Seeing that Xu Weixiong actually moved faster than herself and jumped down directly. Seeing that her whole body was wet and Miaoman’s figure was just on display, Li Lianhua was also stunned!

Not to mention, Xu Weixiong’s resolute attitude makes him look like an extremely forthright man.

“Doctor Li, you just wait on the boat while I go down to look for it alone?”Xu Weixiong, who fell into the sea, saw that Li Lianhua was just staring at him without making any movement, so he asked!

“No, Miss Xu Er, why do you seem to care more than me?”Withdrawing his gaze, Li Lianhua asked strangely!

“Didn’t you say that yourself? A sprite grass can be exchanged for a soul-reviving pill!”

“If I help you find the magic grass, then the soul-reviving pill that Feng Nian owes you won’t require 5 million in medicine, right?”

“Such a sum of money for medicine is also very important to Beiliang!”Xu Weixiong explained.

His purpose was to save the 5 million medicine money for Beiliang.

This statement made Li Lianhua silent.

Although he really wanted the 5 million, a sprite grass can be exchanged for one. Soul-Reviving Pill, this is indeed what I said, so I can’t refute it.

“Okay, what you said makes sense. If you really find the magic grass, then the 5 million medicine cost will indeed be waived!”After a moment of silence, Li Lianhua nodded!

Although he is eager to get the 5 million medicine money now, he mainly wants it for the 10 million diamond-level treasure chest.

However, in exchange for a soul-reviving pill, A sprite grass is indeed a relatively profitable thing for me, so there is nothing unhappy about it!

Besides, the price of a soul-reviving pill of 5 million has been spread in the world, which is something everyone knows. It’s the default price!

And the Soul-Reviving Pill himself is not worried about not being able to sell it, he is only worried about not having enough magic grass, so overall, there is really nothing to worry about!

After saying this, Li Lianhua also jumped up. Jumped into the sea water!

However, Li Lianhua found that a hollow air bag had formed directly beside him, and the sea water avoided him by about half a foot.

“This is? What is the dust-proof effect of Caiyun Brocade?”I was startled for a moment, and then I realized it after following Li Lianhua!

The dust-proof effect of Caiyun Brocade can make all dirty things automatically avoid Caiyun Brocade.

For example, if a chair is covered with dust, Li Lianhua will sit down on it. , the dust on the chair will automatically bounce away!

Therefore, when I was watching Xuanyuan Jingcheng and Xuanyuan Dapan fight in Daxueping, even the light rain falling from the sky would automatically avoid it! I’ve avoided the Caiyun Brocade!

So what? This Caiyun Brocade is worthy of being found in the treasure chest, and it belongs to the category of magic weapons!

“Doctor Li, are you directly using your internal power to open up the half-foot wall of energy?”Seeing Li Lianhua’s body falling into the sea water, actually avoiding the sea water, Xu Weixiong asked in surprise!

Going into the sea to look for monster grass, is there a need to waste internal energy on this?

“Okay, Miss Xu Er, let’s go down and search!”Smiling slightly, Li Lianhua didn’t explain so much, and then his body sank directly!

Looking at Li Lianhua’s movements, Xu Weixiong didn’t say much, nodded slightly, and sank down with the same body shape!

Cultivation The taller the person, the longer their breath is, so they can stay in the water longer!

Even the old man at the bottom of the lake who listens to the tide can stay at the bottom of the lake for a few days relying on the little air in the fish’s swim bladder. Ten years.

Li Lianhua naturally had nothing to worry about, and Xu Weixiong’s cultivation was not weak.

Therefore, there was no big problem for the two of them as they searched the water that Caiyunjin avoided. There was a lot of air around him, and every half hour or so, Xu Weixiong came closer to take a breath, and the two of them searched for it for a long time.

Fortunately, it took a long time! The seabed here is not very deep. Li Lianhua did find many corpses that had turned into bones, but the demon grass has not been found yet!

Ten years have passed, and the corpses that fell into the sea have long been eaten by fish. The shrimps were all eaten, and all that was left were the bones!

But at this moment, Xu Weixiong suddenly made a sound in the distance, and a black shadow quickly appeared. Approaching in the direction of Xu Weixiong! When

Li Lianhua saw this, his face changed slightly, and he wanted to take action, but his movements were slow under the water, and it was too late!

Although Xu Weixiong made a counterattack, the huge body like an airplane hit him. After passing by, Xu Weixiong still rolled his body in the water several times, and then spit out the air in his mouth along with the blood!

“This is? What monster.?”Seeing the huge figure that hit Xu Weixiong seriously and caused him to vomit blood, Li Lianhua was also secretly surprised!

With such a large body, could it be a large creature like a sperm whale? But it doesn’t look like it!

After seeing the huge creature bump into it, it buffered for a while and then readjusted its direction. Li Lianhua quickly approached Xu Weixiong and directly hugged Xu Weixiong’s waist!

“Cough cough cough……”

Approaching Li Lianhua, Xu Weixiong took a breath after being seriously injured. Seeing the huge monster continuing to rush towards him, he exclaimed in a low voice:”Doctor Li, be careful!”

