“hong long long ……”

The brilliance of this hand was not weaker than that of Ye Fantian. The collision between the two turned out to produce a vast force in an instant, and then the world crackled and shook. | March Eight Literature


Ye Fantian ’s eyes evolved with cold glow, and then shouted, Eye of the Myriad Gods shrouded the world, everything up to Nine Heavens, down to Land of Nine Nether, all in Ye Fantian ’s Eye of the Myriad Gods. Insight.

“Ha Ha Ha… a good Ye Fantian, a great Destiny generation, it really is not weak!”

A voice filled with peace and wave came out.

Although this sound may sound rather peaceful, it actually has a kind of coldness, which is a kind of indifference, as if the world is the ants, and it doesn’t care about everything at all. Self as the main goal.

All people in the world are ants, for me one person is respect!

It’s such a strong feeling.

“It sounds peaceful, but it sounds like I have a feeling of wanting to vomit!”

The fighting demon Buddha held the magic rod in the possession, coldly said.

“The descendants of Jizo didn’t expect that the Jizo generation of demon Buddha would choose someone like you to exist, and it is indeed worthy of even the Buddha to abandon.”


This word is very difficult to appear in the Nine Heavens world. Although Zen and Ye Fantian saw exactly the same Buddha Sect on Earth, it is still difficult for the Nine Heavens world to appear as a Buddha.

But this mysterious guy naturally said “Buddha”!

“Ha Ha Ha…”

The laughter reappeared, and one more person was in front of the Emperor Dragon.

The man wore a light yellow suit, a set of blessings from gods and Buddhas, with Buddhas singing on it.

The golden glow circulates, continuously transforms, and then the throughput moves, forming a number of “d” marks.

The appearance of the other person looks like a XNUMX-year-old figure. His head is bright, and it is clearly a bald head. The other person seems to have a clear eyebrow, but it seems to have a disgusting gesture. This strange feeling is just merged in together.

Such a weird gesture made Ye Fantian also secretly alert. Although Ye Fantian did not use his full strength when he tried to suppress the Emperor Dragon King, the guy in front of him may not be able to use his full strength.

Ye Fantian can feel that this guy seems to be about as powerful as himself!

Even stronger!

“who are you?”

Ye Fantian’s eyes glowed with a slight glow, and the young man stared coldly.

“Who am I? This seems to be undesired … but this person is useful to me, you can’t kill him yet!”

The other person’s hands are pure white as jade, as if they are not stained with a trace of red dust, and the white atmosphere is holy, which is like the best of human beings. | March Eight Literature

The sword mother guarded Mo Wen’s affection, I don’t know why, this strange guy in front of her, she had a rather scary intuition.

If Ye Fantian is an inherently powerful one, it is more suitable to play the pig to eat the tiger, but this smiling guy in front of him is a devil in human skin

Both are horrible, but the horror of the latter can be clearly detected.

A strange feeling appeared in Ye Fantian’s heart. He felt that the guy in front of him would be his own obstacle, a great obstacle. If he does not kill the other party now, he will encounter more crises.

“Dare to threaten my Master! You are damn it!”

The fighting demon Buddha suddenly shouted.

His eyes were horrifyingly bright, and a huge illusion of Jizo appeared.

The Jizo Buddha, Supreme’s deity, is holy, but because of the Bloodline of the Demon War Buddha, the illusion of this Jizo Buddha has a Supreme killing on it.

Hong long long ……

Holding the magic rod and waving, the Buddha shot, and one hand was moved towards this young monk and suppressed.

“It’s good, it’s so powerful.”

“Purgatory!” Jizo’s magic wand is just a move, straight forward impact, but in this move, there are thousands of demons roaring.

Above the void, there are endless grievances mourning. Suddenly, the entire starry sky presents a picture of hell. Only the hand of the holy Buddha has not stopped.

“This kind of power is really powerful. If you deal with ordinary powerhouses, it will probably be swallowed up instantly. The holy power of the Great Buddha and the evil power of hell, the fusion of demons and holiness, are perfectly unified, but It’s useless to me, because I’m Buddha! “” Bang … “

A huge Guanghua emerged from behind him.

this is one The image of the giant Buddha is very horrible. The palm of one hand behind it is spread out like a thousand-handed deities, with thousands of hands printed, and a slight move towards the void, but the next For an instant, an irresistible force burst out quickly.


There is still a distance of 1000 meters from the opponent, but in the next moment, the fighting demon Buddha has been forced to fly out.

