
The emergence of this sword, covered with a breath of evil in the vast void, is an extremely evil breath, with the cold and bloodthirsty fluctuations, it seems that all things are forcibly eaten Even Ye Fantian himself felt the horror of this powerful atmosphere. !>

“Power of the Wilderness!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes glowed with a slight coldness, with one hand, and quickly printed.

Myriad Gods Hand!


The huge sword glow scattered, the endless black illusory shadow layered together, moved towards Ye Fantian bombarded in the past, they are like ghosts, more like a demon, sent out a greedy roar, the whole space is crumbling and Ye Fantian Myriad Gods Hand fiercely collided together.


There was a huge trembling sound from the huge blue realm, as if the entire starry sky was shaking.

The glory of the gods is exuding to the extreme. It is a gesture that wants to be forced, but Ye Fantian at this time is afraid to strike, because this is her own woman’s shot, Yan Yujing, Ye Fantian is no matter what will not hurt each other.

Sword energy is thorough, all students retreat!

Long sword Ru Hong, exudes chill, bounds to fire again, and moves faster and faster. Unconsciously, the pair of beautiful eyes of Yan Yujing has begun to become blood red, cold blood red, and also From time to time, there are flashes of evil waves, and the evil and pure breath are merged together, giving a charming charm.


The breath of the gods rioted, but was suppressed by Ye Fantian again. Ye Fantian was stepped back by Yan Yujing.

Yan Yujing’s strength is very weird. Although there is a lot of difference in strength compared to Ye Fantian, but with the killing of the demon Sword in hand, he can play quite well, and Ye Fantian is fighting and retreating, dare not go to heavy hands .

“Jinger …!” Ye Fantian roared loudly, driving the mysterious soul roar to make Yan Yujing’s lovable body tremble, and beautiful eyes flashed a trace of memory.


Xue Liuli on one side changed slightly pretty face, totally did not expect that the two actually knew, but at this time she picked up Yan Yujing’s lovable body, quickly broke through the void, and moved towards the outside.

“Xue Liuli … let go of her!”

Ye Fantian’s voice was a touch of chill.

But despite the cold tone, Ye Fantian did not emit a killing intent. For Xue Liuli, Ye Fantian was extremely entangled. Although she knew she was definitely an enemy, Ye Fantian still did not want to kill the opponent. !>

This is an extremely complicated emotion.

“Let her go? We are a pair, Ye Fantian, I can’t kill you, but I want to get your woman! Asura kills, Vientiane Asura!”

A violent release of Changhong was followed by the emergence of billions of Changhong, these Changhong, or Blade Qi or sword energy, or shots or blood kills …

Many things have evolved into Asura’s hellish Asura posture.

Ye Fantian’s heart is called a depression, but a woman contends for her lover, how funny and how funny, if possible, Ye Fantian really wants to kill this Guanguan Saint Once, what was given to Xue Liuli in the end, so that a woman who was originally gentle has become such a strange character now.

“Ha Ha Ha …… Ye Fantian, we will meet again.” Watching Ye Fantian back away, the snow-glazed crazy laughing heartily looked at him with a vicious expression on the delicate pretty face, but the beautiful eyes In the depths, there is still a complex wave that is secretly released. Such a wave is probably not even felt by Xue Liuli himself.


The jade hand is full of energy, like a violent Asura sword, breaking through every moment, and disappearing in an instant.

“You …” Ye Fantian roared angrily.

But he couldn’t go after each other, because at this time, the killing Demon Sword in Yan Yujing’s hands banged again.


Grasp this substantial sword energy steadily in his hands, Ye Fantian’s face with bitter smiles and depressing waves, fiercely crushed the sword energy in his hands into countless fine energy particles.

“Xue Liuli …”

With the helpless name in his mouth, Ye Fantian was completely depressed at this time. The change of Xue Liuli made Ye Fantian unable to adapt, and Yan Yujing had obvious memory loss.

The secret technique that Siyuan Divine King sealed for her has lost its effect. Originally, Ye Fantian thought that as long as it was to kill the mysterious soul of Siyuan Divine King by himself, this Yanyu Jing would recover.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

That mark should have changed in some way, but Yan Yujing obviously still has a memory of himself, otherwise, he would not withdraw the move just now.

“I’m afraid these two women won’t be discovered so easily now.”

