Although Li Lianhua really wanted to earn medical fees, regarding Xie Xiaofeng’s situation, Li Lianhua really wasn’t lying!

Because of the pressure, it is normal to have an escape mentality!

Just like in modern times, many men have clearly got off work and drove their cars home, but they are not in a hurry to go upstairs, but stay in the car for half an hour. why is that? Don’t you just feel a lot of pressure, have an escape mentality, and want to be alone for a while?

However, people like Xie Xiaofeng, who ran away directly, could endure even being bullied and looked down upon!

Even in the original work, when he learned that Murong Qiudi and his group went to the Excalibur Villa to destroy all the people in the Excalibur Villa, he didn’t want to take action.

This is not escaping, this is really a mental illness, or a serious illness!

Other men are under great pressure and just look for opportunities to hide away.

I haven’t seen anyone abandoning their family or their children and disappearing. Even if their family members are dying, they don’t want to show up!

“Mental illness?”Xie Xiaofeng looked at Li Lianhua in surprise.

Obviously, Xie Xiaofeng had no idea about this so-called mental illness!

“Let me give you a simple metaphor: losing one’s mind is a type of mental illness!”Li Lianhua explained to Xie Xiaofeng!

“Doctor Li, are you saying that I have lost my mind and gone crazy?”Hearing this, Xie Xiaofeng naturally couldn’t sit still!

If you lose your mind and go crazy, isn’t that a lunatic?

“You are not that serious yet, but your thoughts have reached a dead end!”

“If you don’t let yourself go, you will become crazy in the future, which is not a strange thing!”

“Because, whether you continue to be your useless Aji or go back to be the third young master of your Divine Sword Villa, this is a very painful thing for you!”

“If a person is in a state of pain for a long time, his mind will naturally become more and more abnormal!”

Li Lianhua opened her mouth and explained to Xie Xiaofeng!”Two six three” Xie Xiaofeng:”……”

After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Xie Xiaofeng fell silent!

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Xie Xiaofeng had to admit that Li Lianhua’s words did make some sense!

A person who has been in a state of pain will have an increasingly abnormal mental state. This is indeed a very reasonable thing!

“Doctor Li……”

In this way, after being silent for a long time, Xie Xiaofeng looked at Li Lianhua seriously and said,”Since you know so much about this so-called mental illness, do you have the ability to help me treat it?”

Originally, Xie Xiaofeng was thinking very much. Simple, that is to hide, and no longer want to bear the weight of the glory of the third young master of Excalibur Villa!

But I never thought that I had a heart problem!

However, after hearing Li Lianhua’s description, Xie Xiaofeng realized that he was really ill, and he was very ill.

It’s just that this disease is a heart disease!

Since it is a disease, and Doctor Li seems to know the disease very well, naturally, Xie Xiaofeng also wants to treat it well!

“no problem!”

Listening to Xie Xiaofeng’s inquiry, Li Lianhua looked indifferent and said:”As long as it is an illness, no matter what it is, even if it is a mental illness, I can cure it!”

The words came out, and a deep smile appeared on Xie Xiaofeng’s face!

Sure enough, there is no end to the road.

By chance, he came to the Lotus Tower and met the legendary doctor Li Lianhua. Can he even cure his own heart disease?

“So, Doctor Li, I wonder what I should prepare?”Also full, Xie Xiaofeng put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands and asked Li Lianhua!

“All you have to prepare is the consultation fee!”After hearing Xie Xiaofeng’s inquiry, Li Lianhua said!

“this……”Hearing this, a look of embarrassment appeared on Xie Xiaofeng’s face!

If I were still the third young master of the Divine Sword Villa, some medical fees would certainly be no problem!

But now I am alone!

“Don’t worry, if I cure you, you can go back to Shenjian Villa with peace of mind, and it won’t be too late to send you my diagnosis fee at that time!”

Looking at Xie Xiaofeng’s hesitant look, Li Lianhua could certainly guess what he was thinking and said!

“Then, please ask Divine Doctor Li to take action!”Seeing how confident Li Lianhua was, Xie Xiaofeng nodded after a brief silence!

So what? Divine Doctor Li is full of confidence in his medical skills!

After all, in his words, if it can’t be cured, As for myself, I still don’t want to go back to Shenjian Villa.

Naturally, he won’t be able to get the consultation fee!

“Not bad, this is another piece of business delivered to your door!”After negotiating with Xie Xiaofeng, Li Lianhua secretly laughed in her heart.

In a moment of kindness, she asked someone to stay overnight in the Lianhua Building, and a deal came. Is it true that good people are rewarded?

Li Lianhua secretly murmured in her heart. However, his movements were not slow and he raised his hands directly!


, the target of this treatment was Xie Xiaofeng. His body was not traumatized, but it was mainly a psychological problem.

