Li Lianhua looked at the visitor. A young man about twenty years old was standing in front of him.

“Oh, Zeng Aniu, you’re fine!”Li Lianhua raised her brows and said hello!

Yes, the person who came to him was none other than Zhang Wuji, whom Li Lianhua met by chance when he first came to the Ming Dynasty!

Later, the two of them went to Wudang Mountain together Zhang Wuji naturally lived in the Lotus Building for some time!

“Doctor Li, you, you should call me Zhang Wuji, Zeng Aniu, it’s just my pseudonym!”

Hearing what Li Lianhua called him, Zhang Wuji said a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

He always felt that Li Lianhua was making fun of himself by calling him that!

“Okay, Zhang Wuji, why are you coming to the capital at this time?”Nodding, Li Lianhua replied casually.

“I am planning to go out to sea from the coast of Bohai Sea. I heard that Divine Doctor Li is in the capital, so I stopped by to see you!”Zhang Wuji replied!

“Well, now that you’ve seen it, you can go?”Nodding slightly, Li Lianhua followed and said!

Zhang Wuji:”……”

“Hahaha, okay, let’s go in and sit down. I happened to get some pretty good tea recently. I’ll treat you to two cups!”

Seeing Zhang Wuji’s distorted face and hesitant expression, Li Lianhua suddenly laughed out loud and said!

“Doctor Li, just one word from you can kill someone!”Also understanding that Li Lianhua’s words just now were a joke, Zhang Wuji shook his head and said.

As he spoke, both of them entered the Lotus Tower.

Following that, Li Lianhua also took out some Ancient Enlightenment Tea to entertain Zhang Wuji!

“Doctor Li, what kind of tea is this? My master already has a lot of good tea, but compared with yours, there is a huge gap!”

After taking a sip of the tea Li Lianhua made for himself, Zhang Wuji’s eyes widened and he looked at the tea in the cup that looked like liquid gold in shock!

“Just drink if you want, don’t ask so many questions!”Li Lianhua refilled Zhang Wuji’s glass and said angrily!

“All right!”Hearing this, Zhang Wuji nodded and said no more!

“How long have you been resting in Wudang Mountain? Just come out to travel around the world?”After drinking two cups of tea, Li Lianhua asked casually!

“Originally, I should have stayed in Wudang Mountain for a few more days, but wasn’t it all because of you, Divine Doctor Li, that I came down the mountain?”

Put down the tea cup, Zhang Wuji looked at Li Lianhua and said!

Because Zhang Wuji lived in Lianhua Building for some time before.

Therefore, the relationship between the two is much closer than ordinary people, and their conversation is much more easy-going!

“because I? If you were a beautiful woman, I would be very happy with what you said, but you are a man!”Giving Zhang Wuji a roll of his eyes, Li Lianhua said unceremoniously!

This statement made Zhang Wuji angry and funny.

At the same time, he was sighing secretly in his heart. He only felt that Li Lianhua seemed to be in a much more cheerful mood than before.

Of course, It also makes people feel a lot more angry!

“Li Lianhua, you are not from the Ming Dynasty. You only came to the Ming Dynasty to treat my third master uncle at the invitation of my seventh uncle!”

“Although you are still lingering in Daming, you just have some things to do, right?”

“If things are done, you won’t stay in Ming Dynasty for a long time, right?”

After a moment of silence, Zhang Wuji said to Li Lianhua!

Although he seemed to be asking, his tone was an affirmation!

He picked up the tea cup and drank a cup. Li Lianhua did not answer Zhang Wuji’s words.

But this attitude , but it is the default!

“So, I have to take my adoptive father back before you leave and seek treatment from you!”

“I heard from the great uncle that during that time at the Bright Summit, your medical skills could actually make people regenerate after their severed limbs were broken!”

“So, you should be able to cure my adoptive father’s eyes, right?”Following that, Zhang Wuji stared at Li Lianhua seriously and asked!

With the means to regenerate severed limbs, it shouldn’t be a problem to treat his adoptive father’s eyes, right?

Taking a step back, even if it can’t be cured, just dig out the eyes. Is it okay to use the method of regenerating the severed limb?

But in theory, Li Lianhua should be able to cure it, but it is related to the future of his adoptive father, so Zhang Wuji naturally wants to get Li Lianhua’s personal consent!

“No problem, for me, as long as the person is not dead, no matter what kind of illness, injury, or poisoning, it doesn’t matter!”Li Lianhua nodded and gave Zhang Wuji a definite answer!


Although he had already guessed in his mind, Zhang Wuji secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Li Lianhua nod his head to confirm.

“but……”However, at this moment, Li Lianhua suddenly changed the subject!

“but? But what?”Hearing this, Zhang Wuji asked nervously!

“However, you have to come back early, because I should have to leave Daming soon!”Li Lianhua followed up and said!

Indeed, the reason why she is still in the capital is just for the money for the Zhuyan Pill!

Now, the ladies in the palace have sent the medicinal materials over and are waiting for her to refine the Zhuyan Pill. After you’re done, it’s time to leave!

