Ye Fantian’s body is standing there, Fengshen is like jade, and his eyes are like a mountain, where electricity and light flow, and the boundless momentum sinks suddenly, like a Supreme Mountain, giving people an irresistible worship gesture. k “;


Unparalleled arrogance

Create the unparalleled Divine Art with both hands, set off a torrent of long rivers, and open up ten ways!


Hong long long ……

The earth is cracking, and the roars of all beings are roaring from hell, and the grievances produced by countless years are roaring!

The power of the fire in Hell’s red lotus industry surged up, and the arrogant energy set off even began to retreat from the fleshhy bodies of both the ancient great emperor and the dragon Paragon.

“What is this power? What is this power !!!”

Paragon’s mouth roared wildly. This was his timid roar. Although the sound was infinitely loud, the spirit had completely disappeared.

“Hell red lotus industry fire … Damn, this guy is in control of hell red lotus industry fire!”

Yes, this is the fire of hell’s red lotus industry, the infinitely powerful flame, even an idiot will know what kind of existence it is.

“It’s impossible. Hell’s red lotus industry fire exists in the deepest part of the universe. Even if it’s born, there won’t be so many. Why can this boy control so many hell red lotus industry fires?”

Paragon shouted unbelievably.

He was already scared, he was timid and wailing!

Although they were unparalleled in the world, they could not help shaking in the face of such a huge hell.

Mysterious soul was wailing, trembling, and extremely fearful.

Facing such terrible things, no matter how powerful they are, the mysterious soul will still be afraid.

Although the fire of Hell’s red lotus industry has tempering power for this mysterious soul, it also has extremely destructive power and powerful destructive power.

Even if their strength shakes the sky, they can’t get rid of so many hell red lotus industry fire!

“Don’t say … you are … heritance of that person’s inheritance is not possible !?”

Suddenly, Paragon’s eyes stared round, as if something had been found, and the pupils flexed violently, like needles.

“Go, be sure to leave here, and be sure to spread the news. This kid can’t stay, otherwise we will have endless disasters for Zen and you Tianzong!”

Paragon suddenly responded.


Just then, a cold voice appeared quickly. | i ^

Ye Fantian’s heart startled. At this time, he has completely put the two on the list of deaths. The two guys must die. They know their identity.


The endless hell of the red lotus industry is burning, evolving hell demon dragons, hell Netherworld Sovereign, hell devil dogs … many hell life illusory shadows, flourishing and roaring in disgust.


A huge hell demon dog quickly shattered a puppet, fiercely bit the fleshhy body of the ancient Emperor, and the boundless karma was quickly injected into his mysterious soul, even if the fleshhy body was arrogant , But there is absolutely no such ability that even the mysterious soul has forged the unparalleled power.


A divine glow appeared, Ye Fantian’s body also broke the void, came to the other side, and dissipated a little in this guy’s eyebrow.

“Do not!”

The sound broke out and spread throughout the Thirty Three Heavens Black Demon Realm.

It was the unwilling roar of Emperor Huanggu.

Ye Fantian’s mystic power was quickly injected into his within the body, shattering his vitality.

“Dark Soul Storm!”

In Ye Fantian’s eyebrows, the divine glow flashes and the divine runes are bright. The Supreme River that is set off is like covering the world.


Another fist began to wave, this fist broke the cricket, and directly penetrated the fleshhy body defense of the dragon Paragon.

At this time, the dragon Paragon fleshy body was still resisting Ye Fantian’s hell red lotus industry fire. He did not have this ability but resisted Ye Fantian’s shot. He was directly broken by the protective body astral qi, which quickly collapsed and was fierce. Turned into nothingness …


A mark of Panlong is presented, which is a huge panlong, roaring and roaring in the sky, moved towards Ye Fantian drawn a dragon claw, trying to resist Ye Fantian’s shot.

“Get out!”

Ye Fantian’s fists of the gods shot in succession, and the world was dim for a while. The huge fist prints also shattered the defense of the opponent. The dragon claw shattered and turned into powder.


The breath of death condensed, and Ye Fantian’s many secret techniques began to be exhibited.


Gods Greater World, Divine Soul Spear, Dark Soul Storm, Fist of the Gods, strength of Space, Laws …

Many of them are in full play, because the two Paragons at this time, although they are dying, the vitality on them has once again flourished. It is clearly not dead, no, they are clearly reborn, Ye Fantian Won’t let them rise again.

An immortal Paragon, especially an immortal Paragon with three cultivation bases, is almost invincible, and it is extremely difficult to kill it.


Ye Fantian’s palm turned into Myriad Gods Hand, fiercely shattered their restored fleshhy body, and then directly gripped their mysterious soul.