Ye Fantian rubbed his forehead and felt quite a headache.

However, Ye Fantian can be sure that Yan Yujing will not be harmed by Xue Liuli’s side. Although she is quite depressed about Xue Liuli’s personality change, it can not cause much trouble.

“Although the strength of both is not the most powerful, but the power of Asura’s killing and the horror of killing the Holy Demon Sword is quite reassuring!”

Ye Fantian’s mouth murmured, and there was a little thought in his eyes.


A mighty might suddenly broke out at this time.

This mighty power instantly enveloped the entire blue realm. The powerful and vivid display of vividly and thoroughly is an amazing power of Supreme, as if it can break the sky and control the universe.

Such an unbridled expression of one’s own breath, one cannot help but notice.

“Great Accomplishment timeless breath … the Great Accomplishment timeless powerhouse!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes glowed a slight glow of divine glow, and quickly disappeared into place.


A huge trace appeared, that is, a sharp sword, splitting heaven and earth apart, the sword glow flashing, with an ancient and sacred breath on it, as if it was an ancient aura in the ancient times, and the amazing fluctuations were horrifying.

“Ha Ha Ha …… blood refinement You better not escape, you can’t escape at this time.”

A burst of arrogant voice came out, as if there was a strong confidence in the voice, and this self-confidence drove the momentum of his body to become extremely horrible.


A person’s body was shaky, a mouthful of residual blood was spit out, a slight smile on his face, and a black sickle in his hand slowly supported the ground so that his body would not fall.

This person is not the blood refinement who will meet in the hell.

Opposite him, the entire group looked at the blood refinement poorly, and a little coldness was set off at the corner of his mouth.


The sickle made a long and narrow mark on the ground, and the blood refinement was breathing heavily, with a slight smile on his face. Even at this time, the blood refinement was still smiling, but the smile became colder and colder. .

Mozun looked at the blood refinement with a poor look. The energy in his hand was constantly boiling, and the glory in his eyes was constantly flashing. Obviously, he already had a killing heart.

“Maozun, your courage is really big. Not only did you choose our devil’s nest, but you even chose to collusion with the people of Yaodongtian, but I don’t know if you will be accepted by Yaodongtian? As a human martial art, I seem People who have not heard of Yaodongtian will like humans. “

blood refinement said with a laugh, the tongue licked the corner of his mouth, exposing a faint coldness.

“Hmph …… blood refinement, you do n’t have to make any excuses anymore. This deity is not an idiot. Naturally you know how to choose. You ran a dozen dimensions of Star Domain, but you still ca n’t return to the magic nest. Killed you, the deity can return to the devil’s nest at any time, and it is a big responsibility to put that responsibility on Ye Fantian. “

Mozun’s tone was quite indifferent, but the violent fluctuations of his eyes betrayed his inner panic.

The people in the magic nest are such idiots. Even if they want to hide them, they may not be able to hide them for too long. As for the people in the demon cave, that is a group of white-eyed wolves. Heaven knows whether they will Help yourself.

But at this time, the demon is already if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, and in the heart of Ye Fantian entire group, he is growing more hatred, but thought that Ye Fantian has died in the storm of injustice There was no small comfort in his heart.

“kill him!”

Yang Lida shouted coldly, the hands of pure white as jade were like two wicked White Dragons, exuding the breath of death.

“Damn … there is no energy.”

Supporting the sickle in my hands, the blood refinement’s face didn’t have the slightest fear, but the heart was grinning secretly.


Seeing that the energy was about to kill, but at this moment a metal friction sound suddenly cut through the void, and a divine spear exuding thunder and light suddenly burst the sky, moved towards the sky of the demon cave A strong piercing fleshhy body …

“pu chi… ”

Long spear into the body, as if it were a holy light, infinite power, even more terrifying in strength, under a single shot, the person pierced the fleshhy body by force, and the force was undiminished, nailing it fiercely On the ground.

“Who!” “Impudent!”

“How is that possible?” Yaodongtian’s powerhouse, including Mozun’s face, began to change.

He growled angrily around him.

“Magic, I want to die for you.”

A voice full of ridicule passed slowly …

After hearing the voice of the demon statue, his face suddenly changed wildly, moving towards revealing an incredible expression in one direction, and roared loudly: “Ye Fantian …… turned out to be you ?!”

There was an incredible wave in the voice, trembling madly …

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