Chapter XNUMX The Beginning of the Collision


The leaping Qin Kuang instantly made the ground start to tremble fiercely, and a horrible gap cracked suddenly at his feet, and the force of terrifying was naturally conceivable.

With the appearance of that crack, a terrifying energy suddenly shot along the gap on the ground, and then the obviously sharp energy target was directly moved towards Ye Fantian and rushed over !!

At this time, Hawkeye also knew that the struggle between the two was not suitable for them to appear, so after a flash, they quickly flew away.

“hmph! ”

Ye Fantian snorted coldly, and then stepped forward with his right foot abruptly, and then a more horrible crack was like a dark and dreadful python, quickly moved towards the other side, and directly directed at this horror The crack hit.

Wherever Bing Lan’s energy went, countless dross slipped down, and a chill erupted above the entire Martial Fighting Stage.


The two powerful energies collided directly together, even without the slightest hesitation and suspense. After a rapid and violent blast, a strong rays of light was in the middle of the two. Take off!

Pā pā pā ……

The rapid footsteps appeared, and Ye Fantian and the other’s body suddenly disappeared at this time!


There was a rush of friction, but no matter whether it was Ye Fantian or Qin Kuang, both looked very cold, even without the slightest emotion in those eyes.

The scarlet pupil flashed wildly, and the energy burst out from Ye Fantian’s robe.

Hao white’s palm with no difficulty rubbed the opponent’s energy into nothingness, and then Ye Fantian kicked it without hesitation!

Pā pā pā ……


hong long long …… peng!

The bizarre blasting and friction sounds were constantly displayed on the bodies of the two, and even everyone present at this time began to hold their breath, but those powerhouses, such as Xuanhu The lack of existence frowned slightly, because he was very clear that the current means and strength of the two had not been exerted, not even the strength of XNUMX%.

Try your hand!

Both are now slowly testing each other, but after this process, the real fierce battle will appear.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people, the two people who could n’t see the silhouette at all were already extremely fierce, and even they could only hear the rapid friction sound in the air between the two. And blasting sound.

In the flying sand running stone, the two shadows quickly moved towards the two sides and moved backwards in an opposite direction.

鈥渉u hu hu 鈥[€[€

A slight gasp came from the mouths of the two, and a strange layer of rays of light slowly spread on the bodies of the two, clearly because the control level of True Qi reached a degree of terrifying To show the performance.

“Boy … you are very difficult to deal with, if I give you ten years, I think you can reach my current level, and by virtue of qualifications, you do have the qualifications for me to recognize!”

As soon as this remark was made, it was as if a layer of ripples had been stirred up on the calm lake surface. The water flowing rapidly towards all around spread out, and everyone began to look at it with a strange look. Qin Kuang!


It’s too arrogant!

This attitude of treating the weak with the powerhouse not only made many people start to feel a little speechless, but even the face of the emperor and the others began to be unbearable.

After all, from the confrontation just now, Ye Fantian didn’t seem to be losing money, and the actions of the two just now seem to be quite similar to the fanfare.

But now Qin Kuang is talking to Ye Fantian in such a tone, isn’t he saying that he is stronger than the other party, even more powerful?

Ye Fantian’s eyebrows frowned slightly, then he stared tightly at the Qin Kuang lightly saying: “When I came, I heard your name, genius, and it is a rare genius, but I think You did n’t break through your current level in your fifties, not even a three-pointer Martial King. You always feel like this genius is just that! ”

Of course!



Ye Fantian’s remarks sounded even more exhilarating than the other side’s words just now. You look down on me, I have never seen you at all!

This is a more direct comeback!

In the tit-for-tat, the medical smell between the two also began to become richer again.

Ye Fantian’s 1.7 m figure looks a bit petite compared to the other’s huge body that is more than two meters away, but it is this petite body that no one dares to look down on him.

“is it?”

After hearing Ye Fantian’s relentless rebuttal, even though Qin Kuang didn’t pay too much attention to the reputation of these lunch breaks, he was now led to a flame of anger.

