“Mr. Xu, what have you been busy with recently?”

Beiliang, in a farmhouse, a blind old man was groping for his meal. Suddenly, a familiar shout rang out!

“Ha, boy Xu!”The blind old man heard this and said hello with a smile on his face!

Old Xu Tou was once a member of the Beiliang Iron Cavalry. Later, he lost his eyes due to the war and retired!

And what about Xu Fengnian? But he was hiding Because of his identity as the prince of Beiliang, he became a close friend! Previously, Lu Qiantang’s identity was Lin Tanhua, and he stood on the carriage and angrily accused Xu Fengnian’s family of being Liyang Chao’s biggest problem. Even though his eyes were blind, Old Xu Tou still respected Xu Xiao very much, and he understood even more how difficult it was for King Qi of Beiliang!

“You kid, you haven’t been here for some time!”After hearing Xu Fengnian’s voice, Old Xu Tou complained angrily!

“Well, I recently took a trip to the East China Sea!”Xu Fengnian said.

“By the way, where is the girl you brought last time? Why didn’t you come?”

Although his eyes were blind, Lao Xu Tou’s ears became much more sensitive, and he asked Xu Fengnian!

Hearing Lao Xu Tou ask about Jiang Ni’s whereabouts, Xu Fengnian was silent for a while!

“You kid, aren’t you letting me down? If this is the case, Old Xutou, I will have to teach you a lesson!”Hearing that Xu Fengnian didn’t speak and responded with silence, Lao Xutou’s expression changed.

“No, no, of course not!”

Hearing what Old Xu Tou said, Xu Fengnian quickly shook his head and said:”She just went back to her parents’ home, so she didn’t follow her this time!”

After being taken away by Cao Changqing, it was said that Jiang Ni had returned to her parents’ home. Isn’t this nonsense?

“So that’s it, I also said that you are not that kind of heartless guy!”Hearing Xu Fengnian’s answer, Old Xu Tou nodded with satisfaction!

“By the way, Lao Xutou, I am here today to tell you good news!”

Xu Fengnian didn’t want to talk too much about Jiang Ni. After all, it was a sad thing, so he changed the subject and said!

“oh? good news? What good news?”Hearing this, Lao Xutou asked curiously!

“I heard that Northern Liang King Xu Xiao has asked Liyang Dynasty 01 for a hereditary favor. In the next few days, the crown prince Xu Fengnian will take over the throne of Northern Liang King!”

“In addition, Xu Fengnian signed a medical insurance agreement with Li Shenyi, the owner of Lotus House, to provide medical treatment to those injured in Beiliang Cavalry twice a year!”

“Old Xutou, weren’t you a member of the Beiliang Iron Cavalry before? Therefore, you are also eligible to receive treatment!”

“The medical skills of Dr. Li, the owner of the Lotus Building, are unparalleled in the world. Your eyes will definitely be cured!”

Xu Fengnian spoke and told Lao Xutou the situation!

“Really? That’s great!”Hearing this, Old Xutou’s face showed a look of joy!

Although he is blind, Old Xutou has also heard of Li Lianhua, the owner of Lotus House, as a miracle doctor.

Hearing that Li Lianhua can help Beiliang The brothers in the cavalry were healing, and Lao Xutou was also very happy!

There are many veterans like me who are missing arms and legs. If it is said that Dr. Li can regenerate his limbs

, he can really help a lot. Old brother, Old Xutou is not just happy for himself.

Old Xutou is not just a special case!

Many veterans who had to retire due to injuries have now received the news that they can receive treatment from the owner of Lotus. When the news spread, countless people cheered!

Among the Beiliang Iron Cavalry, Xu Fengnian’s prestige naturally increased!

Being able to treat all injured people, especially those with disabilities, naturally made the entire Beiliang Iron Cavalry army happy. No one can stop this!

Even Chen Zhibao, who wants to compete with Xu Fengnian for the control of the Beiliang Army, can only do his best to cooperate!

When the day came for treatment, Li Lianhua came to the military camp of Beiliang Cavalry. Among them.

Then, many injured and even retired veterans lined up and came to Li Lianhua!

And Li Lianhua had been prepared to fight for many days and was the first to come up! The person receiving treatment was a veteran who was lame due to an infection in his leg due to an arrow wound. He had to go to the front line and work as a logistics soldier.

Li Lianhua used both hands to perform this in just a dozen breaths. The veteran’s limping leg was immediately treated and is now alive and kicking!

“Thanks to Dr. Li, thank you to His Majesty, my leg has finally recovered!”

He touched his leg well, and then tried to jump again to make sure that his limping leg was really healed. The veteran’s face showed an extremely excited look, and he shouted happily!

“Is it really better? But after being lame for many years, his legs are actually healed?”

“Lotus Host, Dr. Li’s medical skills are truly unparalleled in the world!”

“Yes, yes, leg diseases that are difficult to treat for other doctors are just a piece of cake for Dr. Li!”


The other soldiers saw with their own eyes the effectiveness of Li Lianhua’s hands. This immediate effect made the surrounding soldiers marvel.