What Lian Hua used was still the ability of Shuang Quan’s Blue Hand! In a world under one person, the Lu family’s Bright Soul Technique could only be regarded as a low-end version of Shuang Quan’s Hand, or even a low- end version of Blue Hand’s.

It’s just a matter of checking and retrieving other people’s memories, and it can’t even delete other people’s memories.

However, the full version of Li Lianhua’s blue hands can not only affect memories, but can even affect the entire soul!!

Xie Xiaofeng’s spirit was due to fear that his reputation was too high and too powerful, so he was afraid that he would lose in the future, so he couldn’t stand it! With

Li Lianhua’s blue hand, Li Lianhua forcibly changed his mind.

No longer afraid that he will lose in the future!

In just a dozen breaths, Li Lianhua lowered his raised hand!

“Me, I really feel different!”

As Li Lianhua’s blue-hand ability was completed, Xie Xiaofeng could clearly feel the change in his mentality!

He no longer had the confusion, anxiety and fear before!

His mentality became sunny and confident again.

What does this feel like?

It’s like a big stone that has been weighing on my heart has finally been lifted!

“Dr. Li, thank you very much!”

His eyes have become much brighter. Although he still looks a bit sloppy, Xie Xiaofeng’s whole demeanor has become different!

Temperament is a mysterious thing that cannot be seen or touched, but it is really there. Something!

With the psychological problem solved, Xie Xiaofeng returned to the state of Xie Xiaofeng in Shenjian Villa!

“It’s okay, I think the entire Ming Dynasty will be very happy to see you back!”Looking at Xie Xiaofeng in front of her, Li Lianhua said with a slight smile!

“Don’t worry, Divine Doctor Li, the medical fees I owe will be sent to Shenjian Villa!”

Thank you for your kindness. These kindnesses are beyond description in words. Xie Xiaofeng just nodded to Li Lianhua!

After the voice fell, Xie Xiaofeng turned and left the Lotus Tower!

However, Xie Xiaofeng, who left the Lotus Tower, and He didn’t choose to go back to Shenjian Villa, but went back to Kuhai Town!

Even if he wanted to return to Shenjian Villa, he had to finish explaining the things in Kuhai Town first! After leaving without saying goodbye, Xie Xiaofeng shook his head silently! He had left, but as Xiaoli and the others were the people who had the deepest contact with him, wouldn’t Xiaoli and the others die because of him if those people couldn’t find him


He shook his head, Xie Xiaofeng couldn’t do this kind of thing that would drag others down!

Sure enough, Xiaoli and her family woke up early in the morning and found that she was missing, and they were looking for her everywhere.

This made Xie Xiaofeng even more sure that Li Lianhua’s words were true. Wrong.

I am really sick, mentally ill, and very ill!

If I leave, I will leave a mess to Xiaoli’s family. Why didn’t I consider this before?

“Aji, it’s great that you are back……”

Seeing Xie Xiaofeng come back, Xiaoli, who had been looking for him for a long time but couldn’t find anyone, cried with joy and hurried over!

However, when she came to Xie Xiaofeng, Xiaoli originally wanted to hug him, but she didn’t dare to hug him!

“Aji, how are you? It feels like you have become different!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiaoli looked at the person in front of her with some embarrassment!

Although her dress has not changed, and her appearance has not changed at all, her whole temperament has become completely different..

This made Xiaoli feel awkward for the first time when she stood in front of him.

It seemed that she didn’t know where to put her hands and feet for a while!

“I? I’m doing great now!”After listening to Xiaoli’s words, Xie Xiaofeng showed a smile to her! []

Yes, the obsession in his heart was resolved, just like the inner demon was resolved, he only felt that a big stone in his heart was shattered.

Xie Xiaofeng felt that his situation was better than ever, and he felt more relaxed than ever before!

Looking at the awkward girl in front of him, Xie Xiaofeng smiled slightly and then said:”Actually, I lied to you, I’m sorry!”

“My name is not Aji, my name is Xie Xiaofeng!”

“You all knew yesterday that I am the third young master of Shenjian Villa!”

“Now, I have figured it out, so I came here specifically to say goodbye to you!”

Xiao Li’s face turned pale after hearing what Xie Xiaofeng said!

That Aji who stood up to protect herself from the knife, and then took out her wages and said that she would keep all future wages for herself, after all, is just a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water.

When Aji’s identity was revealed yesterday, Xiaoli had an intuition: She was going to lose this man!

To be more precise, maybe this man never belonged to her?

Now, he said this. Come on, it’s like the suspicion in your heart has been confirmed! But, can you keep her? There are a lot of things that

Xiaoli wants to say, but she can’t say them out! , but

Xiaoli’s feeling is unmistakable!

Even if she really wants to keep Aji, now that Aji is completely different, can she still think of him as the useless Aji?

