Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion!

“Doctor Li, please sit down!”Zhao Xuansu invited Li Lianhua into the Tianshi Mansion, and his expression was naturally very enthusiastic!

“This Tianshi Mansion is indeed the first sect of Liyang Dynasty, it is indeed quite impressive!”

Walking along the way and looking at the situation of the Tianshi Mansion, Li Lianhua nodded and said in admiration!

Yes, the National Master of Liyang Dynasty is one of the four Tianshis, plus the Liyang Dynasty royal family. The ancestor is also staying in the Tianshi Mansion.

Therefore, the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain has become the spokesperson of Li Yang Chao in the world.

Naturally, Longhu Mountain has the support of Li Yang Chao. , and became the number one sect in Liyang Dynasty.

“It’s all just a false name!”Hearing Li Lianhua’s praise of the Tianshi Mansion, Zhao Xuansu smiled and said modestly!

He invited Li Lianhua into the Tianshi Mansion, and was naturally served with tea and snacks.

At the same time, Zhao Xuansu also asked the Taoist boy next to him to prepare Get ready!

On the one hand, I am preparing to pay Li Lianhua the medical fee.

On the other hand, I am also asking several people from the mountain to come and fight with Li Lianhua.���call!

Regardless of the strength of his cultivation level, Li Lianhua’s medical skills, which can be said to be the best in the world, are worthy of anyone to befriend him.

Naturally, Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion is no exception!

While Li Lianhua was drinking tea and waiting for the medical fee to arrive, soon, a Taoist boy came to report that it was Zhao Danxia and Zhao Xituan who were here!

“Divine Doctor Li is visiting Longhu Mountain. The second of the Four Heavenly Masters of Longhu Mountain is on the mountain, so naturally I want to come to see you. I wonder if you are Divine Doctor Li?”Following the little Taoist’s report, Zhao Xuansu looked at Li Lianhua and asked!

“Headmaster Zhao Danxia came in person, and Master Zhao Xituan came as well. This is my honor!”

The sedan chair is carried by everyone. If others value you so much, of course you have to be harmonious and make money.

Soon, the two heavenly masters came in.

The leader, Zhao Danxia, is the master of Longhu Mountain.

There is no such thing in the original work. It was Li Chungang who showed up. After controlling all the swords in Longhu Mountain, he gave up in the master’s hall. His voice was only heard but his person was not seen!

The other one, Zhao Xituan, can be said to be the most heavily written in the original work. A heavenly master, he is also the master of Xu Longxiang!

After the two parties met, there was naturally a lot of politeness.

After they sat down, Zhao Xuansu also talked about how he could support himself for a few more years after Li Lianhua took care of his body.!

“Dr. Li’s medical skills are truly unparalleled in the world and admirable!”

Hearing this, Zhao Danxia said with emotion and admiration that Li Lianhua could actually support Zhao Xuansu for a few more years!

After all, Taoist practice itself knows how to maintain health, but Zhao Xuansu himself has reached the end of his life. It can be seen that he will Like that sponge that couldn’t squeeze out any more water!

But Li Lianhua just squeezed out another big bowl?

“As a doctor, my biggest wish is to make everyone in the world free from illness!”

“However, I still want to say that if you have any injuries or injuries in Longhu Mountain in the future, you can come and find me!”

“in addition……”

Li Lianhua and Zhao Danxia were chatting and talking. At this point, they paused slightly and continued:”In addition, Longhu Mountain is the first sect in the Liyang Dynasty, so I actually need Longhu Mountain’s help with something!”

“oh? Doctor Li, please tell me!” Instead of fully agreeing, Zhao Danxia just asked Li Lianhua if there was anything he needed help with!

Then, Li Lianhua once again described the situation of the sprite grass to Zhao Danxia, expressing the hope that Longhu Mountain could help her pay attention to it.!

“This devil grass is an indispensable medicinal ingredient for the elixir I need to refine!”