“pa ……”

Night ten days rushed forward, catching the body of the fighting demon Buddha.

“I come……”

Night ten days again furiously shouted.

A huge hammer in his hand appeared.

“Thunderbolt! Suppression!”

Hong long long ……

Lightning thunder, thunderbolt renders violently, and above the sky, the vast lightning flashes.

“The Buddha is the Lord of all beings, the king of heaven and earth, nothing can hinder me in the least, thunderbolt? Do you dare to move me?” Standing proudly, the mysterious youth looked up at the sky furiously shouted.

“peng peng peng! ”

The momentum of terror vented, that world shuddered for a while, then began to dissipate, the endless thunderbolt was directly suppressed, although it continued to evolve, but it could not erupt.

Shocked thunderbolt?

Such horrible strength makes all people horrified.

“How is that possible? How could this guy be so powerful?”

Shouted the fighting demon Buddha.

Ox Demon King’s eyes also showed a touch of horror. This strength is probably not weaker than Ye Fantian, and it seems to be stronger!

“This turned out to be an innate demon, and the Jizo was originally an innate demon. Such a mysterious life is rare, and I want it too!”

Youth shouted again.

The voice clearly had a rather strong self-confidence, as if this Ox Demon King should have belonged to him originally. While speaking, his body moved slightly, and then moved towards Ox Demon King.

The body suddenly disappeared!

“Dragon Snake Step!” “Eye of the Myriad Gods!”

Ye Fantian’s footsteps, the power of XNUMX million Dragon Snake dancing together, the speed of the gods to find …


The fleshhy body of the two disappeared in the same place as before, but above this void, cracks appeared quickly, and the boiling energy burst out quickly. This terrible energy clearly has a powerhouse against it. And fighting.

“What the hell is this guy?” Cried ten nights of horror, and glanced at the Emperor Dragon. The other side was imprisoned by a mysterious force, but the other’s eyes There was also an expression of horror and curiosity. Obviously, he did not know the young man.


There was a terrifying blast again in the space. At this moment, all things are sad! All things go together!

A huge fissure, ten thousand li, slowly pulled open in this void …

Two silhouettes appeared on top of the void. Ye Fantian and the mysterious young man punched out in unison, constantly crackling on each other’s fists.


“weng! ”

The Buddhas roared, the illusion of the Buddhas behind the mysterious youth appeared there, a powerful deterrent, suppressing the entire sky!

“Hah! ”

“Immortal God Illusion!”

Not Ye Fantian to be outdone, he cast his illusion fiercely, that is his most powerful idol.

One chants with an endless Buddha, one is the gods are roaring!

The battle between the two even started to distort this world.

“Annihiliation Domin!”

Ye Fantian’s eyebrows moved, Eye of the Myriad Gods moved, and in the eight living beings of the grandmother, the Holy Spirit of eight Heavenly Dragon opened his eyes!


Mysterious youth instantly felt the darkness of his body for a moment, and the next moment, everything in front of him disappeared completely, all five senses were gone!

“Give me-broken!”

The mysterious young man’s inner roar, suddenly brightened, and then his body quickly rose up, breaking through the breathing in the Annihiliation Domin of Ye Fantian.


Ye Fantian’s Divine Blizzard Spear appeared quickly and fluttered.


A shot through the sky!


The palm of mysterious youth was suddenly torn, and a drop of golden blood continued to slide down.

“Ye Fantian … you hurt me, remember, this time my Buddha Shengsheng would not count like that!”

The youth’s voice carried an irrecoverable anger, and then the body dissipated weirdly. The next moment already appeared in front of the Emperor Dragon King, one hand quickly grabbed the other’s body, breaking the void. Dissipated in nothingness …

“What the hell is this guy?”

Watching the other party disappear, Ye Fantian couldn’t help thinking.

Buddha Shengsheng, how arrogant the name is, but in Ye Fantian’s memory, he seems to have nothing to do with this guy, not even a trace of information.

Why does the other party appear, and obviously knows himself and the others quite well!

Very terrifying guy … even if you want to deal with it, I am afraid it is quite the same! “

Ox Demon King said solemnly.

Ye Fantian is gently nodded, and this is beyond doubt.

The opponent’s strength is indeed equal to his own, and he is not weak at all, even Ye Fantian can feel a lot …

“Buddha, is it him …”

The fighting demon Buddha suddenly frowned, said solemnly …

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