

With one foot dropping from the sky, fiercely slaughtered the past, like a heavy mountain, and fiercely cast it. Everywhere you go, the ground starts to crack, and everything is rapidly collapsing!


The immortal Paragon body of the two era cultivation base was directly flung out, the mouth sprayed blood, and felt that his body was bombarded by infinite power, and his face suddenly began to become ugly. abnormal. k “;

“peng! ”

Fleshy body flew wildly, making a shocking vibration on the ground.

Snow fluttered, scarlet flickered, and one person stood beside Mu Feng.

“It’s you?!”

There was a complex expression on the emperor Goddess’s face. Looking at Ye Fantian, he was already desperate. Even the plan to fall was ready, but he did not expect a turnaround at this time.


It seemed to feel that the people were friends and enemies, and this spits out of mouthful of blood finally fell into the ground.

“Mu Feng!”

Goddess yelled in concern.

“shua ……”

A life of Qi of Life was quickly injected into the inside of the other’s body. With the energy of Ye Fantian at this time, no matter how weak the guy was, Qi of Life would completely save him.

“Nice guy, boy, you are a strong person, I admire you very much!”

Ye Fantian said slowly in his mouth.

Then he slowly spoke to the Emperor Goddess:

“Dear Lord Godss, the rescue is late, please forgive me!”

To the Goddess Emperor, Ye Fantian started saluted.

This gesture made Goddess emperor’s pretty face irresistible, because Ye Fantian was moving towards her blink of an eye, it seemed to be covering something.

“who are you?”

One couldn’t help but say, this is a bright warrior beside the young man, he can’t help but roar.

“pa ……”

Ye Fantian slaps him away.

This slap waved, directly hitting the opponent’s cheek fiercely, and the hitting opponent appeared with a slap.

“Ge Lao Tzu, you don’t even know Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is a mighty General Army and belongs directly to Your Highness Princess. What are you going to do? Rebellion?”

Mighty General Army?

The appearance of these five words suddenly made all people’s faces slightly moved, especially the young man’s face revealed a curious expression. In his memory, there seems to be no information about this person at all. k “;

“Fart, in the entire Bright God family, within the big Bright God domain, there is no such person as you, how did you come out?”

The immortal Paragon’s face kicked with a frantic expression, roared and growled loudly.

“pa ……”

Ye Fantian threw another ear photon over.

This slap hit the other person’s eyes and began to take on Venus, the corners of his mouth began to crack, the skin on his face was extremely swollen, and he bulged directly, as if he were fat in a circle.

Such a gesture really made all powerhouses sucked in a cold breath.

This is an immortal Paragon of two cultivation bases. It is not any cat any dog. What is the origin of this so-called mighty General Army? Came to each other’s cheek.

“Who the hell are you? In my memory, there is no such person as you!”

The young man couldn’t help but shouted.

The old fellows sitting there could not help but opened their eyes and locked Ye Fantian from time to time, trying to see something from him.

“Impudent! I didn’t bow to the ground when I saw this General, still yelling at this General, are you courting death?”


The overbearing momentum began to skyrocket in an instant, and it began to spread from within the body.

The boundless momentum is suppressed like a mountain, and everywhere you go, it starts to boil unceasingly. It is a volcanic boiling, soaring!

“hong long long”

If there are billions of horses in their ears, the violent momentum that has set off directly locks the powers, so that their bodies start to retreat involuntarily, and even the blood of the body begins to madly riot, rolling, from time to time Some powerhouse fell to the ground.


The screams of all the strong qiqi, immediately cast the sword in their hands, the Guanghua flashed out immediately, the long river set off collapsed in countless spaces.

Gods Greater World!

Ye Fantian’s heart is loudly shouted, and the body releases infinite glory. This is an ancient breath of gods, but the purest breath of gods. Compared with anyone in this line of gods, they have pure glory. breath.

“That’s the gate of light and glory ?!”

With the display of Ye Fantian’s energy, all the powerhouses suddenly widened their eyes and roared loudly. In this Ye Fantian’s body, the illusory shadow of the gods is not a secret technique of the gate of light and glory. What will it be.

“Does this guy say that it is really mighty General?”

