son, Ye Anshi, has gone to the direction of Dafanyin Temple!”

After returning to the Lotus Building, Jinxian said to Li Lianhua with admiration!

“Yeah? It seems that I can accompany you to the Dafanyin Temple!”Hearing what Eunuch Jinxian said, Li Lianhua’s brows raised slightly!

“oh? Doctor Li, are you also interested in Ye Anshi?”Hearing this, Jinxian looked at Li Lianhua in surprise and asked!

“No, I went there for someone else!”Li Lianhua shook his head and said!

If there is a chance, Li Lianhua would also like to see the protagonist group of Young Song Xing.

After all, they are all a group of teenagers, but they all go to the Grand Master Realm. Of course Li Lianhua is interested in seeing how his cultivation level has improved, even to the realm of land gods!

Also, there is Xiao Chuhe, who is also the sixth prince of Beili.

Do you need to seek medical treatment at this time?

This prince, and the prince who was known as the number one genius in Beili in 4.2, if he can be cured, will the medical treatment fee be indispensable?

“It is my honor to be able to work with Dr. Li!”

Hearing that Li Lianhua didn’t go for Ye Anshi, Jinxian didn’t think too much, nodded and said!

That’s right. Although Ye Anshi is in Beili, he has indeed caused quite a stir recently, but it is worth it.

Doesn’t it seem that Doctor Li is not qualified enough to take it so seriously ?

In this case, Eunuch Jinxian’s carriage followed the Lotus Tower, and the Lotus Tower also turned around and headed towards the Dafanyin Temple for two days! By that time, the Lotus Tower was only a few dozen miles away from the Great Fanyin Temple!

According to the news from the informants, Wu Xin had indeed entered the Great Fanyin Temple!

In this way, the Lotus Tower was heading directly to the Great Fanyin Temple!

However, just as he was about to enter the city, a figure suddenly appeared and stopped in front of the Lotus Tower!

The horses pulling the Lotus Tower were all very spiritual because they had eaten the Beast Pet Pill, and they seemed to be aware of what was happening. The people in front of the Lotus Tower were not simple. After neighing twice, they stopped.

“Master Lianhua, is Lian at home?”

The person standing in front of the Lotus Tower was a burly man, holding a giant sword in his hand, and shouted to the Lotus Tower in a dull and thunderous voice!

“Did anyone seek medical advice?”

Hearing the sound, Li Lianhua walked out of the Lotus Building, looked at the other party, and wrinkled his brows without any trace!

Looking at the other party’s appearance, it seemed that the person who came was evil. It didn’t look like he was here to seek medical treatment!

Follow Li Lianhua Behind him, Eunuch Jinxian also walked out, looking at the figure blocking the lotus building, his face changed slightly:”Why is he here?”

“oh? Does Duke Jinxian recognize this person?”Li Lianhua turned her head and took a look and asked!

Hearing this, Eunuch Jinxian nodded and said:”Of course I recognize it, Divine Doctor Li. This is the Wrath Sword Immortal, Yan Zhan, one of the five great sword immortals in Beili. sky!”.

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