“No … Ye Fantian, let me go, as long as you are willing to let me go, I can guarantee that your War God lineage will become our Zen friends, forever friendship!”

The mysterious soul of Paragon shrieked.

“Let you let me go?”

Ye Fantian looked at each other playfully, but quickly said with a cold laugh:

“Let me off, will you let me off?”

Ka-cha !

Mysterious soul collapsed, Ye Fantian’s palm waved, and the dragon’s fleshhy body of Paragon was sent directly to hell by Ye Fantian. The boundless mysterious soul memory began to merge into Ye Fantian’s body from within the body. And this time, in the fleshhy body of Paragon, a vast amount of energy quickly evolved and penetrated into the body of Ye Fantian. This huge energy suddenly shocked Ye Fantian’s face. :

“this is?!”

Shock! Surprise! Crazy! lucky!

These energies carry pure buddha power, and quickly evolved into the energy required by Ye Fantian. They are huge, pure, and can be absorbed and absorbed in a short time.

“Damn Ye Fantian, you and me Tianzong are absolutely irreconcilable!”

A divine fist waved down.

“Celestial Emperor fist!”

Celestial Emperor Fist!

This is a world-famous peerless skill. The secret technique of Supreme is called the anti-fisting technique, even compared with Ye Fantian’s fist. It covers the Supreme emperor’s absolute skill. It is the identity of the emperor. The immense power of the emperor can be described as incomparable. Even in this mortal world, I am afraid it is difficult to find a comparable. If you really want to find one, then Only the Eternal Dragon Emperor can qualify.

There was golden glow on that fist, and it had not been killed yet, but the space through it had collapsed directly, the fierce fist marks began to be sprayed, and a sea of ​​fists began to form.

“Do not destroy the wrath of Vajra!”

Ye Fantian’s whole body suddenly appeared Supreme golden glow. His fleshy body showed a golden rays of light, and the rays of light went straight into the sky, forming a beam of light. Ye Fantian’s fleshy body suddenly became infinitely huge. In general, a fierce appearance behind the illusion began to form, and a direct demon-handed hand hit out.

“Immortal Rage of Vajra? How is it possible ?!”

Emperor Huanggu almost stared out, staring at Ye Fantian, what a shock and incredible!

This is clearly the paragon of Paragon?


It’s more brutal than this Paragon, and it has a stronger punch than that deity.


The fire of hell’s red lotus industry burned frantically, and directly passed through the opponent’s body. As the immortal mood of Vajra’s wrath began to appear, Ye Fantian’s fleshhy body swept through everything, and the wild ancient emperor’s fleshhy body cracked. Emperor blood began to sprinkle.

“No! This emperor is an ancient emperor. No one in the ancient world can match it. This emperor disobeys, the world is unfair, unfair!”

The unwilling roar shook the entire Thirty Three Heavens Black Demon Realm, trembling, and in the void, the mighty power poured down.

This desolate ancient emperor is indeed the powerhouse of Supreme, and it turned out such a powerful change by one person.

But in front of Ye Fantian, it was all the other ’s final struggle. He did n’t even care, and punched again, and Vajra growled, shattering his fleshy with the power of the hell red lotus industry fire. body.

Myriad Gods Hand, flashing and boundless, glorious, just like three thousand glazings added to Saint Physique, that tyrannical energy instantly killed the other side’s mysterious soul, among the wail and curse that shattered the sky, Ye Fantian Fragmented everything of the ancient Emperor again!

“This kid … slayed the dragon Paragon and the Emperor Aragon?”

The expression on Battle Saint’s face was very dull. Looking at Ye Fantian was like treating a monster. From the beginning to the present, the dullness on his face has not disappeared.

“seems like it!”

The face of Warlord Paragon is also as dull as his face. From the beginning to now, these two guys seem to live in dreams.

This Ye Fantian is really too bad. He beheaded but two immortal Paragons with three cultivation bases. The entire Paragon domain is regarded as a peerless powerhouse.

“Finally succeeded …”

Ye Fantian’s face showed a relieved smile.

But soon his face changed again, the energy of within the body suddenly moved, and it began to stir up in a mighty manner.

“this is?!”

That vast energy is being produced continuously, and it is an infinite energy. It appeared from the beginning to kill the dragon Paragon, and now it appears again, and there is a looming spirit of righteousness.

“Can it be said … my body can absorb the power of the epoch?”

Ye Fantian thought with great surprise, the next moment, his energy suddenly flowed, and then all the energy in the whole body was in a lively posture.


Once again, the cultivation base with a full third era has been promoted …

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