“Father, if you have Li Shen’s medical care to protect you, you will definitely be fine!”

As Li Lianhua finished speaking, Xuanyuan Qingfeng next to him also thought of the situation when Xu Fengnian spent 5 million to buy a soul-reviving pill from Li Lianhua not long ago!

Yes, his father held the Xuanyuan Dapan’s thoughts of dying together.

But if Divine Doctor Li is here, then saving his father’s life won’t be a problem, right? Even if his father dies, can Divine Doctor Li use the soul-reviving pill to save his father?

Glancing at her daughter, her eyes revealed her immense trust in Li Lianhua. This was the first time that she had seen her daughter trust someone so much!

“Well, Dr. Li’s medical skills are second to none. With Dr. Li’s promise, I have nothing to worry about!”

So, after a moment of silence, Xuanyuan Jingcheng nodded.

However, although he said he trusted Li Lianhua, Xuanyuan Jingcheng knew very well what he wanted to do. If he really wanted to die, he would not Can medical skills save her?

Therefore, after the words fell and there was a moment of silence, Xuanyuan Jingcheng continued:”But, if there is an emergency, my daughter Qingfeng, I will ask you to take care of her, Divine Doctor Li!”

“What are you talking about? Hearing this

, Li Lianhua was confused:”What do you mean by asking me to take care of your daughter?””

“Doctor Li!”

Seeing Li Lianhua’s reaction, Xuanyuan Jingcheng said:”My Xuanyuan family is more or less capable. If I die, from now on, the Xuanyuan family will be dominated by you, Divine Doctor Li. Naturally, my little girl Qingfeng will , I can only let you, Divine Doctor Li, take care of me!”


Listening to what Xuanyuan Jingcheng said, Li Lianhua understood!

In the original work, when Xuanyuan Jingcheng went to find Xuanyuan Dapan to die together, he arranged a backup plan, and the backer he found was Beiliang Xu Fengnian!

But now! , Xu Fengnian didn’t come, and went straight to Donghai Emperor Wu City with the soul-reviving pill.

Instead, he followed him to the Xuanyuan family, so Xuanyuan Jingcheng regarded himself as the Xuanyuan family’s backer after his death!

“When I was in the Ming Dynasty, I defeated the six major sects and turned the tide. Therefore, everyone in the Ming Cult thought of making me their leader!”

“I walked in Daxi not long ago and publicly admitted that I was Li Xiangyi, the leader of Sigu Sect ten years ago. Countless people also urged me to reorganize Sigu Sect!”

“The power of the Xuanyuan family is indeed quite good, but how does it compare to the Mingjiao and Sigumen?”

Li Lianhua didn’t answer Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s words directly, but just asked like this! He was silent. Hearing Li Lianhua’s rhetorical question, Xuanyuan Jingcheng fell silent.

Even the other people in the Xuanyuan family next to him were silent!

Although the Xuanyuan family is the inheritance He has been in a martial arts family for many years, but compared to the Mingjiao and Sigumen, it is still inferior!

Since Divine Doctor Li doesn’t like the status of the leader of the Mingjiao and the Sigumen, it is unlikely that he will like Xuanyuan.

Seeing Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s silent expression, Li Lianhua said:”But instead of worrying about what will happen to the Xuanyuan family after your death, I think you should worry about whether you can afford my medical treatment by then. Jin Cai is more suitable!”

“Yes, father, Doctor Li’s consultation fee is the most important!”Xuanyuan Qingfeng next to him also nodded and persuaded his father!

He witnessed Li Lianhua regenerating Li Chungang’s broken limb, and also saw Li Lianhua and Xu Fengnian trade a soul-reviving pill for 5 million.

In From Xuanyuan Qingfeng’s point of view, as long as Divine Doctor Li is really willing to save him, his father will not be able to die even if he wants to!

“OK, I get it!”

Seeing that his daughter really trusted Li Lianhua so much, Xuanyuan Jingcheng was silent for a moment, but he still felt that he should also trust his daughter, so he nodded and said!

Everything that needs to be said has been made clear, and everything that needs to be revealed has been made clear. , has also been revealed.

Then, at the invitation of Xuanyuan Jingcheng, Li Lianhua officially entered the Xuanyuan family!

And after Xuanyuan Jingcheng became famous and showed his cultivation as a Confucian sage, what the Xuanyuan family said The person in charge automatically fell on Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s head!

Xuanyuan Jingcheng was also very generous and directly gave Li Lianhua 100,000 taels of silver.

This wave made Li Lianhua still. Very satisfied, another 100,000 taels have arrived!

This seems to be the most expensive Zhuyan Pill I have sold since I obtained the Zhuyan Pill recipe! Debt!

Of course, this may be regarded as Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s doting on his daughter!

Now that he has shown his ability, he has also revealed his purpose. He took action and quickly arranged the affairs of the Xuanyuan family. Then, after meeting his wife in the yard, Xuanyuan Jingcheng strode towards Daxueping!

Why did he go to the city? Therefore, many people, including Li Lianhua, followed him!

What about Li Lianhua? He was just doing business!

