Chapter 240 Seven Strikes Abolished!

When the sun on the sky slowly rose and the first rays of sunlight slowly began to spread on the ground, many students have already started to get up and practice.

The morning time is extremely precious. First of all, after the first rays of sunlight shine out, the air flow in Danyang is also the purest and weakest. For martial arts, if you want to be really strong, you need hard cultivation. Otherwise, all good qualifications are useless. Therefore, at this time, many students have begun to practice in the martial arts field or some open space, and constantly suck the weakest strength of Star from the Supreme Sun Star Chen, and need to go through It takes a long time for tempering to integrate into your body.

Like the original, this Ye Fantian really did n’t go to the Nangong Dream course, and the reason for doing this was not because Ye Fantian thought of himself high, nor was it because he looked down on Nangong Dream, it was all because of Ye Fantian ’s Strength itself comes from Qing Xuanzi, and neither this martial skill nor Nine Turns Xuan Gong is a powerful existence that ordinary people can imagine.

He doesn’t believe that in this martial skill course, the other party can also give himself a stronger presence than the martial skill he is practicing now, and Ye Fantian is also because of the guys in that dormitory. Go provoke this so-called Nangong dream and see how powerful the other party is.

This can be regarded as a kind of temptation and provocation by Ye Fantian against the other party.

Ye Fantian was walking towards the library of the Academy at this time.

The area of ​​the Academy is quite large, so that if ordinary people want to really understand this Academy once, it will take a month, and Ye Fantian has not been here for a month. In addition, he is still a idiot, so it takes a lot of time to find this library.

Looking at this huge building, Ye Fantian couldn’t help but sucked in a cold breath. At the beginning, although he had heard that the area of ​​the library was quite large, he never thought it would be so large. And when standing in front of the building, the powerful momentum is quite strong.

Many students around also walked into this huge library, but after seeing Ye Fantian, his face couldn’t help but move slightly, apparently he was surprised by Ye Fantian, but when he saw Ye Fantian’s chest The Dragon Phoenix logo was replaced by that contempt.

“Ha … low-level students, it really is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, but Mao has not even grown up here, hehe.”

A young man wearing a senior student logo on his chest and his partner said with a mockery.

“Just keep quiet. It is said that the Junior Brothers are quite powerful now. I do n’t know if a junior student named Ye Fantian recently beat you to a Vice-Sect Master of the Peerless Martial Sect. Hehe, maybe he is also a powerhouse? “

One of the companions hurriedly said, but in that tone it was clearly a look of contempt.

Ye Fantian turned his face slightly, but he didn’t expect that the other party clearly expressed a disdainful expression. The young man who started talking said sneerly: “Forget it, this is just what others have said. Do n’t I know that there are such fierce men in our Academy, hum and we are facing Peerless Martial Sect, but now it is just because our Peerless Martial Sect sect master has n’t appeared yet and has been training all the time. Are the guys dare to be such an impudent? Anything else is just rumor. “

“Forget it, let’s go. The more you say it, the more impudent it is. If someone else knows it, I don’t know what will happen.”

“Hmph, Damn, is that kid still staring at me? What are you staring at?”

The talking man saw Ye Fantian shouting angrily when he looked at him. Obviously, this guy was not in a good mood, and saw Ye Fantian as a low-level Academy, and his strength seemed to be It’s not high, so the debit problem started.

“Forget it.”

Several partners hurriedly grabbed this guy, but what they didn’t expect was that the other party began to be reluctant, and shouted loudly to Ye Fantian: “What do you want to see!”

This guy just stepped on his nose and raised his face, and that’s obviously because there has always been a return qi, so I started to look at Ye Fantian so bullying is so impudent.

A lot of people have gathered around this time, and the other party seems to be claiming that he is a senior student, and Ye Fantian is a junior student, seeing that Ye Fantian is afraid to do it, and has no strength to do it, so he started shouting loudly. .

“Let’s say no, are you crazy? What’s wrong with a low-level student?”

This fellow’s partner couldn’t help laughing, but he was not satisfied with this Ye Fantian: “I said you aren’t going to hurry? Can you stay here for a fight?”

