
Ye Fantian’s mouth gave out the roar of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry. The huge roar with strong vibration and deterrence was like the roar and roar of the gods.

“piss off!”

Peng peng peng!

There was a sound of Earthshaking in the space. Ye Fantian’s actions seemed to start to slow down. The whole starry sky constantly blocked his shots, but I saw Ye Fantian’s body suddenly emit a line Terrible brilliance, then the divine runes flashed.


Fisthy’s fleshhy body was gripped by Ye Fantian’s wrist, and then smashed to the ground.


The earth suddenly issued a terrible violent shock!

The smoky, dusty, and shattered, violent waves of horror and astonishment beyond ordinary imagination.

“pā pā pā ……”

The boxer ’s body slowly flew out of the collapsed ground. The most terrifying astral qi lingered around his body. His eyes narrowed slightly, but the seemingly deep eyes had now turned into With two bright stars, he looked coldly at Ye Fantian above the void.

“pā pā pā ……”

astral qi Condensed and moved, the voice of the Boxer slowly passed out:

“How many years … I have been Star Warrior Star Domain for countless years, but I have long forgotten what it feels like.”

The sound seemed slow, but all the people who heard the sound snorted chillyly.

The taste contained in this voice is too terrifying, terrifying the amazing 2b, all people have no doubt that the boxing master is really angry now.

Ye Fantian’s eyes glowed with a slight glow of divine glow, scarlet flashes. Although he seemed to occupy a bit of cheap just now, he still didn’t dare to care.

The Boxing Saint in front of him is one level higher than Huanglong Dazun again. Although it is only a heavy gap, Ye Fantian can feel a strong contrast from this.

The other party is … very strong!


A burst of air rang out in my ears, Ye Fantian’s eyes flashed a cold glow, and the force of a billion Dragon Snake ran quickly.


There was a trembling in the sky, and then you can clearly see that above this void, ripples began to appear quickly, and then it cracked like a substance.

“ka-cha ……”

Focusing on the fist of the King of Fist, the range of Fangyuan several hundred li seems to have suffered an extinction, and the powerful destructive power suddenly began to render.

“hong long long ……”

Ye Fantian’s fleshhy body receded hurriedly, and he had to step back. The powerful force made his fleshhy body feel the pressure of horror, and such amazing destructive power directly lifted his body up!

“Did you hide?”

The two fists of Boxing Saint exude a terrifying horror wave, and the bright rays of light converge in the two fists, as if the stars are inlaid in both hands.

“Xingchen … This guy’s power seems to fluctuate like a star.”

A slight movement in Ye Fantian’s heart.

“Ye Wuming, no, I should call you Ye Fantian. Your speed is very fast, and the unskilled practice is terrifying. I can feel it. Your strength is at most in the Great Ascension. Heavenly Layer’s realm, but you can let me treat it like this, you are dead and glorious. “

Boxer’s voice carries terrifying Slaughtering Qi.

Spread down in the void, and then spread all around.

The thunderbolt is still rolling, the fist circle several hundred li hit by this fist of the boxer is trembling, you can imagine how terrible the realm of the boxer has reached.

“However, if you want to live, it may not be impossible. Now if you obediently send your terrible skills, I can spare you for the time being, kneel! Give your terrible skills!”

The sound carried a great majesty, as if it could command the entire starry sky, and the powerful breath made people surrender.

But Ye Fantian ’s will is terrifying like a rock. Now the realm and power have long ignored any oppression. Ye Fantian has no timidity, eyes fixed, and star eyes flashing the scarlet rays of light of the debut:

“Forgive me? Do you have this qualification and ability?”

In a sneer, Ye Fantian’s body suddenly moved, and the crackling sound quickly resounded, and the sound was like thunderbolt, more like a million Wan Tianlong roaring in the fleshhy body.

Ye Fantian’s fleshhy body was formed to such an extent after experiencing the tempering of the immortal Peak powerhouse. The tempering reached the extreme, and after suddenly operating to the limit, the energy within the body also began to boil.

Right hand fretting, then the power of the Wilderness evolved to the extreme.

This ancient energy appeared and swept across all beings in an instant. Even the eyes of the boxer began to expand and contract violently, and turned into the size of a needle-like awn.

This horrible and ancient breath made him involuntarily guard.

“Ye Fantian, now that you surrender obediently, I can let you and Mo Mang be with you, otherwise, you will be involved with her!”

Such a threat made Ye Fantian’s eyes squint slightly, and everyone who knew him knew that when Ye Fantian’s action appeared, it meant that the guy in front of him had already thoroughly angered him.