Being able to control the door of light and glory is not at all conceivable by ordinary people, especially the means of the other party. It is extremely skillful to display. This secret technique is not something that ordinary people can learn, but from the sophistication of each other It seems that it cannot be cultivated one day.

“peng peng peng ”

The ancient gods, holding Divine Item, or a long knife, or a god stick, or the secret technique of Supreme … traversed the sun and the moon, evolved and moved, and set off an infinite wave.

In ancient times, the gods of Supreme, the oldest and most powerful gods, are stronger and more ancient than the Bright God family. At this time, the performance of Ye Fantian naturally shook this group of people.

“Courting death! Suppress him!”

The youthful expression shouted loudly on the face.

“Teng snake, you are stubborn!”

Goddess emperor’s voice came out.

“It’s you who is stubborn! This guy who doesn’t know where he came from, what heaven knows is the way to go. He even claimed to be the mighty General Army. We have this figure in our entire Big Bright God domain, Princess Xuan, you made up this person yourself, can’t make it, or someone of other races, and a man you colluded with yourself, heaven knows what a disgusting relationship between you! “

The young man named Teng Snake has begun to put aside all considerations of face.

“impudent !”

Mu Feng’s mouth reprimanded loudly, his eyes with a faint killing intent, and slowly locked the Teng snake.

“Hmph, a dying man, dare to call me a seat, with great courage and guts, to tell you the truth, although the seven coats of light are precious and important, they are not the most needed things in this seat. It ’s the entire Bright God army in their hands, what if there is n’t that Bright Seven Badge? ”

Teng snake’s mouth said with a cold laugh, looking at the Goddess Emperor Xuan, could not help but reveal a fiery enthusiasm. Until now, he still has a strong expectation for Goddess.

Expect the other party to surrender in front of her and become her own woman.


There was a sound of friction from Divine Weapon. In front of the snake, a respected powerhouse was added again, and from the fluctuations around it, Ye Fantian already felt that many powerhouses rushed towards here.


Ascendant snake shouted loudly.

“Hmph … Ge Laozi, do you really think that it will be paperless?”

Ye Fantian growled loudly, a long blade appeared in his hand.

It was a long blade with infinite blood energy, and the divine runes flashed on it, driving the glory of ten squares.


Great Dragon Beast Blade!

Extremely strange, Blade Qi criss-crossed, stepping under his feet, all the space cracks began to show up.

The fissure was like a black devil snake, quickly covering and locking it down. Everywhere he went, Divine Weapon was directly shattered, and then the powerful shaking force quickly broke the void and gave birth to it. Swallowed down.

“Dead … it’s you!”

Ye Fantian’s voice was cold and bitter, and his body moved instantly into a python-like charge.

“Not good !”

A terrified expression appeared on Tengshe’s face, and he did not expect that Ye Fantian’s strength was so arrogant. Even on this Ye Fantian’s body, he did not feel the power of Ye Fantian at all.

“Several Elders, do you guys say you want to watch me die?”

Looking at those ancient and dead guys who were closing their eyes, Teng Snake could not help but made a sharp sound.

“Old man, because of the oath, said that he would not have any opinions at this time, and would not take any action, and would not shelter any party. This is already the biggest limit. Teng snake, please ask for blessing! “

One opened his eyes and said lightly.


Teng snake’s face showed a crazy expression.


Seeing that Ye Fantian’s Great Dragon Beast Blade was about to lock up the body of this snake, suddenly a scream passed at this time.


The cold glow flickered, the Great Dragon Beast Blade flickered, and the puffy Blade Qi had cut a layer of the snake’s skin.

Horrified, his face was timid, and even his body was shaking.

A pair of eyes, the scarlet flashed out, Ye Fantian moved towards looking in one direction, where red-clothed even held a sharp blade to lock the Goddess Princess Huang Xuan.

The Mu Feng’s body had fallen to the ground at this time, and he was breathing heavily, and apparently was injured again.

Although red-clothed is only one of the Goddess emperor’s maids, the strength of the other party is not weak. On the immortal Paragon’s realm, if it is a normally Goddess emperor, she can pinch her with one hand, but now, the other party With less than XNUMX% strength left, there is no way to go to the other side.

“Ge Laozi’s …!”

Ye Fantian couldn’t help but curse …

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