“If Longhu Mountain can help me find this medicine, I owe Longhu Mountain a favor!”Then, Li Lianhua made another promise!

Li Lianhua’s promise made Zhao Danxia and others excited!

Favors from ordinary people are not very valuable, and there are even fewer favors that Longhushan can appreciate.!

However, the favor of the owner of Lotus is completely different.

“Don’t worry, Divine Doctor Li, I will mobilize the power of Longhu Mountain to help search. In addition, I will also send a message to Zhao Danping in the capital to ask him to pay attention!”Zhao Danxia nodded and replied seriously.

Not only would Longhu Mountain pay attention to it, but even listening to Zhao Danxia’s wishes, they would also send news to the Liyang Dynasty royal family and ask the royal family to help pay attention!

“Then thank you Headmaster Zhao!”Hearing this, a smile appeared on Li Lianhua’s face!

With their promise, it couldn’t be better!

When the news of the soul-reviving pill from Emperor Wu City spreads all over the world, will his weight be even heavier?

And a favor of mine is naturally more valuable. They will naturally work harder to help him search for monsters!

In this way, there are Yihua Palace, Xuanyuan Family, Sigumen, Longhu Mountain, and even Li. If the Yang Dynasty royal family helps him search for the devil grass, he will probably have a greater chance of getting the devil grass, right?

As they chatted, the medical fee from Longhu Mountain was soon ready..

Although it’s not much, it’s still a 100,000 taels of silver, which is pretty good!

After all, it’s just to help Zhao Xuansu recuperate!

100,000 taels of silver can be exchanged for a silver-level treasure chest. This is a convenient thing. , Li Lianhua naturally felt quite satisfied!

Besides, he took a trip to Longhu Mountain and asked Longhu Mountain to help him keep an eye on the news about the Sprite Grass!

“In this way, it was getting late, so Li took his leave. If there is a chance, he would come to Longhu Mountain again!”

After accepting the consultation fee of 100,000 taels, Li Lianhua stood up and said goodbye!

“Didn’t Divine Doctor Li stay in Longhu Mountain for a few days?”Zhao Danxia tried to persuade her to stay.

“No, there will be a chance in the future!”

It can also be seen that Zhao Danxia’s retention is just to look good on the surface. Naturally, Li Lianhua has no real intention to stay!

After saying goodbye, Li Lianhua turned around and walked down the mountain!

However, Li Lianhua went to Longhu Mountain Walking down the mountain, Zhao Xituan was walking with Li Lianhua!

Although he was also one of the four masters of Longhu Mountain, Zhao Xituan usually did not live on the mountain, but at the foot of the mountain.

“Divine Doctor Li, there are rumors in the world that you can give life to dead people, flesh and white bones. For someone as young as you are, your medical skills are quite admirable!”

Following Li Lianhua down the mountain, Zhao Xituan also transformed into a member of the Kua Kua Cult and praised Li Lian Hua.

“Master Zhao, in fact, among the four great heavenly masters, or the entire Longhu Mountain, I actually admire you the most!”Li Lianhua looked at Zhao Xituan and said

“oh? Is this the first time that you and I, Divine Doctor Li, have met?”After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Zhao Xituan looked at him in astonishment and said!

Yes, the person he admires the most in the entire Longhu Mountain is actually himself?

There must be a reason for this, right?

“Yes, it was indeed the first time we met, but my relationship with Xu Fengnian was not bad!”

“In addition, I also admire Xu Fengnian’s younger brother Xu Longxiang!”Li Lianhua nodded and then said!

Yes, a being with innate divine power is rare to have an innocent heart. How can he not be appreciated by others?

“It just so happens that the old Taoist’s thatched cottage is at the foot of the mountain. Since Divine Doctor Li admires his apprentice, why not come and sit in my thatched cottage?”

Hearing what Li Lianhua said, Zhao Xituan had a deep smile on his face, and he seemed to have become much closer to Li Lianhua!

