Yao Yue’s idea is very simple. Men must have dignity!

Therefore, when Di Feisheng and Li Lianhua took action, Yao Yue had no intention of intervening!

However, Jiao Liqiao took action against Li Lianhua at this time? Then Yaoyue can’t agree!

Looking at Yao Yue’s leaving figure, Li Lianhua raised the corners of her mouth slightly as she listened to her explanation.

Not to mention, the reason given by Yao Yue is very sufficient!

What’s more important is that when she acts as a woman, she actually feels very natural and doesn’t feel abrupt at all.

After all, she was still at the Grand Master level. Yao Yue was as fast as lightning. Facing the attack of cannonballs, she used her Ming Yu Gong to not only catch all the cannonballs, but she could even return them!

Yihua Palace’s martial arts has a reputation of being almost invincible at the same level in the world!

The cultivation of the Grand Master Realm coupled with the mystery of the Mingyu Kung Fu, Yao Yue showed amazing power as soon as he took action, quite similar to the way Li Xiangyi singled out the entire Golden Yuan Alliance!

“So awesome. You really deserve to be the master of Yaoyue Palace of Yihua Palace. It’s better to meet her if you are famous.……”

Seeing the strength shown by Yao Yue, who was almost able to suppress the people of the Golden Yuan League with the power of one person, Ji Hanfo couldn’t help but exclaimed!

Seeing the strength shown by Yao Yue, Qiao Wanyan felt even more ashamed!

Of course, I still feel unhappy!

After leaving him, Li Xiangyi actually found a new woman in the past ten years, and she was so outstanding?

Jiao Liqiao’s charm skills are very good, but unfortunately, facing Yao Yue, this charm skills have no place at all.

So, in a moment, Xuegong, Xue Po, Jiao Liqiao and others were all defeated by Yao Yue’s hands!

Shocked, this time Li Lianhua summoned the old friends from all over the world, plus many Jianghu comrades, mainly to explain Shan Gudao’s conspiracy back then.

But he didn’t expect that Di Feisheng would actually appear. In order to rescue Di Feisheng, Jiao Liqiao even pulled over all the remaining masters of the Golden Yuan League.

So much so that Li Lianhua and Yao Yue took action respectively and directly took down the high-level coefficient of the Golden Yuan League!

Everyone here was excited and talking a lot!

Sure enough, Li Xiangyi, who reappeared ten years later, was stronger than ten years ago. He defeated the Golden Yuan League so easily!

At the same time, many people praised Palace Master Yao Yue. She and Li Xiangyi are indeed a match made in heaven!


Not to mention what the people around were talking about, Li Lianhua coughed again, making everyone around him quiet down, and then said:”Okay, a small episode has been resolved now. Now, we Back to business?”

A little sideshow?” The people from the Golden Yuan Alliance are attacking. Is it just a small episode for him?

Li Lianhua’s words made countless people present sigh with emotion. They just felt that these words were a bit too pretentious!

However, considering that Li Lianhua and Yao Yue had just taken down all the people from the Golden Yuan League without wasting much effort.

So, when Li Lianhua said that this was just a small episode, it seems that it really makes sense?

Li Lianhua didn’t feel that what she just said was pretentious, she just felt that what she said was completely truthful.

The coming of the flying flute is indeed just a small episode for me.

Then, Li Lianhua looked around at everyone present and said,”Didn’t the people from the All Saints Way come today?”

After all, the All Saints Way is an existence that has risen in the past ten years.

Moreover, because of the matter of summoning old people from the Sigu Sect, Li Lianhua believed that it was impossible for Shan Gudao not to send someone here!

You must know that even if he does not have his own reputation in the original work, people like Xiao Zijin will rebuild the Sigu Sect, and the seals of the Wan Sheng Dao will appear in person!

“Hahaha, Sect Leader Li, I didn’t expect you to reappear after ten years of disappearance. It’s really gratifying and congratulatory!”

As Li Lianhua finished speaking, a loud laugh rang out, and then, Feng Qing of the Wan Sheng Dao led several senior officials and walked in from the outside!

“Leader of the Alliance, just now the people from the Golden Yuan Alliance attacked Baichuan Courtyard outside. Now, the Wan Sheng Dao is also coming from there. Didn’t you just meet the beautiful lady Jiao?”Looking at Feng Qing walking in, Li Lianhua asked!

These words made Feng Qing’s expression freeze.

Oops, I was careless!

At the same time, everyone present also started talking in low voices!

Yes, just now, the Golden Yuan Alliance How long had it been since those people were attacking Baichuan Courtyard? Feng Qing happened to walk in from the outside. Is it such a coincidence that the two sides just missed it?

“Therefore, you have long been used to the secret collusion between the Wansheng Dao and the Golden Yuan Alliance!”

Before Feng Qing could open his mouth to defend himself, Li Lianhua followed up and directly revealed the truth about the collusion between the Golden Yuan Alliance and the Wan Sheng Dao!

