Chapter XNUMX The situation changes slightly!

“How could he be here? Damn bastard, bastard!”

Xu Qingru gnashing teeth staring at Ye Fantian’s silhouette fiercely said that the snow white shell teeth had already fulled the original bright red cherry lips at this time.

“Qingru, relax, relax. This is in the class of Wuxu Longsheng. Once we are not pleased by him, we will lose a lot. If we fight here, then his old man will treat you. Impressed, relaxed … “

Bai Yuying as a big sister is helplessly said.

“That’s right, second sister, we have to stick to it, stick to it is victory.”

Xiao Muyu said softly, but he was scorned by Xu Qingru without hesitation: “Whether the while speaking can not secretly look at that damn kid.”

Xiao Muyu heard this, and a hint of redness appeared on the delicate pretty face: “Second sister, how can I have it.”

Chi Lianyue said without hesitation: “Well, quite sure, your big eyes are about to stare out, drizzle, restraint, restraint. Do you understand? When you look at a man, you must learn to understand the characteristics of each other. And you need to pay more attention when you observe, that is, don’t stare too much at one part of the other, you need to observe in secret. “


Xu Qingru clenched her forehead helplessly, and she suddenly found that it seemed that the guys in her dormitory were the hardest to deal with, and it was more difficult than Ye Fantian.

The four women are all first-class beauties, and they can become the most powerful Ten Great Beauties among the tens of thousands of women in Academy. Naturally, they have a certain affirmative charm, especially one of them is already quite attractive. People, but if four people come together, what a landscape.

Wu Xulongsheng sighed helplessly, and then said lightly: “Okay, then we started the lecture, um, that student, although I said that the Messy Old Man is much less attractive than the charming girl. , But please respect me, at least this should be my lecture. “

“Ha Ha Ha…”

A burst of coquettishness suddenly circulated from the lobby, and the atmosphere of the crowd began to become active. For this method of ascension, the instructor Ye Fantian admired it quite a bit, and the atmosphere has been driven by the words. Arise, this method alone is enough for Ye Fantian to start admiring.

“What I am going to talk about today is the momentum of this martial art.”


The gavel in his hand suddenly slammed on the table. In the eyes of everyone who was surprised, this old man who was only a martial artist-level cultivation base turned into an instant image, which was originally inconspicuous. The posture is now like a mountain, standing in front of you in the clouds, terrifying with the weight of half a mountain, which truly surprised the students present.

Very terrifying momentum, so heavy feeling. “

Ye Fantian whispered in astonishment on his face.

“Well … it’s worthy to be called one of the most powerful mentors in this Academy. This method alone is enough to conquer most people.”

Although Zhuge Mingjing’s strength is not the most powerful, but his momentum is one of the most terrifying in this dormitory except Ye Fantian. He has been continuously strengthening his strength in the course of confrontation with Demonic beast for many years, but The momentum of that horrible tear was also multiplied.

So he is also the most carefully observed among these people.

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed slightly, then he slowly stared at Wu Xulongsheng, and found that there was a faint layer of True Qi beside him, that is, the other side perfected his True Qi and momentum. The fusion is together.


With the sudden withdrawal of this momentum, many students slowly boasted a long breath. Although the strength of the other party was weak, the momentum was really amazing.

“This is the effect of the momentum. You should also know that the strength of the old man is quite low, even lower than many of the students present, but as far as I am concerned, it can be a lot of people. Power is suppressed to half insufficient, which is the effect of momentum. “

Pā pā pā ……

The rapid applause rang out suddenly, and Wuxu Longsheng laughed very enjoyably. Being able to be recognized by so many people is indeed a happy thing, and Wuxu Longsheng slowly laid it down. After waving his hand, he continued: “Momentum is not born by nature. It is the power of a chicken without a hand. With the increase of strength, you have experienced more, encountered more difficulties, and gained more victories. , You will learn the found mystery among them, which is why we say that momentum is one of the most important forces of martial arts. “

“Teacher, do you mean this momentum is more important than cultivation base?”

A student raised his hand and said.