As a parent, what do you like most? Do you like others to praise you? ?

Of course not!

What you like most is the child who praises you! In the same way, Zhao Xituan really treats Xu Longxiang as his own son.

, Zhao Xituan was naturally very happy, and even wanted to build a good relationship between Xu Longxiang and Li Lianhua!

If they had a deep friendship, they would be a real mentor and helpful friend to Xu Longxiang, right?

“There is no need to meet him, after all, he and I have never met!”

“However, Xu Longxiang was born in the innate realm. If he breaks through to the Grand Master realm in the future, he will inevitably suffer a catastrophe!”

“When the time comes, Tianshi Zhao, you will definitely try your best to help him resist this catastrophe!”

“If this time comes, Master Zhao can notify me!”

“As long as I’m here, I can still protect the lives of both of you!”

“Of course, you have to prepare the consultation fee during the referral!”Li Lianhua then spoke and said to Zhao Xituan!

“If so, thank you Dr. Li!”

Hearing what Li Lianhua said, Zhao Xituan’s face showed a deep smile, and he bowed ninety degrees to Li Lianhua!

Yes, his disciple is indeed outstanding, born with innate realm. (Watch the exposure For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

If such a person really breaks through to the level of a great master, it will indeed lead to disaster. Zhao Xituan himself knows this very well.

However, now with the promise of the Lotus Master, He said that he would come to help when the time comes. Is there anything more joyful than this?

With Divine Doctor Li on hand to help, the success rate of the disaster can be increased by at least 30% to 40%, right

? The two of them had already descended from Longhu Mountain. After Li Lianhua and Zhao Xituan said goodbye, they walked directly to the Lotus Building where they parked at the foot of the mountain.

They earned another 100,000 taels of silver for the consultation fee, and also gave Longhu Mountain more money! He agreed to help him find the whereabouts of the Sphinx Grass.[]

For Li Lianhua, she gained quite a lot from going to Longhu Mountain this time!


Not to mention the situation on Li Lianhua’s side!

Far away in Emperor Wu City of the East China Sea, everyone was dumbfounded!

As a soul-reviving pill went down, Jian Jiuhuang, who had been dead for half a month, actually opened his eyes and sat up from the coffin!

Old Huang sat up from the coffin and looked around, his eyes filled with confusion.

He looked like a person who had been sleeping for a long time and was confused. For a while, his mind seemed to be clear.���Just turned it on, not fully operational yet!

“Lao Huang?”Looking at Jian Jiuhuang sitting up, Xu Fengnian looked extremely happy and shouted to Jian Jiuhuang!

“Young Master?”

Looking at Xu Fengnian’s familiar face, Lao Huang shouted in confusion, and then said:”We, where are we?”

“Lao Huang, have you forgotten? We are in Emperor Wu City now!”Xu Fengnian said!

“Emperor Wu City?”

Hearing this, Jian Jiuhuang showed a thoughtful look, and immediately reacted:”Yes, I am in Emperor Wu City, I, I was defeated by Wang Xianzhi again because of exhaustion!”

“But, but, wasn’t I dead?”

“Why am I still alive?”


“Live, really live!”

“This, how is this possible? After being dead for half a month, the body was stiff and shriveled, but it could still come back to life?”

“Then, the pill that was fed could actually bring people back to life?”

“Am I dreaming? Such a thing as bringing the dead back to life can really be done!”

“What I want to ask is, where did the pill that Xu Fengnian fed Jian Jiuhuang just now come from!”


Shocked, everyone was shocked when they saw Jian Jiuhuang sitting up from the coffin, and everyone was dumbfounded!

“Hiss, is that boy’s soul-reviving pill really true?”Li Chungang, who was condescending, watched Jian Jiuhuang sit up from the coffin. He couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air, and his heart was secretly shaken.

“Is there really such a thing as resurrection in this world?”Wang Xianzhi was also dumbfounded and murmured secretly in his heart.

