“Ye Fantian, you must die!”

The voice of Mozun carries a force that cannot be refuted, which is a powerful suppressive force.

One shot again!

This knife, the sword condensed, cold and biting, as if the first magic light appeared in the beginning of that world, the scattered brilliance continued to converge, and the subsequent evolution became a black river.

Each of these black rivers is condensed by the endless Blade Qi, and the power is unimaginable.

The storm of grievances above the void has gathered. All these grievances are the products of hell. Each one has a breath of power, and the fluctuations in it are cold and extraordinary. Once touched, they will feel their bodies. The last trembling.

“You idiot, fuck your mother is sick!”

Chekov summon out a respected Angel, harnessing the power of holiness to guard the surroundings.


The blade glow flickers, and the starry sky is trembling. This seems to chop this icy World, to completely separate the darkness and light, the hanging Blade Qi boils, and the Great Accomplishment eternal Nine Heavens powerhouse cultivation base. Not to be trifled with, even Ye Fantian himself couldn’t help showing the expression of horror.

“Fuck, mental disorder! Mozun, I really thought I was afraid you wouldn’t do it!”

Chased by this madman, the storm of grievances above the void is still gathering, and the anger in Ye Fantian’s heart can’t help but start to erupt.

For this guy, Ye Fantian was completely angry.

“courting death !”

“Annihiliation Domin!”

“Yang Dragon Yin Tiger!”

“Immortal God Illusion!”


The tricky tricks came out quickly.

“锵锵 clang!”

Mozun’s face changed slightly. Originally, he thought that Ye Fantian was not as powerful as he was after receiving his sword, but what he didn’t expect was that this guy is still so fierce, and he must be so strong. There are so many, even if he has a secret regret thought.

However, such an idea is only fleeting. He is a proud man himself. He has a kind of mentality that I would rather bear the burden of the world than the others. For a junior like Ye Fantian, he had a contradiction. Now, seeing the growth speed of Ye Fantian, Mozun has already killed his heart, and now he has broken away from the devil’s nest. If he does not go to kill Ye Fantian now, I am afraid that the people in Yaodongtian will not go to the real Support yourself.

嗤chi chi…

Blade Qi became extinct, criss-crossed, forming an endless web. | March Eight Literature

“hong long long ……”

The power of Ye Fantian and the opponent’s Blade Qi directly gathered together, and then burst out again.


This magic knife was actually exploded by Mozun. The powerful energy instantly dissipated Ye Fantian’s energy, and the terrible energy instantly struck Ye Fantian’s entire body directly into the void.

“Come on, the magic monument-Zhentian!”

A huge magic monument evolved from the exorcism of the magic monument. The magic monument splitting heaven and earth apart, each evolution evolved, each one is like a terrible mountain, the ancient demonic energy began to boil, Even the storm of grievances over the sky attracted each other.

“Jizang Brahma!”

The face of the Devil and the Warrior is also wild, and they have entered the storm of unjust souls. This is the world of unjust souls. If they are really surrounded by these guys, then they are really finished.


Ye Gou’s eyebrows moved, and the breath of the hell dog erupted, resisting the sharp claw, the evil soul just about to stretch out.

“Fuck, it’s a mess, wait for your grandfather!”

Ox Demon King roared angrily.

“Uncle Chekov doesn’t want to die yet.”

Chekov’s holy breath is most hated by the iniquity, and naturally he bears the brunt of his bad luck.


The next moment, the endless storm of grievances instantly vanished the silhouette of Ye Fantian and the others.

“Hmph, storm of grievances, you enjoy it inside, this time, you are completely finished …”

An evil smile appeared on Mozun’s face.

At this time, because he fought with Ye Fantian, he ran for a long distance, and he was not close to the blood refinement and the others, but for the sake of safety, Mozun decided to go back and look.

This time Ye Fantian has to die, and the blood refinement has to die. If the blood refinement is still alive, then he will definitely be chased by the magic nest. There are many masters in the magic nest, and he has to be prepared.

“The storm of grievances is the product of ancient hell. Even the deity is afraid to provoke you. You are dead. No one can be released from it, let alone survive.” Watching the black storm of grievances Twisting, Mozun’s footsteps suddenly disappeared here.

“Damn guy…”

Among the eight living beings of the grandma, Ye Fantian entire group was breathing heavily.

If it weren’t for the eight living beings maps, I’m afraid everyone would be dead.

“What are we going to do now? I’m afraid the grandma’s eight sentient beings can’t move automatically, right?” There was a look of anxiety on Dou Zhan’s face.

