Chapter XNUMX The Scramble Begins!

Pā pā pā ……

After the footsteps came out, Situ Nangong’s body began to shake slightly, and the strength of this guy in front of him couldn’t give him any resistance, not even the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

This change really made him extremely panicky: “Is this the realm after three years of study?”

“Get out!”

The man was lightly saying to Situ Nangong.


Without any hesitation, Situ Nangong’s body started to move outwards involuntarily. This action suddenly made Situ Nangong’s complexion more distorted. Facing the opponent ’s increasingly powerful momentum, he even resisted He could n’t reach his thoughts, and even left like this. In the face of so many people, his face has become a sauce purple …

“The waste … is caused by your waste.”

Situ Nangong’s face twisted fiercely and roared in his heart, but at this time Situ Nangong didn’t know that no one was contempt of him at all, because everyone was long before the imposing presence of the tall man Suppressed.

“Hey … just say something here, what are you doing near the fourth child of our house? And with a wretched look, do you see our fourth child looks delicate and pretty wanting to get started?”


Ye Fantian almost didn’t get choked to death by this sentence, and the only thing that can say this is Baicaotian’s lustful goods.

And there was a faint smile on the faces of Huang Lei and Zhuge Mingjing. For them, there was no pressure on the arrival of this guy.

“The samurai level is mid-grade, and the momentum is amazing. If the two are combined, the pressure generated will not be so strong. Obviously, it is because of your own cultivation technique. Well, it should be the cultivation that includes the attribute cultivation technique, such as Speaking of earth elements! “

Ye Fantian said.

With the appearance of this remark, the three Lei Lei suddenly startled, completely surprised that Ye Fantian looks average, but has such a keen observation, even more than what they feel. Much more.

“Yes, yes, if I guess it is good, you should be a genius analyzed by martial arts, but I have to say that even if your opinion on this Martial Dao is powerful, it is only superficial, For martial arts, only physical strength is the key to control that strength. “

The man was not surprised that Ye Fantian broke his own character in one mouth, because there are many such people in the Academy, and many of them are not very powerful, but because there are a lot of martial arts theories in their minds, they say that with With these theories and their understanding, many imagination will be generated, and many people are cultivated by Academy because of such strong insights, and become Academy mentors.

“Song Wuchou is the Vice-Sect Master of Peerless Martial Sect. For you, we are your guardians. I think you should be quite clear that your strength is not much in front of advanced students, but If you have the powerhouse support behind you, then the result will be different. We Peerless Martial Sect was created by a master in Academy. The name is Xu Xingding, which is ten great in this Academy. One of the experts, the strength has reached the level of Martial Master, and now he has been practicing here for four years. He founded Peerless Martial Sect to bring everyone together, and then play the real If you want to get started, each of you will hand in XNUMX points and you will be one of us. “

Seeing Song Wuqiu’s talkative gesture, Ye Fantian and his three roommates suddenly smelled didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Because the other party said that he still valued the points for a long time, the XNUMX points paid is indeed a better deal than being snatched away, but if you say that you are not snatched, you will still have XNUMX points.

“What are the benefits after we join?”

Situ Nangong was a bit tempted at first. He was very clear about his strength, the samurai level, and enough to rely on his own strength and that of the samurai mid-grade powerhouse to compete with each other, so he said he was very I want to know the process and characteristics and-the benefits!

“The benefits are many. How do you think this point is earned? The most direct way is to hunt for Demonic beast, but how can a person’s strength be hunted? Even if the hunt is successful, it is not considered It is a high-level demonic beast, and the points exchanged are also quite rubbish, but once you join us, you can uniformly hunt and kill. The demonic beasts of the hunt are all high-level, and everyone can divide them afterwards, fair. To redeem your points, and there are even masters in Peerless Martial Sect to guide you. The most important thing is that our Peerless Martial Sect has a talented person who can refine the medicine pill, which is more important than the Academy pill. It ’s cheaper, and the people are cheaper. This is all good, but you need to pay 5% of your points every month. This is also a kind of remuneration we protect you from, no matter how much your points are. Need to submit 5%! And … Once someone reports a false alarm, they will be chased and killed by the entire Peerless Martial Sect. Or even forced out of Kassapa Academy, and this, Academy is acquiescence. “

After this remark, those who suddenly wanted to take advantage of fish in troubled waters began to dispel their thoughts.

