“The fast absorption speed is partly due to the exceptional terrifying and cultivation base of the two fleshhy bodies, but the most important thing is the power of Paragon divine medicine!”

Ye Fantian secretly sighed.

Paragon divine medicine, this is indeed an ancient rare divine object, but it is just a moment, Ye Fantian feels, in the fleshhy body of the two, there is a powerful energy.

“The immortal Paragon Level’s cultivation base is starting to show up …”

Ye Fantian’s body slowly trembled. In the whole body, there is unmatched energy. Above the void, the bright brilliance is about to emerge.

That was the wave of the catastrophe, the breath of the era catastrophe!

“Give me-suppress!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes blinked scarlet, and his mouth roared slowly.

The sound was low, like the injured demonic beast was roaring, but the wave above the void was suppressed to the extreme in an instant.

But the corner of Ye Fantian’s mouth was overflowing with blood, and the fragments of the Great Wild Heart have begun to be refining quickly by him. The power of the Great Wild within the body is like a flame, and the Great Wild Heart fragments are like black ice. This melts quickly.

“The breath of the epoch …”

The body of the Warlord Paragon exudes an ancient atmosphere. This atmosphere is like Great Desolate, and it seems to be too ancient. The appearance of this atmosphere can only be possessed by the immortal Paragon that has reached the era of cultivation base.

“Eye of the Myriad Gods!”

Ye Fantian’s Eye of the Myriad Gods constantly observes the surrounding situation.

When his eyes noticed the fleshy body of the two, although he knew that the two guys were very Thai, he couldn’t help but be shocked.

In the body of the body, the energies of the pythons wandered around, continuously releasing the boundless brilliance, wherever they went, everything revived.

The era’s breath was frantic.


A huge yellow golden illusory shadow was released from the Battle Saint’s fleshy body. This aura is extremely powerful, and the illusory shadow condenses to form an illusion.

That is the illusion of the golden demon ape!


The golden demon ape roared and released an extraordinary momentum.

“Damn, this momentum is too powerful. Even if the distance of 100 Million Li is isolated, the Zen and Tianzong powerhouses will definitely find it!”

Ye Fantian’s heart moved, and he couldn’t help secretly complaining.

At present, simply suppressing this boiling energy on his body consumes half of his cultivation base. The power in one body can only play half of it, even with time, it will be less pitiful. Now it ’s pure When he meets the Supreme powerhouse with an era cultivation base, the immortal Paragon, he must die!

The violent energy of “hong” boiled, like a volcanic eruption, forming a fan-shaped posture, and moved towards the ground began to sweep up.

Various traces have been generated, including the evolution of a Supreme wave, a majestic power.

“this is……?!”

When he saw the stance of the evolution of these traces, Ye Fantian’s heart burst into pain.

This is a line of more than twenty silhouettes. Each of them has at least the power of the immortal level, and this is the lowest level. Among them, the immortal Paragon Level powerhouse, and even two of them are an era of cultivation. The immortal Paragon of the base.

“Unexpectedly, I actually made this time!”

The first person, dragon walk tiger steps, is full of traces of the Tao, who walks against the sky, moves step by step, seemingly slow motion but seems to be perfectly integrated with the entire sky.

This man looks like he is only in his 40s. His face is like Guan Yu, and his body is quite upright, and the fluctuation of his body is just as powerful as the sky.

The other party is also the most powerful of the more than XNUMX people, and the strength is in the degree of an era of cultivation base.

Although the other person’s looks are good, the strange smile on this face makes people feel extremely disgusting. The hypocritical appearance is Ye Fantian’s most hated guy.

“Ye Fantian, Battle Paragon, Gold Saint Demon Ape Clan’s Battle Saint … It’s not bad, you can see that you are quite awful.”

The other party spoke slowly, with a relaxed tone, with a proud concealment that was difficult to hide.

“who are you?”

The other party is probably a small sect who came with Tianzong or Zen.

“Hahahaha … Ye Fantian, maybe you don’t know this seat, but this seat recognizes you and always recognizes you!”

The pair of eyes of each other released a little sigh of anger, among which it seemed that there were all kinds of violent dragons flashing, and the familiar wave made Ye Fantian slightly move, a sudden shock in his heart:

“You are the King of Dragons ?!”

There is absolutely no mistake in this look. It is the look of Emperor Dragon King, but the last time he saw him was only the cultivation base of the Great Accomplishment eternal eighth stage. How much time now has it reached a cultivation base? Immortal Paragon Degree.

This is faster than Ye Fantian’s upgrade.

“Ha Ha Ha…”

The sound of laughter began to pass, and the man’s face suddenly twisted with muscles, and even changed a chapter of unfamiliar faces again:

“Ye Fantian, you really have amazing memory. I didn’t expect you to know the deity!”

