“Yunju Pavilion? What is this place?”

The Lotus Tower stopped directly in front of the Yunju Pavilion. Looking at the residence in front of him, Fang Duobing was secretly puzzled.

However, although he did not know where the Yunju Pavilion was, when the master summoned the old members of the Sigu Sect, he deliberately After visiting Yunju Pavilion, I think the people here are very important!

“Okay, pack up and get down!”Li Lianhua stood up and glanced at the other party sickly and said!

“Master, who lives here?”Hearing this, Fang Duobing roughly arranged his clothes and asked curiously.

However, Li Lianhua did not answer Fang Duobing’s inquiry. He walked down the Lotus Tower and stood in front of Yunju Pavilion. In front of the door, he shouted:”Master’s wife, I’m back!””

Master’s wife!?

Hearing Li Lianhua’s shout, Fang Duobing was startled at first, and then realized that this is his master’s master’s wife, isn’t that his master’s grandma?

Moreover, his uncle Shan Gudao also had a relationship with his master. It belongs to a fellow disciple.

In other words, the person living inside is also the wife of my uncle Shan Gudao.

No wonder the master asked me to clean up before meeting people. When meeting elders, she must take it seriously.!

Ta Ta Ta Ta!

Not to mention what Fang Duo Bing was thinking, as Li Lianhua’s voice sounded, there was a rush of footsteps, and Qin Po, who was already middle-aged, hurriedly walked out. :”It’s Xiang Yi’s voice, yes, is it Xiang Yi who’s back?”

Qinpo’s eyes glanced at Li Lianhua!

“Wife, it’s me!”Li Lianhua said with a slight smile to Qin Po!

“Xiang Yi, it’s great that you are still alive. People in the world are talking about you and talking about you.……”

After confirming Li Lianhua’s identity, Qinpo looked happy, grabbed Li Lianhua’s hand, and said happily and excitedly.

After gently patting Qin Po’s hand a few times and comforting the old man in front of her, Li Lianhua said,”Master, 413, won’t you let me go in and sit down?””

“Yes, yes, come in!”Hearing this, Qin Po reacted and nodded hurriedly.

While speaking, she called Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing into the room!

The three of them sat down in front of the bamboo table, and Qin Po naturally asked Li Lianhua Many questions! However

, when Li Lianhua said he was poisoned, Li Xiangyi had a hard time when he faced Qin Po.

Old man, report good news but not bad news!

“Wife, although I have been missing for ten years, in fact, I have lived quite well in the past ten years!”

“Without the burden of looking around, I built a lotus building and traveled around the world for ten years. On the contrary, my mind became more open-minded!”

“As my state of mind improved, so did my cultivation level!”

“Over the years, I have also studied medical skills!”

“Nowadays, my reputation as Doctor Li, the owner of Lotus Tower, is even more famous than when Li Xiangyi was before!”


Li Lianhua opened her mouth and told Po Qin about the situation in general!

“Okay, okay, as long as you live comfortably, that’s better than anything else!”After listening to what Li Lianhua said, Qinpo nodded with relief!

“Everyone hopes to be smart when they raise their children, but I have been deceived by being smart all my life. I hope that my child will be foolish and careless, and that he will be able to come to the palace without any trouble.”

This is a poem by Su Shi. It tells the purest paternal love of a father!

He does not ask his children to be rich or smart! Instead, he hopes that his children can be dull. In this way, fools are blessed. Live a simple and happy life!

Qinpo’s attitude towards Li Xiangyi is about the same!

What a great master, the master of the Sword Immortal Realm!

It doesn’t matter!

In Qinpo’s mind, as long as he can Living happily is the most gratifying thing for her!

Now it seems that although he has been missing for ten years, he has lived happily in these ten years.

This is enough!

“By the way, who is this?”

After asking Li Lianhua how she had spent the past ten years, Qinpo turned her head and looked at Fang Duobing!

“He is my disciple, Fang Duobei!”Li Lianhua explained!

Having said this, after a slight pause, Li Lianhua had no intention of speaking in a hurry about the identity of Fang Duobing and Shan Gudao!

After all, is Fang Duobing the nephew of Shan Gudao? This Isn’t it a clear lie?

Or just tell the identity of Fang Duobing and Shan Gudao’s father and son?

This sudden news is hard for Fang Duobing to accept, so let’s talk about it later!

“So that’s it, that’s fine!”After listening to what Li Lianhua said, Qin Po looked at Fang Duobing with much kindness!

Since he can be accepted as a disciple by Xiang Yi, he is considered his disciple, and naturally he is a family!

“I’ve met Grandma Shizu!”Fang Duobing also stood up and bowed respectfully to Qin Po.

“Well, good boy!”Aiwu Jiwu, looking at Fang Duobing’s well-behaved and sensible appearance, Qin Po also nodded happily.

In this way, Li Lianhua also asked about Qin Po’s life!

In fact, a widow whose husband died was alone in the house. Life in the mountains is naturally miserable!

But similarly, in front of her children, Qinpo also reported good things but not bad things. She only said that she lived a comfortable life in seclusion in the mountains, company with flowers and birds, and growing vegetables. Clean!