It is impossible for Boxing Saint to imagine that his own words have caused the awakened Tyrannosaurus, and now it is completely violent: “Boxing Saint, I will make your mystical souls unable to rest, as long as you dare to move Love, I won’t kill you at this time, but your entire Heavenly Sect will completely collapse because of you! “

The words with a powerful will that cannot be covered, the world is crackling. Obviously, the will of Ye Fantian has shaken the sky. The powerful riot that cannot be covered by the powerful breath, hidden under the remarkable fluctuations, is Ye Fantian’s amazing Determination.

“That being the case, then this saint spends some effort to let you die!”

The boxer shot suddenly, his body was like a Star River, and his fists waved fiercely.

The fist seemed to be slow, but in fact it was reaching the extreme, and as his fist moved, the whole sky seemed to follow his footsteps and began to tremble and shake.

“hong long long ……”

The fist has not arrived yet, the sound has arrived!

“Fist, fist and fate!” Ye Fantian’s fist also quickly waved past. Compared to fist, he would not be afraid of the other party, and he would not beat him at all!

“peng! ”

Both of them are world-famous boxing methods. The fist is condensed, and the two fists are pounded together, and the power of terror bursts out instantly, shaking the surrounding starry sky.

“peng peng peng! ”

Ye Fantian stepped back step by step, each step will break the void.

Feeling a bit of numbness and slight pain on his body, Ye Fantian has also learned the true strength of the person in front of him: “It really is the cultivation base of the eighth stage of the Great Ascension heaven, which is not enough to enter the Great Accomplishment eternity eighth Peak Realm on the stage, and his boxing practice has made his fleshhy body not weak, but for me, it has no effect at all! “

Within a short period of time, Ye Fantian recovered his physical sensation. Looking at the shocked boxer, Ye Fantian smiled slightly:

“Next, it’s my turn …”

“How is it possible? My boxing skills and boxing intentions have long been merged together. Even the powerhouse of the same level is resolutely afraid to rush into me, and even if it happens, the other party will be injured. This kid What a mastery of cultivation! “

There was a hint of horror in the heart.

“Yang Dragon Yin Tiger!” Presented Dragon-Tiger behind, Ye Fantian fluttered with long hair and shot suddenly, then it turned out to be an uproar.

Yang Dragon Yin Tiger, this is a one-boxing method that combines the Dominating Dragon Seal Fist and the World Cleansing Tiger Fist. Although there is only one move, it can be compared with thousands of moves. Under that one punch, all beings surrender.

“Not good, what kind of fist is this ?!” The boxer’s heart shivered for a while.

“Damn! Boy, pay with the life!”

At this time, he could not escape, but could only resist. The boxer’s mouth uttered a savage roar, which immediately began to tear the nothingness, and instantly came to Ye Fantian in front of him. In the wave, there was a huge illusory behind him. shadow rendering.

That was his illusion, the image of boxing respect!

The huge energy began to surge and vent, and even the stars that drove the entire starry sky were shaking and trembling, and some even fell down and collapsed.


Ye Fantian, with his terrible killing intent, suddenly called out.


Under the shroud of the gods, Ye Fantian sits in the center of the glory of the gods. This fist seems to have struck the heavens and the earth, created the wrath of the sky, and in one punch, all things surrender!



With a shattering sound that made the body tremble, Zhu Qiang suddenly saw in horror the situation above the void, where he sprayed blood in the mouth of the Boxer, and was hit straight away.

“hmph ……”

Ye Fantian’s mouth was coldly snorted, and there was a little blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

This fist of Boxing Saint also contains life-long power. If it were not for the blessing of Divine runes of Ye Fantian and the blessing of XNUMX times the strength, he really couldn’t move the other side.

“This kid … very powerful!”

The sword mother sat there with beautiful expressions in her beautiful eyes. Even if she wanted to fight Holy War, she would definitely not have a chance to win, and she might even be seriously injured by the opponent. of.


The energy within the body was ripped apart violently, and the boxer spit out blood. This action made the dragon emperor unable to sit still. Looking at Ye Fantian’s eyes, there was already a scary rays of light.

But at this time, a black glow was quickly formed, and then injected into the fisthy body of the boxer.

“Aaaaaahhhh ……”

The stern sound screamed like wild beast.

The fierce breath suddenly overwhelmed the original breath of the Boxer.

Such a change made Ye Fantian’s heart move slightly, flashing quickly, revealing the alert expression.

No one has seen that on the high platform of the square, a weird arc is set off on the corner of the mouth of the young man in a black robe, and this action unexpectedly has a charming flavor …


With a loud roar in the boxer’s mouth, all the dark breaths began to appear, and the eyes were no longer deep, but cruel and bloodthirsty …

[Author off topic]: ps3a recommends a “Dragon Respect”, several novels have been completed, and friends who like it can check it out

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