Chapter Two Twenty Three

In the astonished eyes of the other party, Ye Fantian dripped his own blood into the porcelain cup that the other party found. After seeing the other party’s puzzled look, Ye Fantian said with a smile: “My blood is not ordinary It is conceivable that because I was once fortunate enough to take a rare treasure, it is said that what is born in the blood contains certain benefits. “

Qiu had no trace, and Ye Fantian didn’t explain much. He just dropped nine drops of blood and then stopped. Then he took out the medicine pill that was already prepared and joined it again. among them.

This is Qing Yundan, which was refined by Ye Fantian before. It has a good effect on transforming the body, especially the damage of meridian. It is developed by Qing Xuanzi in his previous time. Good medicine pill, although said that it does not have much effect on people with high levels, but it is enough to cope with Qiu Wuji’s physical injuries.

When Qingyun Dan was taken out, the fragrance was enough to make Qiu Wu mark start to have a lot of confidence.


The medicine pill entered the cup, and the blood suddenly seemed to be alive, and quickly absorbed the blood of Ye Fantian. The medicine pill, which was still light azure, had become pink at this time, and it was faint. It can be seen that the slight fluctuations contained in this air are obviously the surrounding vitality also being affected by this spiritual medicine.

“My meridian seems to be shaking.”

Qiu Wuchen said excitedly.

Ye Fantian is gently nodded. With induction, it means that his thoughts are correct. Although Ye Fantian will refine medicine pill, it does not mean that he knows everything the doctor has. Everything is only in his The guesswork was made.

Handed him the medicine pill bottle again, Ye Fantian lightly saying: “There are five more in it, divided into XNUMX days to serve.”

The medicine pill in the while speaking cup has begun to tremble slightly, it seems to be alive, and the layer of pink airflow in this cup has gradually begun to shroud.

Once again, he took out the cup filled with millennium stone milk from his arms, and Ye Fantian dropped nine drops of millennium stone milk, like white jade, into it. Nine drops, no more, no less.

Chi chi…

After the millennium stone milk entered the cup, the pink mist in the cup quickly spun up, and even the surrounding air was covered with a layer of strong aroma.

“Well … this is millennium stone milk, enough to change your materials.”

After hearing the four words of the millennium stone milk, Qiu Wuchen’s face finally revealed the expression of astonishment. Of course, the millennium stone milk made him clear, but the dream he had dreamed of had absolute healing ability for his injury. However, in this whole Academy, he has rarely heard about the millennium stone milk.

If these spiritual medicines are simply fused together, although the other person’s body can also be changed, Ye Fantian knows that many Spiritual Qi and effects in this way will be reduced to a certain extent. So True Qi within the body started to work slowly, and under the influence of the power of the soul, his True Qi slowly started to pick up the cup.

Bursts of mist began to fly directly out of the cup, and then was swept aside by True Fan of True Qi of Ye Fantian, and then continued the tempering, millennium stone milk, own blood, Qingyundan. Although these three kinds of existence have good results, but Blending together can definitely generate certain impurities, so under the control of this huge soul power, Ye Fantian also gradually purified a lot of impurities.

After about time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Ye Fantian gave him the cup in his hand and said, “Drink it …”

Picking up the leaf from the table, Ye Fantian waved his hand and said, “After you’re all done, send me your stuff. Now I just want to study this leaf. “

Qiu Wuzhen had no objection at all, because he had already drank the spiritual medicine liquid in this cup, and then said seriously: “I will find you.”

While speaking, a clear stream suddenly appeared in dantian …

Ye Fantian is now eager to choose to go back. The leaf in front of him is in a thin capricorn, and a very comfortable feeling is transmitted from the palm of his hand, and after feeling like this appears, the soul The power also began to tremble slowly.

“Ye Fantian, right!”

Suddenly at this time, a cold voice slowly circulated, and with the appearance of this sound, the surrounding air suddenly began to freeze.

