“Hell, there is a hell message in the memory of these two guys …”

Ye Fantian’s face moved slightly. .com |

In part of both memories, Ye Fantian found a part of the hell.

Hell is actually a ** dimensional Star Domain, but it is mysterious and horrible many times compared to the ordinary dimensional Star Domain.

The ordinary dimensional Star Domain can be conquered at most, and even can be controlled by people, but that is only controlled with great strength, such as Star Domain, which is controlled by the invincible Dragon Emperor Jiucheng, but hell But it’s not the same, it’s a complete control, based on the law of mysterious.

Just like Ye Fantian, in this hell, you can casually walk the two immortal powerhouses after injury.

However, this is not the most critical. This ancient hell has 18th-layer, and part of it is still controlled by some powerhouses.

“The 18th-layer hell is controlled by these powerhouses, and if I want to try to exert the true power of the 18th-layer hell, I must rely on the full power of the 18th-layer hell. According to their memory, this Once the 18th-layer hell truly merges, it has the power to fight the sky. It is extremely horrible. In the ancient hell, the real power is extraordinary and indescribably powerful … “

Divine glow appeared in both eyes, and Ye Fantian found a more mysterious and horrible message in the memory of the two.

Among the 18th-layer hells, First Layer hell, which is also the first Hell Emperor, is the most powerful.

Ye Fantian is the first Hell Emperor, but he doesn’t feel it now.

“I’m the first Hell Emperor, this is the hell of the First Layer, but why doesn’t it feel like this? Or, I can’t refining the true power of this First Layer hell with my power …”

In the Battle of the Era, this name was spied on by Ye Fantian again, but there was very little information in it. These two immortal powerhouses even destroyed the information in their own souls, but they did not want Ye Fantian to see it. One of them. However, even so, Ye Fantian can be extrapolated to the corners.

“Although the battle of the epoch, although I do n’t know what it really means, I can feel a great conspiracy and slaughter from it. Strength is still strength. With my strength, if I deal with an immortal powerhouse, That ’s absolutely fine, but if you want to beheaded, it ’s quite difficult. If it ’s not because I understand the storm—Fury of Four Divine Beasts ’savvy, now I just want to use my strength to shoot, That is absolutely impossible, but if you use the power of the Fury of Four Divine Beasts to meet the enemy, although the power is infinite, but it also consumes endless energy, you can draw 99% of my energy instantly … “

Ye Fantian’s mind was slowly thinking.

In the void at this time, two groups of flesh like jade were floating slowly.

This is the flesh of the immortal powerhouse.

Their flesh and blood is extremely pure, exuding yellow golden brilliance, the blood is like golden fine sand, flowing slowly, with spirituality, flowing freely, and the sounds are all thunderbolt-like. Fluctuations are endless. % & * “;

item of great nourishment!

Ye Fantian is sure of that.

With a slight movement of his eyes, Ye Fantian felt that he had a bit of comprehension, and then gestured to the fighting demon Buddha and the others, and then quickly closed his eyes and slowly closed his vitality. , Slowly into a quiet realm.


Mind twitched, and suddenly huge traces began to form slowly.

Behind Ye Fantian, a halo was created, which was formed by the strength of Faith tempering, and created evolution.

What a horror the fluctuations of the strength of Faith at this time seem to be the essence, the brilliance emitted, and the dazzling, as if it can penetrate the sky.

The battle of Ye Fantian at this time has been remembered by hundreds of millions of martial arts practitioners. This is a brand-like memory.

The thin silhouette, the unyielding silhouette, the crazy roar, the War God-like momentum.

Everything is deeply imprinted.

So as the students kept thinking about Ye Fantian’s name, the strength of Faith has begun to flourish, becoming more and more intense, and then it turned into a Star River, flowing slowly.

Ye Fantian didn’t know the purpose of this strength of Faith, but now he has accumulated so many strength of Faith that Ye Fantian feels that this is not a bad thing.

In the tremor of the mind, Ye Fantian’s within the body, the illusory shadows of the gods suddenly moved.

I saw that among the Divine Kingdom within the body, a deity is like a glazed glass, which constantly emits endless glory, such as Saint, like a god, and the sound of chanting is passed out, let People can’t help but start to release their minds and feel the holiness and glory in them.


When Ye Fantian’s eyes moved, it seemed that there was a avenue in front of him.

The avenues slowly surrounded him, and the subsequent silhouettes began to appear.

“These ones……”

Looking at the silhouettes, Ye Fantian’s face moved slightly.

These silhouettes he will not forget, each of these people is a relationship with him.


