
The prisoner of the sky finally couldn’t help it, and the subsequent angry roar, moved towards the other party broke out madly … That silhouette was like the Spiritual God of the world, standing on top of the ancient city, the prisoner of heaven, this family Old Ancestor, finally can’t help but want to shoot.

For his own clansman, and in order to enable his family to have a chance to survive, the prisoner of the sky must take any measures to protect the bloodline of the family.

“Prisoner, I want to see how long you can guard your Bloodline!”

The bloodthirsty battle will obviously not intend to use other powers, but choose to suppress this prisoner himself.

That huge bloody hand, with an extraordinary force of horror, hanging down the sky and covering the earth, the stars in the sky are going to collapse at this time, Supreme’s divide force must be several dozen li A huge fold line was formed in the space, and the crackling sound continued to form. Obviously, the power contained in this handprint was quite horrible.

Just like the Milky Way fell for nine days, the sky and the earth were dim, only the bloodthirsty breath and the boundless scarlet were flickering. The handprint turned into a huge knife print, giving a breath that could tear everything.

Although this kind of horror is just a trick, it also makes the family in the ancient city feel the rapidness of their breath.


Divine glow erupted on Yimengmeng’s body, all mysterious energy turned on and surrounded everything, but a scary expression appeared on the pretty face, as if she felt her lovable body Under the suppression of a billion gods mountain.


In the face of the opponent’s shot, Yi Tian prison did not dare to carelessly, and hurriedly displayed Magical Powers.

His weapon is a huge long sword.

The long sword has reached a length of two meters. The cold glow on the sword body is flowing. It clearly has Supreme Magical Powers and great power.


Sword energy is pervasive, and all obstacles are shrouded.

This sword is astonishingly fast. Like a waterfall, the sword energy condenses quickly, and finally evolves into a frenzy. It hangs down again, and turns into a magical light that moves toward the opponent ’s fingerprints. Together.


The two energies rubbed against each other, the horrible rays of light flickered, and the four shots flew, obviously the horrible energy between the two has reached an extreme level.

“hong long long ……”

It was only a small fight, but it caused the entire starry sky to tremble. | March Eight Literature

The eternal breath of Great Accomplishment made countless martial arts begin to tremble the fleshhy body, almost to worship.

Is this the eternal powerhouse of the Great Accomplishment? Is this their true strength? At this time, Zhu Qiang all began to think about that eight years ago, the weak boy actually carried the shot of Huang Longzun with his own strength, which required terrifying strength.

“Hah! ”

The bloodthirsty battle will be fiercely shot again, his hands disillusioned, a huge bloody axe cut through the space from the void, fiercely moved towards the prisoner cut off.

The speed is too fast, the speed is amazing, the bloodthirsty air permeates, and the glorious brilliance will illuminate half of the starry sky.

“Bloodthirsty axe, prisoner of heaven, Fuxi!” The bloodthirsty warrior roared frantically. At this time, the expression on his face had begun to go crazy. The reason why bloodthirsty warfare had such a name completely It was because he was like a madman when he fought. He didn’t know what death was, just a constant slaughter, constantly touching the blood and the emergence of life.

It is just this madness that has the prestige of today, and now he has gradually become crazy.

“One sword Jianhan Nine Provinces!”

The long sword danced, the sword energy penetrated the Nine Heavens, and the sky’s swordsmanship already gathered this infinite energy on the long sword.

Obviously, this two-meter-long Divine Sword is not ordinary, but it has great fluctuations that ordinary people can’t imagine. The ancient sword body is urged by the prisoner of heaven, at this time it has been moving in illusion. Ripped the sky, and then showed the boundless sword.


The ground cracked, and the endless Dragon Vein kept screaming.

“peng peng peng ……”

Black holes form, the black vortex of each and everyone is like the evil mouth of the demon, waiting for the death here.

“Is this the Great Accomplishment eternal powerhouse? This method is too amazing, right?” Some powerhouses who can’t reach this level have made a terrifying sound, and their bodies can’t bear the power of both now. What’s more, don’t talk about confrontation, heaven knows how this Great Accomplishment eternal powerhouse is so powerful.

“Ha Ha Ha…”

Just at the moment when the two were deadlocked, the bloodthirsty war suddenly shot out, and the bloodthirsty axe running his own hand quickly resisted the sword and the word energy shot in the prisoner’s hands, and then another One of his hands gave off a dazzling but very evil scarlet energy.


Yitian prisoner did not expect that this guy’s shot was so fast that he could not compete with the opponent at all, and was directly hit by this move in the abdomen.