At the same time, I am extremely happy!

One by one, the soldiers lined up in front of Li Lianhua, feeling quite like eating in a factory cafeteria!

As for Li Lianhua’s hands, the effect was immediate. When soldiers came one by one, no matter what kind of injury they had, even those who were missing arms or legs, he could quickly heal them.

In just a moment, hundreds of soldiers received Li Lianhua’s treatment and fully recovered!

This speed shocked all the soldiers in the military camp.

Seeing with their own eyes the medical skills performed by Li Lianhua, these soldiers felt even more that their lives would be protected in the future.

After all, news came from the palace that Divine Doctor Li and the Crown Prince had signed a contract to hold such a large-scale consultation twice a year!

In other words, even if you are injured on the battlefield in the future, or even missing an arm or a leg, you will still have a chance to recover!

In this way, these soldiers have one less thing to worry about!

“This Xu Fengnian really accomplished something!”

Even as a competitor, Chen Zhibao watched each soldier receive treatment and recover, and he nodded silently in his heart!

At first, he looked down on Xu Fengnian, thinking that he was just a playboy.

But now, Chen Zhibao’s view of him has changed. A lot!

“The Crown Prince is so powerful. From today on, the Crown Prince is considered prestigious in the military!”

Chu Lushan next to him also stared at the treatment situation here, and then nodded silently.

Although he was one of Xu Xiao’s six adopted sons like Chen Zhibao,

Chu Lushan was loyal to Xu Fengnian from the bottom of his heart. , and at the same time, there is also the deep love and care that an elder brother has for his younger brother! Therefore, seeing Li Lianhua treating the injuries of these veterans, all of them recovered, Chu Lushan was also happy for Xu Fengnian!

In the Liang army, the prince had gained a foothold and gained his own prestige.

Naturally, it became much smoother for him to take charge of Beiliang!

In this way, Li Lianhua stayed in this military camp for seven days and seven nights according to the original plan! It was agreed that a consultation would only take three days.

However, there were too many wounded people in this first consultation, so Li Lianhua stayed in the military camp for seven days and nights to treat all the tens of thousands of wounded soldiers. The treatment was completed.

Li Lianhua was so dedicated that Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian were very grateful!

Li Lianhua waved his hand and said that this was what he should do. If you’re sorry, just give yourself more medical fees!

Hearing this, Xu Fengnian was generous and took several boxes of jewelry from the treasure house and sent them to Li Lianhua.

These boxes of jewelry can be valued at more than 30 yuan! Li Lianhua accepted the consultation fee of ten thousand taels without hesitation! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) After all, as long as it was a consultation fee, she had no intention of refusing it!

After working for a few extra days, Xu Fengnian paid some extra medical fees, and she could say that she was satisfied with the payment!

After accepting the jewelry, Li Lianhua looked at the amount of her medical fees, which already amounted to more than 760. At the level of 10,000,

Li Lianhua nodded silently!

It’s good. It’s already over 7.6 million. Is he already three-quarters of the way to the 10 million mark? [] What if? It would be really good to have a big client and buy a soul – reviving pill! After seven days and seven nights of consultation in the Beiliang military camp, Li Lianhua also felt a little mentally exhausted.

After saying hello, I fell into a deep sleep! After two days and two nights of sleep, I was finally full!

After that, the entire Beiliang Palace was very lively, and there were many dignitaries from Liyang Dynasty. The dignitaries all arrived in Beiliang to celebrate Xu Fengnian’s taking over the throne of Beiliang!

Xu Xiao had already settled the matters that needed to be settled in the court of Liyang Dynasty. Naturally, the ceremony for Xu Fengnian to take over the throne of Beiliang went well. It went very smoothly.

Some of the people who came to watch the ceremony were happy, some were gritting their teeth, and some were watching indifferently. In short, everyone had their own thoughts!

Li Lianhua was also watching, but she was just joining in the fun! After taking over Beiliang, it can be said that many hardships followed, because Xu Xiao was already dead at that time.

Some say that after Xu Xiao died, many people came to bully Xu Fengnian! Taking over Beiliang, Xu Xiao���He’s still alive and kicking, so he can be protected for a little longer.

“This kid, from today on, he has grown up!”

Beside Xu Weixiong, stood a woman in a red dress. She was looking at Xu Fengnian with tears in her eyes and said!

“Well, this kid should grow up!”Xu Weixiong next to him nodded. Looking at Xu Fengnian who finally took over Beiliang, there was a lot of relief in his eyes.

Sisters Xu Zhihu and Xu Weixiong stood together and chatted, watching Xu Fengnian finally take over. After being slapped by Beiliang, the two sisters looked sighing and sighing!

While chatting, Xu Weixiong glanced at Li Lianhua who was watching the excitement not far away.

He looked again and saw that Li Yangchao was coming! The two senior officials seemed to be discussing how to talk to Li Lianhua, but Xu Weixiong spoke first:”Miracle Doctor Li?”