But those from the Xuanyuan family wanted to see Xuanyuan Jing with their own eyes. The battle between Xuanyuan City and Xuanyuan Dashan is like a duel between the old and new lion kings in a pride. This battle will also determine the future of the Xuanyuan family!

“Doctor Li, tell me, do you think my father can defeat the ancestor?.?”

On the way to Daxueping, it started to rain lightly. Xuanyuan Qingfeng held an oil-paper umbrella and walked side by side with Li Lianhua. His expression was full of worry and anxiety and he said!

Growing up, my family has always been bullied by other people in the family.

How many times have I imagined that my father could stand up and use his wings to protect the family from wind and rain!

However, when I had grown up and gradually no longer had such extravagant hopes in my heart, this scene really happened!

However, when Xuanyuan Qingfeng appeared, he was not too happy, but only worried about his father!

“With me here, he is at least invincible, right?”

Li Lianhua and Xuanyuan Qingfeng walked side by side and said calmly.

After saying this, after a slight pause, Li Lianhua continued:”Or do you not trust my medical skills?”

“Of course not, Qingfeng has absolute trust in the methods of Divine Doctor Li!”

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Qingfeng’s face straightened, and at the same time, the worries in his heart also eased a little!

Xuanyuan Qingfeng recovered his mind and found that he had not noticed that the oil-paper umbrella only covered himself, but he actually Expose Doctor Li to the rain!

Just as he was about to tilt the oil-paper umbrella towards Li Lianhua, he suddenly discovered that Li Lianhua’s clothes were as bright as new and not wet at all!

“Divine Doctor Li, are you, are you showing off your energy and blocking the falling rain?”

Looking carefully, it turned out that these raindrops were automatically bounced away when they were close to Li Lianhua. This made Xuanyuan Qingfeng say in surprise!

Skill is very precious. If you can’t use it, you won’t be able to do it easily. After all, his skill is related to his own safety!

However, it is too extravagant for Li Lianhua to directly release his energy just to block the rain.

This is just like in Summoner’s Rift, mana is very important.

However, while rushing in the canyon, releasing continuous skills all the way?

Isn’t this extravagant and wasteful?

Aren’t you afraid of encountering enemy attacks and running out of mana?

“What I am doing is not the result of releasing my true energy!”Seeing Xuanyuan Qingfeng’s surprised look, Li Lianhua just smiled and explained casually!

Yes, these raindrops falling from the sky cannot be contaminated on his body. This is mainly due to the dust-proof effect of the colorful cloud brocade on his body!

All dust and other dirty things will not come close to Caiyun Brocade, let alone these falling rains. Even if Li Lianhua falls into the mud pit, the mud will automatically separate and cannot come close.

So, although it is not armor type! Defensive clothing, but after all, it is an item obtained from a treasure chest. The effect of this colorful cloud brocade is still very strong!

“Isn’t it because the true energy is released?”Listening to Li Lianhua’s explanation, Xuanyuan Qingfeng murmured secretly in his heart.

If not, why didn’t all the rain fall on him?

When he was walking in the rain, his clothes were not wet at all?

And? Not to mention what Xuanyuan Qingfeng was thinking, after walking all the way, Xuanyuan Jingcheng had already arrived at Daxueping!

And Li Lianhua and the others had no intention of getting close, they were about a hundred feet away. From a distance, he saw Xuanyuan Jingcheng standing alone on the snowy plain, and then he exhaled loudly, and the sound spread throughout the snowy plain!

“Invite the ancestors to show up!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This voice was not loud, but it spread clearly throughout the entire Daxueping, as if the heaven and earth were resonating with it!

Apparently, Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s words were also heard. The words were spoken, and soon Xuanyuan Dapan, who had white hair and beard, appeared, looking at Xuanyuan Jingcheng with a bit of surprise in his eyes:”I didn’t expect that over the years, I have been wrong!”

“Isn’t it just the ancestors who made the mistake?”Xuanyuan Jingcheng stared at the ancestor in front of him and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner. He really sounded like a scholar who is fearless!

“Yes, yes, I didn’t expect that you may appear to be a nerd, but in fact, you have secretly cultivated to the level of a great master!”

“However, in the realm of Grand Master, there are strong and weak levels of strength!”[]

“In fact, the difference is far beyond your imagination!”

“You don’t just think that you can kill me just because you have read a great master, do you?”

Xuanyuan Dapan then looked at Xuanyuan Jingcheng and said with a tone full of contempt!

Yes, realm does not represent strength, let alone within the realm of a grand master, strength is also divided into strong and weak!

Can you read a great master? Although this is indeed amazing, how powerful is the scholar’s great master?

Therefore, Xuanyuan Dapan really doesn’t have much to fear!

“Whether you can do it or not, ancestor, you will know once you try it!”

Although scholars should be very capable in chatting, Xuanyuan Jingcheng had no intention of chatting with his ancestors. He just calmly said to Xuanyuan Dapan that he wanted to fight!

“Very good, then let me see, ancestor, how capable you, a great master of reading, are!”Xuanyuan Dapan nodded and signaled Xuanyuan Jingcheng to take action!

