
Very shocked!

Countless eyes moved towards a void, and there were cascading clouds, and the strong scalps were tingling, even feeling that their bodies were trembling. % & * “;

What a huge handwriting, or in other words, this is simply courting death!

The eleven powerhouses shot all together and evolved the horror of cloud robbery, which absolutely surpassed any one’s imagination, and the displayed power was even exaggerated.


The boundless calamity finally broke out.

Ten crazy clouds, each one is full of a planet like a huge, majestic gesture, like a group of magic flurry dances, wherever you go, all you can do, you can occupy this void instantly and render it into Star River was a big catastrophe.

The violent robbery cloud, with a slight touch, was a huge destruction. All the stars were instantaneous, turned into nothingness, turned into traces of Supreme, and was swallowed up again by this robbery cloud.

“To Lao Tzu-drive!”

The sound of thunder blasted, the sound of a thunder blasted through the sky, and a giant wing behind the Seven-winged Tiger was roaring, and then a giant tiger with a wing was roaring. His fleshy body Supreme was arrogant, bright and bright, and the sun and the moon eclipsed.

One punch riot, the Thirty Three Heavens hit were shaking, the divine glow of both eyes flashed and swallowed, and it evolved beyond several hundred li, tearing one side of the sky.

The calamity is vast, the stars are annihilated, and the sky is covered, as if the Supreme calamity has begun.


A demon bull opened up the luck of Supreme, and behind it a demon illusion roared skyward, and a huge illusion swallowed Sun and Moon Essence, perfused into his whole body.

“hong long long”

Cloud violent riots, then the thunderbolt flashed, Supreme’s thunderstorm finally evolved at this moment.

Thunder Dragon!

Immediately after its appearance, it was the evolution of the Thunder Dragon of Supreme. This Thunder Dragon has dragon scales, dragon heads, dragon claws, and dragon tail … all of them come to life, a pair of dragon eyes with majesty, as if living things. You can see that the power of dao prestige is unimaginable and terrifying.

The “hong” Thunder Dragon riots, fiercely crashing down.

The next moment, a vast thunderbolt evolved again.

Thunder Emperor illusory shadow, in control of the scepter, waving.

Venerable Lei growled, as if a huge hand of thunder and lightning seemed to be able to split the world.

Thunderbolt Divine Phoenix Spreading Wings dances wildly, the sound of wailing suppresses the nine quiet and eight wild!

At this moment, everything is moving!

The mighty calamities have gathered together, countless illusory shadows are constantly evolving, and then the riots emerge, and the powerhouses such as the holy demon who moved towards this place have all shot.

The immense thunderbolt power touched their protector astral qi a little, and the next moment they started to destroy frantically. % & * “;


The mouth spurt blood spilled from the mouth of the snake king Qinghong, with a look of panic on his face, but he recovered instantly, with boundless will, yelling loudly, and fist waving, which was a divine glow in riot.

This is the infinite power to the utmost.

The power of one punch opened up the existence of Supreme, which is like a glory of Supreme, with the flash of fist marks and riots.

An illusory shadow of a giant ascendant snake spread from his within the body and rushed out, almost like a dragon.

“hmph ……”

The sacred fleshhy body’s defense is amazing, but it has also begun to regress in front of this thunderbolt. According to their strength, if you want to go to Transcending Tribulation, naturally it is not a problem, but it is a time when you are alone. The eleven powerhouses have Transcending Tribulation together, the power of which is simply unimaginable.

However, none of them was timid, or even eager to try, with an excited expression, because behind them, Ye Fantian was supporting them.

With Ye Fantian’s existence, even if this disaster is terrible, Ye Fantian will not let them fall.


This is a strong confidence in Ye Fantian!


The holy demon stepped into the void, and above the entire void, the stars seemed to be ignited. His palm turned into an infinite huge, and even a slap broke a thunderbolt evolved giant dragon, roaring and roaring again and again. .


One kicking out was a shattering of a substantive thunderbolt. The strength of the holy demon in this place was the strongest among these people. At this time, he first began to rise.


In the roar, the fleshhy body incarnation is infinitely huge, as if it were an Immemorial Divine Mountain, tall and mighty, finger stars, and the sky.

The tall body seemed to be a giant, and the fiercely earthquake shattered one party.

“It’s so domineering, this guy is starting to rise. It’s not human beings who are powerful.”

Some powerhouse made a sigh.

“Indeed, this started with the majesty of at least five Transcending Tribulation powerhouses. This guy’s strength is too arrogant …”


Finally, with the continuous shots of the holy demon in this place, the void was suddenly broken, and the thunderbolt lingered on the fleshhy body, but at this time the fleshhy body did not have the slightest damage, and his eyes were slightly raised. The immense power of the shares was revealed.

