Chapter two hundred and thirty-seventh of jade pendant

Martial Venerable!

What is Martial Venerable?

“Venerable” is a kind of achievement that has only been reached after reaching an extreme. It is already the limit in human martial arts, and even it is infinitely rare in this entire Xuantian continent.

These people are basically at the level of retreat and retreat in the old forest of the deep mountains, and the people who can see the existence of the martial artist-level powerhouse are already can be counted on one’s fingers.

But now there is a guy telling you that he is a powerful Martial Venerable, and that kind of impact is absolutely rare.

“This” Absolute Dark God Soul “was found by us in an ancient ruin. Hehe, I don’t know what level of strength you have now, but there is one thing to remember, that is, if you have not reached Martial Sovereign is still not to go in. Of course, we do n’t know the position of this. Only one-seventh of the white jade is left. If you can get it together, you can enter it. I am towering. Bless you in the name of Martial Venerable, good luck boy! “

The sound of while speaking has gradually weakened until it finally disappears, and as the sound disappears, the black light spots have therefore become a circle of ripples and quickly moved towards Ye Fantian. past. A sharp claw gradually began to disappear into the boundless empty space …

With the intense pain in the eyebrows, Ye Fantian as a whole began to disappear into this void, and a great respect began to appear. Ye Fantian as a whole moved towards the void respectfully Okay.


After exhaling slowly, Ye Fantian slowly began to swim around “Nine Turns to Xuan Gong”. As the body’s True Qi slowly recovered, the exhaustion of soul power The coming pressure gradually disappeared during this operation.

The mind continued to be immersed in the body. With the control of the thick soul force, the situation of the body within the body was also reflected in the slightest.

The already extremely clear body within the body began to float at this time, and the black light spots in the sky now appeared in my mind, and slowly swirled around, and each light spot In fact, they are related to each other, which makes the surrounding aura become more mysterious.

“Is this the real” Absolute Dark God Soul “? It seems that I still need to spend the Dim God to study and study it.”

Looking at these countless spots of light, Ye Fantian said with a bitter smile on his face.

The number of these light spots is really too much, but in addition to these light spots in my mind, there are no more, that can only explain that I only have these light spots and the “Absolute Dark” in my mind. God Soul is connected.

Try moving these black dots.


With the appearance of a cracking sound, all the black light spots in front of Ye Fantian began to rotate completely in an instant, and in the rotation, they began to shuttle around in a hurry to form the wonderfulness of each and everyone. Track.

Just when Ye Fantian started, these light spots suddenly turned into countless black silk threads and began to be fully integrated into Ye Fantian’s body.

Slowly a clear comprehension began to appear in Ye Fantian’s mind.

In the slight movement of the fingers, Ye Fantian’s mind slowly retreated from his body, but the strong wave in his mind made Ye Fantian’s face more happy.

“Absolute Dark God Soul. Is this the profound mystery of Absolute Dark God Soul?”

It turns out that these black light spots are completely the same as the “Absolute Dark God Soul” mantra. As long as the power of the soul is touched, they will quickly merge with Ye Fantian’s body, and follow the flow of the mind. Form the ultimate recipe.

This also includes a part of “Absolute Dark God Soul” introduction and various uses, strictly speaking, this is not only a cultivation method of soul power, but also a new type of attack to a certain extent means.

The power of the soul in the body is trying to start working. The mass of the power of the soul could not be controlled at all, but now, with this cultivation technique, it seems to work like a fish.

A large amount of soul power began to slowly radiate from Ye Fantian’s body, forming a trace of intangible aerosol, flowing continuously in it.


A horrific energy suddenly radiated from Ye Fantian’s eyebrows, and then completely broke the obstacles and pressure on the surrounding air like a stream of light, quickly hitting a vase in front of him, and with After Ye Fantian’s control, the streamer also returned to Ye Fantian’s body.

But looking at this vase, including the plants in it, it seems that there is no slight change, but Ye Fantian’s face reveals a confident expression.

