
How can the heart of the wilderness not feel that this horrible energy has locked itself, originally thinking that all students of this Fan Fan within the body Qi of Life would belong to themselves, and Greenwood Emperor Tree is the fat in his mouth. Meat, you can eat as much as you want, but you did not expect that a shocking amount of energy has begun to rise like a flood from Ye Fantian’s within the body. | March Eight Literature

“Boy, you have to work hard. There is only one chance. Our strength can’t be exposed too much. Otherwise, if it is successful, it will attract the attention of Saint Level powerhouse. If you fail, you will be greatly threatened.”

The Archaeological Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragon told Ye Fantian the whole sequence of events and importance of this matter.

“One time? That’s enough!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes showed a determined expression. He knew that if this time was not too precious, the ancient Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragons would not have shot it.

However, if you get this wild heart, it will definitely benefit yourself. By the time the tempering fleshy body reaches the extreme of the next fleshhy body, it will be easy.


The rays of light began to be drawn away from within the body of Ye Fantian quickly, like an arm of a large octopus, very fast, with the rays of light, the rays of light are bright green, Every rays of light comes with a vigorous Qi of Life.

“Unexpectedly, even a small island country contains such a big guy.”

Ye Fantian just sighed slightly.

This guy was forced out of the body, but gave Ye Fantian a great chance.

What he wants is this effect.

“hong long long”

The volcano finally started to erupt. This time, the eruption of this volcano is Earthshaking. The flame of up to 1000 meters is enough to dye the half of the sky red. The infinite lava starts to flow completely, but in the depth of this lava, together The green air flow of the Tao is flowing continuously, continually converging with each other.

“Engulf me …”

At this time, with the existence of the suppression of Rotten Tree and the Archaeological Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragon, Ye Fantian naturally began to be unscrupulous.

These are the power of Xuanjing of wood, with the power of Xuanjing of gold, Xuanjing of water, and Xuanjing of fire. Ye Fantian is the easiest way to do it instead of going to the heart of the lotus, but to The wooden noble crystal is devoured.

“Damn junior, you are in courting death!”

I feel that the power of Xuanjing of the wood is being forcibly swallowed up, but this is the life of the heart of the wilderness, which is my own supplement. Xuanjing is very mysterious, even if the power of the heart of the wilderness is rare It will refining it in a short time, especially the fragment of this Great Wild Heart is small and incomplete, which is not enough to exert the true power of the Great Wild Heart. | March Eight Literature

However, I did not expect that Ye Fantian actually began to continuously refining and devouring the power of his own tree. These are all refining away by myself. Damn, this junior is picking up cheap.


All kinds of horror energy began to erupt, this energy with terrifying and crushing breath, that is an ancient breath more ancient than the Great Desolate, and even more horrible than the ancient.

A trace of energy, each one seems to have billions of forces, can crush all obstacles and crickets, can collapse mountains and rivers, and can cause Star River to fragment. Although these energy are pure, but extremely violent, if ordinary people are Going to devour it, I don’t need to be shattered by this horrible energy into powder for an instant.

But the Meridian of Ye Fantian is more Dragon Vein than any Meridian. This kind of Meridian was formed after Ye Fantian countless tempering. The natural terrifying anomaly is only the power of the Heart of the Wild. It can be destroyed, but Ye Fantian now needs the power of Xuanjing of wood, naturally he does not care about the terrible energy of the other party.

“Great Devour!”

With the powerful existence of the Archaeological Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragon and the suppression of Rotten Tree, Ye Fantian became even more unscrupulous, ignoring the hot temperature erupted by the volcano and forcibly exhibiting his secret technique.

The infinite vortex began to move, and instantly moved towards the volcano surrounded by it.

“I dare you, junior impudent. You really don’t know how to write the dead words. Now go away here immediately. I can forgive your fault. Otherwise, it will be you or even you No one can guarantee it. “

The heart of the Great Wild began to growl, but in this tone, it was clearly a gesture of intimidation and even a hint of trembling. This guy was scared and timid. After all, he knew that this time was to mention It’s on the iron plate.

“hong long long ……”

All the energy began to converge, Ye Fantian ignored the guy, the horrific engulfing technique continued to be performed, and a cyan ray mang thick enough to begin to draw from the volcano.

The energy of these rough human arms looks like a crystal of jade, with the rays of light.

This is exactly the symbol of that wood.

