Chapter 240 Robbery

After slowly handing the barbecue in his hand to Little Bai, Ye Fantian’s face became serious: “Is it the Divine Crystal of the Moon Demonic Beast?”

Bai Yuying gently nodded: “Yes, it is the crystallization of the moon demonic beast. We originally planned to hunt out some demonic beasts as points, but what I didn’t expect was to find this month’s demonic beast. Lair’s lair, so after trying to enter, but found that this month Demonic beast turned out to be a motherly month Demonic beast that has just given birth to offspring, so it is said that it will rise to collect some moon demon Divine Crystal ideas, but did not expect The thing is, I was discovered by the still-sleeping Demonic beast, so I chose to run away, but was discovered by the golden retriever and a sneak attack in the middle, which caused us to be seriously injured. “

Ye Fantian knows the nodded, but in his mind began to flash the records of this month’s Demonic beast …

Month Demonic beast is a special Demonic beast in this Demonic beast. The level is level XNUMX. This level can be regarded as a master of Demonic beast. The ordinary level XNUMX Demonic beast also requires Great Martial. Master-level powerhouses can fully qualify for this.

But the moon demonic beast is not the same. It can basically be regarded as a heterogeneous demonic beast. It is extremely unique in terms of temperament and other aspects.

First of all, the demonic beasts themselves do not like to kill, because their temperament is very docile, and they are not carnivorous demonic beasts. They like to devour some long-term spiritual medicine as their staple food. Without these spiritual medicine, They will choose the fruit and belly of the plant, but they don’t like the blood and meat, and even rarely eat it.

This has also led to the Month Demonic Beast becoming an alternative condition for the Demonic Beast.

However, although this month ’s Demonic Beast is said to be very docile, it does not mean that it likes to be insulted. Even a good-tempered person will have an angry day. Once beast is irritated to some extent, it will produce a unique change in itself, this kind of change is called the moon demon change.

Moon Demonic Beast itself is a silver-white creature, with a body that looks almost like a poodle, but it is tens or hundreds of times larger than a poodle.

In that adult demonic beast’s body is enough to reach ten meters, this has to be said to be a deterrent.

As for the demonic beast that changed in this month, it is in the process of giving birth to its offspring. The power of maternal love is infinite, even for the demonic beast. After giving birth to their offspring, in order to protect their offspring, Their own temperament and appearance will change dramatically. On this fur, the hair that was originally silver white will become a fresh red symbolizing slaughter and blood, and a pair of demon pupils will become scarlets, and sharp claw will change. It is extremely powerful, and the overall battle strength is enough to be comparable to the elite in the Level XNUMX Demonic Beast.

At this time, it is the Demonic beast of not just in name only, but also in reality!

And in this period, no matter what kind of rival they are, they will choose to fight against each other, even if the opponent is a level seven Demonic beast or even more upward, even if it is a three-point Martial King among humans or a real Martial King Grade powerhouse.

The power of motherhood has made them completely obsolete, so it is impossible to provoke the Moon Demonic Beast at this time, but some people still like to provoke them at this time.

Moon demon Divine Crystal!

This is a name that is enough to make those Great Martial Master-level powerhouses tempted.

Moon demon Divine Crystal, Moon Demonic beast The blood of the cub is also the blood that can only exist on the cub’s body. Once the blood is collected, it will form a purple lens when it comes into contact with the air, and become soft. Material.

The reason why the moon demon Divine Crystal is so enticing is because the moon demon Divine Crystal has played a great role in the cultivation of martial arts. After taking the moon demon Divine Crystal, the speed of its own True Qi will be Double it.

What is the concept of double, I am afraid that any martial arts will understand. Once you encounter bottleneck, and then cooperate with this horrible True Qi running speed, then even how horrible the bottleneck is, I am afraid that the breakthrough will be grasped. Double the point.

After thinking of these, Ye Fantian couldn’t help but have a fiery idea, for no reason, although he now seems to be very powerful, first of all, the True Qi produced by his “Nine Turns Xuan Gong” cooperates with Xuan The power of the crystal then formed the terrifying matchless ice cold attribute, which is indeed much more powerful than the True Qi produced by ordinary martial arts. Ice Dragon Roar has enough tricks to kill Martial King’s powerful three-pointer. “Absolute Dark God Soul is a rather secret cultivation technique.