“Are you leaving soon? So where are you going next?”After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Zhang Wuji asked nervously!

“I most likely should go back to Daxi for a visit!”Li Lianhua thought for a while and replied!

Yes, after the Zhuyan Dan thing here is over, he seems to have nothing to do in Daming.

So, he should go back to Daxi!

There are many things about Li Xiangyi, I have time. It’s time to solve it!

“Daxi? Doctor Li, your reputation for reviving the dead seems to have come from Daxi, right?”After a moment of silence, Zhang Wuji continued!

“Yes, you are quite capable of inquiring about my news!”Nodding, Li Lianhua did not deny it!

“It’s not that I specifically inquired about you, Divine Doctor Li, but there are many people in the world who inquire about you, so your situation is no longer a secret!”After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Zhang Wuji said in explanation!

This statement made Li Lianhua silently nod, feeling that it made sense!

With the reputation he has gained now, others will ask more about him. This is not a strange thing.!

“By the way, I have one more thing……”After chatting for a while, Li Lianhua continued!

“Anything else? What’s up?”Hearing this, Zhang Wuji looked at Li Lianhua curiously!

Without saying anything, Li Lianhua stretched out his finger.

Then, a ball of light the size of a soybean bloomed and floated on Li Lianhua’s fingertips!

“What’s this?”Looking at the light spots floating on Li Lianhua’s fingertips, Zhang Wuji asked curiously!

“memory!”Li Lianhua replied!


Hearing this, Zhang Wuji’s eyes widened and he looked at the light spot on Li Lianhua’s fingertips in surprise. He could hardly believe his ears!

Memory, isn’t this something invisible and intangible?

However, Li Lianhua Can you show it in front of yourself in this form?

“You know about the six major factions’ siege on Guangmingding before!”

“And the tragedy in the life of your adoptive father, the Golden Retriever Lion King, is all because of Cheng Kun, who you also know!”

“But what you don’t know is that Cheng Kun secretly instigated the six major factions to besiege Guangmingding!”

“Although he is dead, I have extracted his memory!”

“If you give this memory to your master Zhang Zhenren, he will naturally know what to do!”Li Lianhua opened her mouth and explained to Zhang Wuji!

“It’s him? I see!”

Hearing Cheng Kun’s name, Zhang Wuji’s eyes also showed deep hatred. Immediately, he nodded heavily and said!

Regarding his adoptive father, the Golden Retriever Lion King, how he was harmed by Cheng Kun. Zhang Wuji knew everything about what happened today.

Now that he learned that Cheng Kun was dead, Zhang Wuji was also very happy.

Zhang Wuji would naturally handle the matter that Li Lianhua told him. Feilu Novel Network!) took over this mass of memories from Li Lianhua, and the memories of how Cheng Kun persecuted Xie Xun, and then provoked the six major factions to besiege Guangmingding, all appeared in Zhang Wuji’s mind!

“In addition, there is one more thing that I think I should talk to you about!”

After Zhang Wuji accepted the memory about Cheng Kun, Li Lianhua hesitated for a moment and continued!

“oh? what else?”Zhang Wuji asked Li Lianhua curiously!

“What I want to ask is, are you interested in the position of the leader of the Ming Cult?”Li Lianhua asked Zhang Wuji casually!

“ah! ?”Hearing this, Zhang Wuji stood up suddenly and looked at Li Lianhua in disbelief.

Obviously, these sudden words made Zhang Wuji a little dumbfounded!

Himself? The leader of the Ming Cult?

This is a question that he has never thought about!

“Doctor Li, why did you suddenly say this?”After taking some time to calm down his shocked emotions, Zhang Wuji asked Li Lianhua in surprise!

“I just think it’s quite suitable for you to be the leader of the Ming Cult, so I just said this!”

Li Lianhua still had a casual attitude, as if chatting with friends after dinner!

“No, I am not a member of the Ming Cult. How is it appropriate for me to be the leader of the Ming Cult?”Zhang Wuji shook his head and said!

“Don’t be single-minded when looking at problems!”Looking at Zhang Wuji’s appearance, Li Lianhua smiled and shook his head and said!

At this point, Li Lianhua said:”Let me analyze it for you. Do you think what I said makes sense?”[]

“First of all, you have your own opportunity. You have accidentally practiced the Nine Yang Divine Art. Your cultivation has reached the master level, right?”

“Even, given time, it won’t be far for you to enter the realm of a grand master, right?”

Hearing Li Lianhua’s analysis, Zhang Wuji nodded.

It is true. Although he is not well-known in the world, compared to people like Ximen Chuixue, he is even more unknown and transparent!

However, he now has the master level. It is indeed a fact that he has advanced to the level of a great master step by step.

What he lacks is just an opportunity to make a name for himself and make a name for himself in the world!

“Secondly, you are the disciple of Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang Mountain, you can even be said to be the most beloved disciple!”

“If you become the leader of the Ming Cult, you can greatly ease the relationship between the Ming Cult and those famous and decent sects. Do you think what I say makes sense?”

Li Lianhua asked again!

