There was blood in his mouth, and a hint of coldness on his face. Ye Fantian’s eyes were cold and piercing, and even the three immortal powerhouses were bursting into the heart. .com |

“Ha Ha Ha… well conscience?”

The three looked at each other and laughed together.

The laughter was exaggerated, the laughter was serious, and even with a sense of ridicule, obviously Ye Fantian’s words made them feel quite interesting.

The appearance of these three has been highlighted at this time.

The mists on the body disappeared completely.

One was complexion pale, white as if it were flour, one had long hair dancing with fiery brilliance, and the last one was wearing a black robe with a cold face.

“A clear conscience? Well, it’s really a pediatric idea.”

The complexion pale said dismissively.

“It’s quite surprising that we can show such a method. Boy, I’m curious. What kind of mastery are you practicing?”

flame hair powerhouse spoke slowly.

“It’s really weird. Such a mastery can even confront us, and the power is stronger than the last time, do you say … do you have a rule? And one of the most mysterious rules?” black robed man, at this time the opponent’s eyes have begun to become hot.

“Rule, if there is such a rule, we may not be able to make it this time!” The greedy Guanghua has appeared on their faces, apparently the three have already become infected with Ye Fantian.

To be precise, it was the heart of Ye Fantian’s law.

Myriad Dao Law!

This is one of the main reasons why Ye Fantian is so powerful. The blessing of three hundred sixty sections of divine runes divine runes has reached the point of one hundred and seventy sections at this time. As long as Ye Fantian continues to work harder and blessing of 70 times the strength Will definitely continue to improve.

Eye of the Myriad Gods blinks, Ye Fantian can see, the strength of these three is in the immortal primary stage.

Immortal is a legendary level. Unlike the Great Ascension, it does not have the division of heaven, only the class gap.

It is divided into lower, middle and upper stages, and the most terrifying one is the Paragon Immortal!

Paragon was angry, the world was eclipsed, and the beings dried up!

Although the strength of these three is only the lower order, and it is the weakest existence of the lower order Paragon, but it is enough to deal with Ye Fantian.

“If it is really a rule, don’t say it is refining, even if it is taken out, it will be enough to get unlimited benefits.”

“Now the rules are getting less and less. Many are in the hands of the old monsters. It ’s harder to truly own than heavenly ascension. It is said that there are ancient rules in these indigenous dimensional Star Domains. , But it’s just a legend, but I didn’t expect it to really exist. “

red haired man said excitedly.

“If we get it, we’ll send it!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes glowed with a slight glow of divine glow, and slowly looked at these three. At this time, the three immortal powerhouses have become more excited. It seems that Ye Fantian is a cargo, an item. , A baby. % & * “;

“The power I cast just now reached the realm of one hundred segments of rune of the divine runes, but judging from the power of the cast just now, even if the strength of the three is to the point of one hundred and seventy segments of rune of the divine runes, I may not be able to kill them. Anyone seems to have to use some other means. “

“kill him!”

The voices of the three flowed again, and a cold voice appeared, which was a very firm and terrifying killing intent!

The three of them now apparently have the boundless slaughter heart, and they are going to kill Ye Fantian, and seize his rules.


The sound sounded piercing the sky.


Star River upside down and hangs in the sky, Wan Zhang Star River moves out of thin air, all the bright energy exudes boundless brilliance and begins to show out.

At this time, all of the powerhouses of the dozen-dimensional Star Domain began to notice here.

If Ye Fantian fails, none of them can escape.

“White hair, blood pupil, that’s Ye Fantian! Starster’s mysterious powerhouse, Ye Fantian!”

One yelled suddenly.

“Ye Fantian!” “Yes, that’s Ye Fantian!”

“Blessing from the sky, we must win!”


The battle reappeared, the battle at this time was more horrible, and the sky would be smashed.

Ye Fantian’s body was hit unceasingly, his ribs were exposed, how amazing the blood and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and an extra piece of blood was in his hand.

This is the flesh and blood of the red haired man.


Looking at Ye Fantian, the expression on the face of the red haired man was disgusting.

How powerful Ye Fantian’s fleshhy body was. He just scratched it and broke his flesh.



Crazy fights!

Evolution of life, illusory shadow riot!

At this time, the four divide glow continued to evolve, and then expanded. The powerful impact has even completely shattered everything around.


Ye Fantian sprayed a mouthful of blood in his mouth, the muscles on his body were convulsing, and many parts of his arm at this time had begun to show a jade bone.

