“Yeah, is this the age of immortal domination of Star Domain? Is there no one to rule them?”

The guy in the restaurant helped the little girl to help the old man into the restaurant.

“Go, go in for a drink …”

Ye Fantian lightly saying.

He just left Ba Star Domain for only one year, but everything here seems to be quite big.

Among the tyrants in the Star Domain, this imperishable dynasty not only has not changed much because of the fall of the dragon prince, it has even become more domineering, which makes Ye Fantian even more strange.

At this time, the number of people in this restaurant also began to increase.

“What a bastard, isn’t Star Domain really going to be controlled by these bastards?”

Suddenly one roared loudly, with dissatisfaction in the voice.

But it was quickly stunned by a companion, which seemed to be an insatiable fear of tying Star Domain.

“Hmm … why is this? Is it true that no one can cure them?”

Someone started, which also prompted others to start sighing, and the whole restaurant started to talk about it.

“The imperial imperial dynasty is very powerful, and the dragon prince is even more overbearing. At the beginning, the entire imperial dynasty was extremely arrogant before it fell. Although it has fallen, the powerhouses behind it have emerged. They have been born, making the entire Star Domain even more entrenched, and even the Emperor Dragon King personally controls the entire immortal dynasty. Who is the Emperor Dragon King? That is the powerhouse of the Seventh Stage of the Great Ascension. God-like characters … “” Yeah, that’s true. Great Accomplishment is an eternal seventh stage. That’s invincible. Who dares to fight against them? Even those ancient families don’t dare to easily fight with them now. They fight. “

“If it does n’t work, I ’ll go to another dimension Star Domain. As long as there is a wafer, I believe this can still be done. Although it is far away from home, it is also a good thing. At least I can live a stable life. a little.”

After a little rest, a lot of old man has slowly recovered and reluctantly sighed.

“Grandfather, is there really no one to cure them?”

Ox Demon King and the others drink and eat meat in big mouths, and don’t seem to care about the surroundings.

“Hehe, this imperial dynasty was created by the imperial dragon emperor at the beginning, sweeping away all obstacles and concubines, so that the imperial dynasty has also become a Legendary, who dares to provoke it ?!” The old man said slowly Said.

With this remark, the entire restaurant suddenly became silent. Only Ox Demon King entire group was still eating, but Ye Fantian also slowly noticed it. | March Eight Literature

“Yu Wen uncle is right, this imperial dynasty can be described as genius gathering, how tyrannical the Dragon Prince was at the outset, surging the sky and surrendering everything!”

“Yeah, and the little prince is more terrifying, but the young age is classified as General, which is even more terrifying.”

“However, over the years, the entire Dominion Star Domain has not changed. After all, the power of the imperial dynasty has also caused the reaction of the ancient races. It is rumored that the Eldest Young Lady of the family has inherited an inheritance from ancient times. Now Legend has it that there is an undefeated record of a quarter of an hour against the Great Accomplishment eternal powerhouse, and now the whole family can be regarded as one of the most powerful Ancient Races. “

“Yeah, and the Golden Lord of Golden Clan. Although this person has not shown the mountains and water, but he is also terrifying. It is rumored that he once cracked a great powerhouse in the Great Ascension Peak, a shot. Sweep everything, there is no enemy! “

“The soldier family also appeared the eternal genius, named Bing Ao, showing all sorts of Divine Weapon, a field strength that can tear up dozens of powerhouses of the same level.”

“And the Linghu family, it is rumored that a Great Accomplishment eternal powerhouse who has lived in seclusion for many years has also appeared …”

“Those juniors of that year have begun to rise. Although not eight years long, this is all the reason for the imperial dynasty!”

“The imperial power of Emperor Dragon Dragon has forced the Ancient Races to start to wake up!” “Why, Emperor Dragon Emperor’s strength is so powerful. If the Ancient Race is confronted, it may not be able to compete with the opponent, and now The Ancient Race is not so united. “

“Yeah, this is the era when the entire Dominion Star Domain is dominated by the imperial empire.”

“pa ……”

The old man, called Yuwen Uncle, looked at his granddaughter and slowly said, “In fact, no one may rule the imperial dynasty!”

A horrified expression suddenly appeared on the girl’s face.

“How is it possible? Yuwen Uncle, is there really such a person?” “Someone can fight against the imperishable dynasty?” Everyone talked.

Expressions of doubt and curiosity on his face.

“You seem to have forgotten someone who was eight years ago!” As soon as this statement was made, all of them suddenly showed a frightening expression, and a silhouette appeared in their minds.

“Xue dances, blood pupils move, the world is terrified!” Yu Wen uncle said slowly.

