Chapter XNUMX Who Is Smarter Than Who?


Qin Kuang’s mouth was lightly saying.

But the ice cold in that tone can almost condense ice cubes.


After a strange sound of the blade of the soldiers, the slow murmur of the dragon’s yin began slowly, and I saw a touch of love and compassion on the giant sword on the face of Qin Kuang’s face. Slow confidence slowly appeared on his face.

The momentum seems to be rising in layers, and the wind is raging. The surrounding gravel was blown out by the momentum of Qin Kuang. With his long hair flying, Qin Kuang as a whole recovered his original height. , But a sense of terrifying and momentum began after this giant sword started terrifying matchless superposition.

“Very strong opponent … Ha Ha Ha …”

At this time, the crazy laugh came out from the mouth of Qin Kuang, and at this time, there was no anger in his eyes, no bloodthirsty, and some were just crazy, extremely crazy!

“Well, this kid is starting to get confused.”

Xuan Hu’s face started to change slightly.

“Don’t worry, I think Nabu Supervisor Wang is watching it now. As soon as something goes wrong, Asura Wu Supervisor Wang will definitely have this strength to stop it.”

Xuan Tiger hearing this, and also hastily nodded, the existence of Martial King level has exceeded the lower level of martial arts is not at all as powerful as they can imagine, so Xuan Tiger has an extremely strong confidence in this Asura Martial King.

“The sword name mad monster, 1.5 meters long, was cast from black mysterious stone, using blood as a medium, tempering for seven or seventy-nine days, and finally succeeded in the line.”

Qin Kuang’s mouth lightly said, but after his black long sword came out, everyone on the scene couldn’t help but choke.

Because this sword is too big, it is better to say that it is a black metal plate. Not only does the other party have a length longer than the ordinary long sword, but its width is also amazing.

According to Ye Fantian’s eyes, the width of this giant sword must be at least three palms, and it will be at this level.

“I used this sword to do my best in the face of the three-point Martial King and I was undefeated. After that, I took this sword and walked in the Xuantian continent. After XNUMX cities, I challenged the XNUMXth Great Martial Master powerhouse Thirty-nine were seriously injured, eleven were tied with seven minors, and two Martial Kings were three-pointers. They barely carried a sword with the opponent within three hundred strokes. “

As soon as this remark was made, the face of Xuanhu suddenly began to move, apparently he did not know this.

“This guy is stronger than that.”

Ye Fantian gently turned his hands slightly, and after the numerous afterimages appeared, a strong killing air suddenly hit the void directly from his body, and then an ice blue astral qi actually reached Several hundred meters to the sky to China.

嗤chi chi…

In the rapid friction in the air, Ye Fantian didn’t know when to add a silver long spear in his hands.

Under the action of True Qi, long spear also started to sing slightly, even a layer of beautiful luster like the stars in the starry sky, flickering endlessly.

“so beautiful……”

Many young girls have begun to connect in beautiful eyes, even though Xiner Princess has seen a lot of priceless and unique rare treasures, but after seeing the long spear in Ye Fantian’s hands, she can’t help but start to sigh.

“Divine Blizzard Spear… formed through baptism of Tian Lei, and has been by my side ever since, rarely, but …”

Speaking of it, however, Ye Fantian’s face began to show a deep killing intent: “This gun appears bloodless, don’t look back!”

After this sentence, the blood-thirsty breath also began to become extremely hot.

“Ha Ha Ha…”

clang …!

After the crazy and insane laughter of Qin, the huge long sword started to wave lightly in his hands, and then wiped the ground directly to scratch a scary fissure, and the opponent ’s body Seems to be accelerating insanely.

No one has arrived yet, but that terrifying atmosphere has tightly locked Ye Fantian’s body.


Such a huge goal is really not a good weapon for ordinary people. After all, it is so huge, it is quite rare in weight, and the goal is so large that it will be easier for people to avoid it.

However, when many people thought this way, Qin Kuang screamed suddenly, and the giant sword in his hand did not know when it appeared on his left hand.


Ye Fantian’s pupils narrowed quickly.

“Two handles!”

The pupils stretched into a needle-like shape, and Ye Fantian’s complexion began to turn blue. I never expected that Qin Kuang should be so treacherous. He deliberately failed to explain his crazy sword.

“go with!”

Starting with the two swords, Qin Kuang ’s momentum has begun to become more and more terrifying, and the huge extent in the two swords turned into a black sphere of light in his hands, but in front of Ye Fantian at such a close distance, he However, it is quite clear that this is not a light ball at all, but a dense and incredibly powerful cutting formed by the distortion of a terrifying sword.

“Hmph! Humble a nobody!”