“If I join, what kind of position can I get?”

Situ Nangong said with a longing on his face.

“You …? Huh, a newcomer, although it is good, but it is not very prominent in Peerless Martial Sect. Unless you can have a special martial skill, you can only get it from one. A small amount of science starts. “

“I’m hungry!”

Ye Fantian said lightly to the wild thunder.

“I’m hungry too……”

Huang Lei said, stroking his stomach.

“Come less, I eat the least, and I’m still in the developmental stage, don’t I say I’m not hungry? Go eat.”

Baicaotian said with a laugh.

“You, you are still developing, look at me, I’m called development.”

The four of them got up and left.

“Doesn’t it seem like you’re planning to join me in the Peerless Martial Sect?”

Song Wuchuang’s face was a bit ugly. He couldn’t imagine how the four Ye Fantians were so bold. There are seven Vice-Sect Masters in this Peerless Martial Sect. Song Wuchui is the weakest one, so He simply couldn’t see clearly that none of the four people in front of him could handle it.

“I don’t plan to join, after all, I like to be alone.”

Baicao Tian waved slightly.

“As a martial artist, I need to face the challenge alone, so that I can truly grow up. If I have been facing the shelter of others, cut, such a person, this can only be like this for a lifetime.”

The only person who said this was Zhuge Mingjing, a madman, but when he was talking, he was looking at Situ Nangong, apparently disdainful for this guy’s deliberate flattering.


Huang Lei is even more direct. As for this Ye Fantian, he naturally stretched his fragile posture, indicating that he is not eligible to join now.

“Hmph …… It’s quite dangerous outside. After noon, this real contention will begin. Please ask for blessing, of course, if you can hide in this dormitory during this month, it is also a Good choice. “

The four didn’t bother him, only Ye Fantian gently waved his palms and looked at Little Bai on Ye Fantian’s shoulder. Song Wuque suddenly lightly said, “Ye Fantian, our sect master is Xu Yanding. , Remember this name, his last name is Xu! “

Ye Fantian’s body paused slightly, then faintly: “You wouldn’t say that Xu Qing is her big brother.”

Song Wuque’s face sneered and said: “Very clever answer, yes, the sect master is Xu Qingru’s big brother.”

Ye Fantian said amazing with a smile: “Really? Then you say hello to my future sister-in-law for me.”

After speaking, the four of them left again, but faintly could hear the intricate laughter and curse of Bai Caotian from a distance.

The whole class began to fall into an inexplicable silence, no, even solidification.

It took a while for Song Wuque’s face to calm down, and then he said to the Gaocheng, “Go tell the Young Lady, we can’t figure it out. I need to tell the sect master about this, and let him decide.”

After hearing the term “Young Lady”, Gao Cheng’s face suddenly showed an unbelievable frenzy, apparently this zealous suitor of Xu Qingru.

“Gaocheng, your best disappointment.”

After seeing the enthusiasm of Gao Cheng’s face, Song Wuque said without any concealment, and then glanced at the crowd in the dead state in the classroom. Lightly saying: “The kid just said, don’t say it, otherwise Get it-hmph! “

However, it is impossible to have airtight walls in this world, so it is clear that this Xu Qingru and Ye Fantian thing was quickly spread by people at an abnormal speed.

And someone seems to have written dozens of fragrant versions of them, and they made a lot of money.

Under such influence, in less than half a day, this Ye Fantian’s name seems to have become a topic of debate, and some of them are more and more exciting. .

I ’m afraid I wo n’t know even if Song Song is not lacking. His threat not only has n’t played a substantial role, but instead has become more terrifying, and the effect has become increasingly obvious …

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