“Flowers and birds for company? Growing vegetables?”

Although it hasn’t snowed yet, it has already entered winter. Li Lianhua looked out the window. All the leaves on the trees had fallen off, and the vegetables in the vegetable field were wilting. She looked at Qin Po strangely.

“This, in winter, everything is depressed, that’s what it is!”Po Qin showed a rare look of embarrassment and embarrassment.���Li Xiangyi said!

“No problem!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua shook his head slightly!

Then, he raised his hand and faced the vegetable field outside the window!

At the same time, Li Lianhua secretly shouted in his heart: Wood escape – growth restraint!

The growth restraint move is very effective. Simple, it is to control the growth of plants to restrain the opponent!

Since it is to control the growth of plants, the vegetables in the vegetable field are no longer a problem!

Soon, under the shocked eyes of Qin Po and Fang Duobing, Some vegetables that were wilting immediately recovered and then grew rapidly like a balloon!

The vegetables grew to the height of half a person! The cabbage also grew to the size of a millpan!

Underground, but you can tell from the exposed parts that this radish is as thick as an adult’s waist!

Not only that, except for the vegetables in the vegetable field, the surrounding trees are also completely out of season. Growing.

Soon the green leaves will bloom, and even flowers will bloom!

“Xiangyi, you, you are Yangzhou Man’s internal strength, has it reached this point?”Looking at the scene in front of her, Qinpo looked at Li Lianhua!

Yangzhou Man’s internal strength is pure and gentle, and has some effects on stimulating the growth of trees. Qinpo knows it!

After all, Fang Duobing in the original work wants to prove himself His internal power was Yangzhou Slow. In front of Buddha Baishi, he used Yangzhou Slow to urge a branch to grow flowers.

However, like this, the vegetables in a large area grew crazily, and even a large area of trees around them stopped growing! The green leaves are lush and the flowers are blooming, which even makes Qin Po feel shocked!

“Master, this move, this move is so powerful, I want to learn it!”Fang Duobing next to him looked at the scene in front of him and was also dumbfounded. Then, he stared at Li Lianhua with burning eyes!

“You, first practice the kung fu I teach you!”Li Lianhua said unceremoniously about Fang Duobing’s words!

When Li Lianhua said this, Fang Duobing looked a little aggrieved and kept silent!

Seeing this scene, Qin Po next to her smiled slightly. Yang!

The relationship between the two masters and apprentices looks very good! (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Alas, if Mushan could see this scene, he would be very happy, right?”Following, Qin Po sighed quietly.

“Wife, it’s getting late now. We’ll stay here tonight!”

The two chatted a lot. As the sun set and the sky gradually dimmed, Li Lianhua said!

“Okay, let me clean up the room for you two, master and apprentice!”Hearing this, Qinpo nodded and said!

It is a very happy thing for the elders to clean up the room for the children to live in. Li Lianhua has no intention of stopping her! []

Although the Lotus Building is right at the door, but when you get to this cloud Juge, when you arrive at Master Niang’s territory, you are home, naturally, you will live in Yunju Pavilion!

Li Lianhua took out the gourmet tablecloth and ordered some exquisite but light dinner.

The three masters and apprentices sat together. After dinner, I brewed two pots of enlightenment tea.

As the night got darker, Li���Hua asked Fang Duobing to rest, saying that he and his wife hadn’t seen each other for many years and had a lot to talk about!

He didn’t mean to disturb these two people. After yawning, Fang Duobing turned around and went back to his room!

“Xiangyi, besides visiting Master Niang, do you have other things to do here this time?”It was obvious that Li Lianhua deliberately tried to get Fang Duobing away. Qin Po asked Li Lianhua!

“Yes, when I came here this time, I wanted to ask my wife to come down the mountain with me!”Li Lianhua nodded and said!

“oh?”Hearing this, Qinpo looked at Li Lianhua in surprise!

Since he took the initiative to invite her to go down the mountain, there must be a reason for him, right?

Qinpo looked at Li Lianhua, waiting for what he would say next!

“Master’s Wife, that Fang Sickly is actually not only my disciple, but also the only son of my senior brother Shan Gudao!”Li Lianhua then spoke and reintroduced Fang Duobing’s identity!

“Actually, is it his child? I didn’t expect this!”Hearing this, Qinpo’s face showed a look of surprise!

“In addition, when my senior brother took my jade pendant, he thought it was his own, so much so that he thought he was a descendant of the Nanyin royal family!”

“He also faked his death back then and started a fight between Sigumen and the Golden Yuan Alliance!”

“Then he hid in the dark, created the All Saints Way, and made a profit, and even thought about recovering Nanyin. Therefore, I want to stop him, and I need you, Master, to be a witness!”

Li Lianhua then spoke and expressed her thoughts again!

“Mistress will accompany you down the mountain!” Knowing that Shan Gudao was secretly instigating the truth ten years ago, Qinpo sighed, but nodded!

Although Li Xiangyi and Shan Gudao were from the same sect back then, Li Xiangyi was personally taught by master Qi Mushan. , on the contrary, it was Shan Gudao who was taught by his master, Qinpo!