The scent of all kinds erupted continuously with the spray of blood energy.


A Changhong appeared, it was a bright Divine Sword, Qingshuang Divine Sword, but the next moment, the vigorous fist print instantly shattered the surrounding sword energy, forcibly hit Qingshuang Divine Sword.

“ka-cha ……”

A crackling sound appeared.

Behind that fist print is a fist, a fist piled up with flesh and blood.

That’s Ye Fantian’s punch!

The horrible fleshhy body directly shattered one’s blue frost Divine Sword.

Eyes glowed scarlet, Ye Fantian’s eyes stared coldly at the man.


There was a piercing sound behind.

A sharp lance appeared in the palm of the red-haired young man. The lance broke into the body and instantly penetrated Ye Fantian’s fleshy body thoroughly.

“Do not……”

“Asshole, do you have any dignity in Martial Dao cultivator!” “Miscellaneous!”

In the void, more and more powerhouses began to roar, but with their strength, they could not go close to the battle of the four people. The majestic energy, even if they wanted to fight, they could not exert their power. , Not only can not be shot, but will cause chaos.


An immortal powerhouse suddenly exclaimed.


A faint voice passed out, and at the moment, I saw Ye Fantian’s body swell in an instant, and then the brilliance of bright light flashed out.

The brilliance of all the flashes, and a horrific storm of energy began to form.


“This is an Avatar!”

The three roared together.

Even if it was extremely powerful, but in the horrible blast, it still took a few steps back.

“weng! ”

Beyond those tens of thousand meters, a silhouette appeared there, his body with a brilliance of brilliance, brilliance like flames, constantly burning everything around, the boundless breath began to riot, as if a God , More like a king of gods.

That’s not who Ye Fantian will be.

Ye Fantian just cast his own Mysterious Soul Avatar, but the real body instantly cast the strength of Space and came to places away from dozens of ten thousand meters.

His body was ragged at this time, and he had more criss-crossed scars.

These scars are constantly flowing with crystal blood, how amazing and shocking such a wound is! !!

“My power can’t pose a deadly threat to them. There is absolutely no way. Divine runes have reached a level of blessing of XNUMX times the power, but it is nothing more than a hindrance. I want to limit it. Real control, unless it is my realm that reaches the Great Accomplishment eternal eighth stage, at least the eighth stage! “

But Ye Fantian also knows that this is completely impossible.

However, Ye Fantian still has a fatal killing move.

The hands quickly printed, the energy within the body began to boil, and more and more energy began to riot.

Xuan Jing!

The power of Ye Fantian comes from the power of Xuan Jing. Now he is going to show his most powerful secret technique. No matter the power of this boxing or this mysterious soul, he cannot compare with the power of Xuan Jing. It is the foundation of Ye Fantian. The power of Nine Turns Xuan Gong comes entirely from Xuan Jing.

Every time he is mysterious mysterious mystery, Ye Fantian will create his own mysterious skills. Now, Ye Fantian has learned the power of mysterious mystery. Now he must create the four mysterious skills of water, fire, and gold!


For a time, above the sky, the lightning flashed and thundered, the students were boiling!

That terrifying atmosphere immediately caused a great change in all things.

“This is a great secret technique that killed him!”

At this time, the three immortal powerhouses were completely angry. Although they did not show their strongest extinction, they were definitely serious.

But what I didn’t expect was that Ye Fantian was so tangled up in front of me, no, not just tangled, even embarrassed.

The riot that hatred and anger cannot be masked.


The blood of the blood-killing spirit is ten thousand li, and the Star River is swallowed. Each word of the three can smash a mountain and river.

“That’s a secret technique. Ye Fantian is performing a secret technique. Once touched, it will be gone forever!” An ancient powerhouse suddenly shouted.


An immortal powerhouse slammed a palm. Although this palm looks serene, it has boundless power that can make everything collapse.

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed slightly, he was aware of the fluctuations of Xuan Jing, but the other party did not give him the opportunity, and saw that the vigorous energy was less than ten ten meters away.


A silhouette appeared violently, moving in one palm, standing there with the power of the fleshhy body.

Turns out to be that ancient powerhouse just now!

His beard was whitish, with a painful expression on his face, and the fleshhy body was directly shattered by this powerful energy.

But there was a firm expression in those eyes.

“The ants … also tried to resist us!”

The faces of the three immortal powerhouses suddenly became ugly.

“Even if it is a ant, it will definitely not let you pass by. Even with my ancient body, even if it is a broken body, it will definitely not let you pass!”

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