Chapter XNUMX Wild Thunder

Standing in front of this huge building, Ye Fantian’s face was naturally full of expectations.

The area of ​​the building in front of him cannot be estimated by Ye Fantian’s vision, but at least the Academy door in front of him has surprised Ye Fantian.

The gate has a height of about 100 meters, and there is not much difference between the gate and the city gate. The tall city gate is carefully carved with good stone on both sides, and two hot pillars are separated on both sides. It looked really obvious, even if it was a little closer, the slightly hot feeling began to spread.

Vaguely, the airflow can be seen from above the pillar, and there is a trace of mysterious and mysterious in the domineering. Obviously this is not an ordinary thing.

This was followed by two huge stone carvings on both sides.

Generally speaking, there are stone carvings on both sides of the building, which will make the building’s momentum more domineering and conspicuous, and generally speaking, the stone carving itself will be used in a more symmetrical manner, such as the attitude and appearance of the stone carving, and even the height Both need to be symmetrical with each other, preferably perfectly consistent.

However, the stone sculptures in front of them are different, because the two stone sculptures as a whole do not have so-called symmetry at all. On the contrary, the two stone sculptures are completely abnormal.

The first is the stone carving on the left, which is a huge and singular Demonic beast sculpture.

The body of black and the height of terrifying do not need to be explained. The overall image of the stone sculpture is a posture similar to that of a unicorn. A black spike in the eyebrow rises up against the sky, and the forelimb in the other limb Flying forward, showing a unique and imposing manner, sharp fangs, even if you know that the stone sculpture in front of you is fake, but it is also daunting.

The terrifying wings of both teams unfolded wildly and fluttered forward.

After looking at the stone carving to the right, Ye Fantian’s brows began to frown slightly, because he felt a little familiar with the appearance of the stone carving.

This Demonic beast is about 20 meters in length. The whole body of the skeleton has a silvery white color, and Ye Fantian can see that this skeleton does not appear after decay, but it is clear that it is such a growth which performed.

This Demonic beast looked like a crawling giant dragon. A row of silver light gleaming fangs continued to emit a terrible luster, and the depth of that fang was a little green.

The most horrible thing is that when you go to see the other party, you can feel that the other party is watching you coldly.

Taking a closer look at the posture of this Demonic beast, Ye Fantian suddenly remembered why this Demonic beast feels familiar, because in his Ghost Ring, he has a Demonic beast that is very similar to the other person, just himself The Demonic beast itself is a crocodile-like head, and the other is a dragon head, but the posture and the nascent appearance of the bones are generally similar.

Because it’s Academy’s sake, it is said that there are a lot of shops around here, including many weapons shops and some clothing shops, followed by some grocery stores.

At this time, the flow of people is still very small, and fewer people enter the Academy. Obviously, at this time, most of the older students have begun to rush from all around.


Suddenly, a thick voice came out slowly. Ye Fantian looked back and saw a tall young man greeting him with a smile on his face.

This man is about twenty years old, and he is quite tall. At least 1.8 m is very tall to Ye Fantian, especially the stick with a strange pattern on the back of the other is for This youth brought a strong momentum.

Behind this young man, a middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe stood respectfully behind him, and was surprised when he saw Ye Fantian.

Ye Fantian slightly frowned, because the other party looked at his own circle with True Qi moved towards just now, apparently observing his strength secretly.

“Fober, how many times have you said, don’t treat all places as dangerous places, don’t arbitrarily detect the strength of others, martial arts people are very taboo about this.”

The observing power of the youth is amazing. As soon as he saw this Ye Fantian frowned, he immediately understood what he was doing, so the middle-aged man behind moved towards was somewhat helplessly said.

“This is Steward Fober of my family. Sorry, he is not malicious, but … just too worried about my safety.”

The youth said slightly awkwardly.

“It’s okay, I’m not very concerned.”

Although slightly dissatisfied, Ye Fantian’s attitude towards the other person and his very kind face really didn’t make any sense of disgust.