But everything needs to be built on a strong foundation. Now Ye Fantian said that breaking the sky is just a Martial Master-level mid-grade existence, no matter how strong his character is, no matter how his means are. Terrifying, but after facing those powerful beings, he still does n’t have much resistance, and as long as these three-pointers Martial King once noticed his own means, they seized to make some precautions, their Ice Dragon Roar It is likely to fail.

Therefore, Ye Fantian is more eager for strength growth than anyone. Only when he becomes a top powerhouse can his talents achieve deterrent effect.

“How about … Would you like to go and collect some Divine Crystal with the moon demon? I don’t have any bad feelings about the demonic beast this month, so what I need to do is to collect a little bit from these cubs It ’s just blood, it definitely wo n’t hurt their lives. Now I ’ve reached the level of a bottleneck, so I need the Divine Crystal of the Moon Demon. As long as you help me, the Divine Crystal of the Moon Demon can be divided evenly, and even I can just get the quarters, and the rest is yours. “

Ye Fantian said with a smile: “The Divine Crystal of this month is not as simple as that on the surface. Its operation speed for True Qi is only one month. After one month, it will become the original attitude. Now, you have only one month of assault time, and at most you can only take the next one, and more is useless. “

After seeing Ye Fantian’s answer like this, Bai Yuying’s pretty face could not help but reveal a disappointed expression, apparently she already thought that Ye Fantian had already rejected herself, but what was unexpected was that Ye Fantian laughed at this time “Of course, I’m also very interested in this kind of thing, especially for me such as medicinal martial arts, this month demon Divine Crystal is still a good material.”

“You … did you agree?”

Unexpectedly, the peak circuit turned up, and suddenly a happy expression appeared on the pretty face of Bai Yuying.

“I’m going to resist that Demonic beast, and wait for the chance to lead it out. You will fight for the Moon Demon Divine Crystal.”

Ye Fantian assigns.

“I’ll go away, let’s get Divine Crystal, the other moon demon.”

Bai Yuying disagreed.

“But your strength …”

Ye Fantian didn’t say it explicitly, but in fact he didn’t like the strength of the opponent. The sixth-level demonic beast is not a small samurai level that can resist.

“If it is a confrontation with the opponent, I am indeed not its opponent, but I can lead it away, and I can completely do this at my speed, and now my injuries have all recovered. Last time The injury was completely a mistake, and I needed to take care of several younger sisters, and I was a little bit confused, but this time I have full confidence, and the reason for you to get the moon demon Divine Crystal is completely mine. The reason is that because the temperature inside is really high, I ca n’t bear it completely, just now … when you were treating my injury, I already felt it. The obvious band in your True Qi It’s a cold atmosphere, so it would be more beneficial if you entered. “

After getting this answer, Ye Fantian is not surprised. The Moon Demonic Beast itself likes to live in a high temperature environment, especially they can grow better at such a temperature, so Ye Fantian is slightly After looking at each other, I said, “Since that’s the case, I agree …”

The moonlight slowly immersed, and the two seemed to have discovered this problem. The lone man and the widow were alone in a cave, which really had a strange atmosphere.

“Well … your injury has just recovered, go and rest, I’ll be watching outside.”

In this case, Ye Fantian naturally does not choose to be with the other party, especially after seeing the other ’s lithe and graceful body, Ye Fantian always feels that this white jade cherry seems to have a strange emotion. .

Ye Fantian while speaking did not wait for the other person to answer, and then went out.

Slowly wiping the grease on the corner of her mouth, Bai Yuying’s pretty face could not help but reveal a confused expression, especially after looking at Ye Fantian’s thin but with a firm back, her heart seemed to be somewhat Flustered.

Thinking of being touched and touched by an unfamiliar man, I could not help but give birth to a touch of redness on the pretty face, and then stretched out jade hand, stroking his cheek slowly, feeling the temperature from above, Baiyu Sakura was lost again.

“What do you think, Bai Yuying, you are much bigger than each other, and it is even more impossible for both of you.”

The red halo on the pretty speaking face of this white jade cherry has slowly faded away, leaving what seems to be a trace of resentment, and after a slow glance outside the hole, this white jade cherry also fell asleep with her clothes. Going down, my heart seemed to be inexplicably at ease …

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