“锵锵 clang!”

Sword sounds appear!

This sword emperor lineage is indeed a arrogant and arrogant habit. Although the powerhouse of is Heaven Sect is facing at this time, although the number of opponents is more than its own, each person’s body has an outburst. fighting intent

The long sword keeps on whispering, and the sword that it set off can be called a huge wave.

“Loot you Paragon divine medicine, Ha Ha Ha …”

There was a scornful expression on Paragon’s face without sword, and laughed heartily, the sound was screaming, as if the swords were screaming, shaking the surrounding space for a while, even in the line of Tianzong, Someone’s body has begun to crumble, qi and blood roll, and even a continuous spurt of blood appears.

At this time, the other party clearly has already used the secret technique.

“impudent !”

The fire with no great respect suddenly erupted, his eyes glowed with Supreme’s divide glow, the overbearing momentum began to evolve, and reached an indescribable world shacking step.

Stepping forward, the momentum once again reached a brand new Peak.

The numerous divine glows lingering around the body, each one is like a Star River combined with celestial bodies, making it impossible to shake a step.


The giant sword turned into nothingness, but the sword is even more terrifying. The word energy is flowing, and the two are clearly starting to confront each other. The overbearing breath and the horror of Supreme swept through everything, shocked. The surrounding disciples shook in unison.

Looking at these two, Ye Fantian couldn’t help shaking in his heart. The strength of these two is not weaker than that of the Night Warrior and Golden Beast. It is absolutely not easy to produce such a degree. If the night warrior wants to win, he can only find a breakthrough on the fleshy body.


A strong breath started to appear. This aura was just a burst of space energy and energy in ordinary people’s eyes, but in Ye Fantian’s eyes it was no less than a thunder.

“This aura …?!”

There was a fiercely shock in my heart, and Ye Fantian’s face moved immediately, and then this “Hidden Murder” was moved to the extreme, and quickly moved towards one direction.

Adding mystery to the secret technique of “Hidden Murder”, Ye Fantian’s hidden skill can be regarded as an absolute Peak. Even the strength of the swordless Paragon and that without great respect is extraordinary, even It is beyond his countless times on the cultivation base and realm, but he did not sense the existence of Ye Fantian.

This is a powerful air flow, and there are fragmented divider runes everywhere. These fragmented divider runes seem to be decaying, but there is still a terrifying Murderous Aura on it, which is clear even at first glance. Be aware of the danger and destructive power.

“These are the laws of destruction. The laws degenerate into energy. Divine runes are combined in everything and produce strong traces. Once ordinary people enter, they will be instantly broken by them!

Ye Fantian thought secretly.

This powerful destructive power made Ye Fantian chill, but he also had to deal with it, because he felt that in the depths of these powerful airflows, there was a sense of great wildness.


A hint of bloody air came out, very faint, but Ye Fantian noticed it.

“Eye of the Myriad Gods!”

Ye Fantian’s flashes of the gods flew, and she shot adivine glow, opened up a space, and quickly saw the secrets in it.

It was a huge skull with dark golden blood on it.

This skull looks like a dragon and a tiger, with a disgusting breath on it. Although it is dead, the cold breath and fluctuations still make people feel the fierceness of the opponent. Such a long-lasting tyrannical aura finally let Ye Fantian Recognized the other side ’s message: “Abyss life, this is an abyss life, named Dragon-Tiger King of the Abyss, and the strength of the other side is even more powerful in the two era cultivation base, but it is not I thought that it fell here! “The abyssal monster Dragon-Tiger’s fleshhy body was very vague, and the dark golden blood was continuously released around it, and the decaying divine runes were quickly cut and devoured. Looking at each other, it looks like a living creature, and looks extremely disgusting and cruel.

The other party apparently entered here by mistake, but was sadly killed by the divide runes.

“The power of Dragon-Tiger King Abyss has stepped into this field, and the degree of danger here is really evident!”

Ye Fantian took a deep breath, quickly moved towards the inside, he … had no choice!

For strength, in order to make themselves strong enough, even if it is difficult, even if there are countless obstacles in the way, Ye Fantian must break them!

Thinking about it, Ye Fantian has stepped into it.


With Ye Fantian’s action, the entire space was suddenly shaken.

Heaven Falls and Earth Rends.

