The young eunuch bought a longevity elixir from Li Lianhua and asked the emperor of Liyang Dynasty to take it.

Although it only adds 10 years to their life span, for these high-ranking people, even if it only adds one year to their life span, or even just one month to their life span, that is still good!

Moreover, purchasing such a longevity elixir is actually a further test to see if Li Lianhua has any strange thoughts about the Liyang Dynasty royal family!

Now, he is not only willing to treat Qi Lianhua and save his life, but also willing to sell longevity medicine to the royal family of Liyang Dynasty. , which is enough to fully prove that he really has no intention of siding with Li Yangchao or Beiliang, and his behavior is really just doing business!

Although there are rumors in the world that the price of a pill of longevity is 500,000 taels of silver.

But perhaps in order to leave a better impression on Li Lianhua, Li Yangchao paid Li Lianhua a full 800,000 taels of medicine.

If others are willing to give more, it is regarded as a good relationship with him. Naturally, Li Lianhua has no intention of refusing.

After receiving the 800,000 taels of medicine, Li Lianhua’s medical expenses also increased to 2.6 million!

“Okay, now I can open two more gold-level treasure chests and take a look, right?”Li Lianhua nodded with satisfaction regarding the amount of his consultation fee.

Since all the longevity medicines had been sold, Li Lianhua had no intention of staying in the palace any longer and left directly!

After leaving, Li Lianhua Lianhua quickly left Tai’an City and caught up with Hong Xixiang and Qi Lianhua!

“Doctor Li, please take action and save my grandpa!”Seeing Li Lianhua coming, Xu Zhihu breathed a sigh of relief and said!

“Well, that’s what I’m here for!”Li Lianhua nodded and said!

Immediately, the abilities of both hands were used again. Qi Lianhua, who was seriously injured and unconscious under the young eunuch’s attack, quickly recovered from his injuries!

“Sure enough, the heritage of a dynasty is unfathomable!”Qi Lianhua, who woke up, looked very helpless and sighed.

Although he originally guessed that it would be impossible for him to go to the Liyang Palace to kill the emperor alone.

However, Qi Lianhua did not expect that the palace There was actually such a master hidden among them, and he was defeated so easily in front of him!

“The reason why that young eunuch is strong is not because of his own cultivation, but because of Li Yangchao’s luck!”The Hong Xixiang next to him heard this and said,

“In that palace, the way you cut off 30% of Liyang Chao’s luck with one sword was amazing!”

Listening to what Hong Xixiang said, Li Lianhua took one look at him and said sincerely in admiration!

Indeed, one sword can cut off 30% of a dynasty’s fortune? Such a method is indeed not something that ordinary people can do.

Even if it is Li Lianhua had already known about Hong Xixiang’s abilities from the original work, but he was still amazed when he saw it!

“Dr. Li’s medical skills also amaze me!”After hearing Li Lianhua’s praise for him, Hong Xixiang also glanced at Li Lianhua and said with admiration!

The two of them were exchanging business blows, but Xu Zhihu next to him was secretly thinking. laugh

“Indeed, Dr. Li’s medical skills are amazing!”Qi Lianhua, who was next to him, also spoke at this moment and interjected!

Qi Lianhua knew very well how serious his injuries were under the young eunuch’s attack!

However, his injuries recovered so easily. ? Such medical skills are really experienced in person, but they are still shocking!

“Everyone in the world knows that my consultation fee is very expensive, it can even be said to be the most expensive consultation fee in the world!”

“If you don’t have amazing medical skills, how can you be qualified to charge such an expensive consultation fee?”

Listening to Qi Lianhua and Hong Xixiang’s praise of him, Li Lianhua just said with a smile!

These words made Qi Lianhua and Hong Xixiang next to him nod silently!

Indeed, Li Lianhua’s medical skills It’s amazing , and the longevity medicine and even the soul-reviving pill are even more jaw-dropping.

But if you really want to talk about it, both the medical fee and the medicine cost are extremely exaggerated!

After Hua’s injuries were completely treated, the matter of coming to Tai’an City for revenge was solved perfectly!

Then, Li Lianhua and others found Xu Fengnian and the others!

Although Jian Jiuhuang crushed Han Diao Temple from beginning to end! , but Han Diao Si’s counterattack before his death did indeed cause him to suffer some injuries!

Xu Xiao and Xu Weixiong escaped from Tai’an City and were more or less injured when Li Lianhua was carried away! After completely healing these people’s injuries, Beiliang’s revenge for the Baiyi case was successfully completed!

Even Hong Xixiang killed Li Yangchao’s 30% luck with one sword. This matter was considered a success. The mission of revenge was overfulfilled!

After the group returned to Beiliang, the Beiliang army prepared to fight, guarding against Li Yangchao’s complete betrayal!

And after Li Lianhua returned to Beiliang, of course he took He got his own 1.5 million taels of medical treatment!

This time, Li Lianhua went with him and as a support staff, he also cured everyone’s injuries.