Ye Fantian’s brow frowned again. I did not expect that one day in this Academy would be so insulted to the head. The reason why Ye Fantian did not respond just because he was thinking about the other party ’s information, but looked at it. But for a long time, I found that I really didn’t know each other, that is to say, I had encountered the existence of a sister-in-law.

This act recklessly has always been like a crazy dog ​​who sees people who are bullying and bites forward. Ye Fantian has seen a lot in his past life.

Seeing Ye Fantian still looking at himself, this guy became even more arrogant, especially among the onlookers there were many female students, which really made his heart start to feel more proud.

“Look, look, go home and see your mom!”

Ka-cha !

Ye Fantian’s eyes had already been smashed at this moment, and the anger ‘Peng’ in his heart suddenly burst out, and then slowly moved towards the other side.

“Wipe … Do you still want to play tricks with me?”

This guy is getting more and more energetic, and even expects Ye Fantian to start to do it, but many senior students around him feel a heartfelt flavor exuding from Ye Fantian’s body.

“Let me forget, he didn’t provoke me again. Are you crazy, Ma Kai?”


This guy named Ma Kai shouted loudly: “Let ’s go, I must teach this kid today, dare to look at me with such eyes, kid, what are you looking at? I will teach you today and let you know Be respectful of Seniors! “


A sudden breeze suddenly circulated from the surrounding space, and Ye Fantian in front of the horse armor was disappeared without a trace, even without a trace of energy fluctuations. It was direct and perfect. Disappeared.

“Not good !”

At this time, he couldn’t help shaking in his heart because he was not an idiot. Judging from the performance of Ye Fantian, he was meeting a master.

“Let’s be merciful!”

At this time, Ma Jia’s partners had discovered that something was wrong, so they stopped loudly.

“Hmph! How could it be so easy!”

Ye Fantian said with sneer, and in this while speaking, his palm was directly hitting the dantian’s chest directly along the opponent’s chest!


The palm containing the thick True Qi directly knocked out the opponent’s dantian.

Puchi ……

After the sound of a blood spurt appeared, the guy’s body was immediately blown out.

“Ma Jia!”

After seeing the companion being hit directly, several partners began to yell, even on that face began to become more anxious, and then quickly walked past.

“cough cough cough…”

With that rapid cough, Ma Kai’s mouth could not help but spits out mouthful of blood again, but in this a mouthful of blood, it was clearly with a little bit of minced meat.

Ma Kai’s face was pale, and his pale appearance was truly terrifying.

He trembled his fingers and pointed at Ye Fantian with a vengeful anger in the trembling voice: “You … you’ve ruined my dantian!”

Immediately after this remark, there seemed to be an uproar among the students around. After a little loss of mind, all of them quickly began to show different expressions.

Some people feel that Ye Fantian can be regarded as the root of martial arts at the moment, but some people still feel that it is just a matter of disagreement and abolished one of them. It seems a bit exaggerated.

But no one asked to ask forward, because Ye Fantian’s strength has completely conquered all the people present. Many people in this horse armor are familiar with him and naturally know the strength of the other party, although Ma Kai is indeed Not to be seen, but it also has a decent strength. It is said that this person cultivates a cultivation technique of earth attributes, which is very defensive, and although it is only a martial artist’s top grade Peak, it has already Started moving towards that samurai level began to break through, this year may reach samurai level.

Twenty-one is generally a good cultivator.

However, his powerful defense was killed by a single trick. Ye Fantian’s strength once again became the focus of discussion!

Although it is wrong to say that Ye Fantian’s shot is correct, Ma Kai is considered to be asking for himself. Even if it is a high-level trouble, I am afraid that no one will come to his side.

What’s more, Ye Fantian’s qualifications and strength are so powerful that it is possible to stabilize the ten great experts of Academy in the future. Everyone is not a fool. They can see the potential of Ye Fantian.

“Abandon you? Huh, bullying, how can you get rid of you. If my strength was lower than you just now, would I have to be humiliated by you?”

While speaking, Ye Fantian is too lazy to emphasize this guy anymore, he has to walk towards the outside. At this time, he has no interest to look at any library.

No one dares to stop, even a few friends of Ma Kai dare not move forward!


At this time a sharp roar suddenly came out from the side …

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