The blood flew out, and the prisoner of the sky was completely stroked.

“Dead …” “clang! Clang! Clang!”

With the injury of Yitian Prison, the sword intention began to shrink, and the sword energy collapsed to the extreme. The mouth of the bloodthirsty sneer sneered again, prompting the huge bloodthirsty axe moved towards Yitian prisoner. His head was chopped down.

“Sifang Royal God!”

With the sudden appearance of Jiaoqiang, all the blood energies of the sudden retreat quickly, the breath of Supreme and the great fluctuations swelled, this moment seemed to have the power of a heaven and earth.

I saw a petite silhouette with a terrifying energy fiercely shattering the huge bloodthirsty axe.

“It’s Yi Mengmeng …” “How could it be Eldest Young Lady of Yijia, how could this be possible?” Very terrifying woman, and still a beauty, I don’t know who will have such a blessing in the future, can A pro-Fangze. “Get off, this kind of woman is powerful, but as long as you satisfy her, it’s not all the same. Women are like that. The first time this family Eldest Young Lady hurts!” The last sentence was clearly transmitted from the imperial dynasty.

“A bunch of bastards.” Yi Mengmeng’s pretty face was covered with frost. After eight years, she became not only her own strength, but also her personality change.

At this time, she is no longer the original ignorant girl.

Especially after getting “Four Lords of Heaven and Earth”, she became more aware of her mission and protected her family.

The long hair dances and the close-fitting clothes make the uneven lovable body even more beautiful.

Zhu Liphao teeth, everything is not wonderful, especially the attractive red Zhu lips, the two petals are like two blooming flowers, it is hard to imagine how the taste would be if kissed in them It ’s amazing.

“Yimeng Meng, I didn’t expect you to be here in person …”

The bloodthirsty warrior’s face was filled with elation and madness, and obviously he was extremely recognized and excited about the result.

“Really? But I didn’t expect you to be so shameless. As an older generation of powerhouse, you would be so unscrupulous as to persecute us.” According to coldly said, for this guy, there is nothing in the slightest. Good impression at all.

“Go back, I’ll deal with him!”

Yi Tian prisoner said softly.

There was a trace of resoluteness in this tone. Obviously, this prisoner had planned to let this group of people regret their deaths even if they died.

“Old Ancestor, I won’t go back!”

Yi Mengmeng’s pretty face is covered with an expression called fortitude.

This chick obviously made up her mind, even if she did not want to leave her family.

“Ha Ha Ha… I did n’t expect it, this is the ancient inheritance inheritor who is really strong enough to abolish my attack in one move. But, according to Mengmeng, you are still too tender Something! “

Suddenly, a large hand suddenly shattered the void, as if the sun was blocking the sun, slamming and strangling, and the majestic energy had even begun to radiate boundless power.

It seems that I intend to completely smash the fleshhy body of Yimengmeng, as long as I get the mysterious soul of Yimengmeng, even if the fleshhy body can be destroyed?

“People who do not destroy the dynasty are arrogant and overbearing.” “Unfortunately, this beautiful woman, it is said that this Mengmeng seems to have no man around him.” “Well, the bloodthirsty warlord does not have have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, if such a beautiful and alluring woman can play with her for a night, she will be willing to live a decade away. “

Someone made a regretful voice.

“Give me-drive!”

With the sudden movement of Mengmeng’s body, the boundless rays of light suddenly flickered out of the lithe and graceful lovable body, and the square became a field. The energy of mysterious quickly gathered, and I barely wanted to do this. The terrifying energy resisted.

But all this is impossible.

I saw that the fleshhy body of Yimengmeng only relatively resisted this energy a little, the next moment, the whole person fiercely spit out a mouthful of blood, and the next round of attack has appeared again.

“It’s really a stubborn woman. If it wasn’t for the major event of the Emperor Dragon, it would have been a major event. I would love to conquer the taste of your wild horse.”

With bloody laughter on his face, the bloodthirsty war general said slowly …

“Blood-thirsty warlord, you mean man!”

The prisoner roared loudly, and his body suddenly released a horrible energy, trying to rescue Yi Mengmeng.

But how bloodthirsty battles can make him wish, and his shots are faster.

Seeing that Yi Mengmeng was about to be completely suppressed by the other party, a faint voice came from a distance when Xiang Yuyu disappeared:

“Yo, it’s so lively … It’s been a long time since the imperial dynasty was seen!”

The sound is indifferent, but it has a kind of cold air that cannot be masked, as if it makes people like a falling ice cave, a sudden violent riot …

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