“You are also a freshman this year, my name is Hi Lei.”

Ye Fantian said with a smile, “Ye Fantian!”

Ye Fantian’s name is not famous. In fact, if his name is King Ye, it will be absolutely surprising. The palms of the two hands are slowly held together and then separated.

Ye Fantian, who had already had a few ideas, would still think that the other party would use True Qi to fight against him. He did not expect to be so separated, which really made him blush a little: “The Internet novels are really fake.”

Thinking of the situation in the novels seen in previous lives, Ye Fantian was helpless.

“Fobo, you go back first. This time will not be used.”

Huang Lei said to the middle-aged man.

“Young Master, Lord ordered me to come here to take care of you.”

Huang Lei was helplessly said: “Fube, this is in Academy, I have inquired about it. The students here are all alone, and do you think there is anything insecure in this Academy?”


Fober obviously had a headache, but after seeing the young man’s persistence, he had to helplessly said: “Well then, I will go back and tell Lord …”

While speaking, gently nodded to Ye Fantian again, apparently apologizing for the temptation just now.

“It took a month to finally catch up.”

Huang Lei said with a smile on his face, and then looked at Ye Fantian’s thin appearance, and helplessly said, “Brahma, your physical development is too slow, you must not pay attention to your diet, Well, when I have a chance, I will show you a hand and let you see my cooking. “

Ye Fantian can only helplessly laugh at this familiar guy. Looking at his thin but extremely strong body, he is also quite helpless. The “Nine Turns to Xuan Gong” that he cultivates by himself is to completely his own muscles Condensed together, each inch of muscle is extremely scary compared to ordinary people, and even countless times beyond ordinary martial arts, but this also caused his body to develop quite slowly.

Especially with the immature look and the height of just 1.7 m, it really has a sense of weakness.

“The degree of superior samurai …”

The message from the power of the soul surprised Ye Fantian. At this time, the power of the soul had already caused Ye Fantian to automatically scan everything in the vicinity of him.

From the other side’s breath and various aspects, the strength of the other party has reached the level of samurai and is not Peak, but this information really surprised Ye Fantian.

“Obviously, the opponent’s strength is enough to enter the hunting game. Why didn’t he see the opponent at that time?”

Ye Fantian thought curiously.

“Let’s go … I guess it’s too late to register now.”

Ye Fantian said with a smile.

“Well … hehe, it would be better if it could be divided into a dormitory.”

Huang Lei said with a soft smile on his face.

“The Kaye Academy refuses outsiders. Do you have a pass?”

The two goalkeepers quickly found Ye Fantian and Huang Lei, so they said with a serious face.

“Oh … we are new students who have just come here to report. This is my notice.”

After speaking, he passed his notice, and Ye Fantian did the same thing.

After learning the identities of the two, the guard’s face also showed a certain affirmation. The people who can enter here are basically some young people with potential, and naturally they can also win the favor of each other.

“Well, if you two are one day late, you will basically be disqualified from admission, but fortunately, not the latest, hehe, let’s enter.”

Ye Fantian and Huang Leiqiqi said, “Many thanks …”

The moment they entered the Academy, their eyes were dumbfounded, because the sight in front of them was really shocking, the spacious roads, the ornate buildings, and some beautiful birds and beasts everywhere. Really dazzling gesture.

Little Fan wu wu on Ye Fantian’s shoulders opened his eyes. The delicate fragrance around him made him like it, so he couldn’t help licking it with that little paw.

“You still like to keep pets.”

Huang Lei said strangely.

“Well … this guy is more humane, so he always carries it with him.”

Ye Fantian said with a smile, originally he wanted to insert this Little Bai into the Ghost Ring, but this guy expressed extremely protest, and what caused Ye Fantian a headache was that after this guy was forcibly installed, it was OK Come out by yourself, which really surprised Ye Fantian, but he had no choice but to put it on his shoulders.

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