Broken the clouds, this Transcending Tribulation has begun to end, although it looks like a short time, but it is not the case at all, and the energy consumed is even more unimaginable.

鈥渉u hu hu 鈥[€[€

There was a big gasp in his mouth, and the expression of excitement had been revealed on Di Shengmo’s face. Then he opened his mouth and swallowed the Spirit Qi of Between Heaven and Earth quickly.


The fleshy body Supreme was horrible. Divine runes were shot out, and the breath of the immortal-level Peak began to spread.

“Suddenly advanced to the immortal Peak, what a terrible power!”

Zhu Qiang almost stared out his eyes, this one is too bad.


The second snake king Qinghong started to shoot, and the snake pattern lingered on his body. The entire fleshy body evolved into a giant snake, opening up the world and evolving the Quartet. The faint Long Wei began to be released because of this promotion.


Another powerhouse has begun Transcending Tribulation …

Time passed quickly, whether it was the seven-winged devil tiger, the demon ox creature, or even the snake king Qinghong’s Transcending Tribulation.

The fleshy body with the slightest divine runes on it is constantly displayed.


The robbery began to roar. It seemed to feel the power of this group of powerhouses, and it started to growl.

“Damn …” Ye Fantian, a glow of blinking divine glow, turned into an unmatched magic fist, screamed with anger, and evolved with great majesty.

The immense power of the immortal class is madly bursting out, as if to penetrate this world:


The sound shattered the sky, the power of a punch and the powerful breath that shook everything around him, trembling constantly.

The powers around them all showed terrified expressions.

“That’s Ye Fantian …?” “Is this abnormal?” “These people are all his own. How many monsters are there around this guy?”

Zhu Qiang shouted with a terrified expression on his face.

Of the ten powerhouses, four reached the immortal lower rank Peak. This result is quite good for Ye Fantian.

“Successful, finally became an immortal powerhouse!”

With the power of thunderbolt on the body of the Divine Demon, he slowly spoke.

An excited expression appeared on his face, and he felt a touch of unprecedented power. This is the immortal breath, and this is the real power.

The holy fleshhy body was originally born of jade. After reaching the immortal level at this time, the dominance of this fleshhy body is simply outrageous.

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed slightly, and moved towards the void looked.

At this time, all ten powerhouses have all Transcending Tribulation, but there is still a guy who does not have Transcending Tribulation.

Fighting Devil!

On Zhou Tian, ​​countless ripples are being generated. In the depths of the universe, a silhouette sits in a circle, as if the old monk is settled. Divine runes are lingering around. The golden brilliance is continuously released, and you can hear faint Sanskrit.

The huge magic ape illusion grew slowly, and with each increase, the momentum on this body would be tense, a illusory shadow of a great Buddha lingering in it, as if guarding, it seems to be suppressing.

It is impossible to see through the real situation.

Eye of the Myriad Gods flashed, Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed, looking at the void, and with his strength, he could naturally ignore the guard of the divine runes on the opponent.

“Young Master Ye!”

The holy demon and the others could not help crying.

There are more and more powerhouses around. Although hidden in the dark, they still can be felt by the land holy demon. They are not optimistic at this time.

“No problem!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed, with a slight divine runes, a sudden move, a divine glow opened up the void, and set off a tide.


A divine spear shot, it was a divine spear with infinite majesty, with an ancient pattern on it, the scarlet scarlets flickered, and a handful of blood spread quickly.

A silhouette was directly pierced by this dive spear.

That’s a hundred miles away. Ye Fantian can even penetrate it?

What terrifying power and insight would it take to do this?

All powerhouses could not help but sucked in a cold breath.


The powerhouse that penetrated the fleshhy body is also an immortal higher-level cultivation base. With a roar, the reorganized fleshhy body will continue to rush forward.

“Come again-die !!!”

The sound shattered the sky, and the billowing surge caused an indescribable chill, as if it could freeze a person’s mysterious soul.

The appearance of this sound suddenly made the surrounding powerhouses linger for a while, and absolutely dared not continue to move forward.

“hmph! ”

Coldly snorted in his mouth, but none of them dared to have the slightest dissatisfaction.

Who is Ye Fantian? Those who can fight against giant sword Paragon, their cultivation base is less than the existence of the immortal Paragon Level. If it is really hands-on, it may not be Ye Fantian’s opponent!


A roar slowly passed from the mouth of the fighting demon Buddha.

This roaring sound, as if transmitted from the Archaic period, with a desolate and quaint atmosphere, but the next moment, the entire starry sky began to tremble, like a boiling spring, constantly trembling and rolling, a vast Calamity slowly spread from the deepest part of the universe …

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