“fine!”Putting her arms around Xu Weixiong’s waist and sighing at the amazing muscles on her waist, Li Lianhua replied!

Although Xu Weixiong has a beautiful figure, it was only after she got started that she realized that maybe it was due to long-term martial arts practice. Because of this, her waist is not as soft as that of ordinary women. Instead, it feels like a cheetah!

However, now is not the time to reflect on this ,

Li Lianhua hugged Xu Weixiong’s waist. The body was like a sharp arrow, rising quickly towards the sea!

Seeing that Li Lianhua and Xu Weixiong were extremely fast, the huge sea monster was obviously not willing to shoot the prey in its mouth, and quickly moved towards it. He rushed towards Li Lianhua, and his speed was actually much faster than Li Lianhua!

“Humph, beast!”I was also amazed at the speed of this sea monster. Li Lianhua simply stopped running and stared at the opponent’s charging figure. His eyes narrowed slightly and he yelled angrily.

At the same time, the overlord’s domineering aura was activated!

In horror, as Li Lotus’s Overlord Color was activated, and the originally menacing sea monster came to a sudden stop when it approached Li Lianhua, with a look of horror in its eyes! The

Overlord Color of the Pirate World, even the Sea King type, Even if it can scare him, this sea monster is naturally not immune to Li Lianhua’s overbearing color!

“roll!” Staring at the other party, Li Lianhua scolded him!

Then, the huge sea monster immediately turned around and fled into the depths of the sea in terror!

“Not a shark, not a cetacean, but a bit like a dinosaur in the water, Godzilla?”Seeing the huge figure of the sea monster disappear, Li Lianhua secretly murmured in her heart.

In the world of mixed martial arts, it seems that such a sea monster has never been heard of?

But if you think about it carefully, this world has Hu Kui and Fire Qilin, or even a dragon!

How can it be said that there are monsters in the ocean that he doesn’t know about?

He shook his head. For Li Lianhua, the attack of such a sea monster was nothing more. It’s just an interlude.

After frightening the opponent with his domineering aura and escaping, Li Lianhua used the abilities of both hands, and a red light burst out from his hands, quickly recovering Xu Weixiong’s injuries!

“Dr. Li’s medical skills are truly miraculous!”Leaning next to Li Lianhua, Xu Weixiong said in amazement!

Although Lianhua’s medical skills have long been known throughout the world, they have only heard about it. Now that he can personally feel the effect of Li Lianhua’s hands, Xu Weixiong secretly said in his heart. Amazing!

If I had just rested on my own, it would have been impossible for me to recover within a few months.

However, in the hands of Divine Doctor Li, it only took a few breaths for him to heal, which is totally unbelievable. It’s a medical skill, but it’s like a magical skill!

“Let’s keep looking!”Smiling slightly, Li Lianhua did not bother with her medical skills. After saying something to Xu Weixiong, the two of them dispersed!

In this way, after searching for about half an hour, Xu Weixiong came holding a piece of magic grass. Arriving next to Li Lianhua!

“found it!”Looking at the magic grass waving in Xu Weixiong’s hand, Li Lianhua also had a look of surprise on his face, and then the two of them quickly ascended!

Back on the small fishing boat, Li Lianhua was still clean, with no trace of water on her body None!

However, Xu Weixiong was soaked all over. Her clothes, which were not loose in the first place, were clinging to her body, showing off her perfect figure. Her slender and straight legs were full but elastic. Amazing waist!

Xu Weixiong used his own internal strength, a burst of heat surged out, and then the mist filled the air, and the wet clothes on his body were evaporated in a matter of seconds!

“Sigh~” Seeing Xu Weixiong steaming his clothes dry, Li Lianhua sighed silently in her heart!

“Doctor Li, thank you very much just now, otherwise, I would be in trouble!”After steaming his clothes dry, Xu Weixiong said thank you. Thinking of what just happened, he was still frightened! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Just a little effort! Hearing this, Li Lianhua waved his hands and said! As he spoke, he took the sprite grass from Xu Weixiong’s hand and looked at it carefully. It was indeed the sprite grass.

Moreover, the quality looked good. Very good, Li Lianhua picked up the devil grass!

That’s it. If you have this devil grass, you can refine a soul-reviving pill again!

“A little effort? All you did was hug me, but you didn’t do anything to the sea monster!”Hearing Li Lianhua say it was easy, Xu Weixiong shook his head!

Yes, such a huge sea monster, and it looked menacing when it hit!

However, Li Lianhua didn’t move, just stared, and was frightened. Ran away? Thinking about it now, Xu Weixiong is still surprised!


However, what Xu Weixiong said was mainly to complain about Li Lianhua’s so-called effort, and he did not raise his hand at all.

However, when Li Lianhua heard what she said, she coughed dryly and felt a little embarrassed:”Miss Xu Er, I’m hugging you just to save you, but I don’t have any wrong intentions!”[]

“I didn’t say you had any ulterior motives. You explained it specifically like this, but I feel like there is no silver in this place!”Hearing this, Xu Weixiong looked at Li Lianhua with suspicion.

