
A huge axe appeared. k “;

There are countless wailing sounds on this axe, and the killing intent above the sky breaks through the sky, breaks all obstacles, and hangs down like a mighty substance.

“pu 噗pu… ”

The blood spit out, and all the powerhouses who broke through the Ancient Race defense were all shattered by this horrible force.

The huge axe evolved and moved, and then a burly silhouette appeared. As soon as he grasped the axe in his hand, the unparalleled moved towards it came again.


The axe danced and raised the divine glow, which directly locked the body of the lyre.


The lyre Zun Zun’s face changed wildly, and I did not expect that the powerhouse of unknown origin even locked himself, the mighty momentum was stronger than himself.

After the lyre was shot, the sound waves set off a frenzy, and then it evolved into a heavy punch composed of sound waves. The substantial heavy punch splitting heaven and earth apart moved towards giant axe to welcome it.

“The small lyre also tried to resist Lao Tzu and gave it to Lao Tzu-broken!”


A huge axe, fiercely hit the sublime fist, but the next moment it made a cracking sound, as if smashing a piece of window paper, fiercely blasted the opponent.


The axe flickered, directly hitting the opponent’s fleshy body, the lyre’s body went backwards and forwards, but only ten steps, the fleshy body burst suddenly, blood flying.


It’s just a trick. This immortal Paragon has fallen like this, and it is also an immortal Paragon with an era cultivation base like the lyre.


silhouette fiercely stepping on the ground, the ground cracked out, setting off a sharp astral qi, wherever they went, all those strong backs up.

“Hmph, the little one is clumsy, and dare to impudent on Lao Tzu’s site, it’s a bit tired!”

The sound urges the tube, and then the real content appears.

It was a burly body with a height of four five meters. The long hair was very messy. The robe on the body was shabby, as if it had been eroded by countless years. The muscles were exposed in some places.

A panlong-like meridian bulge, representing strength and tyranny, a pair of tiger eyes baleful aura is intimidating, holding a god axe with one hand, standing proudly in it, a huge scar on the face from ear to bar looks particularly The clarity and glare.

“It’s him?!”

Ask Heaven Paragon’s heart moved slightly.

Many powerhouses also saw the appearance of this person, especially after seeing the scar on the other person’s face, and they murmured wildly and even exclaimed:

“Isn’t this the demon axe master?”

“How could it be him? This time is so much trouble, how could this guy not die yet?”

“Legendary between ancient times is always fabulous, but this person should already be dead. Why does it continue to exist? This is obviously impossible. K”; “

“The strength of one person, the forcibly beheaded and killed the eighteen world-class Paragons, one person with one axe, and the singlehanded one killed an Ancient Sect, and the Sect Master who was persecuting him was kneeling down to worship!”

“Crazy, this guy is a lunatic!”

Thinking of each other’s Legendary and epic history, Zhu Qiang involuntarily began to go backwards.

“See Old Ancestor!”

Seeing the appearance of this great demon axe, the Elders of the War God lineage could not help but kneel on the ground.

The expression on his face was extremely excited, and obviously had great confidence in this person.

“Get up!”

Daxao Zun slowly said in his mouth.

“Old Ancestor, why did you come out?”

Shouted excitedly.

“Hmph, never come out again, isn’t this War God lineage going to be suppressed?”

Then he looked at Paragon, and his face became more and more horrified. The scary scar looked like a centipede, and it looked even heavier and scarier.

“Old Ancestor, your body …”

One Elder could not help but whispered, and looked at the other with great concern.

This is the last killing move of their War God lineage. Each Old Ancestor is an extremely precious Guardian God. Once they appear, it will cause a large part of their blood and blood to burn. Fall and dissipate.

Therefore, although the appearance of the great demon axe is of great help to them, the life of the other party cannot be ignored.

“Among the Bloodline of Lao Tzu, not only the blood line of the War God lineage, but also the bloodline of the Monster Race. Although the life has burned a lot, it can be added back. Now other old fellows simply do not have this ability. To go to summon, the conditions needed are too harsh, the war fighters left, and the bastards thought that I had no War God lineage? “

With that said, Daxao Zun’s face shouted with a cold touch and horrific killing intent on his face.

The momentum on his body was like a mountain like a sea, and a rolling riot.


With the fierce shot in that momentum, the axe in his hand slowly pushed away, revealing a bloodthirsty madness:

“For many years, Lao Tzu has not gone to war, this time, it seems that I really need to fight well!”

“Big demon axe, it turns out to be this mess, damn it. This guy’s cultivation base is more powerful than my strength on the realm of the three era cultivation base. Is it really impossible to avenge it?”

Looking at the big demon axe, Wentian Paragon’s face became more and more difficult to look.

“Hmph, an old monster who hasn’t known how many years, really thought he could reverse all this?”

