
A row of afterimages flickered quickly, and the momentum of the whole body soared into the sky, with an indescribable horror of horror, making people fear.

The face of this entire group has gone wild, especially after seeing Qi Wang who has fallen away, and the expression on his face becomes even more ugly.

These people are not others, but the group of small sects. After hearing the scream of King Qi’s scream, they quickly moved towards here, but did not expect to see this dead body. .

The mutilated corpse, the scars on it and the intense destruction, are enough illustrations of how terrible the Qi King suffered during his lifetime.

“Damn, if this was known by the Heavenly Sword Emperor, we would really be dead!”

Roared a man’s gnashing teeth.

Although he is extremely disgusted with King Qi, the strength and identity of this guy are not comparable to those of them.

“What to do? What to do at this time? Once known by the Heavenly Sword Emperor, don’t say it’s us, even our sect will be implicated!”

One person couldn’t help showing a trembling and timid expression, but this was a felony against the Nine Tribes.

“Did you hear anything?”

Suddenly, a expression of surprise appeared on the face of a powerhouse, and she could not help crying.

“What did you hear?”

As soon as this remark came out, all the powerhouses’ faces began to become a little dignified.

“It seems like Tianzong, right?”

Yes, is Heaven Sect!


A burly, bearded powerhouse quickly opened his palm, and then moved away to the king ’s fleshy body.

“Mysterious souls are completely shattered!”


This sentence just dropped, but the next moment, a silver mang flickered quickly, and the powerful force shook the powerhouse’s arm and rebounded back.

“What kind of power is this? Even now it hasn’t dissipated !?” The other roared in horror.

But soon, their faces were horrified:

“Trouble, this is really the power of is Heaven Sect. This is the secret technique of Promise Divine Art. Unless it is the powerhouse of is Heaven Sect, it will definitely not appear here. This is the powerhouse of is Heaven Sect. And obviously for this woman! “

Looking at the fallen female corpse on the ground, they judged it out …

“Hmph …… Tianzong, the consequences of this time ca n’t be tolerated by us. Go and look for Heavenly Sword Emperor Bloodline. As long as they find this sword emperor lineage, I believe they will make a judgment. Yes, this time, although our responsibility is not small, it is not fatal! “

This bearded vaguely became the control and leader of this group of people, with a commanding tone between words, but many powerhouses around them did not refute the slightest. At this time, someone needs to lead them and give them They support and point!

Heavenly Sword Emperor Lineage, although it is not as powerful as Tianzong, but in their view, these are two behemoths, and I am afraid that a war will soon arise.

“hmph ……”

Ye Fantian’s mouth was coldly snorted, and he was extremely indifferent to the energy behind it. With his strength, he could naturally feel that this group of people was under Qi Wang’s hands:

“Although this group of people is just an ordinary immortal Paragon, they can easily perceive that the energy fluctuations on this Qi King are Promise Divine Art, Promise Divine Art, the secret technique of is Heaven Sect, only the high level of Tianzong Only genius disciple can learn and perform. Ordinary people, absolutely not qualified, I let your dogs bite the dogs, but I really look forward to your fighting! “

There was a hint of coldness in the corner of his mouth, and a slight baleful aura appeared on Ye Fantian’s face.

War God lineage, this is your loved one, this is your Bloodline’s place of ownership, where Ye Fantian can tolerate the other party to invade his loved one.

Silhouette flickers and keeps rioting. There is a strange feeling in Ye Fantian’s heart. The surrounding space seems to be getting wider and wider.

“This should be the interior of the Thirty Three Heavens Black Demon Realm. If you are here, the space will naturally expand, but the powerful life in this place will also increase.”

After all, this Thirty Three Heavens Black Demon Realm is the core and abyss of the Abyss and Jiuyou, and there will also be abyss and Jiuyou’s life in them. They must be very powerful.

However, the benefits are also there. As Ye Fantian advances, Ye Fantian feels that the surrounding energy is madly multiplying. This increase makes Ye Fantian feel that his body is improving rapidly.

For the demonic energy here, I have changed to ordinary people’s cautiously, but for Ye Fantian, there is nothing more horrible than hell. As the hell’s master, the existence of Supreme Hell Emperor, Ye Fantian for the demonic energy here It can be said that it has never given up. The XNUMX thousand pores of the fleshhy body are constantly passing, just like the small vortex of each and everyone, madly devouring the surrounding demonic energy.

Everywhere you go is no less than purifying them and making them a pure land.


With the expansion of Ye Fantian’s mind, the fleshhy body gradually became stronger. Ye Fantian’s body was suddenly suppressed. The powerful suppression force made Ye Fantian almost fall from the void.

