Breath is flowing, energy is swallowing up. After seeing this piece of information, even if it is a powerful fixation force like Ye Fantian, but it is absolutely not in control. The breathing in the mouth starts to become sharp, eyes narrowed, Divine glow glowing:

“I didn’t expect it to be this reason, damn it, these bastards!”

Ye Fantian’s mouth slowly said, his face gradually began to become more dignified over time, and the energy evolved around Zhou began to calm down.

This piece of information comes from the memory of the Senior Brother of Tianzong. As Ye Fantian thought, this Senior Brother cultivates the Heavenly God Technique. The hidden things are beyond the ordinary discipline. After all, Ye Fantian got what he wanted.

Heart of the Wilderness!

There is a Supreme Treasure in this Thirty Three Heavens Black Demon Realm-Heart of the Wild!

Can also be called Heart of the Wilderness Fragment!

The original Ye Fantian refining a heart of the wildness soared, and even once achieved the current level of strength, and even his power of the wildness appeared.

But the heart of the wild is very rare. This is a treasure that even the powerhouse of Martial Dao Saint Level must be moved, but did not expect to appear here, it really surprised Ye Fantian.

“The value of the Heart of the Wilderness is horrible many times more than that of Paragon divine medicine, and it is even more precious to me. With him, I can instantly rise to the immortal Paragon’s realm and become the Paragon of the world. The sky and the sky, and my wild heart will tend to the Realm of Perfection, and no one will despise me in the sky! “

Ye Fantian’s eyes have become hot. This information is very important. It is extremely important, even if he lost his self-control for a time.

“Finding the Heart of the Wilderness, according to the information of the other party, the pieces of the Heart of the Wilderness at this time are at least ten times larger than the pieces of the Heart of the Wilderness I originally got. This Paragon divine medicine can be omitted. Once refining, I The cultivation base will skyrocket again! “

After secretly thinking in his heart, Ye Fantian has secretly had an idea. Compared to these people, Ye Fantian has an advantage over them when he wants to find the heart of the wilderness.

This is the effect of the power of the Wilderness. Ye Fantian himself refining a heart of the Wilderness, and he has a certain sense of the other side. It can be said that if he wants to find the heart of the Wilderness, it is better than ordinary people. Countless times easier.

Secretly thinking in his heart, Ye Fantian’s silhouette flickered quickly.


A sudden punch broke one party’s long river and filled the traces of Supreme. Everywhere he went, he opened up ten parties, and the evolutionary powerful cultivation base began to surge.


Silhouette turned into a rainbow, and in this dark world, Ye Fantian accelerated his own speed.

According to the memory of this group of nine ghosts, Ye Fantian also found a trace of information of the two Old Ancestor. Not long ago, they once felt a powerful blasting force. This power took the breath of the ancient Paragon. Obviously this It should be from two Old Ancestor.

“Ha Ha Ha … beauty, don’t run …”

A burst of proud laughter passed out, and the sound was accompanied by a coveted wave, which was even more disgusting.

The voice carried vast fluctuations, tumbling up and down, setting off a mighty turmoil, wherever they went, they all shook in unison, the endless long river began to flow, and whoever left it!


The secret movement of Ye Fantian’s heart can be concluded that the person is a powerhouse, but Ye Fantian didn’t care. Although the strength of the other party is obvious, it is only the cultivation base of the immortal Paragon Level. It is not enough for an era. The current ability can be completely solved.


A stream of light flickers, with boundless light, and a glory of the entire space flashes out, as if to create and purify the sky.

“The power of light … so pure, there is only one place in my memory that can create such a powerful wave.” Ye Fantian’s heart secretly sensed the release of this power and judged in his heart.

Goddess Emperor’s Light!

In the original battle of the city of God, Ye Fantian never saw the Goddess Emperor again, but the Goddess Emperor had reached a Peak realm. As long as he cultivated a little, I believe that relying on the strength of the opponent can be completely Create an immortal existence and evolve into a female Paragon!

“Go and see … Although I don’t like much about Bright God, where Goddess is, but this wretched laughter still makes me feel extremely disgusted!”

After not much thought, Ye Fantian has moved towards the direction of the sound.


A divine glow, extremely bright, with the energy of ruwhite flickering, forming a cross sword mark, bursting out quickly, a woman with a holy atmosphere, a pretty face with anger, and a lot of divine runes in his hands, vomiting, Evolving and moving, among the golden beautiful eyes, you can constantly see that there is an ancient rune in it.

