“Is this immortal?”

The eyes of the Devil and the Warrior were raised, and the two glows continued to boil, as if they were trying to shoot. The powerhouse bullies the weak, which is itself a kind of overbearing law of Between Heaven and Earth. .)

But even so, it’s too bullying.

The world is unkind, and everything is used as the ants. The other party’s means is clearly to use everything as the ants.


Chekov couldn’t help but clenched his fists.

Ox Demon King gave this guy a bad look, and the next moment his body twitched.

“hu ……”

An immense amount of energy can suddenly disappear, and the next moment, the entire dimension of Star Domain is instantly torn apart, and the endless death gas is passed on frantically, resentment, cruelty, anger, cursing, resentment, reprimand …

Many emotions are intertwined, and the entire dimension Star Domain has completely formed a dead Star Domain at this time, and the brilliance of Dao is flashing out.

“Go … continue to the next!”

Ye Fantian was shocked!

If the other party goes on like this, it may not be said that the entire Qing Zhiyu will become the other party ’s ruined existence, even if there is a guard of blood refinement, I am afraid that it is also impossible to withstand a single blow.

“this is?!”

Ye Fantian’s body suddenly trembled.

Suddenly I felt that the power of hell seemed to be growing.

The appearance of black energy quickly turned over the river, and then, in the entire dimensional Star Domain, that powerful response qi was swallowed up instantly.


An ancient life appeared quickly.

this is one Hell Demon!

They are making a loud roar, greedy and domineering trying to get out of hell.

But at this time they do not have much power, and are simply unable to charge ahead.

And Ye Fantian feels that he can crush these moments to death at any time. He is the Hell Emperor. He is the real hell master. These guys can only control themselves.


Ye Fantian drove the long river quickly and chased out fiercely.

At this time, he didn’t need the justification of fighting the demon Buddha and the others, and threw it directly into the map of the eight living beings of the grandmother. It was too dangerous here, and everything was too dangerous.

This is an extremely beautiful dimension of Star Domain. The planet of one after another is extremely bright. It is surrounded by it, as if it is a pearl of one after another. The range here is full of hundreds of thousands of times that of Star Domain!

Strong vitality can almost reach the essence.

Those dragon-shaped primordial boils evolved, and even a desolate roar could be heard clearly. .com |

In the underground, a Dragon Vein transformed into a Golden Dragon is walking frantically and flowing endlessly. This is simply a Sanctuary and Blessed Land full of endless vitality.

If it is cultivation here, I am afraid that the speed will be even more rapid.

But at this time the frontal dimension Star Domain creatures were shaking, with despair expressions on their faces, looking above the void, where there was nothing in the void, as if nothing had appeared.

But a kind of terrifying depressive and palpitating breath is quite obvious. At any time, you can feel that there is a kind of terrifying fluctuation in this evolution.

The horrific means of hunting down the dimension of each and everyone, Star Domain, has spread throughout the universe in a short time.


Sure enough, one hand was quickly displayed.

At this moment, the world shivered, the mountains and rivers shattered, the Sea Territory collapsed, and the endless creatures began to utter a sound of wailing, apparently already feeling their destiny.

This is a lore, and it is a one-sided lore, and no one can resist such a powerful means.

“Ha Ha Ha… so rich mysterious soul, terrifying mysterious soul!” The sneer of one person passed out.

“Master …” A young man screamed sternly, holding a body that was torn apart and his eyes widened.

“Cangtian, you open your eyes, you open your eyes!”

A mature man’s arms and legs were fragmented by this energy, and in his arms he held a delicate and pretty woman with eyes closed. At this time, the woman had no breath.

How desolate is the rigid body.

“Why? Why! Why is it like this, why!”

The roaring voice carried boundless anger, terrifying resentment, and a dissatisfaction with Heavenly Dao.

Heavenly Dao !

Take all things as ants, and all beings as ants!

Cruel rules, domineering rules, but not the right ones!

Above the void, three illusory shadows stepped on it, wearing the oldest robes on their bodies, with a cold expression on their faces, one of them glinting blue in the eyebrows.

The appearance of these three seems to be covered by the fog. It is impossible to see through the true appearance of the other party, and it is impossible to see through the real age. strength.

“It’s sad …” A murmured voice came from one’s mouth.

The voice carried a kind of coldness.