Many sensations began to appear, as if the entire space had come alive in a flash. Ye Fengtian couldn’t help but feel a sense of dizziness with the strong force.


The body suddenly exerted Magical Powers, the blessings of the Divine Runes, Space Law blessing to the extreme, quickly shrouded, and completely controlled the space of his entire body.

“hu ……”

With a big gasp in his mouth, Ye Fantian’s fleshy body was finally maintained.

However, the surrounding airflow is still like a river flowing endlessly. It flows fast, swells, and the powerful force set off makes the surrounding forces transform wildly.

Ancient buildings, decaying ancient corpse, residual limbs …

Infinite complexity and sharp energy, infinite Murderous force …

Many things make Ye Fantian feel like entering a horrible Ah-bi hell.

“It feels really unpleasant …”

Ye Fantian’s mouth grinned secretly, but his eyes grew colder, and a pair of wings spread behind him. That was Space Wings. Under the strong pressure around him, Ye Fantian’s Space Wings had begun to unfold involuntarily.

However, with the expansion of Space Wings, the surrounding pressure gradually began to become much smaller.


A slight movement under his feet, Ye Fantian’s silhouette flickered, and he came to a place other than several hundred li in an instant.

The vitality, the more violent, seems to be a roar of a demon dragon, and the powerful force caused a pair of Space Wings behind Ye Fantian to make waves of impact and friction.

“The breath … is getting stronger and stronger.” Ye Fantian’s secret secret joy, but the pressure around him also made him a bit bitter.

“Give me-drive!”

Ye Fantian’s face was full of bruises, and he forcibly endured the horrible squeezing force, quickly opened up ten directions, moved towards the front, but this speed was more than a thousand times slower than the original …


After Ye Fantian advanced a certain distance, a strong shock finally made Ye Fantian’s face surprise expression:

“This aura … can’t be wrong!”

That is, while Ye Fantian was still struggling, the outside world’s sword emperor lineage and Tianzong were still facing each other.

“Tianzong people, you killed our sword emperor lineage, and it was a direct blood relative, a great genius. If you do n’t give us a statement today, do n’t blame the sword for drinking blood!”

Paragon’s voice has a domineering gesture, and it is very arrogant. This attitude clearly does not take their heavenly ancestors to heart. Such an attitude of natural hotness, with no great respect, becomes increasingly ugly, with a cracked mouth Said slowly with a malicious smile:

“Hahahaha … laughing with a smile, Sword Emperor lineage, what the hell is this? An Ancient Race that was built on the majesty of its Old Ancestor, and intends to fight against us?” “Impudent!”

The face of Wujian Paragon became extremely difficult to look, not only him, but the powerhouses behind him all showed angry expression.

“锵锵 clang!”

The long sword in her hand suddenly emerged from the scabbard.

“Little Tianzong is just arrogant by relying on his own strength. Do you have any qualification to fight against our sword emperor lineage, don’t forget, our Old Ancestor never even looked at the eight immortal Paragon, you Dare to be such an impudent, now that I do n’t fight, you kneel and ask for mercy, then how can our sword emperor lineage deter the world! “

“Good domineering! Great breath! How strong the lineage of the Sword Emperor … I want to see today, how do you suppress our little Tianzong!”

An abundance of mighty power was passed on slowly and slowly, and the surrounding energy driven by this sound was hunting and hunting, and the space was like a piece of paper, and quickly appeared fragmented.

Powerhouse !

Supreme’s powerhouse!

This powerful momentum instantly changed the face of the swordless Paragon, becoming quite ugly …

And with this momentum projecting, all Tianzong powerhouses, including that of the face with no great respect, began to show the color of surprise that could not be concealed.

“pa ……”

A slap in the face was thrown down fiercely, and threw away, like a raging storm, directly on the cheek of the swordless Paragon.


A blast of blood sprayed, the power of this slap was so horrifying that it instantly flew out the body of the swordless Paragon.


More aggressive than the swordless Paragon!


More arrogant than the sword emperor lineage!

This is their Tianzong powerhouse shot!

“It’s ours … our Seniors are out!”

“Aren’t you proud of the Sword Emperor lineage? Aren’t you proud? Come, come now!”

The sound of shouting was passed from the mouths of the ancestors of Tianzong, very excited, and more arrogant than the lineage of the sword emperor …

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