Not to mention, he has now clarified that his name is Xie Xiaofeng, and he is the third young master of Shenjian Villa!

It can be seen that Aji himself also wants to put an end to his past self, right?

“well……”Looking at Xiaoli’s appearance, Xie Xiaofeng was silent for a long time, and then sighed quietly!

Of course Xie Xiaofeng also knew about Xiaoli’s affection……….

At the beginning, I also considered that it would be nice to stay anonymous for the rest of my life and stay warm with Xiaoli!

However, some things cannot be changed by one’s own will. After all, he and her are people from two different worlds!

“I am leaving!”Thousands of words came to my lips, but there was only one sentence in the end!

Xiaoli lowered her head and said nothing!

Even Miaozi, who had always regarded Aji as a good friend, was a little embarrassed for Xie Xiaofeng, whose temperament had changed drastically. I don’t know. What to say!

Finally, Xie Xiaofeng turned around and left Xiaoli’s house. He could clearly hear Xiaoli’s crying behind him.

After a slight pause, Xie Xiaofeng walked out in a hurry!

Forcibly combining people from two worlds will only bring pain to both of them!

What if he brought Xiaoli back to Shenjian Villa?

Not to mention whether his father could accept that he brought a prostitute back.

Even if she could accept it, could she really live happily in Shenjian Villa?

After leaving Xiaoli’s home, Xie Xiaofeng walked directly to the big boss’s place without hesitation! For the person guarding the door?

As far as Xie Xiaofeng is concerned, he is no different from a carrot waiting to be slaughtered! With one man and one sword, Xie Xiaofeng is in front of the big boss in the blink of an eye!

“Three, third young master!”Looking at Xie Xiaofeng in front of him, the big boss turned pale with fright! The big boss was already sure that this man who had stayed in his brothel for so long and was stabbed several times without saying a word was the legendary third young master.!

These days, the big boss has been living in fear.

He has bullied Xiaoli’s family many times, and he is really afraid that the third young master will come to him!!

And the guards he arranged are nothing in front of the third young master!

“I came here not to kill anyone, just to tell you a word!”Xie Xiaofeng held the blood-stained sword and calmly looked at the big boss in front of him and said!

“Third Young Master, please speak, please speak!”Hearing Xie Xiaofeng’s words, he didn’t mean to kill himself? The big boss nodded hurriedly and said with a look of fear!

“Let’s leave it at that regarding Xiaoli’s family. If I learn that you have bullied her again, you will all die!”Xie Xiaofeng opened his mouth and threatened the big boss!

Although he can kill him, what happens after killing him? There may not be other big bosses coming to Kuhai Town. By then, nothing will change! If you don’t kill him, He, he knows how powerful he is, so he probably doesn’t dare to do anything to Xiaoli again!

“Definitely, definitely. Even if you lend me ten more courages, I won’t dare to do anything to that aunt. Third Young Master, you can rest assured!”

After hearing what Xie Xiaofeng said, the big boss nodded hurriedly!

After receiving this guarantee, Xie Xiaofeng turned around and left with satisfaction! The big boss arranged many guards?

But to Xie Xiaofeng, they were just decorations.

One person and one sword, Come and go freely, like entering a deserted land!

“Huh, huh……”Seeing with his own eyes that Xie Xiaofeng turned around and left, until all his people were gone and could no longer be seen, the big boss breathed a long sigh of relief and wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead.!

This is the third young master, the third young master of Shenjian Villa.

Just this momentum is unbearable!

However, such a person has been working as a turtle in his own brothel for so long incognito, and no one has discovered his extraordinaryness?

Or even call him useless Aji?

This, it is true that the ignorant are fearless!


Not to mention what the big boss is thinking.

After leaving the big boss’s house, Xie Xiaofeng also left Kuhai Town and was going to Shenjian Villa!

However, just after leaving Kuhai Town, a figure appeared and stopped in front of Xie Xiaofeng!

“Yan Shisan!”Xie Xiaofeng was not surprised at all by the figure who appeared and blocked him. He just looked at him calmly and said!

“Not bad……”

Yan Shisan didn’t say much, but his eyes were filled with relief. He looked at Xie Xiaofeng and said,”You are really different now than you were yesterday!”

“This is what the third young master of Shenjian Villa should look like!”

“I didn’t expect you to recover so quickly!”

“Very good, you are qualified to be my opponent!”

At the end of the sentence, Yan Shisan’s eyes were filled with a strong fighting spirit.

“you misunderstood!”Looking at Yan Shisan’s eagerness to try, and listening to his words, Xie Xiaofeng shook his head!

Before Yan Shisan could ask, Xie Xiaofeng followed up and said,”It’s not that I figured it out, but that Dr. Li cured him. Got rid of my mental illness!”.

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