“No, no, this is impossible. Although the momentum is important, the cultivation base is also extremely important. Strictly speaking, the two need to complement each other in order to completely construct a powerful martial art. The pure one is not desirable. For example, the strength of the old man is a martial artist level, but my momentum can suppress a martial art higher than me, but if you let me face the Martial Master level Great Martial Master level, etc. Waiting for the powerhouse, one finger of the opponent is enough to make me die countless times. Even if I wipe out a little energy, it is a half lethal degree for the old man. Therefore, in the face of absolute power, the momentum is only It can play a supporting role, but not a decisive role. Therefore, the two still need to be continuously combined. Now, let me introduce the manner of training this momentum … “

When talking about this, Wu Xulongsheng slowly took a sip of tea, and then continued: “This momentum is in training. Many people are misunderstood, thinking that there are more people killed, and their hands are stained with blood. People are amazing killing intents. Actually, this is wrong. After all, we are still young people. Even if there are conflicts and frictions, there are not many opportunities for real killing, and we are not killers. So, this method is not advisable. One of the really advisable methods is to face the timidity in your heart, put yourself in the environment you are most afraid of, and then make yourself excited and strong … … “

Wu Xulongsheng’s explanation was very thorough and complete. Even Ye Fantian felt that he had benefited a lot from this time course. Many people started to take notes on his opinions, and then accidentally I glanced at this Xu Qingru, and found that the other party frowned at this time, and began to draw the paper with the pen in his hand from time to time.

That quiet gesture surprised Ye Fantian, but seemed to feel that someone was looking at himself. Xu Qingru couldn’t help but glance in the direction of Ye Fantian, and after that, it was a hygienic eye!

It seemed to be a bit unpleasant, Ye Fantian helplessly touched his nose and continued to hear, but at this time, the lobby door was kicked fiercely!

Who likes to be disturbed during lectures? The tutor didn’t like it, the students were even more disgusted, and the opponent kicked the door open.

A thin middle-aged man with a proud look and two beards on the corners of his mouth walked in, and behind him seven or eight men in black clothes followed him, and in the end they were two Younger men and women.

The knocker was obviously the headed man, but when he saw the angry look of the crowd, especially when he saw that Wusheng Longsheng was staring at him with his bland rays of light, the man instantly I began to recognize Wu Xu Longsheng, and then faced Wu Xulong Sheng with respectful expression, respectfully saying, “Huang Jian didn’t expect you to teach here all the time, please forgive me.”

Yellow arrow!

One of the managers in the Academy is one of the people responsible for the security of the Academy. He is proud and arrogant, but because the other person is serious about the job, although he has offended many people because of his character, but he has not. How much notoriety, of course, the reputation among the students is quite poor.

As for the men in black clothes behind him, they are the law enforcement team in the Academy. The strength of these people has reached the level of samurai, and this is also what the law enforcement team must require.

After seeing the members of the law enforcement team, Wuxu Longsheng just coldly snorted, and did not make more attacks. After all, he knew quite well about this person.

“What are you doing here? And you have to bring someone from the law enforcement team. Is this situation difficult to accomplish and are you going to arrest someone?”

If you look at it, Wu Xulongsheng’s mood is quite uncomfortable, so how can Huang Jian not know that he stepped on a mine, if you think of Wu Xulongsheng here, kill him, he will also Will not come, but this is a respected old man that even the senior members of Academy do n’t want to provoke. If he irritates each other, it is definitely him who has bad luck, so after hearing this wordless dragon rising, he Paid with a smile in a hurry: “Yeah, yeah, the juniors only chose to knock on the door because of excessive anger, of course, this is absolutely unintentional, and it is really terrible to disturb your lecturer Sorry. “

Wu Xulongsheng looked at the time and said lightly: “hmph, if you have anything to say, it is about to end. Hurry up and finish it and leave.”

Huang Jian hurriedly revealed his grateful expression: “many thanks for your support, the kid will finish processing it soon.”

After speaking, his face showed an extremely angry expression, and shouted, “Who is Ye Fantian? Stand up!”

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