A sudden coldly snorted sound came out.

war chariot hunting, dancing with long hair, one man controlling a huge war chariot appeared.

The other party has always been hidden behind Zhu Qiang, watching everything here indifferently, not paying attention to everything around, but at this time, all the powerhouses were sucked in a cold breath.

This is one gold war chariot with three Divine Beasts on it, pulling the car, laughing at the wind!

Divine Beast with Divine Dragon Bloodline, powerfully shakes the sky, powerful mockery can even shake the Star Fragmentation River, and puff the sky.

Although this mockery has a Dragon Bloodline, it is also a collection of disasters. In a word, everything can be destroyed, and this is exactly the same, so the mockery is considered to be among many Divine Beasts. A kind of alien, the other party is a disaster star, and will never be a blessing.

But wherever Divine Beast can use the ridicule of wind, everyone is a powerful person with great luck, their luck can completely ignore the scourge and cursing power of ridicule, but instead like a tiger that has grown wings.

“Disaster Emperor, the second emperor of is Heaven Sect, will he be him ?!”

“Yes, that Divine Beast is the mount of the disaster emperor. I did not expect that Tianzong would send such a powerhouse this time.”

“Although the strength is in the two epochs, the disaster area of ​​the other side is truly unparalleled, and it is rare and arrogant. It is rumored that the other side is the heir to Is Heaven Sect, the first emperor of the ancient times, who has the boundless Emperor Qi and is known as the first emperor. successor!”


The axe danced slowly, just like cutting off the Star River. This great demon axe shot, and a long river exudes a shadow of an axe, and it suddenly cut off.

“It’s just a small disaster, and dare to try to impudent here. If your Master is an ancient Emperor here, Lao Tzu will still be a bit jealous, but what are you!”


The shadow of the axe flickered, killing him in an instant.


Laughing at the wind, Divine Beast, roaring in the sky, swallowing the sun and the moon, setting off a tremendous amount of energy, Hao Ran’s righteousness coupled with an endless cursing gas, even quickly moved towards that axe shadow began to shoot out quickly.


Every bit of grey misty energy began to arise from this disaster emperor. The grey misty energy, like a poisonous snake, entangled to generate a powerful destructive force.

“peng peng peng! ”

The various axe shadows evolved quickly, and then cracked into countless fragments.


The Ancient Race powerhouse couldn’t help but screamed in shock, shouting in disbelief.

This is an immortal Paragon of three eras of cultivation base. The strength of this catastrophe emperor is only two eras. How can he destroy this culling.

Even the face of the great demon axe is a grave expression.


The vastness of power was shown again.

The body of that great demon axe moved fiercely and quickly appeared on the void, with a crazy expression on his face, and roaring in the direction of a giant axe.


The opponent was hit, but there was no slight damage, but the expression on his face became dignified and extraordinary.

“Everyone of the demons has to take it away. In this case, the deity is also obliged to punish and suppress you!”

Wen Tian Paragon’s voice came out, his face was filled with a touch of pride and coldness, and the person who just shot was not someone else but him.


The powerhouses of Ancient Race could not help but roar loudly.

“Hehe, it doesn’t seem difficult for us both to fight you!”

A pleasing smile appeared on the face of the disaster emperor, slowly speaking.

This sentence is not a big word, after all, the disaster domain of the disaster emperor contains the power of curses, which is difficult to break, and that asks Paragon, although not as good as the great demon axe, but he is one of the eight immortal Paragon. He Nature has a power that ordinary people cannot imagine.

At this time, the combination of the two is enough to fight against the demon axe!

“You guys … repressed these two Ancient Races! Kill!”

There was a hint of coldness on the face of the disaster emperor, and he slowly spoke.

“Ancient Race, the endless Supreme Treasure, what are you waiting for, kill them! Kill!”

“Kill, kill them, that’s endless benefits!”

“There are two Paragons resisting. What are we afraid of, rush!”

Zhu Qiang suddenly became crazy, their faces showed a greedy expression, and quickly moved towards Ancient Race and rushed away.

After seeing all this, the face of Daxian Zun suddenly changed, roaring, growling:

“Get away from Laozi!”

The axe flickered and opened up ten sides.

Opening and closing, wherever you go, the space is shaking and trembling.

However, both the Disaster Emperor and Wentian Paragon seem to be dog skin plasters, and they will not let the other party break their defenses.


The biting Demon’s face has a wicked arc, and the quickly moved towards War Bear is an ancient magic wand. With the wave of the wand, the endless demonic energy begins to riot.

“Suppression! Fall!”


At the same time, as if in response to the words of the piercing demon, a long howling erupted from far and near like a thunderbolt:

“Fuck, move me and see!”

[Author’s digression]: ps: After finishing writing three, go home to eat … I’m tired, I really want to finish the book, but I don’t want to run out of it, I have to continue …

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