The appearance of the other person’s face has been changing, and this week’s illusory shadow has released boundless traces:

“Do you know who I am? Do you know what the true identity of the deity is?”

In Ye Fantian’s heart, the original shengsheng of the Buddha was Supreme genius, which is stronger than him, and the emperor dragon is like the existence of a trivial ant, which will not cause the shengsheng of the Buddha at all. But the other side cares about it, there is only one possibility, the role and value of the Emperor Dragon.

The role and value of the other party is definitely worth the attention and shot of the Buddha’s health.

“I’m a mysterious soul of the Minghe Dragon Buddha, which has been cycled countless times, and finally opened my own memory!”

Huang Longzun said slowly in his mouth.

“Longfo? Shuihe Longfo?” The name surprised Ye Fantian’s heart for a while, but he did not expect this guy to have such an identity.

The name of the Styx Dragon Buddha Ye Fantian is not familiar, but it also has a memory, because the other party is a Zen powerhouse, which is originally a dragon body evolution, and it is also a dragon body in the Styx river, which has a magical world. Powers, the opponent’s true body is very arrogant, but because of the mischief and subsequent suppression, the mysterious soul is also split.

Dragon Race likes the treasures, especially the Hades Dragon Buddha. It is rumored that the other party has the Supreme treasure, but after the mysterious soul broke, the trace of the treasure disappeared.

Ye Fantian finally understood why the Buddha Shengsheng rescued the Emperor Dragon Lord, and the other party’s attention was clearly for the secret treasure of the Soul of the Ninghe Dragon Buddha.

“The Buddha Shengsheng has obtained the complete Soul of the Dragon Soul of the Heilongjiang, and this is also the case of the deity. He has signed the contract of Life and Death. As long as the deity is dead, this last soul is his. Yes, but … in order to kill you, what can the deity do even if he has paid too much? “


With his hands moving, Huanglong Dazun’s face with a disgusting expression, roared loudly: “Kill him!”


The powerful players behind Qiqi’s shots, the powerful tricks and energy, locked Qi Fantian’s whole body, and the powerful fluctuations worked like one, as long as it was a moment, once hit, the undead had to be seriously injured. .


Ye Fantian’s heart shouted fiercely. This group of people, strictly speaking, is not very strong. As long as they are willing, the old broken swords and old hairs in hell can cope, even the hell army. People are not enough to look at, but the immortal soul of the Emperor Dragon must have been imprinted in some way. As long as the other party falls, Ye Fantian is sure that the other party will return to the hands of the Buddha.

Hell’s information must now be exposed, or the powerhouse of the Buddha Realm will surely show up. This is a last resort and now it is only for fighting.

“Hmph … 30% power is left, but it is enough to kill you shameless.”

Coldly snorted in Ye Fantian’s heart, he suddenly started to shoot, and Supreme’s energy surged, setting off a tide.

“Skyward Rod!”

The palm of his hand turned into a fist, and the mood of Skyward Rod quickly condensed.

The head of a “hong” powerhouse was shattered, and a huge blood column soared into the sky, forming a blood rain.

“Dark Soul Storm!”

Ye Fantian performs Magical Powers again to create Dark Soul Storm.


A powerful moment permeated, and another group of people in this group, the immortal Paragon of the cultivation base, shot. The opponent’s speed and strength were very large, and at this time Ye Fantian couldn’t stop it at all. Hit Ye Fantian’s chest, this fist hits Heaven Falls and Earth Rends. The arrogant energy makes Ye Fantian’s face mad.


a mouthful of blood began to spray, and flew out instantly.

“hong long long”

His energy began to burst out of control.

“Come on … the deity will give you the last trip!”

Emperor Long waved his palm and quickly created a Magical Powers, which was moved towards Ye Fantian, and the dragon claw was boiling, which brought a wave of evil to the extreme.

This erratic evil spirit has a cold atmosphere.


Just at the moment when the energy was about to lock the Ye Fantian fleshy body, a bright divide glow was quickly created, like a bright cross sword, shrouded, and the Supreme energy set off was quickly shot out, opening up ten ways glory.


A cooing sound appeared.

As the fragrance diffused and a silhouette suddenly appeared, fiercely split the Magical Powers.

“who is it?”

Huang Longzun’s face suddenly became ugly, and his eyes shivered with coldness. At this critical moment, he was disturbed by others, which made him unforgivable.

“shua ……”

Ye Fantian’s saw a flash, and then a lithe and graceful lovable body appeared in his sight. After seeing the owner of this lovable body, Ye Fantian’s face suddenly changed:

“It’s you?!”

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