Chapter XNUMX Avatar Success!

After slowly picking up the plant, Ye Fantian’s face immediately revealed a grave expression, and then the power of the soul quickly held the plant in the air.

嗤chi chi…

With the afterburning of the knot in the hand, a blooming pattern like a lotus flower appeared in mid-air, and the surrounding air flow suddenly moved towards all around and began to swell. The sound of waves.

The surrounding gravel is continuously crushed into a powder by the surrounding energy, and after the appearance of this powder, the lotus leaves began to fall slowly, and then integrated into the body of the plant, accompanied by the plant After continually shrinking, a mysterious wave of incomparable fluctuations began to arise from it.

“Out …!”

Ye Fantian’s mouth lightly saying, with the emergence of this sentence, the eyebrows suddenly began to swell, and the mysterious cross sword marks began to entangle quickly at this time, turning into a brilliant and incomparable Blue rays of light, after the rays of light, a lot of soul power began to pour out.

Fully integrated into this plant, with a little fluctuation, a strange group of rays of light has begun to surround this plant with the emergence of soul power.

Bang Bang…

Below the cliff, the momentum of horror quickly turned into a beast and began to boil, and after the emergence of boiling, the superimposing of terrifying matchless continued to distort the surroundings, constantly twisting!

A small black crack appeared in front of Ye Fantian. After the black crack appeared, the “Absolute Dark God Soul” in Ye Fantian’s body began to work suddenly, and continuously absorbed the surrounding secret energy of tempering. With the power of his soul.


It was another strange sound. Following this sound, lightning flashes and thunders quickly appeared in the clear sky …

Looking at the existence in front of him, Ye Fantian’s face could not help but reveal a dazed expression. The one in front of him was a bit dreamy.

The soul in front of Avatar and Ye Fantian are basically the same. They are endlessly consistent in appearance and costume, but there is no divine light in the eyes of the other person, just like a cricket. Without any life fluctuation, if it is hidden in the dark, ordinary people cannot feel the existence of the other party at all.

Looking at the soul in front of Avatar, a very close connection also appeared in Ye Fantian’s heart, as if the other party is like his own body. As long as it is his single thought head, the other party can fully accept his control .

Through the connection between the two, Ye Fantian also found that although the outside of the other’s body is not visible, the inside of the body is actually composed of the power of the soul, especially in the heart of the other. In the middle, an emerald green plant is slowly swaying, and gradually shrinks over time.

“Does it mean that once the plant has completely withered, it will disappear for convenience?”

Ye Fantian’s face showed a distressed expression, saying that this soul Avatar is just the second one, and at the present level, it can only summon two.

If there is still a time limit, it will really make Ye Fantian quite depressing.

After abandoning the unpleasant feeling in his heart, Ye Fantian started to get excited again, after all, it has a certain beneficial existence for himself.

“Extend your legs!”

“Raise your hand!”

“Fist out!”

“True Qi leaked!”

Rarely encountered such a fun thing, Ye Fantian played a joy, of course, with Ye Fantian’s experiments, he also found out the various functions of the soul Avatar in front of him.

The first point is that Avatar made of the power of the soul can also attack, and because it is made of the power of the soul, it has no life itself, so to a certain extent, as long as there is no time limit , Even if it does not exceed the opponent’s resistance range, then he is not dead!

Undying Body, what a powerful feature.

But after all, it is not his own deity, so he is only half of his strength in this strength, but Ye Fantian is quite satisfied with this. After all, it is no less than adding a master. Ye Fantian believes that as long as he keeps working hard, he is absolutely sure to improve this guy’s strength again.

“My cultivation speed is already very fast, and if this guy’s cultivation plus my cultivation, the two are superimposed on each other, the degree of terrifying can definitely reach an infinite level, when the time comes , Even if you want to cultivate to a higher level, at least in time, it is more than ordinary people. “

Ye Fantian’s mouth judged and said.

Then the soul Avatar was scattered around, but the mind slowly immersed. After this process, Ye Fantian’s mind suddenly flashed the scene seen by the soul Avatar.

“Sure enough, as I said above, as long as it is what the other party sees, I can see it, and I can see it more clearly … This is another practical function, which is very good.”