Pā pā pā 啪……

The rapid blast of skeleton sound rang suddenly from Qin Kuang’s body. The sound from small to large quickly sounded as if the rain hit the jade plate, and it sounded very crisply.

ka-cha! ka-cha ……!

The harsh sound of friction continued to be heard from the deepest part of Qin Kuang’s body. After the sound of this sound, Qin Kuang’s body began to retract slightly. There were originally more than two meters of body. At this time it seems to have become more than 1.9 m.

But it is this change that gives people a more grand taste.

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed slightly, but in the deepest place, the pupils had formed a needle-like posture!

“This guy’s body has also been tempered for a long time. I didn’t expect this guy to be a weak opponent. If you give him twenty years, maybe it is really possible to reach a three-point Martial King. Degree!”

“Hmph, in front of Qin Kuang, even if this kid is the new hunting king, he cannot survive.”

Qin Wangtu’s face smiled coldly, but more in this smile was an extremely cold and bloodthirsty.

“Ye Fantian … are you ready?”

At this time, Qin Kuang directly called Ye Fantian’s name, apparently at this time he had begun to develop his true strength.

“Since the warm-up exercise is over, then I also want to see to what extent your so-called genius can reach?”

what? warm up?

Many martial arts presenters began to lower their heads in shame, only at this time did they realize that they thought they had begun a fierce battle, but they were just warming up?

“These two guys … are really geniuses.”

Xuanhu’s ears sounded a lot of people talking, but after hearing these voices, Xuanhu laughed and said: “Genius? How can Ye Fantian’s kid use genius to describe it? That is basically a evildoer!”

Just as he was thinking about it, the two on the ground started to move!


call out!

Two terrifying friction sounds appeared again.


A strong energy suddenly appeared on the shoulders of Ye Fantian, and continued to spur quickly.

Feeling the collapse of the air around him, Ye Fantian’s face could not help but change, and then quickly moved backwards behind him.

“Hmph … can you run it?”

Qin Kuang’s voice roared again, and then the shoulders of his shoulders suddenly shot the rays of light, and then the shoulders, which were originally full of spikes, grew to a certain extent.


Qin Kuang’s huge body, like a beast, quickly used his elbows, shoulders, arms, palms, and fingers to perfectly integrate into one body.

“Dragon Snake Step!”

Ye Fantian’s heart moved slightly, then Dragon Snake at his feet quickly formed, and then quickly rolled a thick layer of dust on the ground, but the Qin Man suddenly shouted: “Are you gone? “


After a violent blast, Ye Fantian’s body was suddenly hurled away.

In the mid-air Ye Fantian quickly pressed his palm firmly on the ground, and astral qi protected the palm, constantly blocking the impact on his body.

“Your depth … so slow!”

Qin Kuang’s mouth shouted lightly, and his voice appeared in Ye Fantian’s ears inconceivably.

“So fast?!!”

Ye Fantian’s heart couldn’t help but be shocked, and then his body moved again, and he just flashed aside, and then an incomparable gigantic pit appeared on the ground where he was originally.

嗤chi chi…

Countless afterimages of the arm are constantly surrounded by this Qin Kuang, and in this afterimage, there is a bit of terrifying acupuncture, and the spikes on the other’s shoulders seem to be longer stand up.

For the first time, Ye Fantian was so embarrassed that he was beaten out of True Fire, but he didn’t lose his mind because of it. Instead, he calmed down.

“This shoulder pad is obviously specially made, and once attacked, it can completely pass the acupuncture points and veins on the opponent’s body through those spiked friction, but it is great for me. Hinder. “

“Do you only have this ability? If so, go to death obediently.”

Qin Kuang was obviously disdainful. Ye Fantian gently stroked his arm. The blood stains there had returned to his original posture. If it were not for the blood on it, it would be impossible to imagine the Ye Fantian just now. Was attacked.

“It seems to be underestimated?”

Ye Fantian slowly raised his face, thinking secretly in his heart, but the pair of eyes that had already shown pink had recovered to the scarlet state again at this time …

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