Therefore, Xu Fengnian was generous and directly gave Li Lianhua 1.5 million taels of medical treatment. After receiving the 1.5 million yuan in consultation fees, Li Lianhua’s consultation fees soared to 4.1 million taels!

“By the way, should I open a few gold-level treasure chests to check it out, or should I collect another 10 million?”Unknowingly, the number of medical fees reached 4.1 million taels. Li Lianhua, who originally wanted to open more gold-level treasure chests, muttered secretly in her heart.

Yes, this has already exceeded 400 taels. I already have 10,000 yuan worth of medical treatment, and Emperor Mingde in Beili is still waiting for me! The medical money there won’t be small, right?

So, it seems that I can really scrape together another 10 million yuan for a trial. Try it?

Although Renshu cannot mobilize all its power with his current cultivation level, no one can ignore the power of Renshu!

What if he discovers another innate spiritual treasure that he can use?

With an idea in mind, Li Lianhua temporarily decided to open the gold-level treasure chest!

After staying in Beiliang for another two days, Li Lianhua said goodbye to Xu Weixiong and Xu Fengnian. Li Lianhua, open any door, and when he appears again, he has arrived at Apocalypse City in Beili!

“Stop, who is it?”The palace in Tianqi City saw Li Lianhua coming, and the guards guarding the palace blocked Li Lianhua’s way.

“Please also report that the owner of Lianhua Hall, Li Lianhua, is here to treat His Majesty!”Li Lianhua said!

It seemed that he had been informed a long time ago. Therefore, after hearing Li Lianhua reveal his identity, the guard immediately notified him.

Soon, Lan Yuehou Xiao Lingchen came out to greet him in person!

“Is this Doctor Li? Sure enough, you are young enough!” Lan Yuehou walked to the entrance of the palace, looked at Li Lianhua up and down, and said with an amazed expression!

“Lan Yuehou, long admired name!”Li Lianhua had a calm smile on her face, nodded slightly to Lan Yuehou and said!

“What kind of name can I have? But the name of Divine Doctor Li is unknown to everyone in the world!”Waving his hands, Lan Yuehou said with a smile!

In this way, the two stood at the entrance of the palace, and after exchanging business blows, Lan Yuehou invited Li Lianhua to enter the palace!

Emperor Mingde In the bedroom, Li Lianhua came directly, and Nangong Pushe was also there.

“Sorry, Dr. Li!”Emperor Ming De was very cooperative, stretched out his wrist and said to Li Lianhua!

“Your Majesty, is this?”Looking at Emperor Mingde’s stretched out wrist, Li Lianhua looked a little stunned.

“Doctor Li, don’t you need to check your pulse?”Looking at Li Lianhua’s stunned look, Emperor Mingde also asked with a confused look on his face!

Yes, shouldn’t all doctors examine the pulse before speaking?

“Your Majesty has misunderstood. I treat people’s injuries and illnesses, and I never need to diagnose their pulse!”Li Lianhua shook her head and said!

“Divine Doctor Li’s medical skills are truly amazing!”Hearing this, Emperor Mingde retracted his wrist and said with emotion.

Li Lianhua glanced at Nangong Pushe, nodded slightly as a greeting, and then stretched out his hands!

The red light and blue light bloomed in Li Lianhua’s hands respectively!

This was the first time that Li Lianhua used the abilities of red hands and blue hands at the same time!

Instead of treating him, Li Lianhua used both hands to get to know Emperor Mingde. After a moment, he put down his palm!

“How about, Doctor Li, can my condition be cured?”Emperor Mingde spoke and asked Li Lianhua expectantly!

If he were an ordinary doctor, Emperor Mingde would not expect to be cured. As long as he could regulate his body and support himself for a little longer, that would be enough!

But who is it? ? This is Li Lianhua, the best doctor in the world!

If there is anyone in the world who can cure me, it seems that only he can do it, right?

“It can be cured, but I still need to make it clear to you about His Majesty’s condition!”Li Lianhua looked calm. It was obvious that curing Emperor Mingde was not a difficult task for her.

Listening to Li Lianhua’s answer, whether it was Emperor Mingde, Lan Yuehou, Jinxuan, or even Guo Shi Qi Tianchen and the others all showed joy on their faces!

Since Doctor Li said so confidently that it can be cured, it should be fine! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Doctor Li, please tell me! Emperor Mingde nodded and said to Li Lianhua!

“First of all, His Majesty’s physical condition is indeed very bad!”

“Treating physical conditions, it’s not difficult!”

“However, the reason why his physical condition has become so bad actually comes from His Majesty’s thoughts and worries!”

“Therefore, if you want to completely cure His Majesty’s condition, simply treating the physical condition is not the main thing, but changing the mind is the main thing!”

“Does Your Majesty want to simply cure the physical condition, or does he want to change his mind as well?”Li Lianhua opened her mouth and asked Emperor Mingde!

“Needless to say? Naturally, it is a complete cure!”Listening to what Li Lianhua said, Emperor Mingde did not rush to answer. On the contrary, Lan Yuehou beside him couldn’t help but speak and said to Li Lianhua!