“Golden Slash!”


The powerful and sharp divide glow, spurred by this powerful force, quickly began to show, wherever you went, you were instantly chopped.

This golden holy cut is the Supreme secret skill of the gods. It is very powerful. It has been practiced to the most Peak realm. It is rumored that it can cut off the puppets in the dimension and instantly travel through time and space.

Although this woman’s degree of practice seems to be a little different, but it is also quite terrifying. She instantly cut through the sky and moved towards the opposite side to kill the past.

Opposite him, the four looked at each other with coveted and cold smiles.

The four are exactly the same. Obviously, the four brothers faced each other’s shots. Instead of being afraid of them, they became more and more brazen:

“I heard a long time ago that there is a bright lineage in this Ancient Race. The rumor is that the ancient gods, the handsome men and the beautiful and alluring women, did not expect to see them all. It ’s amazing to see them today. … “

One said.

“Ha Ha Ha … Yes, this deity has tasted the taste of countless women, but this bright lineage person has never tasted it, what is it like?” The mouth of the speaker licked his lips, A look of hunger and expectation appeared.

Although the other two did not speak, the wretched expression on that face completely set off the thoughts in their hearts. The self-evident thoughts seemed even more disgusting.

“The immortal higher-level cultivation base is indeed not simple, but compared to the deity, there is too much difference-broken!”

The moment the golden slash was about to break through in front of himself, one of them shot slightly.

That seemingly simple action, but in an instant, it seems that it is hit by an infinite force in a calm lake. The entire space is beginning to shake, and then a vast moment of power The beginning of the outbreak.


The divine runes flickered, and two vast energies struck together.


The beautiful and alluring Bright God is clearly not the opponent of the other party, and the gap is too much. In one move, she was directly broken and the vomiting blood of her lovable body was reversed.

The robe of the body was shattered into pieces, the skin of pure white as jade was exposed, and the rays of light flickered. In this lacquered black space, it looked particularly clear. Under the contrast of the two It seems that the snow-white evolution has become more obvious.

“Ha Ha Ha … what a magical skin …”

A proud expression appeared on one’s face, shouting loudly, the fingers seemed to start to become more evil, and slowly moved towards that beauty and began to shoot.

“嗤chi chi… ”

The energy began to shroud, and the traces of mysterious mystery appeared, forming a huge cage-like glory. Obviously, the other party was intending to trap this beautiful and alluring goddess girl, and slowly slander.

“Tianzong scum, you are intending to fight against our gods!”

The woman screamed endlessly, with an angry expression on her pretty face.

“Ha Ha Ha … Gods? You are just a group of bloodlines that are still breathing. In the first hell war, your gods almost all fell off. What you are left with are just some soldiers, are you still clamoring here? Such a arrogant little mouth, I don’t know if it will be called if it is so arrogant! “

One person laughed.

“Ha Ha Ha … Your Goddess Emperor, we dare not move, but that is the restraint of Senior Brother of Tian Tianxin, but you, our ordinary gods, our instructor can share a cup!”

“is it?”

While the four were still laughing heartily, a cold and arrogant voice passed out suddenly.

The sound was cold and bitter, as if people were in an ice cave. The cold and bitter breath circulated, making the bodies of these four people stunned.

“Who? We are the four evil lords of is Heaven Sect. Who is Your Excellency? Please come and see. Maybe everyone is a friend. Don’t make any misunderstanding!”

Shouted one of the powerhouses.

“Friend? Misunderstanding?”

The sound reappeared, but this time with a strange wave, as if a bit shocked, it seemed to be quite funny.

“There!” But the appearance of this voice completely exposed the whereabouts of the other party, and then the two shot at once, moved towards killing the past in one direction.

“No matter who you are, let me die!”

The roar of the two erupted in unison, and the endless killing intent flowed in his eyes, unmatched and terrible.


A mighty mighty power was quickly radiated at this time, and the energy of moved towards was swept over in the past. If the power of the two is like a frenzy, the shot of this person is like The boundless Sea Territory is violent and cruel.

“peng peng peng! ”

Under the huge sound of vibration, the two silhouettes were shaken and their mouths spurted blood.

A pair of scarlet flashes, the nightmare-like horror glory, changed the faces of the four, and screamed in a voice, “Is it you ?!”

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