Although all scholars are eloquent, Xuanyuan Jingcheng is obviously an exception.

He is not a person who likes to talk but likes to do!

Look at him to deal with Xuanyuan Da Pan has endured humiliation for many years, and it can be seen that he has developed secretly!

Therefore, when Xuanyuan Dapan stretched out his hand to indicate that he was ready to take action, Xuanyuan Jingcheng raised his hand directly and followed his actions. A huge tornado appeared.

At the same time, his own momentum increased to the extreme!

Xuanyuan Dapan did not rush to take action, but quietly watched Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s movements. His relaxed and carefree attitude obviously did not affect Xuanyuan Jingcheng. His methods are visible!

“Is this the cultivation of the Grand Master Realm?”

“It’s so powerful, it can actually affect the astronomical phenomena and climate!”

“There is really a huge gap between a great master and an ordinary warrior. The power of heaven and earth can be mobilized for one’s own use, but ordinary warriors can actually resist it! ?”

“Unexpectedly, the great master actually possesses such power, but has hidden it for so many years!”


Seeing Xuanyuan Jingcheng take action and seeing the huge tornado summoned casually, the clan members of the Xuanyuan family next to him were all shocked and talking in low voices!

Even the two brothers Xuanyuan Jingxuan and Xuanyuan Zongzong looked at each other in silence! so what? Is the eldest brother’s talent really far beyond that of his two brothers?

Fortunately, I have looked down on him for so many years. Now when I look back and think about it, I feel so ashamed that I want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it!

Not to mention how the people around him are talking about it.

After raising his momentum to the extreme, Xuanyuan Jingcheng took action directly and hit Xuanyuan Dapan in the chest with a palm!

However, in the face of Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s full-strength attack, Xuanyuan Dapan did not dodge or even try to resist, and allowed Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s palm to hit his chest!

When this palm fell, Xuanyuan Jingcheng felt as if his attack was hitting a thick iron mountain, which made his pupils shrink suddenly!

Although I also guessed that with my current strength, I am no match for Xuanyuan Dapan.

It should take another three to five years before I can catch up with him!

However, when he really started to take action, Xuanyuan Jingcheng discovered the strength gap between himself and Xuanyuan Dapan.

It seems to be bigger than I imagined! boom!

He seemed to enjoy Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s shocked expression.

After receiving Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s palm forcefully, the aura on Xuanyuan Dapan’s body shook, and Xuanyuan Jingcheng was directly knocked away!

Xuanyuan Jingcheng fell to the ground, vomiting blood and looking pale!

“father!”Looking at Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s appearance, Xuanyuan Qingfeng’s face changed drastically and he shouted worriedly!

“Alas, it turns out that there is also a gap in the Grand Master realm, and the gap is terrifyingly huge!”

Seeing this scene, many people in the Xuanyuan family sighed secretly!

That’s right, my ancestor didn’t even move. Even if you hit him with a palm, he could rely on the force of the shock to knock you away and vomit blood. The gap in cultivation level (of Nuo Li’s) is simply terrifying!

“how? You hit me with all your strength, I didn’t dodge or dodge, I let you attack, did you ever hurt me at all?”

Looking at Xuanyuan Jingcheng who was knocked away by him and vomited blood, Xuanyuan Dapan’s face was full of pride, and he asked Xuanyuan Jingcheng with a smile

“Don’t worry, I’m fine……”

However, Xuanyuan Jingcheng ignored Xuanyuan Dapan’s pride. He just got up and comforted Xuanyuan Qingfeng!

“This old boy is worthy of being a veteran of the Grand Master Realm. His strength is indeed pretty good!”

Even Li Lianhua glanced at Xuanyuan Dashan in surprise, and nodded silently in his heart!

From the perspective of cultivation, Li Lianhua felt that the former Tietan Shenhou, who was also a Grand Master, was worse than Xuanyuan Dashan. A step ahead. Not to mention a Confucian sage who can be said to be a great master, but his strength is not that of a Confucian sage!

, staring at Xuanyuan Dapan seriously, and then, the aura on his body soared again!

“rise!”Xuanyuan Jingcheng shouted loudly, raised his hand, and immediately, another huge tornado appeared!

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Dapan sneered.

For Xuanyuan Jingcheng to repeat the same trick, he only felt ridiculed!

It had just been proved This trick doesn’t work for me, so he still comes?

Is this a trick that Guizhou Donkey can only do?

“Get up again!”

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyuan Jingcheng shouted again, and the second giant tornado appeared again!

“oh?”Seeing Xuanyuan Jingcheng actually controlling two tornadoes at the same time, Xuanyuan Dapan’s brows raised slightly, and he became a little more interested!


But it wasn’t over yet. Another loud shout came from Xuanyuan Jingcheng’s mouth!

Blood kept dripping from the corners of his mouth, and his face became paler, which showed what kind of load his body had already suffered.

However, the third A huge tornado appeared out of thin air!

This time, Xuanyuan Jingcheng actually summoned three huge tornadoes at the same time!……

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