

Blood slowly dripped down the Scarlet’s Demon Sword. All the sounds seemed to stop for a while. Ye Fantian stared at the person in front of him tightly, and seemed to care nothing about everything around him … …

The pretty face is still, the skin looks like snow, the exquisite appearance and that noble atmosphere, the familiar atmosphere and fluctuations make Ye Fantian’s heart throb. | March Eight Literature

Traces of the opponent’s pretty face were traces of debris. Obviously this was because the other person’s face was originally disguised. After being broken by Ye Fantian, the disguise technique was revealed.

The black robe looks large, but there is still no way to cover the rugged body of the lovable body and the seductive lovable body.

A pair of upright soft meats, full and beautiful, makes it hard to notice.

This woman is like a peach that has matured to the extreme. How charming is the charm, but it is expressionless on the pretty face at this time, as if it was cold like ice.

The splendid brilliance of a pair of beautiful eyes is even more shocking.

“Young Master Ye!”

Chekov’s face showed a crazy expression.

Ox Demon King flew out a powerhouse fan with a slap.

“Jizang crazy dance!”

The fighting demon Buddha holding the magic rod in the ground rushed forward madly.

“do not come!”

Ye Fantian shouted fiercely.

There was an unmaskable pain in the voice.

With the long sword in the body, the terrifying forestry sword energy has been destroyed in Ye Fantian’s within the body. Ye Fantian’s meridian is tenacious than True Dragon veins. The energy is beyond ordinary, but this handle Demon Sword It can make Ye Fantian feel pain, which is obviously not the usual Demon Sword.

demonic energy Senran, the scarlet scarlet flowing on it seems to be contaminated with blood. At this time, the long sword scarlet is like a ruby.

“Don’t go …”

The sword mother grabbed Mo Mou, who tried to rush forward, the flashing rays of light among the beautiful eyes kept flashing:

“The whole body is scarlet, the demonic energy is immense, this aura, that is the strong demon sword that can kill even the saints …”

The sword mother whispered softly.

Obviously there is boundless anger.

“Kill the Holy Demon Sword ?!” As a cultivator of Kendo, I do n’t know how the affection does not know the true meaning of this Demon Sword.

It is rumored that this Demon Sword possesses a world-class magic power. Every owner who holds Demon Sword has become a legendary Paragon demonic path powerhouse, and its prestigious name can be overwhelming.

A trace of sword Qi inside the body will make the saints fall, let alone be penetrated by Demon Sword. | March Eight Literature

The severe pain made Ye Fantian’s body tremble, but now the pain on his fleshy body is only the second, the most painful is his heart.

Jiao Yan is still, that beautiful and delicate pretty face is what Ye Fantian dreams of.

Yanyu Jing!

This is the missing person he was looking for!

But now, the opponent has shot at himself.


Staring closely at Yan Yujing, Ye Fantian screamed in pain.

This sword not only pierced his fleshhy body, but also pierced his heart. This is an invisible scar and even more pain.

A tremor appeared in the beautiful eyes, Yan Yujing’s lovable body trembled a few times, and the jade hand holding the Saint Demon Sword was getting much weaker.

I don’t know why, she felt that she was crying madly, it seemed that she had done a big wrong.

“Jinger, why? Why do you do this?” Looking at Yan Yujing, Ye Fantian looked at her again and asked.

The pain in this voice can no longer be masked.

But Yan Yujing’s beautiful eyes gradually began to dissipate from the freeze, and a softness began to appear.


The long sword suddenly pulled out of Ye Fantian’s body, and blood was flowing, but Ye Fantian didn’t care at this time.


Raised the long sword in his hand again, and this time, the killing of the Demon Sword has shrouded the Lord Ye Fantian ’s eyebrows. This sword, even the sage Paragon, cannot resist it. It is said that this handle is enough Slay the Great Accomplishment Eternal Peak powerhouse, even the Spiritual God can smash it. If this sword goes down, Ye Fantian will definitely fall off.

“Jinger, do you really want to kill me?”

Ye Fantian’s voice roared wildly, and the roar sounded with boundless pain, as if it could shatter the mountains and rivers.

The fluctuations in this voice made Yan Yujing’s lovable body tremble more seriously. The painful rays of light flashed in the beautiful eyes. It seemed that Demon Sword in his hand was about to start to lose his grip.

Pā pā pā ……

Demon Sword is flashing, trembling, and constantly thriving sword energy.

The man in front of him couldn’t get started. I didn’t know why or why. Slaughter that many people, Yan Yujing didn’t soften, but facing the man in front of her, she couldn’t do it.

“Kill him, you can kill everything if you kill him, and you will be truly eternal, kill! Kill! Kill!”