Ye Fantian shouted coldly in his mouth, and Divine Blizzard Spear in his hand directly held the end.

Astral qi was issued wantonly above the tip of the gun, and Ye Fantian shouted lightly in his mouth: “Come on!”


The rapid collision sounds started, but at this time Ye Fantian clearly saw the Qin Kuang in front of him firing two cold and secret rays of light in that crazy eyes.

After seeing this bastard hiding the double-edged sword on the crazy sword, Ye Fantian no longer treats this guy as an unscrupulous guy. On the contrary, Ye Fantian is very clear, This guy is quite ingenious.

“Hmph … you’re fooled.”

Qin Kuang said with a smirk in his mouth, and then the terrible double-edged sword suddenly stabbed on the ground at this time.

“Not good !”

Ye Fantian’s heart was suddenly startled, but at this time, a huge bulge of each and everyone suddenly appeared on the ground, and even there was a trace of rubbing sound in it, it seemed to be burning something general.

Ye Fantian finally reacted at this time. At the beginning, the other party seemed to yelled a “broken”, but until now, he has been carrying it against him.


A mysterious and terrifying black beam of light suddenly radiated from the ground. After its appearance, the Qin madness turned into a lacquer black streamer and began to move towards Ye Fantian, the surrounding ground and even It includes the energy of his black paint everywhere in the range of 20 meters.

The black swords that were originally formed at this time have completely transformed into this black black beam of light.

“What does this guy want to do?”

Ye Fantian thought to himself secretly, but also at this time, a strange rubbing and burning sound came to Ye Fantian’s ear, looked down suddenly, but clearly saw that it actually appeared on this ground. Corroded pits for each and everyone.

“What power is this?”

Ye Fantian’s body started eagerly to retreat aside.

“Did you find out? Well, it seems to be a lot late.”

Qin Kuang’s face laughed more and more wildly.

Both hands swayed with the double-edged sword, and the black beam of light beside him, at this time, seemed to be a black python, constantly walking around him.

“Body … when?”

Ye Fantian was about to move just now, but suddenly found that his feet had become muddy, even with a strong sense of corrosion in them.

Looking down, I saw a black liquid appearing beneath my feet at an unknown time.

And a strange energy under the foot is constantly rubbing against his body, obviously he wants to completely corrode his body from his feet to his body.

“It’s useless, my energy contains extremely corrosiveness, and the black energy around me has been connected to your feet from the ground. The more you struggle, the more pressure you will endure, In order not to be corroded into blood by my power, it seems that let me help you-release yourself! “

The two swords suddenly rubbed away towards Ye Fantian and rushed away.

Feeling the power of corrosion under his feet, Ye Fantian’s eyebrows could not help but wrinkle, then True Qi in his body seemed to be the rushing river, continuously swimming through the limbs, and finally poured into Everywhere in the body.

During this walk, the physical strength began to become stronger, and a slight frictional sound was produced, but at this time Qin Kuang did not see this at all.

From the beginning to the present, this move he designed has cost him a lot of hard work, especially to prevent Ye Fantian from feeling his design on the ground. He even splurged out most of his True Qi. Confused Ye Fantian’s eyes.

In his opinion, of course, he was successful.

“What a treacherous kid.”

Xuan Hu was helplessly said. He was very clear. At the last moment, Ye Fantian really wanted to lose.

“Not sure yet.”

On the contrary, it seems that the Emperor Changlong has not given up, because in Ye Fantian’s eyes, he clearly saw a slight disdain and ice.

“The wind hurts …”

As if whispering words slowly came out of Ye Fantian’s mouth.

Long spear, as if it were the Flood Dragon, began to move directly towards the opponent.


A long sword Kankan resisted Ye Fantian’s gunpoint, but the other hand was moved towards Ye Fantian, and Qin Kuang had spotted that it was impossible for Ye Fantian to escape. .

But at this time, Ye Fantian, who was still holding the end of the long spear, suddenly turned into a stream of light, and instantly moved towards the opponent’s body and rushed directly.

The palm was pressed against the handle of the gun, and the speed was faster.

“How can it be?”

Qin Kuang’s mouth roared loudly, and the giant sword in his hand suddenly moved towards Ye Fantian’s body and split in the past.

“Hmph … nothing is impossible, just because you are too careless.”

While speaking, the palm of this Ye Fantian has been completely pressed on the tip of the gun, and during the urging of the force, the long spear flexed suddenly, and then the horrific force started when Ye Fantian released the long spear Come out.


After losing control, long spear quickly spun up under the urging of True Qi, and the force of terrifying directly shattered Qin Kuang’s tiger mouth completely.

“Tiger crash!”

Ye Fantian’s voice sounded slowly in the other’s shocked eyes …

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