Sure enough, after a while, the plants in it slowly began to shrink, and then the whole body turned into a posture of weakness, although it was still alive, but there was no sign of alive.

With a slight movement of his fingers, a dark green spot of light appeared in Ye Fantian’s palm: “Go …!”

The faint words slowly came out of Ye Fantian’s mouth, and then after that sentence, the light spot of dark green suddenly moved towards the plant, and then with the rays of dark green After the flicker of light, the plant itself trembled for a while, but soon became calm, but if you look closely, you will find that this plant has a completely different attitude from the original.

The soul is a very mysterious existence. It cannot be seen or touched, but it is enough to keep you from losing it. Once you lose it, life is no longer complete. The plant just now was given by Ye Fantian. Ingested the power of his own soul, and then turned into an empty shell, but unlike humans and Demonic beast, once the other party lost the soul, it will become extremely hollow, completely forming an idiot-like posture .

In the past, Ye Fantian couldn’t reach such a level, making his soul power work so easily, but now it is different. With this “Absolute Dark God Soul”, Ye Fantian can easily control it The power of the soul makes all the effects he wants, which is why his power of the soul can be released again and then returned to the process of absorption.

“Soul power enough to compete with martial skill. What a powerful skill, but why is there no record in those ancient books?”

Ye Fantian’s face showed a touch of skepticism, saying that he can manipulate the soul and even destroy and repair. This is a kind of counter-intuitive effect. Once confronting the opponent, as long as he is playing against the opponent, it is difficult to give up. As long as the power of this soul is used, it is obvious that the other party will be at least distracted for a period of completely unprepared. In this case, isn’t this period of time letting people be slaughtered?

But it is such a powerful existence, which has never been mentioned in any book, so it is really strange for Ye Fantian to start.

After gradually finishing the cultivation technique, Ye Fantian’s face began to change suddenly, and then the faintly discernable wry smile on the corner of his mouth began to start: “Damn, it turns out … is it just such dog blood?”

How depressed Ye Fantian’s face was.

This “Absolute Dark God Soul” is indeed quite powerful, which is beyond doubt, but the most critical problem now is that this cultivation technique is not complete, and what I get is only three of them The degree of the two, and in addition to how to tempering their own soul and using some low-level attacks in these two-thirds, those big tricks are not recorded at all, especially in this “Absolute Dark God Soul” ”But there are many tricks mentioned above that are sufficient for group attack.

“Sure enough, like the towering Martial Venerable said, there is really a big part missing.”

But soon Ye Fantian reacted, and then suddenly retracted along the void, and then a quaint white jade token appeared in front of him.

This white jade was thrown to him by the towering Martial Venerable in that void space. At that time, he had not even noticed it and put it in the Ghost Ring, but now it seems that he really has to look at the ancient ruins once Already.

Carefully stroking the white jade in his hand, Ye Fantian found that to a certain extent, this white jade is not ordinary at all. From the perspective of the volatility, this should be a treasure, but The true value of this white jade is not so. The most terrifying value lies in the little red arcs drawn on this white jade.

There is clearly a place that guides a mysterious, and the convenience of this place is-ancient ruins!

And this white jade is only the size of a slap, and it is even more incomplete. It is obviously like the towering Martial Venerable said, this white jade is divided into seven parts.

“Even the ruins of the Martial Venerable powerhouse are fascinated by it. Is it the ancient Martial Saint powerhouse or even … the treasure left by the legendary Xeon Martial God that is enough to open up space?”

Ye Fantian said a surprised look on his face, but then he also showed a bitter smile expression: “Only by my current ability, it can’t be collected completely at all, don’t say it’s me Even those who have white jade in their hands cannot have such strength. Even the towering Martial Venerable himself does not know where the remaining white jade is and how I should look for it. “

Immediately put Bai Yu up carefully, Ye Fantian has now slowly put the matter down. After all, Martial Sovereign’s powerhouse is required to be qualified to enter, and judging from the tone of towering Martial Venerable, Martial Sovereign is extremely afraid It’s just a bit of a possibility. I’m afraid I don’t need to consider so much at this little Martial Master level.

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