Therefore, after hearing Shan Gudao’s actions back then, Qinpo still felt a little guilty in her heart!………

This is because I didn’t teach him, right?

“In addition, not only do you have to bear witness, Master, but I think Master should also bear witness!”Seeing the Master’s wife looking somewhat self-reproached, Li Lianhua was silent for a moment and then continued!

“Is your master also going to testify? Xiangyi……”

Hearing this, Qinpo looked at him in surprise!

Hasn’t Qi Mu Shan been dead for many years? Could it be that Xiang Yi is not clear?

“Wife, I need Master’s birthday and horoscope. You should know it, right?”

There is not much explanation. After all, explaining with actions is much more convincing than the explanation with words. Li Lianhua just asked Qimushan’s birthday and horoscope!

After all, his soul penetrated Li Lianhua’s body, and he was only Li Xiangyi in the flesh. Forget it, of course he didn’t know Qimushan’s birth date!

While talking, Li Lianhua sent the pen and paper she had prepared to Qinpo!

“This is good!”

Staring at Li Lianhua in surprise, although she didn’t understand the meaning of his move, Qinpo didn’t ask any more questions and just nodded. She immediately wrote down the birth date of Qimushan. Come down!

After Li Lianhua finished writing down the date of birth, he touched his hand on the storage ring and took out the soul-summoning flag! Then, he shook the soul-summoning flag a few times!

, a spooky wind suddenly blew, giving people a creepy feeling. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became spooky and terrifying!

At the same time, Li Lianhua’s voice sounded:”Qimushan, the soul has returned, here we go. If the time doesn’t come, when will we wait? Come quickly!”

Following Li Lianhua’s soul-calling shout, a moment later, a wisp of soul suddenly appeared in the material. It was the dead soul of Qimu Mountain!

After summoning the soul-calling flag of Qimu Mountain, Li Lianhua put down the soul-calling banner in his hand. Banner, the ability of Julingshuangjiang was activated!

The dark aura spread from Li Lianhua’s body, making him look like an evil ghost coming out of hell!

The dead souls following Qimu Mountain were immediately killed. Li Lianhua’s Soul-Calling

Banner can only summon the souls of the dead, but it cannot make them stay for a long time!!

“Xiangyi! ?”Looking at Li Lianhua who was performing the Soul-Restraining General, Qin Po’s eyes widened!

There was no way, when the Soul-Restraining General was used, it looked eerie and terrifying. It did look like a very evil technique!

“Wife, there is no distinction between good and evil in abilities, only talents can distinguish between good and evil!”Li Lianhua saw the worry of the mistress and explained!

After listening to Li Lianhua’s words, Qin Po thought about it and nodded in agreement!

Indeed, what Li Lianhua said is indeed correct!

Talents have good and evil qualities. The difference between good and evil has no such difference in ability!

“Also, Master Wife, look who this is?”Following that, Li Lianhua controlled Qimushan’s soul and showed his body shape. The translucent soul appeared, but it was exactly what Qimushan looked like!

“Yes, it’s you, 4.1 your soul was really recalled by Xiang Yi……”

With a look of shock on her face, but more of a look of joy, Qinpo looked at the soul of Qimu Mountain in front of her in disbelief!

Although the relationship between the couple was not harmonious during their lifetimes, otherwise, they would not have lived in a separate residence in Yunyin Mountain and taught separate disciples!

However, without someone to quarrel with, and having lived alone in Yunyin Mountain for ten years, Qinpo still missed him deeply in her heart.

Now, her husband’s soul has returned to her and left? This naturally made her extremely happy!

“Is this Xiang Yi’s ability? Great, Xiangyi, you are still alive. Did your senior brother save you?”Qi Mushan looked at Li Lianhua with a look of relief on his face!

When Li Xiangyi was killed, Shan Gu Dao deceived his master and got all the skills he instilled. At that time, Qi Mushan told Shan Gu Dao to rescue Li Xiangyi.!

So, now that Li Lianhua is still alive, he just thinks that his original decision was right, and it was Shan Gudao who successfully rescued Li Xiangyi!

“Master, Master, I won’t interrupt you two to reminisce about old times!”

Regarding what happened back then, Li Lian���I don’t mean to explain so much, I just need the teacher’s wife to explain everything!

Just smiling slightly and saying goodbye to his master and his wife, Li Lianhua turned around and left!

Life and death have been separated for ten years!

Presumably, there is still a lot to say between Master and Mistress!

Although he does not have the ability to resurrect his master now, using the ability to restrain his soul and send generals to retain his soul can be regarded as extending the life of the deceased in a different way, right?

Li Lianhua left, and Qin Po naturally talked a lot with Qi Mushan.

He also roughly told Qi Mushan what Li Lianhua said about the truth of what happened back then!

After learning about Shan Gudao’s ambitions and actions, Qi Mushan was furious, so he didn’t even mention it!

After resting for a night in Yunju Pavilion, early the next morning, after a few people washed up, Lianhua Tower went down to Yunyin Mountain and went back to Baichuan Courtyard.……

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