“World … has changed!”

The murmurs of the strong murmurs.

The next moment, the Old Ancestor of the two Ancient Races shot together.

“In the field of disasters, disasters fall from heaven!”

The cataclysm of the disaster cataclysm went wild, and his seat laughed at the wind, Divine Beast exclaimed an angry roar, constantly roaring to the sky, and the cataclysm’s hands released his energy.

The cursing power, the evil energy, danced wildly.

This is his secret skill.

Great Curse!


The ancient mystery one after another is being performed, and everything around this begins to become a world of disaster.

Everywhere you go, all creatures begin to fall to the ground and fall off!

“Hmph! I do n’t know what is dead or alive. Your Master is not Lao Tzu’s opponent, and you dare to spread wild in this place!”

Battle Saint waved his Supreme weapon, Golden Battle Blade, waved out, setting off a long stream of Blade Qi.


Blade Qi is dazzling, wherever you go, you shatter everything.


The calamity of the Disaster Emperor is extraordinary. In the field of disasters, Supreme’s miracles and mysteries are hidden. It can be described as a rare killing in the world, and even the creatures of Between Heaven and Earth can be cursed to death instantly.


Blade Qi on the Golden Battle Blade was slowly cursed, and it seemed that the speed started to slow down.

But at this time, Battle Saint’s face grinned and his mouth cracked. Growled loudly:

“The fleshy body is invincible, and the soldiers are killing the sky! The little calamity also dares to stop Lao Tzu, let him die!”


The mighty Supreme Powerful Blade Qi, the sudden riots, and the violent Blade Qi set off are like a Star River, and they seem to be a dragon of evil, breaking down quickly.


The sound of cracking, the cracking of fleshhy body, the bloody blast.

The vividly and thoroughly displayed at this moment!

All the powerhouses widened their eyes, with an incredible expression, watching the Divine Beast mocking wind that had been cut to pieces, and even watching the Supreme Disaster Emperor being smashed, big hands. Waving, it is broken into countless.


Ye Fantian’s palm was found out, turned into Myriad Gods Hand, and stuffed the disastery body of the Great Emperor into hell. This guy has two epochs of cultivation base, which is really not weak, and his domain and cultivation The miracles and mysteries of the art are of great benefit to Ye Fantian.

The power of calamity is beyond the ordinary martial skills.

“Hong” sent it into that hell, and everyone found out that Ye Fantian already had a huge fleshhy body in his hands. This fleshhy body moved continuously and reached a few ten thousand meters. It’s a big Mac.

That turned out to be a huge nine-winged ichthyosaur!

Is this the true body of Heaven Paragon? !!



All powerhouses have widened their eyes.

The formation of all this is simply going against the sky, Ye Fantian’s power is so overbearing!

“roar! !”

In the mouth of the nine-winged ichthyosaur, a shrill and phoenix roar sounded:

“Ye Fantian, this deity is Supreme’s Supreme, Heavenly Venerate. Ancient existence, even if the heaven and earth are destroyed, this deity will not be destroyed. You are dead, you are negating the decision of heaven and earth!”

Wen Tian Paragon’s voice carries an infinite threat posture. Obviously, this guy is now trying to threaten Ye Fantian, trying to say his identity, and thus being affirmed by the strong.

Among the ancient rivers of history, these eight immortal Paragons are indeed the existence of Supreme, and faults rarely occur.

The reason why these eight immortal Paragons are called immortal is because they rarely have faults. No, strictly speaking, there have never been faults, as if they existed between ancient times and now.

They are Paragons among the immortal Paragons, are under the control of Supreme, and are the creation of Between Heaven and Earth.

Because they have the approval of Between Heaven and Earth on them, this approval makes them unable to fall off easily!

Once a statue has fallen, mutations will appear in this world!

“is it?”

Ye Fantian’s mouth gave a hint of coldness!

“The Zen Buddhism should be in control of a certain means, as well as the Heavenly Buddhism. The reason why they are so fearless and fearless is probably the same!

Warlord Paragon said slowly.

Their identities are unique. From ancient to present inheritance, they have the recognition of heaven and earth. If they want to kill them, they will suffer a great curse. That is the curse of Between Heaven and Earth.

I would like to ask, who dares to be so impudent, dare to fight against heaven and earth!

The Zen and Tianzong Two Great Sects actually sent out the powerhouse to kill them. The dragon Paragon and the ancient great emperor have a mark of the Martial Dao Saint Level powerhouse. Is this a simple thing? This is clearly a long-term plan to kill them. And with absolute certainty you can ignore the curse of Between Heaven and Earth.

“This Two Great Sects is prepared!”

Battle Saint’s mouth said with a sneer in a low voice, but the killing intent was released violently. Obviously, at this time, the horrible Paragon was also angry.

Ye Fantian raised this question to Paragon’s fleshhy body, with a strange smile in his eyes, and slowly said, “Yes? Do you really think I dare not kill you?”