“嗤chi chi… ”

The energy swept across Ye Fantian’s face with a surprised expression: “The more you move forward, the more intense the pressure will be on you, terrifying terrifying, terrifying terrifying!”

If I change to another powerhouse, I am afraid that Ye Fantian has been crushed to become minced meat at this point. However, Ye Fantian’s body soon began to fill with a strong breath. Dark waves.

The majesty of Hell Emperor!


The surrounding suppressing force began to weaken instantly, and then it disappeared. In his capacity, it seemed like a fish in the water, not only did not decrease in speed, but it became more rapid.

“If fighting in this place …”

Ye Fantian’s scarlet rose slightly, and immediately thought of the role here.

In terms of his current ability, although he doesn’t feel the slightest pressure, he changed to another powerhouse, even if it is the level of the power of the golden beast and the night war emperor, I am afraid it will be greatly suppressed.

By that time, Ye Fantian can definitely take a big advantage.


Space Wings flickered quickly, faster and faster than before, and it just disappeared in a short while …


Just as Ye Fantian advanced for ten thousand li, a faint cry came out suddenly.

The celestial body flows around, the divine glow flashes, and the endless Divine Art runs to the extreme. The terrifying atmosphere is instantly captured: “Is Heaven Sect’s Senior Brother … Help!” Binocular scarlet of Ye Fantian flashed, and immediately Opening up the Quartet, the divine glow of the whole body runs, turning into a long sword, as if the sword energy is passing through, it immediately came to the other side.

This is a group of three people. The robes on their bodies are moving like stars, but the glimmering brilliance has begun to dim.

“Senior Brother!”

A charming female disciple made a surprise sound, watching Ye Fantian’s appearance, it was really exciting.

At this time, the fleshhy body of the three is surrounded by the energy of blue and black. Although the energy in the whole body is resisting, each resistance has a tremor, and the energy appears with the riot. Constantly shrinking, apparently these blue-black energies are quickly swallowing their power.

Eye of the Myriad Gods!

Ye Fantian’s Eye of the Myriad Gods was flashing with a trace of horror, which was really shocking.

“Nine ghost demons?” Ye Fantian exclaimed a surprised expression.

Jiuyou Demon Vine, this is a unique plant of Land of Nine Nether. There is not much lethality in the other party’s normal, but once attached to the creature’s fleshhy body, it can exert infinite power and continuously devour the creature. Within the body is the essence of energy and life, and the more you struggle, the more terrifying it becomes.

However, these nine ghost monster vines do not move their positions, so as long as you are careful, you can deal with them enough.

“Well …? Who are you? Why are you sect’s Promise Divine Art?”

Suddenly, one of them couldn’t help screaming, a warning expression on his face, and a killing intent on the charming female disciple’s face.

“It was recognized …”

Ye Fantian’s heart was a little startled, but the palm of his hand turned into a long stream of sword energy, quickly killing the past.


The opponent’s head was killed directly:

“you know too much!”

An immortal Paragon Level powerhouse has been so easily beheaded. I have to say that the power of these nine ogre vines, and then the binocular scarlet flow, Ye Fantian’s movements did not stop in the slightest, waving again, it was an energy. .

“No… don’t kill me!”

The woman’s temperament really frowned Ye Fantian, but the movements in her hands did not stop in the slightest, directly in the screams of the other two, began to be killed.

“嗤chi chi… ”

The energy worked again, Ye Fantian Myriad Gods Hand flickered, and the three fleshhy bodies were quickly thrown into hell.

This seems to be just an episode, but soon, Ye Fantian’s face had an idea. The face’s face changed for a while, and it turned into a person just now, and it flowed again and again throughout the body.

With a vigorous atmosphere.

This is a breath of Supreme ancient wood, and the vigorous Qi of Life is slowly releasing its circulation.

“Tianmu … The practice is the Great Emperor Muju, yes, it’s you …”

Ye Fantian sighed secretly in his heart. He already had an idea in his heart. He waved his palm, and quickly filled the energy of the nine ogre vines that were roaring, and refining madly …

“With your memory and peerlessness, it seems I don’t need to be so passive!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes flowed, and slowly released the slightest glow of divine glow.

sneak into!

This is the attention of Ye Fantian, sneaking into Tianzong, so that he is no longer the object to be pursued, but a hunter, no longer a prey, he is hidden in the dark, enough to threaten Tianzong …

[Author off topic]: ps: Yesterday was really too tired … I was in a state of powerlessness today. I was busy working all morning and messed up farts. I’m really sorry. I will make two changes today and the second one has not been written yet. It will be done at four o’clock in the afternoon … You see, under the premise that the update is relatively normal during this time, forgive me … o (s □ t) o the second and four o’clock …

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