However, Li Lianhua did not answer Lan Yuehou’s words, but continued. Staring at Emperor Mingde!

Emperor Mingde’s physical condition is his own. Naturally, this decision can only be made by Emperor Mingde!

Seeing that Li Lianhua didn’t answer, Lan Yuehou also understood and looked at Emperor Mingde:”Emperor Brother, is there anything to hesitate about?”

“There is no need to rush when it comes to treatment. Let’s talk about the condition clearly first!” Emperor Mingde shook his head and said to Lan Yuehou!

Then, Emperor Mingde continued to look at Li Lianhua and said:”Miracle Doctor Li, what do you mean by changing your mind?”

“The literal meaning is to let Your Majesty let go of your depressed thoughts! Li Lianhua replied

“Doctor Li, you can actually change people’s minds directly?”Emperor Mingde looked at Li Lianhua in shock!

Similarly, Lan Yuehou, Qi Tianchen and others next to him also looked at Li Lianhua with wide eyes! []

Can you change a person’s mind? Such an ability is really true How terrifying!

It was Doctor Li who took the initiative to say so! What if he secretly controlled the emperor’s thoughts?

The consequences would be unimaginable!

“That’s why I was able to help Li Chungang return to the land of sword immortals that day!”Li Lianhua replied!

This answer can be regarded as acknowledging Emperor Mingde’s shocked words! He indeed has the ability to change other people’s thoughts!

Emperor Mingde was silent. When Li Lianhua said that his health became worse because of worry. When he was thinking about Yu Yue, Emperor Ming De knew what he was worrying about Yu Yue!

It was the death of King Langya that made it difficult for him to let go now.

So what did Li Lianhua say about changing his mind? Are you trying to stop worrying about King Langya?

People like Lan Yuehou and Qi Tianchen naturally know a little bit about Emperor Mingde’s thoughts. After all, it is related to the thoughts of an emperor, and it is right for Emperor Mingde to think carefully!

So, after a moment of silence, Emperor Mingde said:”Thank you, Divine Doctor Li, for informing me of the cause of my illness!”

“It’s just that I don’t want to let go of the things that are on my mind so easily!”

“Therefore, all the kindness of Divine Doctor Li was wasted!”

“Doctor Li, regarding my physical condition, you just need to help me heal my body!”


As the saying goes, medicine can’t kill people! Now that Emperor Mingde has made his choice, Li Lianhua will naturally not talk nonsense!

Besides, from a selfish point of view, Emperor Mingde chose to treat the symptoms rather than treat the disease. The way to treat the root cause is to treat him every few years, right?

This seems to be a medical business that can be developed in the long term.

Li Lianhua raised his hand, and red light bloomed in Li Lianhua’s hand. , the red hand ability of both hands acted on Emperor Mingde’s body, quickly healing his physical wounds! With Li Lianhua’s ability of both hands, Emperor Mingde could also clearly feel the changes in his body! It felt like a person who was originally weak from a cold had recovered quickly!

It was like the stone that had been weighing on his body had been removed.

Emperor Mingde could clearly feel his body. It’s become easier, Xu Linuo and Zhao are much more relaxed!

“Your Majesty, your expression has changed completely!”

Eunuch Jinxuan, who was sitting next to Emperor Mingde and grew up with him, looked at Emperor Mingde’s complexion and said happily!

As the most favored eunuch around Emperor Mingde, Jinxuan naturally has a lot of power.!

If the emperor dies, according to the rules, he has to guard the imperial mausoleum, and the power in his hands will naturally be gone!

Therefore, if Emperor Mingde can live well, this will also be a blessing to Eunuch Jinxuan! good news!

“Yes, Brother Wang’s complexion has become completely different. This is because his body has fully recovered!”Lan Yuehou also nodded and said!

“Indeed, I can clearly feel that my physical condition is completely different! Emperor Mingde also nodded and said with a happy look on his face!

“The tone of this voice is completely different!”Qi Tianchen also stroked his long beard and nodded with a smile!

As he spoke, everyone secretly sighed, is he worthy of being the legendary best doctor in the world? This kind of treatment method is amazing, Yang!

So many The imperial doctors and even the famous doctors were helpless.

However, when they came to Li Lianhua, not only was the cause of the disease clearly understood, but the treatment was also so effortless, not to mention how shocked De Emperor and others were. Lianhua’s medical skills were superb. In short, after Li Lianhua showed his skills and helped Emperor Mingde heal his physical condition, everyone was happy!

Then, Emperor Mingde directly mobilized 1.8 million taels of medical fees and gave it to Li Lianhua. As his consultation fee!

With the addition of the 1.8 million taels, Li Lianhua’s current consultation fee has suddenly soared to nearly 6 million, which is 1,000 yuan after he collected it! The medical fee of 10,000 yuan has taken another step forward!

“Nangong? Let’s talk?”After accepting the consultation fee, Li Lianhua had no intention of staying in the palace anymore, and said to Nangong Pushe next to him!

“good!”Hearing this, Nangong Pushe’s face showed a smile!

She naturally understood what Li Lianhua meant!.

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