“Li Xiangyi, when did our Golden Yuan Alliance collude with Wansheng Dao?”Hearing this, Di Feisheng beside him couldn’t help but raise his head and question Li Lianhua!

He just heard Li Lianhua say that Shan Gudao behind Wan Sheng Dao was the one behind the decisive battle between the Golden Yuan Alliance and Sigu Sect. Black Hand.

Now, it is said that the Golden Yuan League and the Wan Sheng Dao are colluding?

“Therefore, the Golden Yuan Alliance is actually in the hands of Jiao Liqiao, and you, my lord, have been almost completely ignored by her!”Hearing Di Feisheng’s rebuttal, Li Lianhua replied!

Hearing this, Di Feisheng turned his head and looked at Jiao Liqiao:”Ten years ago, it was you who gave Li Xiangyi the poison of Bicha! ?”

Well, at this time, what Di Feisheng asked about was actually about Li Xiangyi’s Bicha poison ten years ago, not whether the Golden Yuan Alliance was controlled by Jiao Liqiao!

It can be seen that in Di Feisheng’s heart, The truth of the decisive battle between himself and Li Xiangyi was what he cared about the most.

As for the Golden Yuan Alliance? In Di Feisheng’s opinion, it was not as important as this matter!

“What your Majesty wants is the entire Jianghu, so naturally I want to help your Majesty fulfill this wish!”

Facing Di Feisheng’s question, Jiao Liqiao looked affectionate and said to Di Feisheng!

“You have made my life a joke for the past ten years!”However, Di Feisheng didn’t feel anything about Jiao Liqiao’s affectionate appearance, and just said with hatred!

“Master Li! Feng Qing ignored the conversation between Jiao Liqiao and Di Feisheng. He just looked at Li Lianhua and clarified:”Maybe this is indeed a coincidence, but I still want to say something. It’s really just a coincidence!”

“Also, Shan Gu Dao, whom you are looking around at, is dead. This is known to everyone in the world, but now you are saying that Wan Sheng Dao was founded by Shan Gu Dao!”

“As the leader of the All Saints Way, I have to clarify this carefully.”

“Although I don’t know where Master Li got this news from, what I want to say is that the news Master Li got is false!”

In any case, what Li Lianhua said is that whether it is collusion with the Golden Yuan Alliance or that the person behind Wan Sheng Dao is actually Shan Gudao, Feng Qing cannot accept it!

For Feng Qing Li Lianhua doesn’t find it strange that Feng Qing can believe him just by saying this!

“Seal the leader!”

Li Lianhua looked at Feng Qing, not in a hurry to argue with him, and continued:”Back then, my two brothers lived on the streets and exchanged the jade pendant passed down from their family for Shan Gudao’s original help!”

“However, he took my jade pendant and gave birth to ambitions that he shouldn’t have because of my identity!”

“You go back and tell Shan Gudao that his ambitions are actually just ridiculous delusions!”

“So, you go back and tell Shan Gudao that I will take back the jade pendant!”


Li Lianhua’s words were like a thunderbolt that hit Feng Qing directly!

Jade pendant? Did Shan Gudao take Li Xiangyi’s jade pendant, so he developed undue ambitions?

Is that so?

If it’s true If this is the case, then he has made a huge mistake!

As a descendant of Nan Yin, Feng Qing has been looking for his master!

The reason why he recognized Shan Gudao as his master in the first place was It was because he took out the jade pendant that was the identity card of the Nanyin royal family!

But now, Li Xiangyi said that the jade pendant actually belonged to him?

“Impossible, this, this is impossible……”

Thinking that over the years, I have recognized the wrong person, and even helped Shan Gudao deal with Li Xiangyi!

If Li Xiangyi is his true master, then wouldn’t all his efforts over the years be just a joke?

Even though Feng Qing is the leader of the All Saints Way, no matter how powerful he is, facing this fact, he still finds it difficult to accept it for a while!

“Clan Leader Li, you, you are joking, right? You just want to mess with my heart with these words, right?”

So, after a moment of silence, Feng Qing stared at Li Lianhua and shouted loudly!

He didn’t want to believe that all his efforts over the years were in vain. Feng Qing felt that it must be Li Lianhua who found out this. I said that on purpose!

“Wife……”Seeing the appearance of Feng Qing, Li Lianhua looked at Qin Po and shouted!

Knowing that it was time for her to stand up, Qin Po heard the sound and stood up.

Then he and his wife searched for the two brothers who were descendants of the Nanyin royal family, and then found Li Xiangyi and Shan Gudao. Li Xiangyi’s brother exchanged a jade pendant for the beggar Shan Gudao to help.

Then, he and his wife told the story of bringing back Shan Gudao and Li Xiangyi who had lost their memory!

“Therefore, as a descendant of the Nanyin royal family, this status is actually more troublesome for me!”

“Do you think I would cause such a big trouble for myself just to upset you?”

As Granny Qin finished speaking, Li Lianhua spoke and added a sentence to Feng Qing!

These words made Feng Qing silent! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Indeed, no matter it is His identity as Li Xiangyi or Li Lianhua is known throughout the world.