A voice full of confusion began to appear in Yan Yujing’s heart.

Raising Demon Sword, but still unable to move, that pair of scarlet, how strange, as if the gem is exquisite, but the painful fluctuations flashing in this pair of scarlet makes Yan Yujing unable to bear.

She seemed to feel her heart wailing:

“What’s going on? Why can’t I take a shot? If I take a shot, I’ll regret it forever! Why? Why?”

Yan Yujing kept asking herself, but she didn’t have any kind of answer.

A sudden and strange memory appeared in her mind. This was a picture, very short and fuzzy, but very warm.


Strong pain!

The kind of pain in the heart made Mo Wenqing couldn’t help covering his head:

“Next time … I must kill you!”

There was a killing intent in the sound, but the sound was shaking.


The slight movement of the lovable body broke the void, and the person and sword unites disappeared instantly.

“Jinger!” Ye Fantian roared loudly.

Yu Xiang remained, but was empty.

“The ants, the mean ants, didn’t kill you. How could this be? The person who controlled the killing of the Demon Sword must cut off all his emotions, but why would he not kill you? Why?”

Angry roar passed loudly.

“Eye of the Myriad Gods!”

Ye Fantian roared wildly in his mouth.

In the eyebrows, a splendid brilliance began to form. This a ray of magnificent light has a general trend that can suppress the general trend of the Quartet!


Ye Fantian did not care about the severe pain on his fleshhy body, forcibly controlled the power of the terrible Eye of the Myriad Gods, and forcibly entered the body of the boxer.

demonic energy!

Endless demonic energy!

This demonic energy with a strange righteousness seems to be merging with each other.

“Boy, I said it, you will pay for it.”

A cold voice appeared in the space.

“Siyuan Divine King … It’s you!”

Ye Fantian’s mind finally appeared with a personal message.

A huge illusion began to emerge. This illusion bears a huge machete, and its tall body seems to be able to communicate with the Star River! That terrifying gesture, the scimitar on his shoulders, even made a Spiritual God-like shout.

This gesture is not who the original Divine King will be! “Siyuan Divine King! It turned out to be you!” Ye Fantian’s voice was filled with icy waves, and he was really angry.

Dragon’s reverse scale is dying!

Relatives, lovers, friends, these are the reverse scale of Ye Fantian!

“Have you finally guessed it? Yes, Yan Yujing is really controlled by the king. Her physique is unique, she can control the killing of Demon Sword. This is a great existence in ancient times. Made of tempering. Ordinary people can control death or injury, but this woman can control, and I have to say that this is a good slaughter tool! “

Siyuan Divine King’s voice carries a proud expression.

“How do you feel beheaded by your beloved woman?”

Siyuan Divine King laughed more and more proudly.

“You dare to attack my people!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed slightly, raising a slight coldness, and slowly speaking, the voice seemed very weak, but in fact it had an unusual killing thought.

“Ye Fantian, you are fighting against my king, that is in courting death. My king will make you pay an infinite price. You have repeatedly destroyed the fleshhy body that my king needs, and you are already opposing him. So, Wang will make good use of this tool, Ha Ha Ha … “

“Eye of the Myriad Gods! Power of the Wilderness!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes suddenly moved, and tens of thousands of Guanghua flickered in his brows.


The wrath of the gods, at this time with Ye Fantian’s roar, began to make more horrible waves, the world repeated, the consolidation space began to collapse completely.


Ye Fantian grasped this illusory shadow of Siyuan Divine King for an instant, and it worked fiercely, and then a terror of devouring power began to radiate.

“Dare! Ye Fantian, what are you going to do?”

Siyuan Divine King did not expect that Ye Fantian was so horrible that he was able to grasp his own origin. In this way, he would be very bad luck.

“This time I will make you pay!”

The shining rays of light in Ye Fantian’s Eye of the Myriad Gods became brighter, and rune started to bless: “Curses of the gods! In the name of the gods, the law follows the words, I curse you …”

“Go to heaven … I will kill you!” In the terrified eyes of Siyuan Divine King, Ye Fantian grabbed the opponent’s original illusory shadow …

The pain in my heart has been reduced a lot, and Yan Yujing was actually secretly accounted for by Siyuan Divine King. Now he must find the trace of Yan Yujing and save it.


A sudden pain came out suddenly.

Mouth spurt blood spilled from his mouth, and the severe pain made Ye Fantian’s body tremble.

But also at this time, the entire group slowly moved towards Ye Fantian and surrounded the past …

[Author off topic]: ps: Benyou group 3a116020518, basically there will be the following in the group, I look forward to the entry of children’s shoes

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