“Do you do it?”

There was a wicked smile on Mozun’s face, killing intent burst out in his eyes, and he looked at Ye Fantian. The magic light flickered continuously at Ye Fantian. The unwilling gesture clearly locked Ye Fantian himself.

“Do you really think you can eat me?”

A slight smile appeared on Ye Fantian’s face. Although this guy in front of him had been afraid of it when he was in the Pure Land of the Demon, Ye Fantian would never shrink back.

The current strength of this demon statue is in front of Ye Fantian. It can’t be covered. Eye of the Myriad Gods starts to flash, and comprehend to this guy’s true strength instantly, Great Ascension’s cultivation base of Nine Heavens.

Although Ye Fantian is now only the cultivation base of the 4th Heavenly Layer of the Great Ascension, with the blessing of XNUMX times the strength of the blessing, enough to make this guy drink hate.

And the blessing of the speed of XNUMX million Dragon Snake can be enough to ignore the opponent’s offense, Annihiliation Domin, the Divine Kingdom degrees, the glory of the gods …

The integration of many unparalleled skills has greatly increased Ye Fantian’s confidence.

“Junior, I think you really intend to court death!”

Facing Ye Fantian’s talkative gesture, Mozun’s face suddenly showed a touch of baleful aura, eyes opened and closed, and a crazy baleful aura spread out on his body.


Mozun’s powerful momentum suddenly began to erupt. The momentum was like a mountain like a sea, but it was more like a group of devil dancing. Endless black rays of light began to evolve around his space.

Each of those black glows is a devil-like illusory shadow, they are horrible and they can’t help but swallow Ye Fantian forcibly.

“Mozun … stop!”

A strange smile appeared on blood refinement’s face, and he suddenly spoke.

“Blood refinement, do you want to stop me? This kid is despising me. If I don’t kill him, my heart will be hard to calm down. You better not stop me!”

Mozun coldly said.

The smile on the face of blood refinement started to become more brilliant. The gesture of this smile was like discovering something happy, but in the face of the smile of blood refinement, Mozun couldn’t help but hit a Alas, the expression on his face changed suddenly.

“Magic, are you sure you want to start?”

blood refinement said with a laugh.

The muscles on his face continued to twitch, and Mozun was trembling. This was forcibly restraining himself. His face was full of blue muscles. Mozun gave Ye Fantian a deep look. The burst of hair, boiling of demonic energy, can be seen faintly, the demon soul sends out bloodthirsty and boiling waves in it. | March Eight Literature

“Boy … you’re lucky, this time will be so, but next time, I will definitely not let you go so easily.”


Deep taboo!

Ye Fantian entire group can clearly feel that this blood refinement is quite daunting to the deities, and there is a faint fear in it.

“The strength of this blood refinement seems to be the realm of the Great Accomplishment Eternal Nine Heavens. Why does it cause such a jealousy for the deities, unless the blood refinement has its own killing move.”

“That being the case, then we will meet again, Ye Fantian, and I look forward to seeing you more powerful at that time. People in our magic nest are quite welcome to join you like a powerhouse.”

Blood refinement said slowly with a smile on his face.

Are you planning to leave?

Ye Fantian and the others had a slight movement in his heart. I definitely didn’t expect the other person to speak so well. According to Ye Fantian’s estimation, at least one game had to be played, but I didn’t expect this blood refinement and the others would leave here.

“Boast shamelessly …”

A sudden voice appeared here, and then an evil spirit began to riot, and then the entire group suddenly appeared here.

This entire group is wearing a soft armor, the brilliance of the body is shining, filling the sky, just like the Demon Sword coming out of the sheath, sharp.

There are only five in this entire group, but the strength of each of them is quite amazing.

Or call it shocking.

That Earthshaking’s power seems to have surrounded the entire sky, and with them as the center, the range of several dozen li seems to be under its control.

That domineering atmosphere does not allow the other party to refute, the powerful posture is like an aloof and remote.

The head of a man has two goat horns on his head, with dark green rays of light in his eyes, very evil, extraordinary, and the palm of his opponent is as white as jade, very slender, and he can see that this guy has his own hands Quite caring, so well maintained.

Each of the remaining four had the characteristics of a demonic beast, either a burly body or scales.

“The people in Yaodongtian … I didn’t expect you to come here!”

Looking at the appearance of this entire group, the face of Mozun is more difficult than it was just now, and the expression on the face of this blood refinement is even brighter, but those eyes are even colder than before. Like the two black ice.