If it is rumored that he is a descendant of the destroyed Nanyin royal family, it will make the Daxi royal family wary of him. This will cause trouble for him!

Maybe he got himself into such trouble just to mess with his mind?

So, did he really make a mistake?

In fact, his real master was Li Xiangyi.

After taking a deep look, Feng Feng Qing turned around and left!

Although he already believed that Li Lianhua’s words were true, after all, this matter was of great importance, and Feng Qing couldn’t believe it so easily.

So, regarding Shan Gu Dao! He still had to investigate clearly about his identity!

Seeing Feng Qing leave, Li Lianhua did not stop him.

Although he had not subdued Feng Qing now, it was impossible for him to fight for Shan Gudao now. It worked!

For Li Lianhua, after Feng Qing left, his purpose of summoning the old people from around the house to explain everything clearly was achieved.

Next, Li Lianhua said! This time the gathering has come to a successful conclusion.

The truth of that year has been revealed. Next, the matter regarding Shan Gudao is a matter between him and his senior brother, and he will resolve it himself!

“Sect Master, please ask Sect Master to reorganize and look around the Sect!”

As Li Lianhua waved his hand to disperse the crowd, Liu Rujing stood up again and shouted loudly!

“Yes, please ask the sect owner to reorganize the Sigu sect!”As Liu Rujing finished speaking, many old people who were looking around stood up and shouted loudly!

However, facing the shouts of these people, Li Lianhua had a calm look on her face, shook her head and said:” I have already said that the matter of looking around is a thing of the past. Everyone needs to continue to look forward and not stop thinking.���In the past!”

After leaving such words, Li Lianhua didn’t mean to stay any longer, and stood up and left!

Fang Duobing looked at the people who were shouting loudly for the master to regroup, and he began to think secretly in his heart!

If it had been before, I would have been very happy, and even the infected one would have shouted a few words to Master, asking him to reorganize his family!

However, after Master’s explanation, Fang Duobing didn’t look at the problem as superficially as before! After careful observation, most of the people calling for Master to reorganize the Sigu Sect are people who have not been doing well in the world!

At least Ji Hanfu and the others did not join in the shouting! Fang Duobing silently nodded, and it turned out that the master was right! He saw with his own eyes that the master defeated Di Feisheng, and even almost wiped out all the top leaders of the Golden Yuan League, and he also wanted to take action against Wan Sheng Dao! Once the master clears all this, can Daxi be said to be under the master’s control?

If the master reorganizes the Sigu Sect, these people will have nothing to worry about anymore!

Considering their own interests, the worse these people are, the more they want Master to rebuild the Sigu Sect, right?

On the other hand, what about people like Ji Hanfo and Bai Jiangquan who are in charge of Baichuan Academy, and now they are the first to destroy the Golden Yuan League ? After winning it in one fell swoop, we have to clean up the All Saints Road!

Once all of this is done, Baichuan Academy will be the only one in the family, right? So

, Master is helping them clear the way, but he won’t rebuild the Sigu Gate.

They are the ones with vested interests in this matter, right?

Naturally, they don’t want Master to rebuild the Sigu Sect!

“Alas, if it were me, I wouldn’t want to rebuild Sigumen! (De Nuo’s)” Thinking of the little calculations in these people’s hearts, even Fang Duobing shook his head silently, muttering secretly in his heart!

Then, Fang Duobing caught up with Li Lianhua!

“Master, tell me, is it possible that you made a mistake?”

“My uncle Shan Gudao, he, he is really not dead? Did he really fake his death to start a fight between the Golden Yuanmeng and Sigumen?”

“Master, Master, please explain this matter clearly to me!”

After catching up with Li Lianhua, Fang Duobing asked!

Even though he trusted his master very much, Fang Duobing still found it difficult to accept that all this was controlled by his uncle behind the scenes!


Seeing Fang Duobing pestering her and chattering endlessly, Li Lianhua seemed to be a little annoyed by his noise, she turned her head to look at him, and then said:”Actually, Shan Gudao is not your uncle!”

“ah? no? This, how could this happen?”Hearing Li Lianhua’s sudden words, Fang Duobing was stunned!

“To be more precise, he is actually your biological father!”

Then, Li Lianhua dropped a bombshell again!


This news was indeed like a bomb, and it made Fang Duobing’s brain go blank!

His uncle Shan Gudao, among others���It’s his biological father! ?

Seeing that Fang Duobing was stunned by the news, Li Lianhua shook his head and left directly.

Also give Fang Duobing some time to digest this shocking news!

Back in the courtyard, Li Lianhua drank tea, chatted with Yao Yue and Qin Po, and had a good rest!

And those people in the world have dispersed. The news revealed by Li Lianhua this time will quickly spread throughout the world through the mouths of these people!

At night, Li Lianhua had nothing to do, got up, left the small courtyard, and walked to the prison in Baichuan Courtyard!

Let’s go see Di Feisheng


However, halfway through the walk, a graceful figure appeared in front of Li Lianhua, staring at Li Lianhua with watery eyes under the moonlight..

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