“Grandfather, who are you talking about?”

The girl asked strangely.

Is there really this person? The young girl named Qingqing was curious and looked surprised at the changes in her surroundings.

“Ye Wuming, a peerless genius of mysterious origin!” Yuwen Uncle’s expression on his face was slowly spoken.

“Ye Wuming, yeah, that peerless genius is really not a man!” The expression of remembrance was also revealed on the faces of the people.

“Great Accomplishment is eternal, world invincible, the prince of the dragon is angry, and thousands of miles of blood! This is a terrifying person, but it is such a existence, but in the presence of Ye Wuming, he has to eat the loquat honestly, even the prince of the dragon They are forcibly beheaded and killed, what a pride and how amazing it is. “

“At a young age, moving against the sky, even if you encounter a powerful powerhouse, but you never care, even the Great Ascension cultivation base of the Imperishable Realm dare to confront the Great Accomplishment eternal powerhouse, or even At the time of the Great Ascension’s cultivation base, he killed and killed the Great Accomplishment, the eternal powerhouse, the dragon emperor, and the entire immortal dynasty. There are more than one powerhouse dying in his hands. “

“Where did this guy go?” Qingqing curiously asked.

As soon as this remark was made, all of them showed a helpless expression.


Yu Wen uncle’s mouth carried a regretful tone.

“Fallen ?!”

Qingqing’s face was full of astonished expression, apparently did not expect that the ending would look like this.

“Yeah, it fell … Hum, a group of old fellows besieged Ye Xiaoming, who besieged Ye Xiaoming even though he has the ability to fight against the sky and has the qualifications against the sky, but his age is too young to be able to Against such a powerhouse as Huanglong Dazun, it fell off eight years ago … “

“Even so, this nameless is enough pride to kill the Dragon Prince. This is the enemy of the entire imperial dynasty. It is so courageous, a real man is dead and dying, but he has such pride, this is not We can compare them. “

“Yes, it is rumored that this person has a Divine Ox around him, that is a congenital demon, with infinite power, and that Ye Wuming is also a great Destiny, with a huge treasure, at that time the emperor dragon and the others I’m afraid the joint shot is also for this reason … “” Be careful, at this time, don’t talk too much about this imperishable dynasty, especially the Emperor Dragon King. This person’s strength is extraordinary. The entire tyrant There is no one in Star Domain. “

“If Ye Mingming is still alive, would Huanglong Dazun be so impudent?” “Yeah, if the original Huanglong Dazun gave Ye Wuming a little more time, Ye Wuming’s growth would be more terrifying At that time, I really don’t know the one to emerge victorious. “

“hmph ……”

Coldly snorted.

I saw the entire group had come down from this floor.

The atmosphere of this entire group out of the ordinary has an unusual horror. Standing there is like controlling the entire starry sky. The person headed by it is more terrifying. Although young, it is There is a natural arrogance, the flicker of the breath on the opponent’s body, it seems to have the effect of protecting the dragons.

“This is the powerhouse of the Situ family. The person headed by it is a recent young powerhouse called Situ Bayun. Its strength is unknown, but it is rumored that this person has been inherited by an ancient powerhouse of the Situ family.”

“Hmph, what ’s so remarkable, the Situ family at that time was extremely despicable, and they also participated in the siege. Ye Wuming also killed a few of them.”

“Yeah, of course I heard someone praise that Ye Wuming, and their hearts were naturally unhappy.”

“Say, Young Master Ye, you were so great at the time.”

Chekov asked Ye Fantian with a grim look.

“The Emperor Dragon, that guy is just a high point for realm. If you give him some time, I don’t know who will die first.”

Exclaimed Ox Demon King.

“Master Ba Yun, this time the Yi family was besieged by the powerhouses of the imperishable dynasty. It seems that our Situ family can make a lot of money from it.” Ye Fantian heard this.

“Yijia?” Ye Fantian felt good about this Yijia. After all, the other party was the only family that didn’t take action against his own family, and although Yimengmen had some misunderstanding with himself, he didn’t do it. Out of the ordinary things, they took a lot of cheap from this family.

“There was an accident at home …”

After thinking about it, Ye Fantian lightly saying, “Let’s go …”

“I haven’t finished eating …”

Chekov couldn’t help but clog a large piece of barbecue.

“Wang …” Ye Gou dragged his leg straight away and quickly left …

Yuwen Old Man, who was remembering with his granddaughter, suddenly saw a thin silhouette in the exit, a little flash under the sun.

The slightly familiar silhouette suddenly changed the face of the old man:

“No… impossible!”

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