The Greenwood Emperor Tree was originally eroded by a lot of vitality. At this time, after the discovery of the wood noble crystal, the sudden excitement was abnormal. Obviously this wood noble crystal has a great effect on it.

Quickly added his own power to this swallowed army.

The entire space subsequently shuddered, and the power of the woody mysterious crystal was swallowed down by Ye Fantian, constantly merging into each other’s three mysterious crystals.

“Not enough, not enough. The gap is too big …”

Roared secretly in Ye Fantian’s heart.

He didn’t expect that the power of Xuan Jing of Wood would be so huge. At first, he only used a small part of Xuan Jing of water and an acceptable number of fire Xuan Jing, but in the end, this The number of golden mysterious crystals has reached an appalling level, but I did not expect that the wooden mysterious crystals are more abnormal. The number of these wooden mysterious crystals that they have devoured is enough to reach ten times that of the golden mysterious crystals. The inside of the body now also makes an unsatisfactory sound.

“Courting death Aaaaaahhhh!”

The Heart of the Wilderness finally began to growl, it has produced a trace of spiritual wisdom, and naturally knows what Ye Fantian intends to do at this time. This is clearly intended to devour himself completely, although it is afraid of the ancient eighteen blood-eyed dragons, etc. Powerful existence, but at this time it will definitely not obediently surrender.


A horrible amount of golden energy began to strike.

These golden energies are the power of the Heart of the Wild, and Ye Fantian’s epoch flashes at a rapid pace. I am surprised to see the horror of this golden energy. It can be said that this golden energy contains too many things.

Evil power of Darkness, the power of the fiery flames, the power of pure light, the energy of soft water, the energy of sharp and smashing gold …

Many kinds contain Five Elements to communicate the fluctuations of the stars.

“This guy … Damn miscalculation. I originally thought that this guy just needed the power of the wooden noble crystal and the huge life of Qi of Life. It should be relatively weak. The energy of the attribute should also be the wooden energy, but What the hell is this? Is there a great fusion of energy? “

Ye Fantian chattered for a while.

“Hmph … The Heart of the Wild is rumored to be the creation of this World’s All Living Things. It can turn everything into something. Do you think this is just a joke?”

Swire Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragon coldly said.

“The power of original sin …”

The original sin was shot slowly.

“roar roar 吼…”

The nine dragons of the Archaeological Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragon stretched out in unison, and the powers of transformation Earthshaking, Fatty God Stick and Hei Mao had never been hidden in the slightest. These guys have finally started all their shots.

“hong long long ……”

Just like the Milky Way above the nine days, it was violently suspended and moved. The monstrous energy quickly shrouded the Quartet, boundless power, and instantaneous riots, enough energy to set off everything.

“Not good, you robbers, bastards, shameless bastards!”

Feeling the astonishing extent of this energy, the heart of the wildness suddenly began to scream in panic.

“peng peng peng! ”

A thunderous voice began to appear, and Rotten Tree never showed weakness, and directly exerted its own power.

At this moment, the power of the Heart of the Wilderness finally took over the wind, and it was deeply compressed into the interior of the volcano.


Swire Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragon roared loudly at Ye Fantian.

“Uh … good!”

Ye Fantian faced their shot at this moment, already a little surprised.

The entire island nation was trembling now.

Fortunately, most of the people here have evacuated, and people from various countries have quickly left with their inhabitants, but the military of those countries have no chance to be swallowed directly by the violent energy here.

“God, what is this power?”

Said a soldier of the country M could not help but tremble.


Chekov, standing above the void, could not help but sneeze:

“Who is thinking of me?”

Then I glanced at this fragmented island nation, and finally sighed helplessly:

“Looks, this av tide is completely finished, alas, sad.”

Ox Demon King fiercely rolled his eyes aside, but also had a slight sympathy for the fate of the actresses here.


Ye Fantian’s fleshy body incarnation became a Dragon-Tiger. It flickered wildly, and then set off a tsunami. Then, his fleshy body completely penetrated into the volcano.

“Eye of the Epoch!”

As his eyebrows moved, everything was in his sight, and there was no way to resist everything.

“That is……?!”

When Ye Fantian traversed the distance of ten thousand li, he finally saw what he wanted.

It was a full spar with a length of several hundred li.

Rolling on, staying quietly under these ten thousand meters!

“A big wooden mountain of Xuanjing Mountain!”

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