“If you are such a tough guy, aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to find a man in the future? Men all like women who are as gentle as water, right?”With a dark face, Li Lianhua followed up!

Indeed, although Xu Weixiong is a beautiful woman, her character is generous and very generous. She feels that she is not suitable for being a wife, but she is quite suitable for being a brother?

“so what? If you have to change yourself to find a man, then why do you want to find a man?”Xu Weixiong asked back!

“Okay, what you said makes sense!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua gave Xu Weixiong a thumbs up in agreement.

Not to mention, Xu Weixiong’s words are still very reasonable. If you need to wrong yourself and change yourself when looking for a partner, then this partner is not suitable. Appropriate!

After chatting with Xu Weixiong for a while, I felt at first that she has a strong aura, and a woman with a strong aura is not very popular with men, just like a woman who doesn’t like a crying woman! The same as Qi’s men.

However, with more contact, Li Lianhua found that getting along with Xu Weixiong was actually quite good. The generous but cheerful woman was indeed different from other women.

What’s more, they were looking for the devil together!

After returning the small fishing boat to the fishermen, Li Lianhua and Xu Weixiong returned home again. This side of Lotus Tower!

“Doctor Li, you’re almost here in Beiliang, why don’t you come to my house as a guest?”

It stands to reason that after getting the magic grass, the 5 million medicine money will be written off. There is no need for Li Lianhua to go to Beiliang again, but Xu Weixiong invited him!

“This is also good!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua thought for a while. She really didn’t have anything to do recently. She could go to Beiliang for a walk!

More importantly, although the 5 million taels of medicine money had been written off, she had originally wanted to go. Beiliang has established a long-term medical cooperation relationship with Xu Fengnian, so it is indeed appropriate to take this opportunity to go to Beiliang.

As Li Lianhua nodded and agreed, the Lianhua Building continued to start and headed towards Beiliang. The atmosphere of staying in the Lotus Building, drinking tea and chatting is quite good!

Although it was the first time we met, Xu Weixiong’s generous character did not have the coyness of an ordinary woman, so she and Li Lianhua were quite happy. We had a great conversation!

When it got dark, Li Lianhua parked the Lotus Building on a hillside with a beautiful scenery and asked Xu Weixiong what he wanted to eat.

“oh? Doctor Li, do you want to cook in person? Then I have to taste it!”When Li Lianhua asked what he was eating, Xu Weixiong’s eyes lit up.

He said that it didn’t matter what he was eating, as long as it was Li Lianhua’s specialty!

“me? I’m good at everything!”Listening to Xu Weixiong’s words, Li Lianhua followed suit!

“This statement is quite confident!”

I just felt that what Li Lianhua (Dede) said was domineering enough, so I followed Xu Weixiong to order a few dishes that were particularly exquisite in kung fu! Li Lianhua spread the gourmet tablecloth on the dining table.

Then, he ordered a few dishes that Xu Weixiong had just ordered. The dishes Xiong ordered!

Then, several exquisite dishes with delicious colors and flavors appeared!

“This, what is this?”Seeing that the dishes he just ordered appeared out of thin air, Xu Weixiong’s eyes widened and he said in disbelief.

Yes, he didn’t even see Li Lianhua cooking, he just shouted a few words, and these dishes appeared. Isn’t this scene amazing?

“Nothing, just a little trick!”Looking at Xu Weixiong’s surprised look, Li Lianhua smiled slightly and waved his hands, as if there was no need to make a fuss.

He said that again!

Looking at Li Lianhua’s appearance, Xu Weixiong’s face was a little dark. When he was at any door before, he said It’s a little trick!

Okay, let’s just say it casually. So many delicious dishes have appeared, and this is a little trick!

If it is really a little trick, then what are the other magicians?

“Come, come, drink and eat……”Li Lianhua swiped it on the storage ring and immediately took out a bottle of Wuliangye!

“What a beautiful wine bottle, the barrel is crystal clear!”Looking at the wine in the glass bottle and the transparent acrylic packaging box, Xu Weixiong said in surprise. Then, he poured out the wine and smelled it. The wine was as clear as spring water, but it exuded a rich aroma! Drink it.

When eating vegetables, Xu Weixiong’s cheeks turned red quickly after drinking this 50-proof liquor!

On the other hand, Li Lianhua, the Immortal Thief of Liuku’s ability automatically activated, let alone half a kilogram of liquor, even if he was thrown into the There wouldn’t be any problem in the wine pool…

Porlu Porlu Porlu!

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, the phone suddenly rang!

Hearing the sound, Li Lianhua stood up and picked up the phone’s receiver!

“Li Lianhua, don’t hide, come and drink again!”When the phone was picked up, Xu Weixiong shouted loudly!

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, and then Yao Yue’s voice sounded faintly:”Li Lianhua, who is the woman over there?”.

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