The biting Guanghua can feel his heart trembling even at first glance.

“Blood refinement, I didn’t expect you would be one step ahead of us.”

Looking at the blood refinement, the man with the horns said a little ridiculously.

“Yeah, we did come a little early, but I didn’t expect that in this forbidden area, any cat any dog ​​can come here, especially a demonic beast that is incomplete in the evolution of human figures, even here. It really surprised me. What about you sheep? “

little sheep! !!

How harsh this sentence is.

Suddenly the face of the man with the raw shofar suddenly began to change, and there was a crazy rays of light with terrifying in his eyes.

“Impudent, dare to treat Yangli Dazun in this way, the people in the magic nest are becoming more and more impudent!”

The group of four people behind the shofar man suddenly burst into fury, the energy on his body boiled, and the evolution suddenly reached the extreme. It was as if he was going to start shooting.

“hmph ……”

Mozun’s body slowly walked to the front of everyone, without any fear.

As for the face of this blood refinement, there is also a bright smile on his face. Although Serene’s appearance does not seem to be hands-on, the energy of the whole body has begun to boil.

“Stop … our main purpose at this time is not for this!”

The sheep Li Dazun suddenly shouted.

“hmph ……”

A few people were coldly snorted, and Yang Li Da Zun was moved towards Ye Fantian entire group. He looked at it in the past, but Ye Fantian saw it clearly. The other party ’s main attention was clearly put in. Ox Demon King and the battle On the body of the devil.

“We are the people of the demon cave heaven. I think you should also know the status of the demon cave heaven. Fighting the devil and the innate demon, both of you are the demonic beast demonic beast that is intolerable in the world, especially the Ox Demon King. You are an innate demon, and you are looking for someone. If you act alone, it will definitely be dangerous to you. At that time, I am afraid this is not the result you want … “

Yangli Dazun talked eloquently.

In his words, there was a sense of confusion, and Ye Fantian and the others laughed secretly in his heart. After saying so much, he clearly planned to dig the wall.

Yaodongtian, this place is also terrifying, at least compared to that day’s power and history, and has always been a powerful force, its power makes it impossible to go down.

And everyone in the demon cave is background is quite extraordinary, or Bloodline is horrible, or has a great status, but each of their Bloodline is all Demonic beast, demonic beast!

Demonic beast and demonic beast themselves are more terrifying than human martial arts because of the terror on Bloodline, and more terrifying on the fleshhy body. Such a horrible force gathered naturally will naturally make a lot of The ancient forces are dreaded.

“After coming to our demon cave heaven, everything you can be protected by us. In our demon cave powerhouse, nobody dares to move!”

With a touch of smugness, Yang Lizun’s face bewildered to the Devil and Ox Demon King.

“Not interested in……”

Ox Demon King shook his tail directly, and said disdainfully.

“no feelings……”

The fighting demon Buddha touched the hidden magic wand in his hand, his tone was very indifferent.

Not interested in? no feelings? !!

These two words instantly made Yang Li Dazun’s complexion start to look difficult, ugly, quite ugly. The words of these two guys were too direct, even a gesture of beating.

Aside from the demon and blood refinement, it is called a taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“If you always follow Ye Fantian’s side, danger will appear at any time. There are not a few powerhouses who offend him. I believe you can have an answer that pleases your deity!”

“No interest at all, you guys just go!”

Ox Demon King scratched the ground slightly, and the attitude was clearly ignored by this group of guys.

“You are bloodlines of Demonic Beast and Demonic Beast. Do you really want to be so stubborn? You need to know that we can give you too many things. If you choose to join us, countless precious things will be It will be in front of you, and even it is not impossible to become the high-level of this demon cave heaven or even the ancient Paragon. If you really say so, you will be greeted with endless remorse! “

Yang Lida ’s words came out again. There was a cold wave in the voice, and especially in the last sentence, a threat wave had appeared …

“Che, it sounds nice, but anyway, Lao Tzu has no interest at all!”

The fighting demon Buddha is waving with his hiding rod in the hands, said with a cold laugh

“Hmph … for the face shameless, the Bloodline with the innate demon didn’t contribute to my demon hole sky. Rather than being taken away by others, it’s better when I demon hole sky wants to protect you.

An Ox-Head Human Body guy suddenly shouted.


One hand stretched out quickly, the other’s huge arm seemed to be a god-like axe, and quickly drew a terrifying divide glow, moved towards Ox Demon King entire group …

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