But a quick expression on Ye Fantian’s face soon said: “Well …? What is it?”

The speed of the soul Avatar is accelerated, even compared with the speed of Ye Fantian’s deity, after all, it is composed of the power of the soul, so it can be more integrated into this Heaven and Earth.

As soon as passing through a dense forest, a few unfamiliar silhouettes appeared.

But at this time, Ye Fantian’s eyes suddenly burst into a flash, and everything around him disappeared quickly. In the void, a completely withered plant slowly fell down.

Ye Fantian’s face could not help but reveal a weird expression: “Is three hours already the limit? Avatar, the soul, depends on other life to fully act, and the best choice is the plant, But now it seems that, unless it is to find a plant like that of the jade sword, it is really difficult to maintain the operation of the other party for a long time. “

But also at this time, a silhouette appeared on his face that could not help but start to grow in his heart.

“Fifth Level Demonic beast, these people have encountered them.”

Gently stroking his chin, Ye Fantian’s face began to show a hesitant expression: “Should I save them?”

In words, his face began to hesitate more and more, but in the end he stroked his nose lightly and said, “Okay, just go and see.”

The Purple Phoenix Feather behind while speaking has been slowly unfolding, the whole person quickly turned into a purple streamer and began to shuttle insanely …

The fangs of azure, the pupils of azure, the sharp claw of azure, and the hair of golden, this is a tall tiger that has reached a height of four meters. On both sides of this tiger, the fangs of azure are flashing with mysteriousness. The rays of light, and from the drool that is constantly falling out, you can see that there is a strong venom in it.

Golden Retriever!

Demonic beast of Fifth Level, Demonic beast that has reached the level of Fifth Level, to a certain extent, it is already quite powerful. It is enough to be a nightmare in ordinary martial arts both in terms of speed and size.

Although this Golden Retriever says that it can’t be considered Fifth Level Demonic beast, but with the thick-skinned defense, it is really rare that there is a demonic beast of the same level than other defenses. It is more terrifying, and the terrifying toxin on the other’s tooth decay is produced on its body, and its toxicity is enough to compare with the ordinary python of Level 4 Demonic beast.

In front of it, four people were looking at the behemoth in front of their faces in panic at this time, and their breathing seemed to be rushing in the chaotic steps.

Although Bai Yuying’s pretty face said that it was such a panic to forcibly contain it, she was still involuntarily started to be exposed in the action. Watching this approaching golden-haired green tiger, her beautiful eyes began to become more dignified.

“Big sister … will we really die?”

Xiao Muyu frowned at the beautiful eyebrows, and a small force and a smile and said appeared on his face.

“Relax … as long as I’m still alive, I won’t allow this guy to hurt you.”

The three-foot azure glow in Bai Yuying ’s hands kept flashing. After jade hand fiercely clenched the long sword, True Qi on her body began to swim wildly, but at this time, her cherry lips But suddenly opened, and then a blood arrow quickly radiated out.

“big sister ……”

Xu Qingru, Xiao Muyu and Chi Lianyue couldn’t help exclaiming.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m just exhausting it from True Qi.”

Bai Yuying’s pretty face has begun to turn pale, Xu Qingru’s face suddenly showed a stubborn expression: “big sister, you go first, I have a way to deal with this guy.”

Bai Yuying hearing this, it was a moment, but it soon revealed an extremely serious expression without hesitation, “No, absolutely no, that is a forbidden technique. You cannot use it. Once you use it, you may Dead, no, I disagree. “

“Big sister … Do you want us all to die here?”

Xu Qingru’s pretty face has already begun to show her decisive attitude at this time.

“You go first and lead me away?”

Bai Yuying said with a firm color on her face

Xiao Muyu’s voice revealed extremely panic expression.

“No, big sister, shall we not go?”

“Yeah, we don’t go, we will die together.”

Bai Yuying said angrily, “My strength is the strongest in it, and I still have my own tricks. Don’t you even listen to me now?”

Seeing Bai Yuying’s anger started, the three’s faces suddenly panicked, but their faces still flashed with firm stance, apparently they didn’t want to abandon each other like this.

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