There was a sound of cricket in the voice, cricket powerful, just like a sharp sword out of the sheath, vividly and thoroughly displayed by the majestic majesty!

“Are you fighting against heaven and earth? In ancient times, we have existed since the appearance of this Paragon domain. The name of our Eight Great Paragons is not just a code, it is also the oldest inheritance, If you beheaded us, that is to sever the inheritance of this world, then you will face the punishment of this world, the greatest curse of Between Heaven and Earth, courting death, this is the absolute courting death, Ye Fantian, I advise you best not to do this! “


Obviously, Paragon has begun to play rogue!

But his words are also an absolute point. If Ye Fantian kills the other party, this world will definitely fall into a catastrophe.

The eight immortal Paragons are very weird, but they are sheltered by heaven and earth. Although this respect asks Heaven Paragon, even though he is a concubine, he is also recognized by heaven and earth, so Ye Fantian really can’t kill each other!


Ye Fantian blasted him in one punch, shattered the head of this guy’s body directly, and mourned.

“hu ……”

Swinging the fleshhy body of this ten thousand meters, like a whip, Ye Fantian swept out, and the huge force raised lifted the respected powerhouse fiercely from the earthquake.

“weng! !”

Ye Fantian waved again, and under that powerful force, the body of the nine-winged ichthyosaur seemed to be moved towards the void like a whip.

“Not careless!”

Roared Warbat Paragon’s mouth.

“Yeah, that’s what he sealed!”

Battle Saint is beginning to persuade!

Ye Fantian’s binocular scarlet flashed out!

“Yeah, once this guy is sealed off, it’s a waste. Boy, don’t make yourself cursed by Between Heaven and Earth because of this guy. You can’t do this!”

The scarlet flickered intensified.

Ye Fantian’s body stepped into the void. On the body, the brilliance of the road flashed out, the palm of the hand controlled the release, and the whole person stood there, like an ancient emperor. The Supreme’s momentum showed vividly and thoroughly!

“God? So what, I have suffered so many calamities, what about another one? Ask Sky Paragon, the mark of the sky on you, I want it!”

Mark of the heavens!

The faces of Warlord Paragon and Battle Saint suddenly changed dramatically.

They are Supreme’s Paragon, the eight immortal Paragons, and they are sheltered by the heaven and earth, and the reason for this is that there is a mark inside their fleshhy body, which is recognized by Both Heaven and Earth , Named the mark of the sky!

This questioning Paragon itself is not a real questioning Paragon, but with the mark of the heaven, this will become orthodoxy.

“Do not!”

Ask Heaven Paragon at this time finally knew that I was scared!

He finally knew what Ye Fantian was going to do, this guy wanted to replace himself!

“Damn bastard, Ye Fantian, you dare to go against the sky!”


Ye Fantian’s body grew rapidly. No, it wasn’t, but the momentum on his body began to violently surge, his hands were printed, and the fleshhy body of Paragon, which was asked to heaven, was flew over the void, into his hands. Thousands of marks began to haunt the body.

He wants to make an experiment, a huge experiment!

“Hell! Reincarnation! On!”

In the eyes, Supreme ’s brilliance began to unleash, the mark of Hell Emperor in the eyebrows began to flash, and the boundless momentum danced wildly. Ye Fantian stood on top of the void, as if he was an emperor, a eternal moment of Between Heaven and Earth. Great Emperor!

In his hands, the imprints appeared, opening up ten ways.

“hong long long”

The world was shaking, and above the sky, all the thunderbolt seemed to feel what Ye Fantian wanted to do and began to growl wildly.


Arm extended, fingers turned into sword fingers, Ye Fantian pointed at the sky, roaring loudly:

“piss off!”

This guy is snarling at the sky?

But weird things happened. With the last imprint of Ye Fantian, the thunderbolt of this world suddenly fell out, as if it had never appeared before.

This gesture instantly made all powerhouses widen their eyes.

“Why can’t heaven and earth help him ?!”

The remnants of Tianzong, Zen, and even the powerhouses of Sect all trembled to themselves, feeling that their brains seemed to be beginning to be out of control.

“This unscientific!”

The corner of the mouth of the fighting demon Buddha squinted and exclaimed.

Ye Fantian exerts the power of hell, the power of Supreme’s control, and part of the power of reincarnation.

“嗤chi chi… ”

Light and electricity flow, and on Paragon’s body, countless marks are floating, which is Supreme’s divine runes, but the next moment, a mark opens up the void and tries to fly out.

it’s him!

Mark of the heavens!

This is the Supreme Seal of Heaven and Earth!


Ye Fantian’s palm quickly clenched and punched him.

“No! God shelters me!”

The sky of Paragon’s mouth roared madly, screaming voice spread throughout the Paragon domain, but at this moment there was no response. The powerful force generated by Ye Fantian’s Force of Samsara weakened this guy’s power to the extreme, even Can’t go to asylum for days, to fight against …

The imprint in the hand of “hong” evolved rapidly and was repeatedly exerted by Ye Fantian, forcibly suppressed …

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