“This does make sense!”Although he didn’t want to admit it, Zhang Wuji nodded and felt that Li Lianhua’s words were indeed reasonable!

His master Zhang Sanfeng can be said to be a ceiling-level existence in the entire Ming Dynasty.

With him as a backer, who dares to say more What?

Moreover, not to mention the Ming Dynasty, even in the whole world, my master is a ceiling-level existence!

After all, there is no strong person in the land of gods in the whole world, but my master is said by many people! Cheng is the most likely person to have secretly reached the terrestrial immortal realm without announcing it.

This shows how far his cultivation has reached!

Even Luo Qingyang, the solitary sword immortal who is known as the leader of sword immortals, is the great city lord of Xueyue City. Baili Dongjun, and even people like Wang Xianzhi from Donghai Emperor Wu City, seem to be half a point behind their master, right?

“Then, as for your identity, you are the grandson of the White-browed Eagle King, the adopted son of the Golden-haired Lion King Xie Xun, and the three medical skills have also been passed down by Hu Qingniu of Butterfly Valley. If you are half of the Mingjiao identity, then That makes sense, right?”

Li Lianhua asked again!

“This is indeed true!”Hearing this, Zhang Wuji nodded again!

“Then, here comes the last bit!”

“You bring out Cheng Kun’s memory and let everyone in the world know that the six major factions were instigated to besiege Guangmingding!”

“This is a big favor for Mingjiao, right? Who in the entire Mingjiao community is not grateful to you!”

“After thinking about it this way, your martial arts skills are enough, your identity is reasonable, and you will be very grateful to Mingjiao soon!”

“Let me ask you, are you going to be the leader of the Ming Cult?���Is it suitable?”

Li Lianhua finally asked Zhang Wuji in conclusion!

Zhang Wuji:”……”

Not to mention, although I have never wanted to be the so-called leader of the Ming Cult!

However, after Li Lianhua’s analysis, Zhang Wuji found that he was quite competitive if he wanted to be the leader of the Ming Cult.

It seems that all conditions are really met?

“However, I have never thought about the position of Divine Doctor Li as the leader of the Ming Cult!”After a moment of silence, Zhang Wuji shook his head and said!

“Now that I think about it, it’s not too late!” Regarding what Zhang Wuji said, Li Lianhua said with a slight smile!

“This Ming Cult is said by everyone in the world to be a demon sect. If I become the leader of this Ming Cult,……”Zhang Wuji still felt a little hesitant!


Li Lianhua opened her mouth and said to Zhang Wuji:”In this life, don’t let others tell you what it is, it is what it is. Whether it is what it is, the most important thing is to see for yourself!””

“Secondly, even if the Ming Cult is really a demonic sect, are they all evil people? And are all those so-called decent people good people?”

“Finally, and the most important point, even if you take a step back, the Demon Cult is really all evil people, so if you let them bring trouble to the world, why not take control in your own hands?”

“When you go to pick up your adoptive father, think about what I said. Maybe the Golden Retriever Lion King can also give you some advice!”

For Li Lianhua, advising Zhang Wuji to become the leader of the Ming Cult is indeed a very good thing for him to do!

Of course, whether he is willing to do so depends on Zhang Wuji’s own wishes.

In short, he All that needs to be said has been said!

“this……”Li Lianhua’s words made Zhang Wuji ponder.

Suddenly and unprepared for being persuaded to become the leader of the Ming Cult, Zhang Wuji felt like he was in a state of confusion!

Li Lianhua didn’t say anything, she just sat quietly and poured tea for Zhang Wuji!

In this way, after making another cup of tea, after brewing the Wu Dao ancient tea for three times, it was already bland and tasteless. Zhang Wuji then stood up and said that he had to go and fetch his adoptive father, the Golden Retriever Lion King, as soon as possible!


Li Lianhua naturally had no intention of staying, but when Zhang Wuji stood up to leave, Zhang Wuji reminded him again:”Don’t forget your parents’ hatred!”

“It was those so-called respectable people who forced your parents to death back then!”

“If you want revenge, you can’t rely on the power of Wudang Mountain, right?”

Li Lianhua’s reminder made Zhang Wuji pause for a moment before he left!

Indeed, if he could rely on the power of Wudang Mountain for revenge, those so-called decent sects would have been wiped out long ago!

Therefore, if he wanted to take revenge, , it is indeed the most suitable to be the leader of the Ming Cult!

After a moment of silence, Zhang Wuji left the Lotus Tower without saying anything more!

It was not far from the Yingtian Mansion in the capital of the Ming Dynasty to the coast of the Bohai Sea, and then out to the sea. It’s a very suitable route to go to Binghuo Island!

Seeing Zhang Wuji’s leaving figure, Li Lianhua smiled slightly, shook his head secretly, and suppressed all these messy thoughts!

Then, Li Lianhua took some unnecessary but precious beauty pills. All the medicinal materials were put into the storage ring!

First, I selected the materials for a batch of Zhuyan Dan, and took out my alchemy furnace! The

Qinglian Earth Core Fire burned brightly in the furnace.

The matter of Zhuyan Dan started immediately……

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