Slowly stuffed the leaves into Ye Fantian’s body in Ghost Ring, slowly turned around, and then saw the entire group behind him.

The headed person is wearing a golden robe, and the youth’s gesture, although it looks quite handsome, gives a soft and brutal taste.

By his side, a familiar face surprised him, because this person turned out to be Situ Nangong, who was extremely disgusted with himself, and this guy was looking at himself with a shameless smile on his face, like that and gesture It’s really disgusting.

There are still several students with the same complexion standing beside this golden robe youth, but the momentum on the body is not weak, obviously none of these people is weak.

“who are you?”

Ye Fantian expressionless stared at the other person saying lightly.

“Who am I? You are not qualified to know yet, I just want to determine if you admit that you are Ye Fantian himself.”

Ye Fantian raised his eyebrow slightly: “Oh … how is it, not how?”

The slight frown of the golden robed man’s brow was obviously quite dissatisfied with Ye Fantian’s answer, and Situ Nan Gong on the side looked at Ye Fantian with a look of disgust and said, “hmph, waste is waste You do n’t even dare admit your name, Ye Fantian, tell you, this is one of the Vice-Sect Masters of Peerless Martial Sect. ”

Ye Fantian glanced coldly at this Stuart’s Nangong, his arms around him, and said in a rather disdainful tone: “It turned out that you have become a Peerless Martial Sect, Hehe, but he is the Vice-Sect Master of Peerless Martial Sect What about me? “

Situ Nangong’s face began to twist fiercely. From the beginning, he saw Ye Fantian as unpleasant to the eye. This was entirely because of his good luck. There were three Samurai-level powerhouses as brothers: “This is so Waste, even if there are three masters around, waste is waste, if it is me, with three samurai-level masters, I am enough to break out of my own forces in this Academy, damn it, waste! “

Unprovoked resentment caused Situ Nangong’s face to become increasingly ugly.

Chihuang’s eyes stared at Ye Fantian tightly, and he became a Vice-Sect Master. No matter in strength or mentality, ordinary people can’t be compared. He has seen many masters, but no one can Indifferent to his identity: “Is this guy really a waste?”

Chihuang’s heart couldn’t help but with such a weird thought, but then slowly dispelled this ridiculous thought, and said slightly proudly in his mouth: “Ye Fantian, I have no other business today. There is only one problem. You should also guess that I will come to your purpose. “

Ye Fantian stroking Ghost Ring lightly saying on his finger, “It’s because of Xu Qingru.”

Chihuang slightly nodded: “Yes, Xu Qing is the younger sister of our sect master, and is also a good friend with me, so I don’t allow her to be harmed in any way, but if you look at it now, you have violated this point.”

The momentum of his body while speaking has gradually increased.

Ka-cha !

There was a sudden crack on the ground where Ye Fantian was, and everyone around here began to leave quickly, but stood watching from a distance.

“As long as you apologize, I don’t think this has happened. After all, it is not good to insult you as a junior student.”

Ye Fantian laughed playfully: “Really? How do you want me to apologize?”

Chi Huang as it should be by rights said: “Kneel in front of her and ask her for understanding!”

“hmph! ”

Ye Fantian’s mouth was coldly snorted, and he said without hesitation: “Kneeling in front of a woman, hehe, is really a domineering method. What if I don’t agree?”

True Fan on Ye Fantian’s body has begun to work slowly, and Little Bai on his shoulders has slightly stretched a lazy waist. After watching Chihuang’s disdain, he can’t help but sigh: “No, it’s really a leak.”

Chihuang’s brow frowned slightly, and then said, “Since that is the case, there is only one way … until you apologize, do not try to find your three roommates, they will not come now Yes, no one can help you now, if the boy knows the truth, then do what I say! “

“Cough cough … Junior Brother, we … cough cough, meet again.”

Suddenly a sudden coughing sound came slowly from not far away …

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