“Martial Dao cultivation, using the living beings as ants, the powerhouse is stronger, the weaker is weaker, and the weaker must serve the powerhouse. Is this a rule long established by the Better Heaven and Earth, sad?”

The other person dismissed said with a sneer.

“Xuan Soul, we need a lot of Xuan Soul, so that the cultivation base can be raised quickly. This old monk’s method is terrifying enough!” There was a hint of resentment in his tone.

“Yes, terrifying is really good, but what about terrifying? That restriction is being gradually opened. As long as it is opened, our people can reappear, the battle of the epoch … the era of WWII, I don’t know After the battle at this time has begun, will it make us eligible again? “

“The battle of the epoch …”

The exchange of the three with a strong expectation in the tone.

“Looking at Red Dust World, Huang Liang just dreamed, slaughter, what about it? Just ants!”

A faint voice passed slowly.

The breath of the three suddenly moved: “Kill!”

Slaughter, constant slaughter, endless slaughter, this powerful copyrighted slaughter means and speed is too terrifying, everywhere you go, it’s all endless blood killing.


“Imudent martial arts, dare to make such a shot, aren’t you afraid of world accountability?”

Several ancient living fossil powerhouses in a row suddenly shot, and each of them reached the Realm of the Great Accomplishment Eternal Peak. Their power can normally reverse the sky. In this ancient dimensional Star Domain, naturally there will be Such a powerful martial art.

But in an instant, their bodies were instantly rolled up by all the energy, turned into powder, and the mysterious soul was devoured …

“Heaven and earth havoc, heaven and earth havoc … Lord, please, please, save us!” “Save us!” “Who will save us!” Bang …

The sound just made the three more disgusted, and the killing intent burst out suddenly.


Blood appeared again, messy all over the ground.

Many weak wailing sounds were continuously transmitted.

“I swear here, no matter who you are, no matter where you come from, no matter how powerful you are, I swear to kill you!” One person uttered a fierce roar, and the resentful voice made the white snow above the sky more Frenzy.

“My swear, I will kill you!”

The voice appeared, with desolation, with resentment, with unwillingness!

Head straight for Nine Heavens!

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

killing intent The sky is rolling with thunder.

This terrible slaughter sounds, even the power of these three must be moved!

“Mother … you wake up.”

An immature child’s voice came out, and saw a child covered in blood crying loudly to a slightly trembling body.

This is the body of a young woman.

The other person’s body was stained with blood, his chest was a piece of white bone and horrible fuzzy flesh, the internal organs were fragmented, and there was no way to survive again.

The other person’s eyes looked at the child, and his face showed uncoverable love.

But she had a helpless expression and looked at her.

With a slight movement of the palm, he tried to hold the little girl, who was only five or six years old, in his arms, but the next moment, the palm just stayed on the other’s cheek, and it slipped down instantly.


The wailing sounded like shaking the sky.

Snow in the world!

Bursts of thunder appeared.

This is a terrifying change.

As if crying for these creatures, it seems that they are angry at the means of the three.

The screaming cry of the five- or six-year-old girl was moving, and the sound of roar and oath passed to the sky, and spread throughout the entire dimension of Star Domain.

“Hmph, humble life, who can save you!”

A person was coldly snorted, his hands waved, and a huge energy suddenly urged him down, moved towards the crying child pierced.


The guns fluttered, stepping out of the snow, Heaven and Earth turning upside down, straight up to Nine Heavens!

The long spear dances and emits endless brilliance, and the sky seems to be shaking more terrifying.


That long spear fiercely smashed the opponent’s energy.


Thunderbolt violent riots, thunder and lightning raged, and the snow on the sky seemed bigger.

The strong wind rolled up, and a thin silhouette slowly appeared above the void!

I grasped the long spear in my hand, and the long hair of a snow white danced with the wind. At this moment, the thin silhouette seemed to be imprinted on the long river of time!

A person stood proudly, but the thin silhouette was like War God, domineering, above all things, below the sky, there was an overbearing attitude that could not be concealed.

Fight against these three mysterious powerhouses alone!


The fierce thunderbolt is frantically raging, thunder and lightning dance, thunder snakes roar, and Thunder Dragon roars, making that world as one, the glory of white shines on all around, the world is the same, everything is clearly seen.


The long spear slowly stretches out.

The other person’s eyes were scarlet, and they looked coldly at the three powerhouses in front of them!


Once again, a thunder and lightning came out, hitting endless desolation …

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