Everyone is an enemy, everybody is an opponent!

From the lowest-level martial artist to the most powerful immortal-level powerhouse that we have encountered, everyone has become extremely clear.


Ye Fantian whispered.


A huge brilliance emanated from the body, just like the evolution of the gods. The brilliance on the body quickly rose and began to skyrocket.


An arm fiercely pierced Ye Fantian’s body.

Ye Fantian looked at this illusory shadow in disbelief. This is just a martial master-level martial arts. Why was he actually penetrated the fleshhy body by the other party? “My power … was suppressed to such an extent!”

Ye Fantian discovered this in amazement. Although he was lost in his heart, and although the pain was passing, Ye Fantian quickly exploded the divine glow of his eyes, roared, and quickly performed peerless …


Constant fighting!

Ye Fantian started fighting from the lowest level of martial arts, and every fight felt a strange change in his body.

Above the void, the flesh and blood of the two immortal powerhouses slowly changed into a golden raindrop and spilled into Ye Fantian’s body.

Let the body quickly absorb and devour the essence.

Evolution, crazy evolution.

Ye Fantian’s boxing skills are also constantly improving.

Yang Dragon Yin Tiger evolved Dragon-Tiger, swallowing the heaven and devouring the earth!

Myriad Gods Hand, the broken sky, between the ages, all things surrender.

Myriad Gods Sword, sharp and unstoppable, penetrates the Great Desolate of the universe, and crosses the sky.

Myriad Gods Annihilation …

The boxing techniques evolved rapidly, and they were re-created, and then more cruel and horrible than the original power. With each swing, the power of the gods began to bless, and then all the life was defeated …


In front of Ye Fantian, the most powerful three were confronted, and the power of these three was the immortal powerhouse.

The perfection of Ye Fantian ’s power of the Wilderness has even reached a posture that works the same. The power of the Wilderness brought by each punch is displayed wildly, and the illusory shadows of the gods have evolved traces, which have been blocked. In front of the three powerhouses, they completely blocked their way and strength.

This is an absolute repression.

“The kid … the kid’s breath …”

The face of the Demon War Buddha changed slightly.

The ten days of the night and the others had the same look. Ox Demon King was swollen with bull’s eyes. At this time, Ye Fantian fleshy body clearly showed strong waves.

Each rune is extremely bright, and the breath bursts out suddenly.

The breath between Great Accomplishment’s eternal seventh stage and the breath of Great Accomplishment’s eternal 6th-layer days are constantly confronting each other, and then they are quickly broken through.


The seventh stage is here!

“Seventh stage, Great Accomplishment is eternal seventh stage. If this is an ordinary person’s cultivation, it will take at least thousands of years to reach it. This guy just entered the seventh stage in just a hundred years?” Divine Demon and the others felt that their heart was indescribable and indescribable. It was too hard. They even felt that their heart was crying.

It ’s going to go against the sky without this.

But the next moment, a more ferocious breath burst out instantly.

The fluctuations of the eternal eighth stage of the Great Accomplishment evolved immediately.

Great Accomplishment eternal eighth stage! !!

Suddenly break through two heavy days again?

Zhu Qiang’s eyes stared round, even a genius would have to take a long time to form after countless tempering.


Ye Fantian’s left arm was fragmented, and his bones were connected to each other.

The bone was completely broken into pieces. It was a punch punched by the red-haired powerhouse. The power driven by this fist completely killed the past.

Ye Fantian’s face did not change, and his right fist suddenly moved.

Myriad Gods Sword.

Sharp and indestructible.


Countless punches are swung, with two fisting and sword-like terrifying moods, just like the sharp sword mountain, created with great weight, hanging in motion, and instantly destroying its fleshhy body …

“I could kill you last time, this time is still … Break for me!”

Ye Fantian’s mouth shouted wildly.

There was a trembling in the entire starry sky. In an instant, the students were wailing, the gods were roaring, an immortal powerhouse was completely broken by Ye Fantian, and the momentum was like a rainbow. Then, holding one’s head fiercely and hitting it out, The blood splashed on the other’s head, and his brain shot …


A strong breath slowly spread from Ye Fantian’s body.

Great Accomplishment everlasting eighth stage … created!

[Author off topic]: ps: The writing is not very sensational, a bit of Cavern, hehe, I wanted to log in to QQ to notify the group, who knows that this computer is too powerful, and I do n’t know if it is poisoned or 咋Ground, qq is stuck there, I’m sorry, everyone, if you see the children’s shoes in the group, please inform each other and update, thank you on_no

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