Ye Fantian has a nodded expression of grave expression on his face. This sentence is indeed true. Although his wife-in-law’s eight sentient beings map is a World, it can’t handle the current situation.

If it ’s a good thing to practice in it, but it ’s impossible, the terrifying degree of the grievous storm, even the Great Accomplishment, the powerhouse of the eternal Nine Heavens are rare, and dare not provoke, and the others unless It has immortal power, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to confront each other.

Immortal, even though the time of the eight-part living beings map is very slow, but there is absolutely no way to achieve immortality in a short time.

“Evil Soul Storm, everything here is an evil soul, that is to say, everything here is combined with the energy of the demonic path, with demonic energy, if I say that my inheritance can reach the extreme, Profound Truth can be practiced to Great Accomplishment, and you can completely refining them! “

The fighting demon Buddha said with some distress.

“Wait … refining?”

Ye Fantian’s heart moved and suddenly said: “My Divine Kingdom has the breath of the gods. Although I coagulate it myself, it is very weak, but the coagulation itself is definitely the most Righteous Sect. The breath of the gods, the gods have a suppressive effect on this hell, I seem to be able to refining it out … “

“Too dangerous!”

Ox Demon King’s expression was serious.

“Yes, it is very dangerous. This is like my power to save the dark life. Although I am the Pope, there is boundless light power, but if this light power is against the power of Darkness, the other side is quite equivalent Powerful, the one to emerge victorious is hard to say. “

Ye Fantian’s expression was serious: “Siyuan Divine King must be hiding some secrets here. If the time is too long, it may not be a good thing, and for Jinger, I have to try it!”

While speaking, Ye Fantian’s eyes suddenly burst into two divide glows, and the body quickly disappeared into the eight living beings map of grandma.

“wu wu wu ……”

The endless grievances are actually demons, they are evil, bloodthirsty, horror, killer …

Once contaminated, I am afraid that even a trace of mysterious souls cannot be maintained. At this time, the appearance of Ye Fantian immediately made them begin to boil.

Sharp claws danced quickly, trying to devour Ye Fantian as a whole.

“refining !”

Ye Fantian’s eyes rose and his whole body was bright.


The appearance of the holy rune, within the Divine Kingdom of the body, each of the gods illusory shadows began to open their eyes. The illusory shadows of these gods were condensed by energy and mysterious souls, The power is very powerful, and the whole body is haunted by the most mysterious wild power. At this time, the eyes are opened, and the pair of eyes seems to have a certain greedy taste.

The Immortal God Illusion behind it was revealed, covering Ye Fantian’s fleshy body, completely resisting all the surrounding demon souls outside.

“Hunger … very hungry!”

Nascent Saint sent waves of waves, and this guy turned out to have a longing for this hell.

“Is it really useful?”

There was a surprise on Ye Fantian’s face.


Immortal God Illusion behind him waved his arm violently.

“ka-cha !ka-cha !”

A terrible crackling sound appeared, Ye Fantian’s face with a surprise expression, the body suddenly moved, shouted loudly:

“Great Devour!”

Hu hu hu ……

The body is like a whale sucking water. The terrible demon soul made a louder sound, and then evolved into a long black river, which was instantly consumed by Ye Fantian within the body.

“What power is this? Why can we refining us?”

There were stern sounds in the demon souls. These demon souls have a high level of consciousness, so at this time they have discovered something wrong.

“This kid is refining our strength to continuously strengthen ourselves, storm of injustice, move me!”

Suddenly a sound of demon spirits.

The storm of grievances covering an area of ​​thousands of miles suddenly began to riot in advance. Around Ye Fantian, all the demons began to rotate, and finally formed a huge vortex. Ye Fantian did not move within the vortex’s internal fleshhy body. , Like an immovable king.

But above the whole body, the Immortal God Illusion is constantly growing, and within the body, a illusory shadow of a respect is exploded, and it recovers again.

“Explosive …”

Loud shouted in his mouth.

With an excited expression on his face, opportunity, this is opportunity, great opportunity, now he feels that his energy is growing rapidly. If his fleshhy body is still Dragonscale Tigerfiend Saint Physique, encounter This storm of grievances is definitely dead, but now he is Seven Luminaries Divine All-Saint Physique, that is the Saint Physique that the kings of the gods can be entitled to, so the existence of Saint Physique is definitely not what the other party can imagine. of.

You can refining all evil, and here is only the first layer of hell, the level is not high, with Ye Fantian’s current power can completely devour it …

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