Hearing Xu Weixiong calling him, Li Lianhua glanced this way and walked over.”Miss Xu Er, Miss Xu!”

Li Lianhua said hello!

Although it was the first time she saw Xu Zhihu, Li Lianhua could guess his identity by looking at her appearance in red!

“This must be Dr. Li, the owner of Lotus Tower, right? first meet!”

“I heard that you helped treat the injuries of many soldiers of the Beiliang Iron Cavalry!”

“I really want to thank Dr. Li!”

Compared with Xu Weixiong’s powerful aura, Xu Zhihu gives people a gentle and peaceful feeling, giving people the feeling of a good wife and loving mother!

“No need to thank me, this is just business!”In response to Xu Zhihu’s words of thanks, Li Lianhua waved his hands and said!

After saying this, Li Lianhua paused slightly, then looked at Xu Zhihu and said:”A few days ago, I went to Wudang Mountain and saw that The little Taoist priest who herds cattle!”

Xu Zhihu’s expression froze slightly when she heard this. Of course she understood who the little Taoist Li Lianhua was talking about. It was Hong Xixiang!

“He is still herding cattle in the mountains, waiting to become the best in the world?”After a moment of silence, Xu Zhihu asked!

“Well, not bad, and you can check the sign every day to see when you can go down the mountain!”Li Lianhua nodded and said!

These words made Xu Zhihu silent!

However, Xu Weixiong next to him suddenly spoke at this time and said to Li Lianhua:”There are rumors in the world that your medical skills, Divine Doctor Li, are not only able to help others. It’s just about recovering from injuries, and it can even help others fill their mental gaps!”

“Can you help change Hong Xixiang’s state of mind?”

“That guy is so stubborn!”

As a younger sister, Xu Weixiong felt very sorry for what happened between Xu Zhihu and Hong Xixiang!

More importantly, his eldest sister had already done this.

However, The Hongxi Elephant still refused to come down the mountain. Isn’t this because there is something wrong with the Hongxi Elephant?

“Second sister!”

After listening to what Xu Weixiong said, Xu Zhihu called her, then shook his head and said:”The little Taoist just has his own persistence in his heart, not because of a lack of state of mind.”

“If you asked Divine Doctor Li to take action, wouldn’t this forcefully distort the little Taoist priest’s state of mind? How can this be done?”

In Xu Zhihu’s view, although he complained about Hong Xixiang, he never felt that there was anything wrong with Hong Xixiang’s psychology!

Xu Weixiong said that he wanted Li Lianhua to distort Hong Xixiang’s psychology. , Xu Zhihu naturally disapproved!

Even if Divine Doctor Li really did it, would Hong Xixiang, whose mind was distorted at that time, still be Hong Xixiang?

“Sister, don’t you want that Hong Xixiang to come down the mountain?”Listening to Xu Zhihu’s words, Xu Weixiong didn’t mean to be afraid and asked instead!

In terms of aura, no one in the Xu family can make Xu Weixiong afraid. On the contrary, everyone should be afraid of Xu Weixiong!”

“Of course I want to, but the melon that is forced is not sweet!”Hearing this, Xu Zhihu shook his head, and at the same time, he sighed silently in his heart.

“Although the twisted melon is not sweet, it quenches your thirst!”Xu Weixiong followed and said!

“Good guy, Xu Weixiong’s remarks are really outrageous!”

Listening to Xu Weixiong’s direct words, Li Lianhua sighed secretly in her heart!

How could a woman say such words?

So, this is indeed very Xu Weixiong?

“Second sister, what did you say?”Xu Weixiong’s words were so aggressive, even Xu Zhihu felt it was very harsh, and he said softly!

Immediately, he smiled apologetically at Li Lianhua and said,”Mr. Li is ridiculous, my second sister’s character, It’s so straight forward!”

“Li naturally knows Miss Xu Er’s character. She is so straightforward and decisive. She is an almost strange woman. How can I laugh?”After listening to what Xu Zhihu said, Li Lianhua shook his head and said!

But when it came to this, Li Lianhua paused slightly and then said:”Actually, Miss Xu Er’s words are not wrong at all. That Hong Xixiang The state of mind is not normal, but a congenital defect!”

As soon as these words came out, the two sisters Xu Zhihu and Xu Weixiong showed surprise on their faces! Is

Hong Xixiang’s state of mind congenitally deficient?

These words were completely unexpected by the two sisters!

“What is the explanation for what Dr. Li said?”After Xu Zhihu was stunned for a long time, he looked at Li Lianhua seriously and asked!

Xu Weixiong next to him also widened his eyes and looked at Li Lianhua curiously, waiting for Li Lianhua’s explanation!

“how to say? In fact, Hong Xixiang said that he will become the best in the world in the future. This is not a lie!”

“He just lost the memory of his previous life because of his reincarnation!”

“If, when he becomes enlightened and retrieves the memory of his previous life, then he can become the best in the world!”Li Lianhua replied!

“Then, what is the past life of Hong Xixiang?”Xu Zhihu was silent for a moment and asked…

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