When Jian Jiuhuang fought with him, he died of exhaustion. No one knew better than Wang Xianzhi that Jian Jiuhuang was really dead!

But what? This death? A person who had been dead for half a month came back to life in front of him?

Wang Xianzhi felt extremely shocked. This resurrection was a real resurrection!

Deng Tai’a, Zhao Kai, and Cao Changqing and others, all Everyone was dumbfounded!

Resurrection from the dead, could anyone really do it?

Who could believe this unless they saw it with their own eyes?

“Impossible, come back to life, how is this possible?”Zhao Kai shook his head, feeling unbelievable. To be more precise, he didn’t want to believe this!

Because he knew very well that if Beiliang really mastered the means of resurrecting the dead, then Li Yangchao would not be able to deal with Beiliang again. If so, it would be even more difficult!

“Where did this kid Feng Nian get the elixir?”Deng Tai’a also felt extremely shocked in his heart, and at the same time he looked at Xu Fengnian in surprise!

Yes, a pill can bring a person who has been dead for half a month back to life, so what is it if it’s not an elixir?

Like this Where did the elixir come from?

“Is there really such an elixir in the world that can revive people?”

“More importantly, such an elixir was actually used in public to revive Jian Jiuhuang?”

“Shocked, the entire world will be completely shaken from now on, and such an elixir is enough to make everyone’s heart flutter!”Cao Changqing was thinking secretly in his heart!

Cao Changqing, who is known as an invincible official and can calculate people’s hearts to the extreme, understands.

What kind of reaction will everyone in the world have when such a resurrecting elixir appears!

And what about Beiliang? Although he is an ordinary person

However, if this elixir of resurrection is really in the hands of Beiliang, it is foreseeable that Beiliang will not be able to protect such an elixir at all, and even be wiped out because of the existence of the elixir.!


“Lao Huang, you are indeed dead, but I have brought you back to life again!”

Not to mention the other people around, how shocked their hearts were when they saw Jian Jiuhuang resurrected, Xu Fengnian looked in front of him and said with a thick smile on his face!

“resurrection?”Listening to Xu Fengnian’s words, Lao Huang himself didn’t really believe it. How could there be such a ridiculous thing as resurrection in the world?

But think about himself fighting with Wang Xianzhi and dying of exhaustion!

At that time, his death could be said to be a foregone conclusion. It’s hard for anyone to change!

Look at what’s lying under you. Is this a coffin?

Could it be that you are really dead?

“Master, how did you make me come back to life?”

After looking around Emperor Wu City, everyone, including Wang Xianzhi, stared at him closely, with an unbelievable look in his eyes. Then, Lao Huang asked Xu Fengnian!

At this time, Lao Huang felt in his heart He believed that he was indeed dead, and then the young master resurrected him!

“I asked for an elixir, an elixir that can bring people back to life, and that’s how I brought you back to life!”Xu Fengnian showed a smile on his face and said to Jian Jiuhuang

“An elixir? An elixir that can bring people back to life?”Hearing this, Lao Huang instinctively felt disbelief in his heart.

How could there be such an elixir in the world?

However, something like resurrection from the dead did happen to him, so he had no choice but to do it!

“Lao Huang……”

Seeing that Jian Jiuhuang was silent and didn’t speak, Xu Fengnian asked:”Do you want to know where did I get the elixir for you, young master? And what price did it cost?”

As soon as Jian Jiuhuang said this, Jian Jiuhuang was stunned. Shocked!

Where did you get such an elixir? Can you tell it in public?

However, he also knew Xu Fengnian’s wisdom well. Since he said this, Lao Huang also played the role of praise and nodded:”Master, where did you ask for it?”

No one in Wudi City expected that Xu Fengnian could actually do it. Take the initiative to expose the source of your elixir.

Hearing this, everyone was in high spirits. At this moment, countless eyes were all focused on Xu Fengnian!

Who wouldn’t want Jiu, the elixir that brings the dead back to life?.

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